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I'm Getting Married Saturday!


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Relax and enjoy. Just think, you won't have to figure what to wear or what to do anymore. It'll all be mapped out for you now. lol. Just kiddn'. Congrats! :cheers: Normal to have the jitters before the big day. But seriously, relax and enjoy. Otherwise you'll miss being there and won't remember anything except what your new mother in law reminds you about! :lol: Oh yeah, and get yourself a good dolly for the ball and chain, it gets heavy after a while. :lol: lol

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Don't think about it, don't worry about it, don't, don't, don't..... Just enjoy it, becuase no matter what, something will always be off a little, and if you let it, it can mark the memory of the day with a negative. Just let it be, and enjoy the moment! Don't try and memorize anything, because you won't remember any of it when the time comes. Getting married is one of those moments in your life where the moment itself will dictate the words, the actions, and the feelings. No amount of preperation will even come close. When I got married back in 06', everything was perfect, the location, the food, the weather, even the two swans that floated by the gazebo just as we were saying our vows. But, as murphy likes to impose his laws at the right time, as we were saying our vows a big-!Removed! bumble bee came in and buzzed around us. My wife is deathly affraid of bees! But, she grinned and beared it through, and now just laughs at that bee. So, no matter what happens, just know that something will always be off just a little.

Be "the man" of the day, go into it with that attitude in your head and enjoy the spotlight. Remember, it's your day, and everyone there is there to applaud you and your new wife! It's about you and her, only. So, just enjoy it and have fun! It's a kick-!Removed! feeling!

PS: That theory of consumating the marriage that night...well....GOOD LUCK! You guys will be so tired and spent from all the adrenaline running through your system....little comando will probably be on R n' R. It happens...and it's better in the morning anyway!

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Oh yeah, and get yourself a good dolly for the ball and chain, it gets heavy after a while. :lol: lol

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... classic! lol ...id tell the wife to be so she could get a chuckle too, but i'm not that brave... lol... thanks for the kind words so far!

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Good for you Flop! :cheers: Although, I'm not married, my sister just got married March 08, we live together, I was in the wedding party, so I got to hear about it all, and was there in the planning LOL. Just like the rest of the guys said, enjoy it. Try to not get all caught up in the minute details that don't go precisely as planned. Your fiancee probably is holding the reigns to the wedding for the most part, and will want everything just so. If you guys keep in mind that it is about you guys starting your new life together, you'll notice that it makes things a bit easier. Plus, it all goes by so fast, you probably won't notice. Hopefully, you guys have some sharp people in your wedding party who can deal with any "crisis" that may come up. In fact, just incase they don't know, tell them they're going to deal with it, and solve the problem should it arrise. With you feeling nervous about the whole thing in general, when you and your groomsmen are getting dressed you guys will be excited, and being guys, toasting, having drinks (don't get trashed). It all turns out great you'll see.

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...and i'm starting to get nervous as hell...... any tips you guys and girls can give me???

Oh you poor bugger! Lol.....J/K! :lol: Congrats! Been married 4 1/2 years myself & a 14 month old Son......wouldn't trade it for the world bud! B)

When you ask for tips....did you want tips on the actual wedding day or marriage in general lol? :lol:

The actual wedding day will seem like a blur to both you & your bride. We had a fairly quick ceremony which was awesome. Agreed....don't get hammered (request your best man follows the same pattern). Other than that, a few deep breaths & enjoy your day! ;)


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Congratulations!! I'd also agree on not getting wasted. You don't want to make a fool of yourself or your new bride on your wedding day! hahaha.

Good luck man! :cheers:

Ps. Oh yeah...don't forget the pre-nup!!! hahaha jk :lol:

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well generally in situations like this i get super paranoid and break out in a sweat... anxiety anxiety anxiety...... plus i get distracted very very easy.... i don't know... i just freak out in new situations.... i did the same thing back in college every time i walked into a class room... and the people in the class room weren't there for ME....

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Sounds like you've just got stage fright, and not actually worried about things going wrong. If thats that case, then all you've got to do is show up and everything falls in it's place! :D :D :cheers: :D :D Keep thinking, you won't actually be there alone, your best man and groomsmen will be with you until your fiancee is next to you. It'll turn out great.

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The difference between what you normally feel in a public setting like you described above, and your wedding, is all in the reason why people are there. In a normal public setting like the one that makes you nervous, people are usually in a judgmental mood, looking to focus on something negative about someone else to make themselves feel better. It's human nature to be in a "defensive" frame in those kinds of situations. But at your wedding, you're not walking into a room of strangers, nor a situation where everyone is uncomfortable and on edge to begin with. Instead, you're walking into a room of friends and family, and who are not in defensive moods to begin with, but rather a supportive mood, for you and the bride! Just think of it as walking into your own house party, not a strange classroom or stage infront of a bunch of strangers. Just watch man, you'll see, the second the ball gets rolling, you'll feel quite comfortable actually and really enjoy the moment. All grooms (and brides) get a little nervous during the lead-up to the big day, and within a few minutes everything that you thought would make you nervous, makes you comfortable. For me, my nerves hit the day before during the rehersal. After that, it was nothing but a great moment in my life, and I had a BLAST! You will too!

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The difference between what you normally feel in a public setting like you described above, and your wedding, is all in the reason why people are there. In a normal public setting like the one that makes you nervous, people are usually in a judgmental mood, looking to focus on something negative about someone else to make themselves feel better. It's human nature to be in a "defensive" frame in those kinds of situations. But at your wedding, you're not walking into a room of strangers, nor a situation where everyone is uncomfortable and on edge to begin with. Instead, you're walking into a room of friends and family, and who are not in defensive moods to begin with, but rather a supportive mood, for you and the bride! Just think of it as walking into your own house party, not a strange classroom or stage infront of a bunch of strangers. Just watch man, you'll see, the second the ball gets rolling, you'll feel quite comfortable actually and really enjoy the moment. All grooms (and brides) get a little nervous during the lead-up to the big day, and within a few minutes everything that you thought would make you nervous, makes you comfortable. For me, my nerves hit the day before during the rehersal. After that, it was nothing but a great moment in my life, and I had a BLAST! You will too!

never thought of it like that..... you should be a counselor or something.... thanks!

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No problem amigo! Just one other piece of advice....don't get arrested at the batchelor party...especially if it's the night before. We have a family friend who couldn't get ahold of her soon-to-be husband the night before the wedding....because he was in jail on a dui from leaving the strip club. Said "nobody drives my car but me", even though he was the only one drunk out of the 4. You want to talk about one icey reception after the ceremony. He told her while in the limo from the service to the reception...

Nice move, eh? The only "lucky" he was hoping for on his wedding night was to still be breathing the next morning. That was one ticked-off bride!

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The only thing that made me nervous was when it came time to give the 'speach'.......I'd rather stick a pen in my eye than speak in a room of 200+ people......even though I know them all. :blink: lol


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If all else fails...or you're dealing with a BrideZilla.....proceed to do as done, not as said. See photo for guidance.... :cheers:

And, prepare yourself for the reality of your crap is CRAP, and her crap is gold. Don't care if you live together or not. The second she gets that wedding ban on her finger, "our place" instantly becomes "her place", you just sleep there. But, one benefit is the ability to !Removed! like a WAR-GOD in the kitchen, living room, den, bedroom, garage, car, isles 4-13 at Target, all wooden seats, etc... but never at mom's house.


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If all else fails...or you're dealing with a BrideZilla.....proceed to do as done, not as said. See photo for guidance....:cheers:

And, prepare yourself for the reality of your crap is CRAP, and her crap is gold. Don't care if you live together or not. The second she gets that wedding ban on her finger, "our place" instantly becomes "her place", you just sleep there. But, one benefit is the ability to !Removed! like a WAR-GOD in the kitchen, living room, den, bedroom, garage, car, isles 4-13 at Target, all wooden seats, etc... but never at mom's house.

Lol nc! :lol:


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...one more and I'll stop....

all of those "special" things she use to do when in private...you know, that "thing" you really like that makes the toes curl...that "thing" ole' Bubba Clinton got in trouble for....


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You obviously didn't choose wisely, nc211....

I will have been married 29 years come October, and I just got one of those "special" toe-curling things this morning when I stepped out of the shower and she was sitting on the edge of the bed and told me that she was looking forward to some sausage for breakfast. It's taken me most of the day to recover, but hell, I'm not complaining....

I suggest you try approaching your wife when you're right out of the shower - it's amazing what some soap and water can do for getting you what you really want....

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Dude...that's a bit more info than anybody needs to know!

You've ruined Waffle House for me now.

If you ever meet my wife, I think you'd realize I made an excellent choice.

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