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Everything posted by bartkat

  1. Unconstructive criticism of management/moderators actions and statements will get you a long way on most any forum, be it automotive or otherwise. Did you ever stop to think that many or even most of the Toyota/Lexus TSB's might be preemptive fixes, just to keep the brand quality up? I expect many other manufacturers might just let things like that go and never put out a bulletin, or at least keep them in house, until of if they resulted in numerous or major problems down the road. So maybe the number for "our" cars might be higher than some other brand for that very reason.
  2. Wow..., now I've been reduced to a member "trying to play a cub reporter consumer advocate"... :( I've been duly admonished to "stop". And.... I don't even get awarded the distinction of a full fledged "cub", I'm only trying to "play" one!! :o It's interesting that when one of the members posts comments that has an opposing view, different experience, or just plain has an alternate perspective to the moderators' or management view on a certain topic of discussion, and the thread gets into expanded discussion, how quickly it becomes apparent that the member(s) with opposing views are put down. In many cases - just plain disrespectfully and with an arrogant condescending tone. bartkat, you may be the most knowledgeable person on this site on what is published on your Lexus, and since you so profoundly advocate self-education, perhaps your should open a manual and do some research into how to respect other members. B) My posts here, unless otherwise stated, are either my personal opinion or facts, just like any other member. Next time you buy a car or any other mechanical or electronic device perhaps you could go to the factory and sign off on each critical part before it's installed or added on to the product. Then there would be no one else to blame about not being informed.
  3. Bartkat, When you bought your IS and before signing the purchase documents -- did you open the Owner's Manual and read the part about the tire mileage? Let's do a survey.... how many people that buy a new car, before signing the documents, actually open up the Owner's Manual and read it before signing? The fact that it's published in a little blurb in the Owner's Manual doesn't change the fact, not does it justify, that most car buyers probably don't ask "How many miles will I get on those tires? It also doesn't make if OK that the tires, high performance or not, wear out in less than 20K miles on a supposedly high quality luxury 4-door sedan. 99.99% of the owners of an IS250 probably never drive it over 80 MPH and probably don't drive it hard enough to exceed the traction limits of ANY tire that would be recommended or available for this car in a proper weather condition application. Should you be an informed and enlightened consumer, heck yeah!! I studied all I could find about the car for over a year before it was introduced. When I went to buy the first one in I knew more about it than most, if not all of the people working at the dealership. All that stuff you people think are surprises were in magazine and online articles way before the cars hit the market. If not that, just go look on tire rack or someplace and see the treadwear ratings for tires of this type. Many people moved up from IS300's which had a much worse front tire wear thing than the 2nd gen cars. Stop trying to play cub reporter consumer advocate here and accept the fact that many people don't inform themselves prior to making the second biggest purchase they ever make, but then when they find stuff out, just like to whine and try to blame someone else for their own ignorance. Lots of those same people get a car with a manual and don't even read that. The evidence is posted all over this forum in the form of questions easily answered by just opening and reading that manual. There ain't nobody to blame here but the owners.
  4. The expected tire wear thing is published in several places including the owners manual. The brake pads on almost all IS350's ought to come under the brake dust/squeel TSB.
  5. I've done a search on seats, driver seat, ventilated seat and can't find the thread, can you tell me the search string? Thanks again. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...k+ri*BLEEP*hen7 ri*BLEEP*hen7
  6. There's a thread here that discusses that "problem" in depth. It turns out that a few people have the problem while most don't.
  7. In the early days of radial tires in the USA, most tires weren't as round as the previous generation of tires. Tire truing became a cottage industry where tires were put on a machine and made more round by actually removing some rubber as if on a lathe. One company went so far as to roll tires down a ramp to observe bouncing and sole the roundest tires at a premium price. As tire reinforcement technology advanced, many of the radial runout problems were solved. In some cases it was the car mfg practices what were !Removed! up tire performance and/or appearance. There's one hell of a lot more to tire construction than most people even think about. A tire is a complex composite structure and street tires area always a compromise design and not optimized for any given road condition. There are always going to be problems to solve and some tire companies might try to "get around" a problem rather than actually solve it. You don't need a road force balance to check for radial runout. All it takes is a roller dial guage and you can check roundness right on the car. Also turning the tire on the car might show other problems that aren't even tire related. Sez me in my expert worthwhile opinion as a retired chief fiber engineer for a major tire and rubber company.
  8. That noise is the timing chain and is covered by a TSB that's been out for a long time now. But you are right, in 50 years of owning new cars I never had a minute's trouble with a Ford or Chevy.
  9. You should use that pic as your avatar. :D
  10. A lot can happen in a few months. You can bend a rim or throw off a wheel weight most any time.
  11. Your work oder/invoice will tell what they did.
  12. Cupping and flat spotting can be the result of shock or other suspension problems that let the tires bounce on the highway.
  13. There was a TSB on some cars for a slight coolant leak. You might want to look that up.
  14. ri*BLEEP*hen7 strikes again. I hope his back don't hurt no mo.
  15. The battery number and how to change it is in the owner's manual.
  16. I just stay away from the management area during deer season. Deer get scared and head out of the woods and onto the road. Many deer/car meetings out there then with bad outcomes.
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