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Everything posted by amf1932

  1. That's news to me! No Lexus factory alarms ever had glass break detection. <_<
  2. I think that it's mainly caused by paranoia. I used to block my plate # also....but not anymore. :) I also wondered why a lot of LOC's members fail to put any information in their profiles.......simple things like where they live, the year & model of their car(s), etc.
  3. I was stationed at Fort Drum, Watertown, NY about 1951, before shipping out to Korea. At the time I was at this encampment it was called Camp Drum. I was with the 306th. Special Service unit. My rank was Captain....er, Private, oh I forgot which. hehe Good luck
  4. Yup......that's exactly what the newest update does to the shifting pattern. That's why I feel like the fuel economy will be compromised, especially when you're driving around town. I was originally impressed by this update, but now I don't think it's so great. When I drive my wife's 2001 Toyota Corolla it does exactly what I want it to do.......it shifts like a dream, with no hunting for the right gear.....and that car cost me about a third of what my "State of the Art" Lexus cost. I think that Lexus should get their priorities straight!
  5. Wrong on all points! If I can't rely on my own experiences then who's experiences can I rely on? I am definitely NOT predisposed in looking for people using cell phones, driving in a manner that I consider hazardous. They are in their own world and not concentrating on the main thing that they should be concentrating on.....DRIVING! I've been driving every type of motor vehicle, including motorcycles, scooters, semi's, trucks, whatever, for over 60 years with a 100% clean record, so I think I'm able to judge when I see somebody who's driving like an a-hole, and recently the most times I see them, they're holding a phone to their ear. I make my own judgements, but when I see this type of proof in news articles it just reinforces my beliefs! One other thing....I use a hands free cellphone on occasion while driving and it DOES take away some of my driving concentration. This argument can go on forever.....and you can't convince me, and I can't convince you so at this point I give up.
  6. News story or not, there have been countless times that drivers in other cars using cellphones almost hit me! They were either drifting over into my lane on parkways or went thru full stop signs or traffic signals. Their concentration while driving was definitely compromised. It just so happens I had a narrow escape yesterday! Everybody is not as adept as you when it comes to using a cellphone while driving. <_<
  7. How much clearer does this have to be spelled out! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8545779/
  8. Do what we do on my website........see if the poster recently registered, and if his first posting had absolutely nothing to do with what the site is all about.....delete the post and possibly ban him/her. Our moderators and administrators do this immediately! We don't stand for this type of crap! P.S. I noticed that you guys just did it. Good job. :) Now you should detete the entire thread.
  9. I hate new members on this board that have absolutely NOTHING to offer, except to advertise. Come on moderators & administrators, lets keep this board for members that have questions or answer questions!! :chairshot:
  10. Show me this so called "research" you're talking about!
  11. There should be a description in your 'Owners Manual' about changing this filter. I have an '03 ES and it's covered fully in my manual.
  12. Same problem here! If you get an answer from Lexus, please post. As I said in the original thread about transmissions.....I felt that this newest update would definitely impact on your fuel mileage. I wish they could undo this newest upgrade because living with it for about a month I really hate it!! I want to go back to the previous flash. :cries:
  13. nicksan- I once suggested Bay Ridge Lexus to you. Did you ever go there, and if you did, how did you find their service?
  14. I'm the biggest supporter of not running higher octane than the engine needs you'll find, that being said... Personally, I wouldn't run 87 in a 1mz-fe anyways. Over-active knock sensors are a big problem on them. That's just me. Yall might not, but I have run across them loosing 10-20hp in the mid-high rpm powerband too many times. ;) ← Like I said.....I NEVER had any problems with 87 Octane in over 50K miles of driving........never heard a ping(pre-ignition). Believe me, if I did I would of immediately switched back to a higher octane. :)
  15. If you read the 1994 Owners Manual you'll see that the fuel requirements are 87 Octane Rating NOT 91 Octane Rating! You're mixing up the 'Octane Rating' with the 'Research Octane Number' which is 91. I know this as a fact since I bought a new 1994 ES in 1994 and this question about octanes was brought up then. I used premium fuel(91 Octane) for about 1 year and then switched to regular fuel(87 Octane) for the remaining time I owned this car with absolutely NO problems. My fuel economy did not suffer in the least, nor did the performance.
  16. Hmmm........I can't understand this statement since 'Consumers Reports' and other Cellphone emags always gives Verizon top marks for all around service. ← No offense, but I don't care what Consumer Reports says or anyone else for that matter, VZW sucks in Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. I've never dropped more calls and spent more on roaming in all of my life...not to mention their shoddy business practices and esn blacklists. I should have gone with Cingular. :chairshot: ← No offense taken, but before I had Verizon I had Cingular, T-Mobile, and Sprint. When I drove cross country using these carriers I had a lot of roaming charges, plus numerous dropped calls. With Verizon I only had 1 roaming charge going thru certain areas of Wisconsin. So far I haven't had any negative dealings with Verizon.....but I had with the other aforementioned companies. I guess I was just lucky. hehe :D
  17. Hmmm........I can't understand this statement since 'Consumers Reports' and other Cellphone emags always gives Verizon top marks for all around service.
  18. Verizon - LG VX4500(no camera) I love the speakerphone and also the voice recognition feature of this phone. In my car, all I do is clip the phone to my sun visor, flip open the phone cover, say the name of the person I'm calling and it connects. I don't need any additional equipment to talk "hands free". I didn't want, or need a built in camera that takes crappy pictures. I use my digital camera for this purpose.......AND it doesn't cost me anything to download the pictures to my computer. :)
  19. It's one of the sensors for the 'climate control' that makes fine temperature adjustments for the operation of this system.
  20. A quick test is to turn on the dome light and then try to start the car. If the dome light dims a lot and the starter still makes a clicking sound I would 'load test' the battery and check the battery terminal ends for corrosion. If these tests are OK, and you pull the starter, I would check the contacts on the starter solenoid. In many cases these contacts are burned out. You should be able to get replacements at your parts dealer. The rest of the starter motor might be fine.
  21. By any chance did you look in the trunk where the lug wrench is stowed? There should be a little clip on this wrench that holds the key.
  22. This is a job for Bay Ridge Lexus. :D
  23. Actually, the traffic was on Saturday. Whether the throttle linkage is mechanical or electronic it should serve the same purpose....to open up the valve that controls the engine speed. What has the load on the engine got to do with it? This is what I don't understand???
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