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Everything posted by nc211

  1. I suspect that you either have cheap cd's that the laser is having trouble reading, a scratch on them, or maybe it was created incorrectly "burned as data instead of music". My 11 year old CD changer in my car plays burned cd's flawlessly. I would suspect the problem is with the cd, the method it was burned or even maybe the music itself?? I've noticed that i-tunes music can sometimes be troublesome to burn. Have you tried the cd's in any other cd players, outside of your computer? Are you using CD-R discs or CD-RW?
  2. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...topic=21666&hl= You're getting SCREWED!!!! One of the worst price quotes I've ever heard of. Check out this thread. Buy the motor mounts from the online vendors and take them to an indi shop. $250 out the door, easily.
  3. nc211

    Bb Gun

    soo...that's why they drive 95 mph on I20..... I've always wondered why Grandma would drive like Earnhart Sr. Just slow down 10 miles west of Atlanta on I20. County Mountys all over the place. Seriously though, sorry to hear about your window man. Window tint is a beautiful thing ain't it!
  4. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?rdpa...ng=en&cardist=3 Just an example of a 1995 LS400. Bet you could get this one for $9,900. Just my $2 cents..... :whistles:
  5. I thought about using synthetic a few months ago. I posted up a couple questions about it, and the verdict came back with non-synthetic. There were a couple guys who used it, and loved it, but if I recall, more didn't like it v. liked it. I'd be curious though to try it myself at a later date.
  6. you sure you want "used" airbags? I don't think it's legal to purchase airbags from anywhere but an authorized dealer.
  7. I was suprised recenlty when I went through my receipts, came across the big 90k service one, and they used mobile 1 5w30 synthetic. This was the dealership that did this, and not by my request either. That was back in April of 2004, when I purchased the car.
  8. nc211


    Sears has the MityVac fluid evacuator on sale for $99. I've been thinking about getting one for a few months now. It says it can evac brake fluid, power steering fluid, tranny fluid, oil, coolant, etc..... I've read the product spec's and I must say, I like the idea of this little gadget! I can hook it up to my air compressor. So, has anyone ever used one of these? Any comments, reviews or concerns about using one? I'm looking at the 7300 model. http://www.mityvac.com/pages/products_fee.asp
  9. The LS400 is a great choice too, and the fact that it's a cruiser car, you will typically find the used ones have not been driven very hard. The 4.0 liter V8 engine is increadible!! They don't have to rev beyond 2,500 to scooooooot up to speed, therefore there is a bit less wear and tear on the internal engine compnents. I love my 95 LS400, and the updating I've done on it has made it like new again, even though it was pretty much new when I bought it 2 years ago at 84k miles. I now have 112k on it, with NO end in site! I'm torn between the GS400 and the LS400 myself. In a perfect world, I would have both. I think you'll find the same feeling with a lot of the LS owners too. We seem to agree that the only other car we would replace our LS400's with would either be a new LS430 or the GS4XX models. I'M NOT KNOCKIN' THE ES models though. They're freakin' awesome cars too!! It's just once you've had a V8 under your foot, it's hard to get rid of it. Espeacilly a V8 that gets 20mpg in the city and 25-27mpg on the highway.
  10. Keven, the bridge will chew up those kumhos pretty quickly. I'm from your neck of the woods, had kumho's on my last car while I lived down there. the drawbridge for some reason would EAT the tread. Worst tire I've had. I've never seen a draw bridge do that to any other tire I've had before. I was there for 8 + years, and went through several tires. The kumho's where the only ones that suffered like that.
  11. Have you checked ALL the exterior lights, including turn signals, marker lights, fog, etc? That little warning light notifies you if any light bulb is out in general, not just the head lights.
  12. My 1995 LS400 will hold gears until it's warmed up as well, especially the OD gear. That won't kick in until the car is practically warmed up completely. I would think 4k rpms does seem a little high, but I have a V8, not a V6, and my engine RARELY sees 3,000 rpm in general. I would say it's normal, but I would also listen to monarch and make sure you've got the right fluid in there, and the right amount, just to be 100% sure. Did you have the dealership change the fluid? If so, I wouldn't really worry about getting the wrong fluid. But if you took it to a jiffy lube type place, then i would worry, as they usually use that dexron stuff, which can cause problems. Not always, but possible.
  13. Did...did he just call us..HIGH CLASS??? Oh man, you are a newbie! hahaha. Welcome to the club amigo.
  14. Gum, not only should you buy it, you should swing by and pick me up so I can give you my professional opinion on the power-braking, J turnin', donut making, cop smokin' abilities of it!! :D Pppppllllleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee I be yo' bestest friend!
  15. Gonna need a lot more information than that to help amigo. Where is it leaking? How many miles on it, how many miles on the new components now? Did you use new OEM parts, or aftermarket parts. Did you have an indi-mechanic do it, do it yourself, or have the dealership do the repairs. Describe the problem a bit more and maybe we can point you in the right direction.
  16. just a shot in the dark here, but have you checked your coolant level? The resivior tank should be on the passenger side of the engine bay, right around the top of the wheel well. Is it in the right range?
  17. OPEC is the problem. When the world is held hostage by a cartel, nothing good can come from it. We're slowly dismanteling this cartell by ways of bullets, political pressure, and allowing the terrorist states to taste the benefit of their own ways...aka...we go to their country, they try and bomb us in their country, and then their country gets tired of being bombed by terrorist, which brings them on board with the rest of the world to defeat these terrorists. I'm looking forward to seeing what this world will be like when this is all done. I have a feeling we'll be telling our grandkids someday "I remember when it was...." I don't necessarily agree with everything Bush does and says, but at this time in our existance, I do like the fact that he will fightback. I like the fact that other world leaders have realized that we've had enough power lunches, payoff negotiations, and "deals", it's time to make some changes, no more talking, no more delaying and passing the problem down to another generation. You fix it, or we'll fix it for you. Even if the short term consequences paints us as the bad guys. I think the long term benefits will remind the world that America is still one country that's not affraid to take the lead when the going get's tough. We like it tough, it makes us tougher! If this country is at war, then you know it's for all the marbles! Especially after vietnam, and all the fears associated with that war. I really don't think we had a choice though in the matter. There have been only a few calls in history where a Cowboy and his mind-set was needed. On 9/12/01, that call was made, and we've answered.
  18. Oh Lord, here come the blue-prints. Kids, look away!
  19. HAHAHA yes she does, as a matter of fact, shes been known to crack a few off every now and then herself. :P I will take your suggestion into consideration NC. Ohhhh man, now that's a keeper! I have yet to get Cam to cut one, you know, it's that whole "southern belle" thing. Guess it's against rules...but when you marry a man who threw the rule book out 10,000 miles ago, well, let em' rip! yeah man, you know i'm not trying to tell you what to do at all. You my boy! Hey, my car still rides like new thanks to that hook up you gave me on those suspension parts! By the way, the parts that I replaced that didn't need it after all, well, they're back in LA being put on another's 95 LS400. One big ole' happy family. I'm just passing along a little thought to think about during the next few weeks that can really help you and Meghan out. Sometimes, and i know this personally, the throws of romance can sometimes cloud the realities of everything, and sometimes a 3rd party listener can point out some things that you should take into consideration. Not in the sense of "should we get married in general" but in the sense of "since we're married, how do we plan for US." It's a real shift in your life and it requires the understanding, maturity and sacrafice to make the shift of thought out of "what's the right move for me" into "what's the right move for us?" That's the tough part. I think of it as a stick, I'm on one end, she's on the other, and somehow to make it balance, we both must meet in the middle. That's where the Chaplin comes in. If you're affraid he's going to say "don't get married", then you're wrong. It's not their position to pass judgement, and they don't. I may be way off here, and I appologize if I am, I mean no harm, no foul. But I'm guessing maybe her parents and/or your parents have probably both given you guys some grief over this decision and the rushed wedding?? You've already had your tail chewed on here, and I bet others have probably said some things to you as well that you didn't like. I'm only saying this because in your first post, it sounded like you've already heard some negative stuff. The Chaplin won't do that. If you're in a storm of crap, the Chaplin can be your best friend. You're a young guy, fresh out of the gate. You're kickin' !Removed! in life right now, calling the shots, and taking the lead. It feels gooooood doesn't it!!!? Well, don't let that fool you into thinking you're not wide open for failure. Now is the time to ask for advice. Getting "it" and keeping "it" are two different things. Almost everyone gets a crack at getting "it". Only the ones who ask for guidance every now and then from those ahead of you, are the ones who get to keep it. You guys both want "it", and therefore your LOC crew want "it" for you both. But we also want you..aka.."ya'll" to keep "it" too. Anywho, enough of this Dr. Phil crap... Where's the honeymoon? thongs, jumper-cables, nipple twisters, amp-converters "opps, that's mine" and of course, the blowtorch candles. Hey man, nothing turns on a woman like the 10,000 butes of blue flame of love! Oh, and of course, some sweet ole' Barry White "hey baby, give daddy some suga'". Damn, I sure am lucky Cameron doesn't read this site! I'd be freakin' dead by sunrise!! No comments from you Ralph....I can read your mind! ;)
  20. I remember hearing many many many moons ago that they were making a new Smokey & The Bandit movie with Matthew McConaughy as the Bandit. But they were going to wait for the release of the movie until they had the new TransAm ready to be released to the public. Anyone know when they'll have a new T/A ready to go? I'd LOVE to see that movie, I'd bet McConaughy would be an awsome Bandit! 10-4 Good Buddy..
  21. Jibby, the fastest car I've ever been in in my entire life was a Porsche. It was a 944 Turbo with a chip in it, back in 1991. I was passenger, and we were racing one of those Chevy Cyclones with that turbo vortec engine "same as the grand nationals?", all wheel drive. I swear to the big man, every drop of fluid in my body was wrapped around my spinal cord the whole time. I don't remember what the color of the cyclone was, as I never saw it again after the porsche engaged 1st gear, but I do remember screaming "dear god, please slow down" when the driver threw it in..... third gear! I don't know what those germans know over there, but damn, they've got it when they want it! That thing was not just fast, it was pure freakin' EVIL. I loved it! If I recall, those cyclones went 0-60 in like 5 seconds? Well if that's true, then that porsche hit 60 in 4 seconds, no later. Nothing in that parking lot could touch it, not even the other snot nosed kid with the 911, not the Iroc's, vetts, tweaked out mustangs or that kid who borrowed daddy's ferarri convertible "can't remember the name of that one anymore". It was balls to the wall fast! If you could see what state his license plate was from on that porsche you raced, then I'd say you did just fine!
  22. Get a set of wire strippers, some black plastic shrink wrap sealant, a sodering gun, and reconnect the wires.
  23. Well Josh, let's hope the honeymoon goes better than the announcement "please don't post pictures of that!" Let me guess where you've registered for gifts....PepBoys, Autozone and Sears? Hahahaha. As a man about to do the same at the end of April, I've tried everything I know to get a new torque wrench out of the deal, with no luck. At last count, I think we're up to 60 dinner plate, fine china and whatnot. What in the hell does a person do with 60 plates? Hmmmmmm.....one idea comes to mind.....SKEET SHOOTING! Like hell if any of that crap is going to find it's way into my tool shop for storage! And like hell if I'm going to take down my Girls of Pneumatic Love calender either! Anyway.... Josh, I want to ask you to do just one thing before you get married. This is something that I've learned along the road myself. As you know, I'm a bit older than you "32 years old", I've never been married, didn't wreck my credit in my 20's, no kids and no, um...well let's just say, it's never burned and I've never needed penacilion "sp?". Cameron and I have been together now for 2 1/2 years. We work together, and we're constantly around eachother, all day, everyday. We get along great, never had a real fight. We are now going through our marriage counseling with the Preacher who will be doing the ceremony for us, he requires 3 sessions. I must say, it has been wonderful! I highly recommend you and Meghan do the same. This is where you guys can voice your concerns about your future together, and get the right kind of feedback and guidance. Trust me Josh, if you don't talk about "that concern you KNOW you have" in the back of your mind, it will jump up and bite you later. So, go find your base chaplin and schedule an appointment for you guys to spend an hour or two just talking about the future. I know you're getting married by the justice, but marriage is not only the binding of two under law, it's the binding of two under God, and therefore I think it wise to talk to a man of God, in an open and honest manner. I'm not saying ANY of this to try and sway you away from getting married, believe me I'm not. I'm just passing along what I've learned along the way myself that has been very helpful for me. If I recall, it was just a few months ago that you were nervous about heading out into the world and starting your own life? Well marriage is probably the biggest step in a person's life to take, so take it in an educated manner. Your Chaplin knows how to guide you both, even if you don't believe in God, he knows.. I only say this Josh because I want to make sure that you've irritated, annoyed, p*ssed off, and frustrated Meghan at one point or another already, and she's still there, standing by your side. I want to make sure that she had done the same to you, and you're still there, standing by her side too. Because these things will happen in your relationship. Ask anyone who is married, or has been married before. Once the "glow" of love becomes routine, it comes down to two people sharing one goal and one ending. Case in point: I'm a pretty cool headed dude, I think. Cameron and I are best friends. Yet one thing that concerns me about getting married is what my career will do to her sense of "home". She's grown up in a small, Carolina town her whole life. Her roots are deep. Her family's roots in that town run back to 1783. Me? I grew up in the back of a North American Van Lines truck. I have no real roots. I want roots, but I also want a sucessful career too, so we can both enjoy the financial benefits, and our kids "someday" will too. That is going to require a few big moves along the way. She's going to have to leave her family behind, leave her comfort zone she's known for 26 years, and venture out into the "traffic" of my life. This is what we've talked about with the Preacher, and I must say, the Preacher really made it all better. YOU & Meghan will be facing this exact same thing, and soon! You're a military MAN now. Either way my friend, CONGRATS ON THE BIG NEWS!! Don't fret about SK, we'll send Celion Dion BACK to his neck of woods to deal with him! SK, why man, why?? Can't we have Shania Twain and you guys keep that minivan opera singin' troll? I'm just playin' ;) As the dude who's been known to throw up a few "get Osama's Momma" threads here and there, I really have no grounds to talk about "off-topic" threads.... But...OJ did it! Osama's a dead man, and I hope we kick the snot out of Iran. you'll never take me alive :P PS: Josh, does she laugh when you !Removed!? That's a big test man, you gotta lay down the law and let a few out on purpose!
  24. Thread, I'm interested in how to replace just the screen. Is it a needle nose pliers type of thing, not hard to do? Or a little bit more involved than that? I will definetly NOT be replacing the solenoid as I just checked, it's a part of the control valve assembly, at $450 buck! So, no way until it just breaks completely. My next concern is the screen in the bottom of the resivior canister...it's filthy! Can I just pull it out with some needle nose pliers as well, clean it, and put it back in, or more involved also? I really don't want to take the thing apart to get to it. Was thinking maybe just using my slim attachment for my shop vac and seeing if that won't pull the dirt up from the screen as well.
  25. I need some of that cat litter... I stand corrected, to loosen it, it is clockwise. to tighten it, it is counter clockwise. Ralph, man, how much for a "baggie" of the good stuff? ;) edit: man i'm all over the place here, rainman confussed. from looking up at it, with my feet towards the back wheels, head towards the front wheels, it's.....arghhh....crap....this is why I failed engineering 101. hahaha. all i know is the channel lock's handle was pointing out, towards the driver's side of the car, and I pushed them foward towards the front, and it came loose. Whew....Hamma' needs some beverages....be back later...
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