out of shape? Are you kidding me..This is laughable at best. Now the All OEM is getting older, big time. So are the picture of dashboards from saber, opps monarch and the pictures of a brake rotor too. It is easy not to except new technology since it requires no thinking.
Not even bringing oil into it, there is a reason why some oil are higher priced them others. Make sure you use OEM Power Steering fluids, OEM air, OEM tires, OEM cable straps, OEM fluids, OEM, window cleaner, OEM care care kit, OEM, healights, OEM tools, OEM gas (do they make that???), OEM water for rad..... He pushes OEM more then the Lexus dealers!
But the picture as proof is great. What does it prove; again ZERO.
If people did some homework they can learn some information; more then posting a picture and saying this and that. Now post a picture with some proof (that is data that supports your claim), then you might have something.
Again, add information or data to support your thread. I can get a 2 year old to post a picture and say anything.
Are you sure??? Based on the data I found, there are more gear and belts them chains.
Please remove my quote from your post. It has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Thanks.