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Do You Trust Our Government?


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Considering the events of the last 8 months, I find that government has now reached a boiling point of corruption. Finally the media when backed to the wall, is even starting to do some reporting showing the lack of leadership, illegal activities as related to the IRS, Benghazi, and AP scandal. Our government has obviously grown so large and become so power hungry that our rights are being destroyed, and our trust has been destroyed. This administration through there dragging there feet when caught with illegal activities under Eric Holder is an example of bad government. I feel there should be a special prosecutor appointed to be bi-partisan in handling all of these activities. Any justice under Eric Holder is a joke. What do you guys think?

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It is AWFUL! Even at the local level. We have more mayors in court than citizens. I don't know what to do to stop it. I'm so sick of watching what is being done with my tax dollars.

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Oh yea, local is another whole story....seems just about every government entity forgot that they are not a business, produce no products, but spend like drunken sailors. (sorry my fellow shipmates) and yes there is corruption there also from golden handshakes of officials with outrageous salaries. The integrity once held by government workers is lost when so many exploit there positions for self importance instead of being a humble servant of the people.

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I think we need some good ole '60s style protests. :angry:

Social Security and the healthcare bother me more than any other issues. I will be 60 next year. I have worked hard and paid into the system since I was 18. I'm sick of hearing the word "entitlement". Nobody is entitled to anything. You work for what you have. I wish I had all the money I put into SS and I had invested in it Apple stock. I would have a lot of Lexus's then. (Is plural of Lexus Lexi?)


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I too am worried about healthcare, social security, and thank you for your work ethics... Unfortunately anything government is allowed to run when gone wild is a disaster. Oh I wish I had invested in Intel back in 1974.........

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We have the government we deserve fellows. For each of the topics you complain about are the results of people we elected to represent us. And that means BOTH Repulicans and Democrats. At this point in time, given the performance of the congress over the last 18 months, (that is EVERY member of congress regardless of party) I feel have been childish, power hungry, and most of all, spending all their time trying to make someone else look bad or pin the blame on someone else. Even within their own parties they in fight and play pin the blame, and the President can't seem to moxy enough leadership to get them off the dime.

There is enough blame to go around, but in the end it is up to us We put them there, now put THEIR feet to the fire for a change.

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I too agree with the fact that our Congressional as well as administration is sick. But the sad part is the Americans have drank the cool aid and vote for the idiots that give them the most entitlements. Next will be the legalization of illegals to get their vote. Our government is so power hungry that they forgot whom makes the money that supports their spending....Because of this I no longer affiliate with either party, but look as and independent.

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Now we know how the patriots felt when they dumped tea in Boston Harbor.....God Bless America on this day of Armed Forces Day. Thank a VET

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Consider also thanking your Senator or Representative in Congress for being such a good example for our children on what it means to truly love one another.

Like when they vote to give themselves the best healthcare plan in the country, free to them! And, they get to keep it even if they loose an election and are no longer in congress. This Cadilliac health care coverage is theirs for life. Is yours?

This is all the while these same "forked tounge" sweet hearts !Removed! and moan about not being able to afford to provide even very basic coverage for all americans. There is a really big elephant in the room.


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Seems to me there are 535 useless people in the government....I would rather take bums off the street and let them make the decisions that are necessary.

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And exactly how is all this Lexus-related? Can we keep this forum focused on what's supposed to be? There are other ways and avenues to vent your feelings.

But just to clear the air: all these tax -exempt "social welfare" (???) organizations, crying of oppression and discrimination, are all BS, deep and unadulterated. Money, unlimited money, in our political system, are destroying the country.

So now, back to our Lexuses...

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And exactly how is all this Lexus-related? Can we keep this forum focused on what's supposed to be? There are other ways and avenues to vent your feelings.

Yes, thank you for coming in after 4 posts and admonishing the top posters and administration of the site for discussing a certain topic.

As Jim said, this is the Club Lounge forum, for off topic discussions. If you only want to discuss Lexus thats fine, stay out of this forum.

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Well this trio of fraud and deceit is amazing. The answers are I don't know, I cant remember, I don't recall, I had nothing to do with that. I plead the fifth but I am innocent. No one in this government has any morals, conscience, or honesty. And yet the average young person doesn't have a clue of whom, what, or where the government is standing. Heck most don't even know whom the vice president is. This shows the sad state of our colleges and what they teach and the lost of knowledge of our basic rights. If it isn't on you tube, they know nothing also. These are sad and very alarming details of corruption and cover up. Sadly the media is still 100% supporting this administration. So much for real reporting...and welcome the clueless.

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I 'm feeling light headed and confused. I feel dazed and dizzy. I think I actually agree with Lenore, for the most part. Will it last?

Much of what all of us are feeling is a sense of frustration at watching two trains on the same track, steaming at full speed toward one another, and ther'es nothing we can do about it, but watch the enevitable destruction.

At the time of Obama's last State of the Union address before Congress, he had a 49% approval rating. Congress had a 2-3% approval rating. Now, you would think that with that almost on the floor approval rating, Congress would have taken a hint and pulled together to pass some legislation that would have been important and popular with we voters. Instead, the Republicans continued their strategy of blocking and trying to make Obama look bad regardless of the importance of the legislation. The Democrats simply did nothing.

Then came the elections. You and I, the voters cast our votes and that was important. But during the campaign, with the blessing of the Supreme Court, the voters had no idea who they were voting for. The corporations, PACs, private billionares,foundations, lobyist, bankers, Wall Street, etc. had thrown in hundreds of miilions if not billions of dollars to shape, twist, mislead, and package the candidates so that you really had no way of telling who was who.

I have no idea how to get control back, because I have no money to buy the influence. But looking back, all things run in cycles. This too shall pass. If we survive the cycle.

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