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Everything posted by bartkat

  1. http://l-tunedparts.com/product/?id=1993
  2. I never thought for one minute about justification. I had a IS300 and had followed the info on the upcoming 2nd generation with great interest. When the first one arrived at the dealership I said to myself, "self go buy that car". I went over and bought it off the showroom floor. Test drove a 250 and decided I wanted the 350 without even driving it.
  3. Sure you could maybe assume that but one thing you cannot assume with those cars is the fun to drive factor.
  4. No kidding, that thing is huge! I am a big fan of SMALL cars and driving this ES is like sailing a boat. Yeah, the one I had rode l like a boat too.
  5. I think the rule is that tire PSI will change by 1 PSI with every 10 degrees F change in outside temperature.
  6. You'll appreciate the IS more after driving the ES for a few days. I had a ES loaner for one day and couldn't wait to get my IS back.
  7. Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. A Real Change Campaign to Lower Your Gas Prices http://www.americansolutions.com/actioncen...7b-346a1e096659
  8. The plaque in the GM's office at my dealership says "Near Luxury".
  9. Slower traffic keep right. If you are in the left lane and being passed on the right, then you are slower traffic.
  10. Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. A Real Change Campaign to Lower Your Gas Prices http://www.americansolutions.com/actioncen...7b-346a1e096659
  11. Well you got your fixed costs and your variable costs and when the latter go way out of whack it plays hell with your bottom line. Maybe the guy will have to sell some of that aerotech stock to buy gas, cause no matter the price of the car, you still gotta run it.
  12. Werd up. Use the search feature. It's been talked about here. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index.php?act=Search
  13. ok dude the 350 has too much power. when i drive in the city from red light to red light i feel like throwing up. when i accelerate i get thrown back into my seat...and when i brake i fly forward into my steering wheeling... the 350 is good for racing and off the light starts....ASSUMING theres not another red light close coming. 250 is more realistic for city and day to day commute. You have to get your foot educated. Then it's ok.
  14. I rode a Honda 90 to work all one summer, 20 miles one way. It would do 55 and got well over 100MPG. When it was foggy I'd carry a hanky in my sleeve to wipe the condensation off my glasses. Only got caught in the rain one time.
  15. Hey guys I am going to be picking up an IS this weekend...most likely. I really would like the HID option but i dont think any dealers in my area offer it so i will be stuck with the normal headlights that come on the stock model. Would that MTec kit work with those headlights? Sorry im not exactly a "car guy" so im not sure about any of this stuff. Also how hard are these things to install, again me being the anti "car guy" :D . Thanks! Get the H4 kit. Like I said, that's what I put in my IS. The install isn't that difficult, it's just a little more than installing new bulbs. There are several tutorials on the web that help.
  16. Why would you think you would do better in your IS than a Prius if size is your concern? Your IS is significantly smaller than the Prius. The Prius is a midsized car, same as an ES, Camry, or GS. The IS is a compact car. Look it up. I'd feel safer in the Prius, honestly. The Prius is a very, very safe car. People oftentimes say things like this and its just plain dumb. I make a lot of money, but that doesn't mean I have unlimited money or that I am unaffected by the rising costs of everything and the recession. Lets look at what I spend on gas. I fill up about 5 times a month. So at $40 a tank I'm spending $200 a month on gas. Now that it costs me $75 a tank I'm spending $375 a month on gas. $6 a gallon? $90-95 a tank, $475 a month. Thats an increase of $275 a month from what it was last year if gas goes to $6 a gallon. Now, I can certainly afford that but everything else increases in costs as well. My fiance has a $1,000 per month grocery and household budget which includes our dog food and cat food etc, our groceries, etc. Over the past two months she has been incapable of staying in that budget. Its not her fault, she's buying all the same stuff she's always bought, it just costs a *lot* more. So, we're going to have to increase that budget to $1200. I have a friend getting married in Mexico, Cancun. We can't get a flight down there for less than $1500 round trip. Why? Fuel prices. My utilities have gone up to $638 a month...and I live in a townhouse. Cable bill went up, gotta fuel those vehicles. Fuel prices have a huge effect on EVERYTHING in our lives and if you think you are immune because you make a good living, think again. If you think making a good living means that you shouldn't be concerned with what things cost and trying to get as much value as you can out of your income, then you like the vast majority of Americans are going to be in for a rude awakening at some point in your life. Thats why most Americans, regardless of their income, can never afford to retire and die worse than penniless. ********** Nice rant. I am do not consider my self immune to rising fuel costs and the repercussions throughout the economy. The question is what will you do differently and when is the breaking point, personally I think it is irrelevant for the reasons stated in the first paragraph of my earlier post. ON TOP OF THAT, this type of vehicle is a LUXURY purchase! So maybe lighten up on the hardship of buying dog food - we all get it. If you are driving a LUXURY car at the expense of your families real need your priorities are severely misguided. There is a difference between concern, complaining and more importantly action. You post makes no suggestions just complaints. I'm done. Here's my deal. I'm pretty well set but: When I indulge in a "luxury purchase", such as my IS350 the intitial price I pay one time and I'm done, expept for maintenance which I can pretty well predict. However items such as insurance and gasoline are recurring items that come right out of my wallet on a regular basis and when they increase I notice it and I complain about it. The car has been paid for since October of '05 and that's it. But now I'm paying over $50 to fill it up when I was paying around $30 or less. That hits me again and again. When I travel it hits my wallet even harder. Should I travel less, take shorter trips, stay in fleabag motels to offset this or what? Mainly it just *BLEEP*es me off and I don't need the aggravation. I suppose it could be worse. We could be discussing this on a Moped forum.
  17. If your stock lights are halogen, you can put a HID kit from Xenon depot or a Mtec HID kit from Ebay. I have the Mtec and it works just fine.
  18. Well you are alot younger then I am..... :) That is a joke sir... I am well aware of your seniority on the boards and in years... on me.... Actually I was going to quote the price from my grandaddy's gas stations in NY in the 1930s...0.11 9/10.... and that in photographs is almost as shocking as th 4.99 9/10 I saws in Miami a few weeks back! In the 40's I remember my dad pulling in to the gas station and telling them to put $2 worth of regular. That was his weekly gas stop.
  19. They topped off all the fluids and stuff when I had the car in for the fuel line TSIB at no charge. I get all the oil changes at the local privately owned oil change place and do all my own filter changes with parts from Irontoad.
  20. Line up the tabs with the slots in the shelf and push down and back.
  21. It depends on what base year you use for that 25 cent gas. I was still buying gas for 25 cents a gallon in 1959. That adjusts to $1.77
  22. The sensors stay in the wheels. If you don't have an alarm then they are ok. Bartkat - thanks for the information; I was worried that I lost my sensor capability. No alarms, but I will go check the air after work... Thanks LVB I had 4 tires put on with no sensor problems. Then I adjusted the PSI in the tires to what I wanted and everything is just fine.
  23. That's what I did. It's amazing how much cheaper it is to live when you don't work.
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