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Everything posted by nc211

  1. nc211

    Pt Cruisers?

    Hahahaa...I hear ya' branshew. Those cars have a strange following. You either love them, or you hate them, no grey area with them. Me? I like em', especially the financial aspect of them "and hauling ability". If you've ever been to Lowes in a LS400, then you know exactly what I'm talking about! Hahaha. I can promise you this though....NO CELINE DION SHALL EVER BE PLAYED IN IT! And the wife agrees with you...It's "her" car only, not "ours" as I'll have that SOB up on jacks inside of a week!
  2. There ya' go...sort of.. it clips itself off, but I know the story!! The President actually went to visit him! I heard Disyney is ALL over him for BIG BUCK$ to make a movie about his experience! I'll pay top dollar for that movie ticket!!!
  3. Uh...Rf, you feelin' ok buddy? Not seeing anything posted here amigo! No pink elephants roaming around in your yard, right? Guns are bad...very very bad..
  4. I was wondering...where is this rubber coming from? Would it be in the rack, and taken as an indication the rack is worn pretty badly internally??
  5. If total cost was under $250 + 1st born naming rights signed over to Mr. Yokamo*BLEEP*o, then it's not oem. hahaa... I can't believe what I'm reading...a non Toyota part on Monarch's car!!! I'm speachless! J/K ;) Yeah, but wasn't it a Bosch rebuild of a Denso Core? Technically still a Lexus part? ..............I think we need a ruling from a line judge.......... ;)
  6. Premium...all the time. Put regular in there once, and won't do it again, car felt sluggish. Plus, at my mileage, the premium fuel cost "extra $2 bucks" is worth it to me to know that it's getting what it says it needs to run correctly.
  7. Who changed the fluid?? If one of those Jiffy Lube type places, then I'm 99% certain it's dex III and not IV. They will not let you bring in your own fluid, they force you to use theirs, which is the wrong kind! Are you certain you have the right amount in there? To me, this sounds like the first place to look is the fluid. If you are indeed at the proper level with the proper type, then maybe a solenoid or torque converter. But my bet is fluid, especially since you "recently" had the fuild changed, and now you're having this problem. See the connection? she has 126,000 miles on the car. Fluid was recently changed with the proper fluid.. Car normally runs great, K&N air filter and flowmasters.. Car has seen over 130mph many times.. thanks for the response
  8. opps, i typed that one from memory. the other one i posted in the earlier thread is correct. I got the number wrong....it's www.gsp9700.com
  9. nc211

    Pt Cruisers?

    Yep...and you know this one too... Her: I'm tired of you always working on your car. Me: I am too, I think I'll sell it and get the Infinity version of the Maxima. Her: No, don't do that, I don't like those cars....just keep the Lexus. Me: But... Her: Go fix it... Me: Ok ;-)...have fun shopping! That's the thing about the PT's and thier prices. I figure at some point, when you're starting out new(ish) at $14k, at some point the falling value will flatline to basic transportation numbers...probably $8k +/-. I figure at 15k miles a year, by the time we sell it, it'll be around 60-70k miles....or 4 years. From $14k to $8k is about right on the normal slide. I do feel sorry for those who purchased these cars brand spankin' new! They lost a ton the second they signed the title. The basic models new are $17k +/-. The limited models are mid to high $20's. Now, with 15k miles on them, the basic's are selling for $12k and the limiteds are around $15k. Same year, same mileage. That's a huge drop for the limiteds. Good for suckers like me though! Ooooops!! I fixed it, thanks for the heads up!! :D I think you'll like the PT. If the Lexus dealer finds one for you, I'd go straight to the Chrysler dealer and extend the bumper to bumper warranty....just incase something goes wrong. As usual....you read my mind!! Whatever we get, it's got to be under 20k miles, and inside of 12 months old. then straight to the chrystler dealer to do exactly as you said! Although, I will be a little disappointed to not have the option of WHACKIN' it with the pneumatic air hammer. I have yet to need that thing, but I'm diein' to use it!
  10. nc211

    Pt Cruisers?

    "For your sake let's hope she's as economical with her jewelry and wardrobe requirements" Hahaha...well that 1ct. true flawless and colorless diamond on her hand didn't help...plus riding around in a LS400....I've created a monster! She's actually very practicle, a lot more than me. Well I emailed the lexus dealership to keep an eye out for a 2005 White PT-Cruiser Limited edition with under 20k on the clock. They've been so good to me over the past two years that I feel guilty for not returning the loyalty. I want the turbo, but the wife doesn't care, and the insurance guy will be happy too....which means my wallet will be happy as well. It's hard to believe you can get these cars for so cheap! Carpoint.com owner reviews are awesome! Rank as high as the LS400, which amazes me from a Chrystler. My parents 02' "thought it was 01" is the limited model and they've driven it back and forth from Oklahoma to S.W. Florida three times....they love it. Me? I'm just looking forward to having another toy to mess with on the weekends, as I'm pretty close to having my LS totally finished. PS: Blake, I think you've got a piece of brocolli stuck in your teeth in your photo! Hahaha
  11. Well the soon to be wife is in love with the PT Cruiser and I'm thinking a wedding gift might be one. I can't get her to budge on anything else. No IS300 in my driveway's near future :( . So I figured I'd post up the question to my fellow gear-heads. Anyone own a PT Cruiser? My parents have two of them in south florida. They've had their 2001 since new "and love it" and they now have a 05' turbo convertible. They've had no problems with them at all, except for one recall relating to the fuel line next to the brake component in the rear "nothing major :o , fuel matched by friction can't do much damage...hahaha". I like her taste in the financial realm. You can get a fully loaded 05' with 10k miles on them for like $13 grand down here. Saw an 05 convert. turbo with 11k miles on it for $14k the other day.
  12. Pinned: Replacing Burnt Out Needles In Instrument Panel ...hit the "back button" and look at the top of the "pinned" section......your answer...
  13. This all depends on your source of part$. These cars aren't hard to fix. It's like Lego' made the perfect car.... If you can offer a part price discount that can match ours "your spread is in the shipping", matched by a proven ability...then we'll come to you... This is a dated thread...if you're still serious about this....then pm me and let's talk. You've got a good idea.......but MILES of questions and dangers sitting in front of you. Lease v. Buy? Buy?...ok.....how's the soil? Your wife work? Gonna..... No lender cares what "you think it's going to make".. They care what it is really going to make. Pm me...
  14. I think we've got a contender! Jimmy, looking forward to your input! Gooood looking car! I'm doing my best to try and convince the wife that your car is a better pick than the PT Cruiser she wants is better.. PS: NC211 = Educated smartass comments, with a side of humility. ;)
  15. What's the fluid change history? You flushing it with Toyota type IV fluid as recommend?
  16. kewl.....use the balancer I suggested on the earlier thread. They're no more expensive than the other ways..that clearly don't work nearly as well. You'll be very happy with the results...make sure you ask for the "road force" part of the process. This will identify and heavy spots asociated with the tire and rim mountings. www.gsp7000.com
  17. Hahahaha...Sapper, I'm beyond help!! I'm the "one" who flew over the cuckoo's nest! It's no big deal, just a squeek that a little more grease will probably fix. Blake, yours is coming from the rear? Hmmmm.. <_< I haven't switched out those yet with the oem's...that's on tomorrow's list down at the garage. Funny thing, I got the parts in the other day, and the rear oem pads are blue. Blue??? Interesting. Maybe I'm mistakin on which end the squeek is coming from as it's sooooo loud it sounds like it's coming from the whole car! It's definetly when I press the brake pedel down though. Is your's squeeking by just going in reverse in general or with the pedel pressed down as well. If it's only with the pedel, then I wouldn't think it would be the e-brake, but rather just the pads. If it's donig it w/o the pedel being used, then yeah, I bet it is your ebrake shoes rubbing the inside of the rotor. You know, if you and I combined our two cars into one, we'd have the best LS400 ever made under the sun! Hahaha
  18. Ok, so I finally installed true toyota oem front brake pads, new shim kit, fitment kit and greased the inner shim with toyota grease as instructed. Good news....no more squeeking or that train sound groaning when coming to a stop! When going forward....hahaha When I'm backing up though down the driveway in the morning, they freakin' scream!! What gives??? I'm not *BLEEP*ed or anything, infact just the opposite, I think it's funny. I'm pulling down the driveway at 8:00 am and waking up every neighbor I've got, while thinking to myself "well that figures...why wouldn't you squeek? you pain in the AS$" Who the heck owned this thing before me? Satan? I checked the vin number, no 666 numbers. The difference between oem and aftermarket front pads are three things: 1) The part of the oem pad that faces down towards the ground is in the form of a scoop, not just angled off. 2) the spacer attachments hold the pad in place 3) and probably the biggest difference, the shims are NOT glued, taped or clipped onto the back of the pad. The are just aligned up on the slider holes. I think this makes the biggest difference in squeeks.
  19. No, no stickers or anything. But I do have a license plate cover that is seen on Blakes "My 95 LS" thread. I think maybe that did it. I have no clue how he figured it out, or even thought about it??? Definetely a first for me. I drove off thinking "did that just happen? What's in this coffee? " You could tell he takes good care of his car. Professional lookin' dude, so I wasn't too worried. Come on man...post up! If you're a "guest", sign up for an account and join the fun!
  20. To the dude in the silver GS300 today at the stoplight of Hillsbourogh and Glenwood....Yes, I'm NC211. I was on my way back from the capital building from a meeting about the construction of the new Fayetteville Mall street stuff downtown....yes, that's me! PS: Nice looking ride amigo! To those reading: I was sitting at the light when I looked over and saw this guy holding up a piece of paper that read " R U NC211?" Before I could acknowledge the guy, the light was green and we were gone. He turned right, and I went straight. Post up amigo!
  21. Hahaha...you got schoooled. !!!! just pickin' ;)
  22. Gum, I wouldn't lube the rubber parts. I don't think it would be a good idea to attract dirt, sand and all that other good stuff to the rubber itself, especially sand. Sand is a grain, and it won't break down but only so far. With the rubber bushings moving around, flexing and all of that stuff, sand will eventually just eat it's way into the rubber. I had a 94' Jimmy many years ago when I lived at the beach. The sand would get itself into the seals of the driveshaft "and other areas" and would kill the seals inside of 8 months. That car would not stop leaking because of it. I didn't lube my control arms when I replaced them. I do recommend however lubing the stabalizer bushings though, but that's a different kind of rubber...and as you know...a hell of a lot cheaper to fix!
  23. At that mileage, I would have the tranny flushed by the toyota dealer and have oem fluid put in there. I wouldn't be worried about a little dexIII if the tranny didn't have 200k on it already. and i doubt it'll hurt it too bad now as it's not that much. but...better safe than sorry, and worth the $75 bucks if you ask me to make sure your transmission has what it needs..
  24. yo yo yo...don't hate da' playa, hate da' game!!! pimp'n ain't easy yo'!
  25. Hahahaha!!! For Ralph!....too legit...too legit to quit!
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