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My folks say they're seeing $2.79 outside of Tulsa! A DOLLAR less than here!

It's coming guys, I'm not kidding.... we're positioned to really break the gas price grip. I'm not saying there aren't some serious flaws in the economic engine right now, but some of it is also due to "emotional" plays...aka..fear and lack of confidence. Those two components can be quickly addressed with an election. I'm hoping my theory over the past year relating to post-election bounce is true. Because if it is, and we're at $2.70 a gallon on gas...we've got a real shot at really giving gas prices a real punch in the nose!

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I'm not sure the election will produce an immediate bounce. Although both Obama & McCain reiterate that there are fundamental differences between them, their policies toward the stock market are similar. Though their economic/tax policies may differ, the impact on what the market will do will be minimal. I think investors are looking for some stability and for the correction to bottom out. This cycle occurs every 8 years or so regardless of who's in office.

Nevertheless, I think you're right in that it should swing around, but it may take up to 18 mths because it's now a global situation and some countries are better able to deal with it than others. I fear this Christmas season will be tough for retailers.

If the interest rate drops another .25 of a point before then, the dollar should stop sliding and gas prices should continue to fall or level out. Though gas prices are usually tied to the dollar, if we all resume our old driving habits because of the lower price, then the renewed demand will push the price back up again regardless of where the dollar is pegged. Just sayin it would be nice to hammer the nail once in a while instead of watching the fuel gauge all the time.

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. . . . . snip

It no longer matters who wins the election...our actions of the past 7 years will dominate any and all policies of any sitting president for the next decade. We've been punched, bruised, accused, blaimed, and used. But...we ain't been hung-out-to-dry. No sir. We're about to enter a period of INCREADIBLE growth! You watch....we're about to be "the" party guest.

Please excuse me . . . I hope you don't mind if I forgo holding my breath, and hop on one leg, while I wait for the increadible growth ... and the party.

History always repeats itself. There was a time when everyone wanted to be Roman, too. Just prior to the dark ages. Some say it won't be that bad 'next time'. I at least go that far.

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. . . . . snip

It no longer matters who wins the election...our actions of the past 7 years will dominate any and all policies of any sitting president for the next decade. We've been punched, bruised, accused, blaimed, and used. But...we ain't been hung-out-to-dry. No sir. We're about to enter a period of INCREADIBLE growth! You watch....we're about to be "the" party guest.

Please excuse me . . . I hope you don't mind if I forgo holding my breath, and hop on one leg, while I wait for the increadible growth ... and the party.

History always repeats itself. There was a time when everyone wanted to be Roman, too. Just prior to the dark ages. Some say it won't be that bad 'next time'. I at least go that far.

Dude, what?

Don't worry amigo, I doubt you'll be invited anyway.....

by the way....the sky is falling, the sky is falling. We're all going to die too, the world will burn, disease is everywhere, we're all going to kill ourselves. The sun is going to scorch our kids to death, my son's puppy will be eaten by a wolf, life sucks, it's all bad, we're all doomed, except for you thanks to your solar panels and hybrid cars.

Go read a history book, followed by a few courses in economics 101 and finance 101.

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. . . . . snip

It no longer matters who wins the election...our actions of the past 7 years will dominate any and all policies of any sitting president for the next decade. We've been punched, bruised, accused, blaimed, and used. But...we ain't been hung-out-to-dry. No sir. We're about to enter a period of INCREADIBLE growth! You watch....we're about to be "the" party guest.

Please excuse me . . . I hope you don't mind if I forgo holding my breath, and hop on one leg, while I wait for the increadible growth ... and the party.

History always repeats itself. There was a time when everyone wanted to be Roman, too. Just prior to the dark ages. Some say it won't be that bad 'next time'. I at least go that far.

Dude, what?

Don't worry amigo, I doubt you'll be invited anyway.....

by the way....the sky is falling, the sky is falling. We're all going to die too, the world will burn, disease is everywhere, we're all going to kill ourselves. The sun is going to scorch our kids to death, my son's puppy will be eaten by a wolf, life sucks, it's all bad, we're all doomed, except for you thanks to your solar panels and hybrid cars.

Go read a history book, followed by a few courses in economics 101 and finance 101.

First, I didn’t mean to get anyone’s feelings hurt, by stating via a humor statement (hoping on one leg), so I ask your forgiveness for any offense taken. My opinion was meant to be delivered in a neutral manner … not condescending. That said ... although my Doctor’s degree is in law, my bachelor’s degree WAS in business … so I have had econ 101, and a bunch more. History is/was my favorite subject though, actually. Anywho, there are a ton more economists on the ‘down’ view, than there are on the ‘up’ view, so they stand in the majority. I'm not refering to the johnny-come-lately predictions, but rather the economists that base their views off of decades of data. And at the beginning of October 1929 one could have ‘poo poo’d the storm clouds on the horizon. Time proved those doom & gloom sayers true. I merely point out that not too long after many predicted glorious times a few weeks ago … and a few months ago … that the future WILL unfold in a manner corresponding to how our economy has been run for the last 75 years. For those that think it’s going to be a party? Again, I merely think that time will tell. No hard feelings?

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I've said all I'm going to say on this thread. I've stated my points, I've made my predictions, I've got nothing left to offer. Now, time will tell if I'm right or wrong. Right now, I'm feeling the overwhelming desire to just f8ck it all, burn the entire damn thing down to the ground, and start over. Starting with burning every foreclosed house I can find to the ground, pulling every penny I've got out of the bank, blowing up the oil pumps in Venuezuala (or however you spell that sh*t hole place), dumping 50 daisy-cutter MOAB bombs in the NW Pakistan area and kill every single last one of them *BLEEP*s, pulling every troop we've got around the world back home, going to defcon 1 with every nuke missle we've got on hair-triggers, and go on a witch hunt for every elected official in the land, starting with Nancy Pelosi. And execute every single last b*stard who's purposely screwed their fellow countrymen, immediately. So...I'm just gonna bow out for awhile and cool off..be back later.

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I've said all I'm going to say on this thread. I've stated my points, I've made my predictions, I've got nothing left to offer. Now, time will tell if I'm right or wrong. Right now, I'm feeling the overwhelming desire to just f8ck it all, burn the entire damn thing down to the ground, and start over. Starting with burning every foreclosed house I can find to the ground, pulling every penny I've got out of the bank, blowing up the oil pumps in Venuezuala (or however you spell that sh*t hole place), dumping 50 daisy-cutter MOAB bombs in the NW Pakistan area and kill every single last one of them *BLEEP*s, pulling every troop we've got around the world back home, going to defcon 1 with every nuke missle we've got on hair-triggers, and go on a witch hunt for every elected official in the land, starting with Nancy Pelosi. And execute every single last b*stard who's purposely screwed their fellow countrymen, immediately. So...I'm just gonna bow out for awhile and cool off..be back later.

Nc, Need a partner ? :cheers:

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Lol, ok good!

All I know is I've stayed out of this thread for a LONG time then I open it up and someone is giving NC attitude! Hahaha

I was like wow read one of his other 234567654 posts in this thread!!!!!!!! hahahahah

My apologies. Glad to hear you were just kidding around lol B)

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Jcrome, my man! Hahaha... Well, I've cooled off a bit. I had a pretty crap week last week, starting off with my boss notifying me he's retiring in Jan. In an office of just 2, that's not a good thing. Plus, in my line of work "commercial real estate lending", this ain't exactly the time to be job hunting. But, I've been reassured the home office isn't going to close this office, and we'll most likely replace him with an external canidate. So, we'll see what happens. I'm a little rattled, but now's the time to play it cool and exploit the opportunity to shine. But, we're not sleeping all too well right now.

I've got good news though....in my utter frustration last week with everything, I decided that I was going to get this damn economy going one way or another. So, I grabbed the family, pilled into the 4runner, went and filled up with premium, got the $10 car wash, and headed to the outlet malls. Gentlemen, let me tell you something, NOW is the time to shop! On paper, we saved far more then we spent. We got over $1,200 worth of clothes, for $450 bucks. My son has clothes for the next year, I picked up several pairs of slacks, shirts, shoes, sweaters, cologne. Wife loaded up too. 25% off tag, plus an additional 40-50% off the total ticket. And, every store in the mall had "help wanted" signs up. Place was slammed! RX, I'm talking about Smithfield. So, I did my part to get money flowing again.

I've got better news.... I'm not completely sold on these reports, much as I was never sold at the $200 a barrel reports either, but analysts are starting to say oil could very well hit $30 - $40 a barrell! They're saying this not because of the ole' supply and demand arguement, but because Iraq is starting to return to the table. They're holding the world's largest auction this week for something like 75 billion barrells of oil producing fields, with Shell and ExxonMobile in the lead on bids! They're also saying the "drill, baby drill" chant from this nation is starting to ring through the markets. They said it won't be for a few months, but it certainly has the potential, especially with Iraq's supply coming to market in the non-opec format. That's kickass!

There's no doubt we're in some unreal times right now, with a lot of work ahead of us. Historically, all but one meltdown normally averages a 62 week recovery period. I think we'll be beyond that with this one, but do think much of this is due to "fear and lack of confidence". Poor fundamentals triggered it, but the emotional plays have expanded it to levels of "uh, something doesn't smell right about this". I read a report from an analyst I like last week that highlighted certain triggers to know when we're at the bottom. He said the individual investor is almost always the last player to leave the field "and last on the field too". He said when we start seeing the daytraders leaving, and start seeing the big buyers swooping in, we'll know we're either at the bottom or very close to it. I think we're close to it. With sooo much sell-off, effectively making the market over-sold, big boys are starting to buy now for long-term holds. Long-term holds are a good thing, that signals confidence, and reduces some of this craziness in record-breaking swings.

I say we just sit tight, get through this election, and then start busting our butts with the recovery. I think the economy vehicle is bouncing between guardrails at the moment, and there is just no way to fix that until this 8 year platform we've been on, is replaced. For anyone who's entering the job market now, have a business degree "finance specifically" and wondering where to look, I offer you just two words....Asset Management. Commercial Real Estate is starting be thought of as the next shoe to drop in this mess. If that happens "is now slowly", new loan production will be converted to asset management. With as much volume that has occured over the years, lenders will be "working out" deals that are in trouble for several years to come. The fed will handle the residential, but the private sector will certainly handle the commercial. I'm predicting a large amount of new jobs will created in that field. Banks, Insurance companies, some Fannie/Freddie conduits, state pension funds, etc... Just look in those areas to catch the scent.

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I agree with you - strong asset management/project management types will always be in demand, just not nearly as much right now. But when things begin to noticeably turn around perhaps in Q1/Q2 2009, more of those jobs should open up....

Thanks for the tip about outlet shopping in Smithfield. For more than 25 years we've hit the outlets in Burlington right off I-40 (Exit 145) as we've traveled back and forth from my mother's house in High Point. But when all you wear (meaning me) is t-shirts and gym shorts and trail-hiking shoes, I really haven't had a need to stop there for at least five years. And they never carry anything in my required size 15 shoe anyway - they just stare down at my feet and laugh when I leave the store. Our 29th wedding anniversary is next Tuesday and we traditionally have dinner at the Angus Barn. Next Tuesday night will be the first time that I will wear real slacks, a real, collared shirt with buttons, and real leather shoes that don't tie up with laces thus far in 2008. I could probably negotiate my way in wearing a t-shirt and shorts but I know my wife would finally see that as the last straw in our marriage and kill me in my sleep with a fireplace poker later that night while I'm snoozing with a belly full of the Angus Barn's fantastic pork ribs....

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We're in the $60's range on barrell prices now! :cheers: :D :lol:

The closer we get to E'-day, the more it keeps dropping...of course, so does the stock market and general economy, but still, sometimes you've got to ignore the dough and count the chocolate chips of a cookie, to keep your sanity.

Gee, I wonder were all of those investment bank analysts are from just 90 days ago saying it was sure to pass $200 by this time.... :whistles:

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So how much are you guys usually paying to fill up your IS 350? its preimum of course so how many gal does it take and how much a month aprox? in california north bay (centra/ bay area) with gas brand and how much price a gal?

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