Wow..., now I've been reduced to a member "trying to play a cub reporter consumer advocate"... :(
I've been duly admonished to "stop". And.... I don't even get awarded the distinction of a full fledged "cub", I'm only trying to "play" one!! :o
It's interesting that when one of the members posts comments that has an opposing view, different experience, or just plain has an alternate perspective to the moderators' or management view on a certain topic of discussion, and the thread gets into expanded discussion, how quickly it becomes apparent that the member(s) with opposing views are put down. In many cases - just plain disrespectfully and with an arrogant condescending tone.
bartkat, you may be the most knowledgeable person on this site on what is published on your Lexus, and since you so profoundly advocate self-education, perhaps your should open a manual and do some research into how to respect other members. B)
My posts here, unless otherwise stated, are either my personal opinion or facts, just like any other member. Next time you buy a car or any other mechanical or electronic device perhaps you could go to the factory and sign off on each critical part before it's installed or added on to the product. Then there would be no one else to blame about not being informed.