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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Getcha' one of these things, and I bet your buddies follow the rules from here on out! "..is..is..is that dog crap on your shoes :o ? ZAP!! Here's yer sign, now get out of my car!" And I can't figure out what happened to my social life?
  2. Goooooddddddd Idea! Just wait a few more months for the LS460, and you'll blow away just about anything on the road in terms of performance, comfort, gadgets, looks, boner-points, etc.... If you can wait, then I'd wait.
  3. They're giving them away for a reason. Retailers don't slash prices that badly unless they have to move the inventory, which means it isn't selling well, which means A) car has lots of problems "being a MB, I wouldn't doubt that" 2) the competetors in it's price range are much better 3) need to clear out the lot for the new models, which usually happens later in the year. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not up to speed on MB's these days, but isn't the S350 a 3.5 V6 engine? That's a lot of car for a V6 to haul around w/o having to put a lot of strain on it.....strain = wear = problems. You're asking a Lexus forum to tell you which one to get.....well...GET the LS430. Aside from the engine differences, the mechanical is way better too. Sure, the MB might have more bells and whistles, cool gadgets here and there, but the LS4430 ain't no Ford Focus either...and get this.....ALL of their gadgets actually work, and will continue to work past the 3 year 36k miles warranty.
  4. And model year of your LS would help too.
  5. I don't think Iraq will adopt the US Democracy as we know it to be, it's just not apart of their way of life. However, I do think they'll adopt an "elected" government by the people, for the people. I think the main goal for us to go to war with Iraq, was to end these countries that are held hostage by one man, through fear and torture. I don't necessary think it's a question of whether or not Iraq will become the 51st state, but more of a question if Iraq will become a free society defined by the laws of thier beliefs, which it wasn't under Sadam's rule. We, and the world, can respect that type of government, and work with them for world peace, like we do with the Saudi's. I agree that's it's pretty tough to see through the smoke of all of these religious factions in such a small territory. I think the honest Iraqi people know that it's not an entire army causing this, but a few hundred radical terrorists who have nothing in their live's to define themselves by, except for violence. Kind of like that arrogant dude at the bar, looking to gain claim for starting a bar fight, when in all honesty if they would just shut, sit down, have drink and tell some jokes, they would find that everyone else really isn't that bad. Honestly, I think WW3 is very very close with Iran on the radar now. I'm not worried about this Russia stand they're taking with Iran. Russia did the same thing with Iraq. They're a former superpower trying to fix their own floundering perception in the world. If anything, they should be helping clean up the mess THEY created by leaving the gates unlocked at the ammunition dumps when they fell apart back in the 90's. Ever seen that movie Lord of War? Go rent it, it's very interesting, and very true. It is a tall order, but so was WW1 and WW2. I think it'll all work out fine in the end. Iran will fall quickly, and they know it. They're freakin' scared senseless right now with the modern society they've always hated lined up on all borders, with the muzzles pointed in towards their country. Me personally? I hope we do get it on with Iran, I think it's about time to call them out and see what they've got. They've been throwing threats to the world for decades and holding the economic progress hostage with it's oil production OPEC mentality. But that's just my opinion. Ko90ls.....I hear ya' ;) And I think your opinions are good, even if I don't completely agree with them. Education is key to everything. If I had the choice though between Jihad and fighting over oil, well, I'd take oil as the motive, that's bullets and gernades. Jihad is full on, kill everything on earth and let the God's sort it out. I hope that doesn't happen. I also hope we don't have to turn Iran into a self-lit glass parking lot for the rest of time from a nuke. Blake, I was listening to Rush yesterday at lunch, was thinking about you.
  6. ko90ls, if you really believe this, then wouldn't you think that the democrats, or girl scouts, or Inside Edition, or republicans, or someone with the ability to expose the truth, would have by now to get Bush impeached? I mean if everyone hates this guy so badly, if he's really the most hated dude "which I will NEVER accept as truth", and your theory is correct, then where's the action to prove it? Obviously if we're talking about this theory, then the powers-that-be have had this converstation as well. What wars did Clinton start?? None, which led up to where we are today. If Clinton hadn't messed some trailer park prom queen's dress, we could have acted in the "required" manner and killed Al Queda a long time ago. HE HAD THE GREEN LIGHT with his finger on the button to kill him. They had him in our sites, but due to the heat of Lewinski at the time, Clinton got cold feet about lobbing a few tomahawks into afghanistan. This is documented fact, not speculation or theory. Clinton has even admitted it, on record. He also ignored several oportunities from other countries "India being one of them" to get Osama, but he did NOT return the phone call, literally. Look, I'm not pro-bush either. I did NOT vote for him. I think he's an idiot businessman, who made his millions off of junk bonds for the texas rangers baseball stadium. I think he's a bit of a snake when it comes to business, and I would never do business with him personally. Even though I'd probably make millions, my ethical stance would not let me sleep well at night. HOWEVER I do think he was the right guy for the job on 9/12/2001. Do you think McCain would have done it better, or how about Gore? There is a TOUGH road ahead not only for this country, but for the entire industrialized world. It's not tough because of now, it's tough because of all the "negotiations" that have gone on for decades to just delay the inevitable...a fight. To even suggest George W. Bush caused 9/11 is just obsurd! I respect your opinion though, I really do. And I can see where you're coming from too. But remember, Bush was no where on the politcal radar scope back in 1993 when they tried to take down the towers with car bombs. Bush was no where on the scope when USS Cole was hit, or the american embassies in Africa and some other country were bombed. Bush wasn't even sober when the barracks in Lebanon were bombed back in the 80's, or the downing of the Pan Am flight in Lockerbie Scottland. The only other President we've had that had the guts to fight a terrorist in a full on "you want to fight? Then let's get it on!" fashion was the beloved Ronald Reagan, when the 1st smart bomb was delivered to Momar Kadoffie via his chimney back in 86'. Never heard from that duchebag again, until a few years ago when he realized Bush would do the same, and Kadoffie stepped in line, for world peace. Let me just be clear here: I am not slamming you on your opinion, I respect it, and I admire you for having the strength to post it! I am not 100% Pro-Bush. I think he's a freakin' moron in more ways than I care to admit. BUT, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, only a few times in history has the world called out the United States of America to a fight, and on those times, the gunslinger cowboy was needed, and lead this country and it's friends to victory. This IS one of those times! I can guarantee you that none of those responsible for 9/11 had a Texan accent. Just for the record, not all peoples hate America! quick story: my friend Aaron is in the MARINES, went to Fallujah, and did lots of bad things. granted a lot of people had RPG's and AK-47's, but he said as his unit was clearing houses, the poeple inside were watching "106 and park" the BET = to TRL, in english! He said that M16's dont scare Iraqi's, but 9mm's do? huh? well Saddam used to execute prisoners with 9's. so they're more afraid of saddam's persence than the U.S.'s. Hmmmmm? i also have a friend who used to live in Samolia! he personally witnessed BLACK HAWK DOWN. not the movie, live action! He cant say enough about the US military! granted he is a muslim, he speaks as if the army was his salvation! He cant get enough of america! this guy is one of the biggest OSU fans i know! he's glad that he was granted refuge in america so he could leave his war torn country! not plotting terrorist attacks, just trying to LIVE IN PEACE! But what some don't know is that peace comes form good rulers! How many wars did Clinton CAUSE? saddam should've been removed, but with more careful planning! Personally i think Bush is more concerned about his Belly than anyone else! his family has been friends with bin Ladin's for years! think about this.... Saddam, the man who had about 1mil cash on him when found couldn't escape His Country! HIS COUNTRY! he knows all the back roads, hidden tunnels, etc. Bin Ladin, on the other hand "cant be found?" and Bush isn't fighting back he's instigating conflict! and my heart pains me to think about the next few years after all the messes he made are attempted to be cleaned? IRAN, IRAQ, RUSSIA, CHINA, N. KOREA, they wont forget. But with that said, who cares! if wanted, Bush could have me taken out! catch my drift! the world is comming to an end fast! just make sure you have the correct Bording Pass!
  7. I've got a can of seafoam in the gas tank now. Ever notice that your engine runs just a tick louder with that stuff running through the system? I've been goosin' it pretty good the past couple of days to get the revs up, heat up and let that stuff clean out the system. No problems being reported here, just curious if anyone else has ever noticed that? I use to run the duralube fuel cleaner stuff, and it would actually quiet down the engine. But the seafoam seem to do the opposite. Only while it's in the system though.
  8. As someone with first-hand experience with tirerack's ratings system, I cannot say this enough.....IT IS CRAP!! Don't believe me? Look up the continential contipremier tire for a 95 ls400 and read the reviews.....they GLOW over that tire.....look up the michelin's for the same car...they're not nearly as good. So I bought the Continentials....and we all know how that ended....with $200 wasted and a set of Michelin's being installed. I will never trust those charts again.
  9. Ahhhh...look at the cute couple Hey, congrats you two!!! Hope life grants you both the blessed road to happiness!!
  10. Buy the 2001 GS430....you will NOT be dissappointed. However, I assume you've driven both of them? The V6 could possibly, remotely, not likely, but possibly, have sludge problems. I've never heard of the V8's every having this problem. In all honesty, you'll be fine with whatever GS you buy with those mileage numbers. You have nothing to worry about. No car is perfect, but I can tell you that Lexus cars are as close to it that you can get. The V8 just puuurrrrssss down the road, and when you want to pass someone, or put a little kick in your pants, it's just a 1/4 inch of the gas pedal! If I had the choice...It would be the 430, no doubt about it, no questions asked. Both are awesome cars, and I'll probably be looking for one by the end of the year myself. But the V8 engines in these cars are world class leaders in every category. So is the V6, but for roughly the same money, you get a V8, that get's 20 city / 25-26 hwy mpg. You won't be dissapointed in whatever you get though. PS: YES, it's worth the extra $1,000!!
  11. I'm thinking I'm just going to correct the problem with alignments and balancings. I honestly am wondering if it's just not the new tires breaking in. They were balanced right at birth, with no break in period. Now they have about 500 miles on them. When I picked up the car with the new tires, it was baby smooth. So I'm wondering if I'm not jumping the gun. I do have a popping noise up front though, and will probably replace the ball joints and reset the strut rod angle of attachment, as I do think they were installed at too an aggresive downward angle. And then just leave it alone. I'll probably get rid of it later this year for either a 98-99 LS or a GS. The prices have begun to fall into my range now, and should be right at the sweet-spot by summer's end. Although I have NO doubt my car will last another 100-150k no problem, I'm starting to want that VTI engine, wood grain, and so forth. I'm also getting the itch for a little bit more sports feel, which is pointing me in the direction of the GS models. Or even something completely different that I have never experienced before, like maybe a BMW or a MB E320 for a year or so. When we're talking about a purchase price of $16k +/- for a well maintained car, then your losses are really not that significant. Or at least not enough to spook me away from taking on something else. I've learned mechanic's 101 with car now, and feel A TON more confident to repair my own vehicles from here on out. But my first choice is Lexus, that's for sure! Who knows...getting that spring time itch again for something different. I won't be messing with the driveshaft or differential on this car. If it comes to that, then I'll just get rid of it. That's just too much for me to consider doing on the car at this point. I honestly think it's something very simple down there that I either (1) damaged during my education (2) overlooked (3) poorly adjusted.
  12. I'm not 100% clear on it either threadcutter, but I've heard that those who've replaced them have been happy with the results. i think they help hold the upper strut in place better, as well as dampen the thump when bottoming out. Thread, how long do the inner tie rods usually last? I ask this because yesterday when zipping down the highway, and now with the solenoid screen clean, the speed sensitive steering is working better, I find that I have about 1/4-1/2 inch of free play in the wheel, when going straight. It's when the car is tracking perfectly on it's own, no input from the steering wheel, and you just ever-so-slightly move the wheel back and forth, just enough to feel that free space before the car shifts direction. I'm wondering if the inner's are ready to come out at 112k miles?? Kind of makes sense to me? I'm gonna order some new ball joints tonight, and probably some inner tie rods. Probably get outter's too since I freakin' mutulated those rubber housings too. NO MORE PITCH FORKS!
  13. nc211


    Today is 3/6/2006. I went to parts.com last night and was HIT with a ton of attempted virus attacks from their website. I use norton anitvirus and firewall software which constantly updates itself. When I went to that site, 5 different trojan virus attempted to take control of my computer. The firewall caught each attempt. Just and FYI for you all.....if you go to parts.com in the next day or two, you better have your antivirus & firewall software up-to-date.
  14. Sweet, thanks bicol-ini You're like the quiet one with all the knowledge...it's who you know and not what you know world ;) Anybody have any input on the strut rod installment angles? In the manual for the control arms it says to "bounce the car" a couple times before tightening down the bolts to torque spec's, but it says nothing about the strut rods. I'm thinking probably the same thing should be done for them as well. The front end just seems like it's got something so tense, it's fighting itself. Since I'm going back in to the front suspension section, I'm going to replace those upper strut bumpers too. Question: Is it possible to swap out those upper bumbers w/o having to pull the entire spring & strut housing unit out of the car? Is it possible to just clamp down the springs, and then pull the upper bracket off the car, pull out the bumper, put in the new bumper, and reattach the upper section, without having to pull the entire setup out of the car?
  15. Well guys, still got a little vibration issue going on, nothing as bad as it was, but's it still there a little, just enough to drive you mad. I am getting a "pop" noise when I hit a bump at city speed, like going through an intersection and hitting the cross pavement, I get the pop noise up front...I think it's the lower ball joints. I think I might have really damaged them last year when I mutilated that rubber housing when fussing with the lower control arms. That's to be expected. Question (1) Got a vibration that seems to move around from the front to the back, in a rythem. It's felt in the seat, and in the floor. I'm thinking it's the flex couplings on the drive shaft or center bearing. Any thoughts? The manual has the flex couplings as the #2 likely cause. The #1 likely cause is the transmission rear extension housing bearing, which I have no clue what that is? But it sounds expensive as hell to get at. I think it's the couplings, and possibly the center bearing. I'd bet when the indi shop changed out my rear differential bushing and had to take out the differential, they let the rear drive shaft bend down too far and might have damaged the center bearing section. I'm going to replace those couplings. Any advice on the degree of difficulty on that job???? Question (2) The front strut rods.....They're new, but my question is this; when they are installed, do they "lock" into place, or do they have a free range of up/down movement at the bushing connection part? The front of my car seems quite stiff. I remember when doing those control arms up front, we had to stand on the strut rod ends to get some space. They were literally sticking out from the bushing connection, at about a 10 degree down angle, and would not budge! We did not loosen up the bushing screws to check anything out. My question is this: Are they supposed to be bound in place like that? And if so, are they supposed to be at a downward angle, or level with the car?? It feels like they're binding a little when the car squats down in the suspension slightly. Like those two strut rods are wanting to FLING the front of the car back up as fast as it can. Does that make sense?? So, if my bubba's wouldn't mind a few spare minutes....any advice for an ole' friend? I know it's not the tires....GOD do I know it's not the tires! It's not the brakes either. The car is about 75% better than when it was, but something is still worn out, and causing a vibration throughout the car. My money is on, and has been for some time, the driveshaft area. But the mechanic's have all said no...yet they say there is some free play in the shaft. hahahaha....free play in the shaft....Hmmmmmm.. <_< ..gotta' go now....oh honey, um, you busy?? thanks fella's! PS: Anyone happen to know the part number(s) for the flex couplings at the ends of the drive shaft? I can't seem to track them down on the part websites....Bicol, you around amigo?
  16. Thank you thank you Not too bad for being 11 years old. I've got a few dings and chips here and there, but to be expected at that age. I would get them fixed, but you know Murphy's Law. Once you fix them, Bubba Hill-Jack will knock the snot out of your door in the parking lot w/n 24 hours. So, screw it. Blake, actually the rear of the car is sitting a little lower than normal. When I backed it up in the drive way, I set the e-brake while in neutral, then put it in park to keep the weight off of the transmission and components. I usually do this to protect the internal workings of the tranny. This makes the rear end squat down a little. I'm still on the original springs, but the struts are new, and they made a pretty noticable difference in the stance. If you're on your originals, then I'd say you're in for a night and day difference when you replace them. :D If I were in the market for a new car, I'd have a hard time turning down a white avalon, that's for sure! I think they're sharp! I agree with Swo on the design, at first, but they've started to grow on me now. Saw a white one the other day, and it was slick looking. Anywho, time to go soak my fingers again, they're freakin' mutulated from yesterday's chore.
  17. nc211


    mburn, I hear ya' man about firing up the air compressor. I've got a craftsman with the same spec's as yours. It's pretty loud and can be a pain to drain out the air when done. I haven't made up my mind yet on what to get, but I'm definetely getting one of these gadgets soon! I figure even if I do get the $100 one, that's probably less than half what the dealership would charge me for just one service of the tranny and brake fluid flushes. Swede, appreciate the nice comment amigo! Rf, you have a good point about the beer. hahaha :)
  18. I agree. I looked at them before donating another kidney for the mvx4's, the dealership wouldn't put them on my car due to the speed rating being below the car's designation. I tried...but couldn't do it.
  19. Blake, you inspired me my friend to do the same, get off the couch and go clean the car. It was a battle though, but your pictures gave me the strength. I have finally detailed the thing, for the second time, ever. Last time my car has seen wax was back in June 2004. I stuck with Mequires stuff, as I'm used to it and didn't want to risk it...plus I'm too cheap to go by the exspensive stuff...hahaha... I did the 3 step process (1) paint cleaner (2) polish (3) wax. I also used a clay bar to get all the bug guts out of the paint, man that thing was filthy! I think I pulled off an entire species' of DNA from the headlights alone. I used a generic orbital buffer, one of those GNC deals my wife got me for christmas "but won't let me use on her car??? go figure that one". One round of cleaner, two rounds of polish and two rounds of wax.....and my butt is killing me tonight because of it! But, it's done, and I'm now on my third beer to numb the pain. I ain't in the shape I used to be back in the day, and I can't believe I used to do this crap by hand. So, meet your twin amigo!
  20. Yep, hahaha. I had forgotten about the Grand PooBaa thread of all time! Hahaha. Good call blake!! Off to try and detail my car now, trying to get 50% of the shine of Blake's car!
  21. nc211


    Rf, you're a nut! Hahaa You my kind of folk! mburn, that looks just like the mityvac. Does that one come with those little dipstick hoses too? If so, I'll probably get that one and save a buck or two. My basis for buying one of these is because I'm sure I'll have dozens of uses for it over the years, and I've grown to hate paying mechanics to do the simple things. I figure for the same price, I could buy the tools and do it myself forever. As anyone used one of these to get the trannsmission fluid out of their trannys? If so, did it get all the fluid and such? I'm thinking if it does indeed get all the fluids out via the dipstick tube attachement, then maybe some tranny seafoam put in there first, clean it out, then pull the fluids out with the mityvac type setup, refill with new tranny fluid. This might be an easier way to clean the solenoids and filter screens...assuming the seafoam would clean that stuff well enough. I just fear messing with the tranny pan, kind of spooks me.
  22. Oh man....sweet sorry to hear that.... YES....YOU NEED A NEW ECM. I had this exact problem with mine just after I purchased it from the dealership. I made them fix it under that 90 day / 3,000 mile window warranty. I think however they were able to fix it on Lexus's tab. You have a lot of support on this one, that's for sure!! I had to say things like: 1) Out of all the TSB's issued for the car, the ONLY one that is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to be done is THIS one. 2) This has been reported to the national highway safety board several times by others 3) This could cause a liable issue for Lexus from you if it should result in a crash, due to that flawed characteristic. I mean, there is a reason why they title the TSB "Improved Drivability". I used this angle quite hard. I was coming back from the beach in the rain, took my foot off the gas, the car did that buckle and the rear tires hydroplaned because of it. Sweet, are you familiar with the clublexus site? Do a search for my name NC211 on that site as well. This is the reason why I found these websites, because of that damn herky-jerky throtle shock. Tell the dealership you have "OFF-THROTTLE SHOCK PROBLEMS due to the TSB #### never being performed on the car, AS suggested by the manufacturuer as highly recommended". Trust me Sweet, you'll have to add a little bit of force to get them to honor this. They'll eventually do it, but not until they've realized that YOU ARE EDUCATED on the matter, and you know the liability potential this could have on them from you. Don't be nasty, but you will probably have to hammer it home to them. It took me about a month of intensifing emails to get it done. But they eventually caved. Do not accept their first reply that it is the TPS sensor.....that is complete, total, straight from the farm, still steaming pile of HORSE SH*T. They'll try it too, trust me, it's a cheap way out to make you think it's fixed. Sure it'll drive a little differently, but the ecm will learn it, and you'll be buckin' back and forth again at 40mph inside of 3 days. I don't care what people tell you about this problem.....you have the answer already with that TSB. They did my car, and I'm happy to say I have never had that problem again. This isn't a cheap fix either, we're talking $2k if you have to pay for it. But you won't, no worries, they'll cave, you'll just have to corner them. I'll help any way I can.
  23. Thanks guys, I think I'll give it a try. But not until I can get one of those Mityvac's so I can pull the fluid back out w/o having to take off the pan. I'll post up the results when I get it finished. I might try it in the power steering system as well "as stated it's used for as well". Toys, I'm confused though on the time frame to leave the stuff in there. The can says to take a 5 minute spin around the block, run it through the gears, then flush it out. However from your other thread with those awsome pictures, should it stay in there for a longer period?
  24. I was just at the store and saw that Seafoam has stuff to clean the transmission parts, solenoids and such. It can also be used for the power steering system as well....... Very interesting! Anyone have any experience with this product? I've used the Seafoam for the fuel, oil etc..... before, and worked great! But never thought about the transmission applications. PS: I posted this in the general maintenance section as well, but since it'll be used in a ls400, thought I'd put it here too
  25. I was just at the store and saw that Seafoam has stuff to clean the transmission parts, solenoids and such. It can also be used for the power steering system as well....... Very interesting! Anyone have any experience with this product? I've used the Seafoam for the fuel, oil etc..... before, and worked great! But never thought about the transmission applications.
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