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Everything posted by amf1932

  1. Do wheels need to be realigned after the struts have been replaced? On most vehicles they do. Here's why: MacPherson struts are more than overgrown shock absorbers. They're an integral part of your vehicle's suspension. They replace the upper control arms and ball joints and serve as the steering pivots for the front wheels. When the strut assembly is unbolted and removed from the vehicle, the original alignment of the suspension is lost -- unless the position of the camber bolts and upper strut plate are first marked so they can be reinstalled in exactly the same position as before. But this only works if the same original strut is being put back into the car. If the strut is being replaced because it is leaking, damaged or worn out, the dimensions of the new strut will usually vary enough to cause a change in wheel alignment. So wheel alignment should at least be checked to see if adjustment is necessary (which it usually is). On some import cars, the struts are "rebuildable." The housing has a removable nut that allows the old guts inside to be dumped out and a new cartridge installed. On these vehicles, it should not be necessary to realign the wheels after rebuilding the strut.
  2. I would bring the key to a Lexus dealer and ask if they can replace it as a warranty problem. You might just get lucky. :)
  3. Because I don't feel like throwing $4.00 away! B)
  4. Next thing they'll probably eliminate is the electronic throttle. <_<
  5. Then do just that!!!!! Make use of your warranty for crying out loud. It should be honored at any Lexus dealership. Why do you put this off? Bay Ridge has been suggested to you multiple times. Go to there and explain all that has happened and all that was done. Ask them to do a drain test and see what they find out. If something comes up, ask the service manager to send a letter to the "snake in the grass" at Massapequa that failed to do this on multiple occassions. steviej ← nicksan- Wow!! I advised you to try Bay Ridge Lexus July 2004, so I don't have anymore sympathy for you or your problems. If you recall I went to the bother of contacting the Service Manager to tell them your "tales of woe", but you never found the time to follow it through!! I feel like a real !Removed! for even trying to help you out in the first place. Sorry pal.....I'm outa here.
  6. I have found a good average should be about 30PSI(Cold Inflation). This is for the factory standard size tires.
  7. I would think that the foam padding of a car with cloth seats has a different density then a car with leather seats, so before I would go to the hassle of re-upholstering the seats, I would do as 'monarch' suggested, and if that doesn't work out, I'd take it to an auto upholsterer to do the job correctly.
  8. SW03ES- I'm sorry that the only thing you did was to sit in the IS. Maybe the next time you go to your dealer you can take it for a drive and tell me your findings. :)
  9. In the USA auto manufacturers are only required by law to manufacture specialty body replacement parts for about 7 years. I don't know if this limitation is the same in Europe. Since this is the case, if your dog bites a hole in your door panel and replacement parts are not available, then you might have to fabricate this or other parts yourself......or go to a place that'll custom make these parts. Also, certain parts can be bought used at an auto wrecker or over the internet. Parts for the engine, braking , and suspension should be available from 'after market' parts manufacturers for a much longer time.....depending upon the need for these parts.
  10. What was the first year that Lexus automobiles were manufactured and sold in the USA or Canada?
  11. Here's the translation from Russian to English: About пленках. At toning automobile glasses we use the best metallized a film of the American manufacturers (Johnson, Suntek). Unlike not metallized, metallized a film have in the structure an additional layer напыления atoms of aluminium. The metallized layer protects a layer of a paint in structure of a film from burning out that allows to increase service life considerably. Such film in due course will not fade and will not crack. A shade of a film neutral (coal-black), not deforming surrounding validity, in difference from coloured films. Also such a film do not demand special leaving. They have special, steady to истиранию a layer.
  12. I'm not too familiar with the manual transmission in the Lexus's, but does this car have a hydraulic clutch release? If it does, did you check the fluid level in the clutch master cylinder? Also, the slave cylinder could be bad.(Leak down).
  13. I would have assumed that the factory equipped tires that originally came with your car had a fairly low rolling resistance compared to the MXV4s that you replaced them with, so I find your increase in mileage has to be due to some other factors. I would read this article from Tire Rack to see if you agree with their findings. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/tec...e.jsp?techid=29
  14. Personally, I would avoid using any wheel that was modified, especially a wheel that was drilled out. You're asking for a lot of aggrevation, even though I think that Lexus wheels are hub centric.
  15. This vibration is coming from your front disc brakes, so I would concentrate on getting this fixed before doing anything to your rear drum brakes. Of course you should check that you have sufficient brake lining on the rear brakes shoes and little scoring on the brake drums. Plus, you should also check the rear brake cylinders to make sure they're not leaking.
  16. Is this not something you noticed during your test drive? I honestly knew what we were getting into when we got the '02 because it drove the same after we bought it as it did before we bought it. I had also done research on it but since this is not my primary car(mine's the '98) it didn't bother me as much and I didn't see it as dangerous. Sure, it stinks, but a part of me feels like we whine so much about it over and over again (me included). If you REALLY hate it, sell it. Believe it or not the 02-05's are bringing good money. Just my two cents, not trying to step on anybody's toes or anything. ← I was aware that they had this problem in the '02 ES's, but I was told by the salesman that it was corrected in the '03's. I never test drove the '03, figuring that the transmission was at least as good as my '94 ES that I traded in......my mistake. This IS my primary car and I don't feel that the losses I'd incur with selling this car at this point negates my selling this '03 after such a short time. It doesn't make economic sense to lose over $10K after only 2½ years of ownership, and 14K mileage.
  17. It didn't take me several weeks! I noticed this problem immediately as I drove off the first time from my dealer.
  18. I would go to your friendly Lexus dealer for those parts. This way you know you'll be getting OEM parts which will fit exactly.
  19. You'll have to purchase the newest Navigation DVD to have the latest information available, but that's no guarantee that the POI that you're looking for will be listed. Lexus Corporation usually releases the new DVD's in November, so you'll have to check with your dealer.
  20. Sorry to hear about your problem, but when I started this thread in 2003 I had the exact problems that you're having. I've had the transmission re-flashed twice to try to correct it, but all it did was change certain characteristics of the shifting, but never, was it what I considered, a good, smooth, transmission. As said by others, this could be caused by the electronic throttle......but I never believed it! You'll have to live with this idiosyncrasy or sell the car. :( P.S. I've used both regular and premium fuel and it didn't make a difference in the crappy shifting.
  21. I think you're a little mixed up with the purpose of a trap. The purpose of a trap is to prevent gases from backing up into a sink. Leaves can clog up any kind of trap.......but how do they get there in the first place.......unless the sink is out in the open and then you try flushing the leaves into the drain. :)
  22. It probably was just a coincidence that caused your car to react in this way. This slight change in the octane rating wouldn't cause it. Even if you changed back to 91 or 93 I think this problem will continue. I agree what branshew said in the above post.
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