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Everything posted by nc211

  1. It really depends on my financial situation down the road. If I can swing a nice 430 and my 95 still has some value that would be needed in trade in or such, then yeah, I'd trade her in or sell her for more money to put towards the new one. But, as it stands now....till death do us part as I work for a credit union and they don't pay crap! You know what they say....when you don't work for profit, then don't expect to get any....god I need a new job :(
  2. Monarch, please post a picture of your cars, or please provide a link to your cars.... I want to believe you, but you need to show us a picture of these vehicles that you own.
  3. Monarch.... step up and PROVE you statement.....or take a seat and enjoy the show. Yes.....I AM calling YOU out!! I do think you are wrong here.....if that means we're against eachother...well so be it. but you're saying some tall tale stuff with NO PROOF. SO, pony up the proof, and we'll stop asking. How about some general pictures of all of your cars??
  4. There are shims and a fitting kit, two seperate pieces. the dealer here charges $40 for each kit.
  5. dropped, I have a 95 LS400. I figured since we both have the same engine for the most part, I would post up on your thread. I have 111k miles, and I too have that slight dimming when I push the brakes. I don't have any aftermarket stuff hooked up like you do either. So I think it's either the alternator, or some kind of worn out voltage regulator somewhere. Have you listened to your alternator with the car warmed up and idling? Does it whine at all?
  6. Blake, aside from the insurance risks...what about having a new guide made for the brackets that extend further back? This would not require remounting the current brackets to anything else other than where they're mounted originally, and it would give your seat a lot more track to slide back on? Maybe take your current brackets to a shop and see if they can extend the rails by 4 or 5 inches? They might beable to just weld extensions onto the back of the current ones, grind down any rough spots and weld one or two support spots under the extension section so it doesn't bend? I think you said there is enough wiring harness to do this? If not, maybe splice in some addtional wire to give the seat enough room to move back.
  7. Do I hear a SeaHawk in the house??? ILM 28401 ??? Your car problems are very common on these cars. The creaking noise you hear is probably related to the front strut rods. Look under your car in the front...see that steel bar that is attached to the lower control arm and the front of the wheel well? That's your strut rod #10 in the attachment. Or quite possible #7 in the picture, your stabalizer bar bushing. Or, control arm bushings. It really depends, but it usually starts with the strut rod(s) and/or stabalizer bar bushings. How many miles do you have on your car again? The website this picture came from is www.lexuspartsonline.com which can be found from www.parts.com, along with several other lexus online parts vendors. I use these guys myself. The repair manual.....do a search for the TIS site, or maybe someone will post up that web address here again. Also, www.lexls.com IS YOUR FRIEND. You'll love that site as it covers just about every common day problem on the LS in a very easy, hands on approach. I would have to say that nearly everyone on here has probably used it in form or fashion before. I have a 95 LS400, and is a little different in design, but I use that site for my fluid changes and such....excellent site! So.....Wilmington?
  8. I read somewhere on here that MB has decided to drop that electronic braking system due to the costs of it and all the problems.
  9. Not to spark an argument with Monarch as I have never had, and hope to never have an arguement with him. But I cannot discount the thought and theory of the original engineers who designed and developed not only these engines, but all engines, that at some point in the process the finance department of the company did not come down and say "now guys, don't make this thing so good that we can't make some money off of fixing it either, and end up with a shelf full of new parts that nobody needs to buy". Case-in-point....GMC / Chevy trucks and all of their transmission problems that result in replacements. If some third party company designed a $20 bottle of some kind of magic guee that said "tired of fixing your chevy transmission? pour some of our $20 magic gue into the tranny and you will never have to fix it again, or we will unconditionally pay for a new OEM transmission to be installed by the dealership". I seriously doubt GM would put in thier owner's manual "At 30k, 60k, 90k miles, please add this additative to prolong transmission life". Not to say all GM trannys are bad, some are pretty much bullet proof, but I think you get my point. When Acura came on the scene back in 1986, they nearly went under because they stocked up too heavy on parts, anticipating problems with their 2 brand new cars, the Legend and Integra. They spent more money on parts for the Integra because they felt the market for them would be younger people, who drove harder. And, it was a buzzy, more wear and tear 4 cyclinder engine than the Legend's 2.5 V6. Well, they engineererd and built the Integra soooo good that nobody ever had to go back and fix the thing. Heck, I've actually seen people who have those cars drive them for 20k miles with no oil changes in between. Many beat to sh*t integras were sitting in my old college fraternity parking lot many moons ago, and not a single one of them ever broke.
  10. I thought it was pretty much a recap of the headlines on the news...and stay the course type stuff. One thing I do like about this president is that he will not allow red-tape to get in his way...which just might come back to bite him in the butt. I too was a little dissapointed in the lack of focus on New Orleans. I think he missed a golden opportunity to clean up the reputation and such. I'm sure he probably wanted to, but was probably advised to avoid it as the "sorry for poor choice of words here" mud is still flying between state and federal responsibilities of blame. On the war....I do agree with him on having to stay the course and not leave too soon. I'm affraid to say it, but it looks like with Iran acting up, and the fact that the world has never in a better position to finally call them out and make them prove those threats over the past several decades, it's my opinion that bullets will fly with Iran soon. However, I seriously doubt we'll be going at this one as the majority armed force, like with Iraq. I mean look at a map....Iran is surrounded on all borders by armed forces for whom they have threated for decades....we're now standing on their property line with no way to escape. And, the rest of the world, especially the EU nations are all in tune with fighting Iran over their nuclear ambitions. I mean when Germany and France say "don't do it, or it's war", then well, they better listen. Can you imagine a small country like Iran trying to fight a war against USA, Germany, France, Britian, Italy, Isreal, and about a dozen other countries? Especially when the war machines are already lined up with their muzzels all pointing into their country, sitting on all the boarders? They'd be finished in no time! Which, in all honesty, I think is what this war is all about in the first place. I've been saying this for years now. If we can surround Iran, getting the killing machines on all their borders, they'll freak out and provoke a war of which will spark the rest of civilized society to finally say "OK, enough of this Iran, we've all been held hostage by you and your threats over the past several decades! You want to fight? Well, we're ready! No other country to fly over to bomb you, no other country to concur to get to you...no buffer zone into your country anymore...so let's get it on and get this over with asap". That's just my 2 cents worth....
  11. I hear ya' TIDE! I don't think I'm going to mess with the intake applications, as I'm sure I would get some pretty awful remarks from the neighborhood community for "smokin'" them out. But the engine oil application will be done next month for sure. Toy, I'm a little lost though on what that will do? Will my cylinders be that clean as in your picture from just the oil routine? Is the intake method good for cleaning up the egr system and prolonging that part of the system "god, I don't want to buy another one"? I put some seafoam in the gas tank a few months ago before I hit the highway for a long weekend trip...stuff was great. In short...I just want to do the oil routine...put half a can in the old oil...idle for 10 or 15 minutes, and then flush it out, replace with new oil and filter, and be on my marry way. Think this will have great results? I really don't want to leave it in there for the 3,000k mile duration to the next oil change.
  12. ...wait a minute....are those two before and after photos the same engine? the piston "butterfly" pattern looks the same, but it's the outer settings that look completely different. Look at the grooved placement markers and such...they're totally different....or am i missing something??
  13. ...and it continues....this thing is like herpes...just won't go away... Apparently one of my new tires is sooo badly out of round that it needs to be replaced. So, tirerack is shipping out a new one directly to the dealership, should be there thursday or friday... Now I know we're not supposed to give free advertising and such....but I've got to say this.... Johnson Lexus of Raleigh is by far the BEST dealership I have ever encountered in my entire life! If you want to buy a car, used or new and you're in my neck of the woods, or want to buy from them online...well....you'll have one hell of an awesome dealership standing behind you! I know this sounds corny, and I do apologize, but that dealership doesn't just sell cars, they sell pride, and they show it in their service center. Truely an amazing operation...Top Notch! I will be purchasing all of my cars from them from now on. I mean come on, I've got an 11 year old LS400....and yet I'm treated like I just purchased their most expensive model ever. The fact that they aren't raking me over the coals on fees just goes to show that they take pride in what they sell to the general public.
  14. Wow, those before and after pictures on that thread are amazing! I don't know...I'm really thinking about doing this before I change out my oil again next month. Maybe put half in like the Toys said, and just let it idle for a few minutes, then drain it out and put in the new stuff. I agree that leaving it in there for 3,000k miles might not be the best of ideas, although SK had a great point about it vaporizing at 108 degrees. But, just not too comfortable with it in there for that long.
  15. I can't argue there....mine are oem put on by the dealership when I bought the car, nearly 3 years ago, and still work perfectly....of course now that I've said this I'm sure a bird will swoop down and start eating them.
  16. I have always checked www.carpoint.com which is now msn autos.....went into the used car section....selected the car or truck i was looking at......drilled down to the year....clicked on reviews....and clicked on "users reviews" to read what others thought of their vehicle. been helpful for me! I agree with SWO on Tahoe statement. It's tough to go wrong with the Chevy 350 V8...they've been building those motors for something like 40 + years.
  17. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    As I mentioned before, if management feels this thread should not be on here, then by all mean, take it down. But, you don't have to read it if you don't want to, and this is the "general" discussion section. There is an option in your control panel to turn off the email notification option for new posts. I had to turn mine off too a looong time ago.
  18. this is probably coming down the line for me....what sound and noise improvements did your aftermarket cat's make for your car? and where did you get them from? thanks
  19. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    Hope you're a "boxer" man...otherwise....good god, that's just gross...you from Pelham?
  20. nc211

    Hey Bin Laden

    Ok, well if you guys agree.... Hey Bin Laden...your flesh and blood sure does look HOT in GQ this month! Didn't you kill women in those soccer fields back in the day of the taliban for showing too much skin? Aren't you the one who said "we'll defeat the americans!" back in the day? Well...getcha' some...you asked for it....you got it!! Oh, and Iran....take a look around...we're to the north in Turkey...east in Afhghanastan, west in IRAQ, and...well...might as well sell that fishing boat you got down in the Gulf....because the US RONALD REAGAN is waiting for you!!! Talk the talk...but WE walk the walk... PS: those at the NSA....thank you! want my cell phone number? Please monitor my conversation, because you are the ones who keep my future safe. PSS: Hey Hillary...how do you think you caught your husband? I'm sorry, but I do not recall Linda Tripp askng Monica if she minded being recorded???? Hey Ted Kennedy.......do you really want to try me? You've got more DUI's than Danny Bonaduchi, not to mention a midnight swim in the graveyard. Oh, and Al Gore....Greenpeace 1 is setting sail in 20 minutes....I'll take care of your parade of 1978 GMC Suburbans for ya!! I haven't seen that much smoke since the Pearl Jam concert of 1993.
  21. before you read my reply, please understand that i have NOT read this entire thread....but I get the point..... NC211's take on this..... You want to commit a crime against me like stealing...then I'll settle the score in court and your grandkids will become my "notes receivable". but if you show up in my house with violent intentions......you and the d*ck you rode in on will be dead...don't care if the gun is a 12 guage from walmart, or licended permit sig40 with purple tipped hollows...and if your next of kin tries to sue me...they'll be paying for my gas in my new 07' LS460. Every man not only has the right....but the responsibilty to protect what is his responsibilty...if that means taking an !Removed!-kicking to walk away..then you take it. but if it means life or death...then pull it out and kill that sob on the spot....because you're the one who answers to your decision..and if you're dead..well...you're dead..period. just my 2 cents.
  22. 8 gears??? Wow, who's building the transmission...Peterbuilt? That is about the only concern I would have with buying a brand new one in it's first year of production, especially taking into consideration some of the problems Toyota has had with the electronic throttle set up already. Not saying it's a problem, I mean it is Lexus after all, not Fiat. But even still... I wonder why Lexus hasn't messed with the centrifical band transmissions, like on the Nissan Morano and old Buicks back in the day? No shifting points at all on those...silky smooth. It would just seem like a natural fit for the LS4XX of the future, seeings as how smooth they are already, and always have been. I'm sure their engineers could master any funky querks associated with that type of transmission right down to perfection.
  23. Rf must have been overcome by the stench coming from the litter box that his cat uses and had a slight moment of unconciousness. I swear, you sure that thing is a cat and not some sort of third-world weapon of mass destruction?
  24. I think that might have been my thread, my e-brake was set too tightly and the e-pads were constantly rubbing on the inside of the rotor. If you need to manually adjust them "assuming you tried SK's method first and it didn't work" then this is what you do: You can probably get to these two adjuster spin screws if you have the car up in the air and you're underneath. If not, you'll have to take off the rear wheel and rotors. But let's try it with the wheels on and up in the air: Look at the back side of the rear rotor, at the bottom of the rotror. You should see a metal spindle screw that looks like a mini-bicycle gear sprocket. This is the adjusting spindle. I think if you turn it clock-wise, it will tighten the ebrake settings. I could be wrong on the clockwise though, just look at the threading and you can tell. Now, becareful! It doesn't take much! You can over due it with just two full rotations either way. Each rear wheel has it's own setting, so you have to do both. Try it with the car in the air before messing with taking everything apart first, as it can be a dirty, pain in the !Removed! job.
  25. The dealership is going to take it Monday morning. They agree that the ride probably needs to be "tuned in" since the addition of the new tires, which means alignment and a very thurough balancing. yeah, you can feel it on a test drive, it feels like, in all honesty..the tires are out of balance. That's been the primary problem the whole time. Now the wrong rotors where a HUGE part of the problem. Infact, I think I posted up a few months ago while in one of my funk "screw this car" moods about having the "clunk" again. As it turns out...that too was the bad rotors banging against the wheel studs when going over a big dip in the road. That is fixed now too. The only problem with my car...is that gremlin little bast*rd vibration. Been chasing that punk for months now. If it's not the wheels, then it's got to be in the driveshaft itself. I just can't handle another $300+ kick in the pants repair bill. Today is a beautiful day here, feels like spring time. I had the windows down at lunch, and I gotta tell you guys...I really don't want to get rid of this car, but I need my sanity back too. I think the technician will now have the ability to properly dial in the car since he'll be adjusting all new, oem parts. Nothing is worn out beyond spec. So we'll see what happens. I think he'll fix it right this time. I think SK and the others are right, I would probably be unhappy with my decision if I don't let the dealership have one more crack at it.
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