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Got A Speeding Ticket, Even With Radar Detector On!


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Tailing a cop has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. The county mounties here would likely drag you out the car and try to beat some sense in to you (and rightfully so) for comitting such a mindless act. It even sounds like the cops are going out of their way to help you by writing lower speeds on your tickets. You should leave 5 minutes earlier so that you can stay less than 10mph over the posted limits like most drivers, so you can stay out of trouble. Besides, it can't be that much fun to speed in a RX??

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You could of asked for PBJ but since you have a ticket now forget it. The tickets will hurt you on your insurance but if you carrier doesn't check you record then you will not have to worry about it. Most preferred companies don't check your record that often. Mine has not been pulled in over 3 years, and that is how long the ticket will stay on your record in MD. So my rate would not have went up at all if I had gotten a ticket.

I speed some too man but...I alway and I mean always take it to court. I never use an attorney and I have gotten PBJ every time that I have asked for it. PBJ - probation before judgment. You pay ticket and court cost and the ticket but you get probation for whatever length of time the judge gives you, and as long as no other tickets it is thrown out. I would never use an attorney for a speeding ticket, unless of course I had an accident that was my fault.

Now as far as speeding...I am guilty as anyone about this but I do try to use common sense...riding a cops a s s and telling him that he was speeding is not going to help you get a warning which is something that you should always ask for. Best of luck to you with everything...

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so... nc... how many high speed police chases have you been in??? You seem to speak from experience here! :cheers:

Hahaa.... :whistles:

None, thanks to my lawyer! :lol:

That includes the great states of Alabama, Kansas, Colorado, and a moment in time that I dare not speak of in my adult years...Kennansville, NC, 1995, coming back from a Drivin n' Cryin' concert. I was drivin', and Sheriff Brown made me a Cryin'! But Lawyerman - Quick-Draw-McGraw in Wilmington gave me the last laugh.

Been spotless up until that litte white Mazda 3 showed up in my garage last spring... B)

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I read the post regarding getting a speeding ticket and have a few questions. First Were you going 86?? if you were NOT travelling 86 then you may have something to work with in court, Let me explain. All passenger vehicles come with spedometers that are not calibrated (their may be some exceptions of course). That means your spedometer may be off as much as plus or minus 10mph and some are off even more. This is a result of vehicle tire combinations that may increse your speed with no visual results on your spedometer hence the reason I asked the question of wether or not you were actually going 86. Check the recommended tire for your particular vehicle to insure it meet DOT requirements. If it did at the time of the ticket and you were not speeding then you may have a defense. If it did not then you may want to stay out of court.

Now.... If you were not going 86MPH you may have a defense in court for defective equipment meaning your spedometer if off because of the tires and you can go to court with proof that it was by getting your vehicle checked by a certified mechanic who verifies what your tire combination and speed reading are and how much it may be off. BE ADVISED!!! if you do this and take it to court, the court may use the 86MPH reading and subtract the difference from your ticket!!!!

Now....if you were going 86MPH my suggestion is attempt to go to traffic school which will reduce the fine amount. It will not reduce the points(Kentucky) I dont know for your state. Most states will allow traffic school in lieu of a lesser fine if you have'nt had any prior tickets in the past year so check your state for the laws.

Going to court to pay a Lawyer to get you out of something that you did for whatever reason is not recommended for several reasons. First, you may get a reduced fine but you still have to pay the lawyer so add that to the possible reduction in fine and I bet it will still be higher that the ticket!!! Secondly even if a lawyer gets you a reduced fine, any speed over 10MPH is still 3 points off your license (Kentucky) check your state for traffic laws for your situation. Thirdly, if you make a mistake own up to it and do the right thing and take responsibility for your actions.

You wonder how I know all this? I am a police officer and have been to court numerous time in the past nine years to testify and I see Lawers are ineffective in speeding offenses, the offender usually ends up with a reduced fine but still has to pay the lawyer. In your particular case the officer did you a favor by not arresting you for Reckless Driving(IF you were travelling at 86MPH) If you were not you may consider defective equipment as a defense for your speeding.

Good Luck!!!!!!

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I just caught up with the post and read he got another ticket for following a cop. DOOOOOD!!!!!! you are very lucky u didnt get arrested!!!!!!!! (Again arg!!!!:chairshot:)

This is what I recommend you can do what you want but I recommend that you do not take this one to court because the DA is going to check past driving history and see that you were cut a break on an 86MPH ticket and now you were following a cop at 30+ over the limit AND got anothe break You would be lucky to keep your drivers license!!!!!!

The only thing I can suggest to you is, When you feel like you want to go faster than the posted speed limit......... DONT!!!!!!


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Thanks for your suggestions guys :unsure: I agree that it's best to just pay the thing (this fine is only $85) to not make a scene in court.

I wasn't tailgating the cop, i was 2 or 3 car-lengths behind him in the next lane, making sure to keep the same speed as the officer, never passing him. At first he was traveling around ~65 then he'd speed up to ~80 then back down; clearly fluctuating. I just made sure i kept the same speed as him, stayed behind, and in the opposite lane as him and never went too close. I have been driving for a LONG time, and i've done this before without getting pulled over for it. He never used any radar in the back or anything, since i had my radar detector on the whole time and it never once went off.

How could i have gotten arrested? I believe the law in RI, is if you double the speed limit you can be arrested. A few years ago i had a ticket for 99 in a 55 with only a ticket.

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99 in a 55?!? You don't deserve a license.

The sad thing is he doesn't seem to think theres anything wrong with this at all...

And how can you think its okay to be 2 car legnths behind a cop at 80MPH? Thats not nearly enough following distance at that speed.

Do yourself a favor and LISTEN to us. Be smarter.

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Well, I can't tell you why it is the way it is, but some people can speed and drive like maniacs, and just seem to never get caught. And then there are those that get tickets for just thinking about speeding. So to those that can, they do, and for you, you can't, you get caught. So I would definately stop speeding.

As for speeding in general, I have to say that I have been "traveling with the pack" at 80 to 85 before. I mean to keep it real, I know I-75 and the turnpike here in Florida are almost deemed " Audoban" status. There are times that 12 or 15 cars group up and pace 90-95 together all the time. It's even so bad at times that no matter how fast your going on the inside lane, someone behind you want you to move the hell out of thier way because they just want to be going faster than you it seems. I'm not in anyway justifying speeding, or breaking any laws for that matter. But I don't think Lexkid needs to be scholded like a child either. I mean heck, I've even shown some BMW's, Mercedes, and even a few new IS 350's what some good "internal work" on a Lexus can do ;) . The only difference I see in Lexkid from the rest of us is that he keeps getting caught. LOL!! (Sorry Lexkid, but no matter how I spin this, it's funny.)

I have often wondered about the whole speeding thing anyway. I mean, the way the law is set up, and with technology where it's at, you could almost swear that it's really a game. If your smart enouph, lucky enouph, or just good enouph, then it just seems like it's ok to speed. Law enforcement gets radar, and we get radar detectors, they get radar detector detectors, and we get stealth VG2, so they get Laser. I mean come on!! But if you get caught, then you have to pay. I mean, why make cars able to go 155+ mph then? If the government can make a law to wear a seat belt and force the auto manufacturers to have safety devices on thier car, pollution control devices, and even fuel econemy requirements, if they were really serious about speed enforcement, then why not require a lower top speed limiter. Almost all car manufactures have them on the cars now. On my IS 300, it's electronically limited to 155 mph. You say, well, they could limit your car to say 85 mph. But you can still do 80 in a 35, so you can still speed. Wrong. They have a system where the speed limit sign can electronically communicate with your car and tell it to ba able to go no faster than XX speed while your in that zone. You can still drive slower, and have full control, but the car will only go as fast as the speed zone allows.

But I'm pretty sure everyone has "raced" someone to the exit ramp, or to the lane we know ends and merges into the other. I know very few people actually follow the speed limits. I find it hard to do 35, I don't know, it's just to slow. And is it only me, but there seem to be huge speed limit fluctations along some highways, like the speed limit will be 70 mph, then it drops to 55 mph while your in the city limits, then goes back to 70 mph again. Man, doin 55 after like really cruising along at 75-80 mph, seems like sooooooo slooooooow again. Your perception of speed is still going 80. I'm not saying that is what happened to Lexkid, but I guess I'm just saying, we all do it to some degree, it sucks when you get caught, LOL, really sucks when you get caught twice. I would really try and not get caught again, ie, not speed for awhile. Let your record get some time repair. Pay the ticket. Move on.

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There's a difference between speeding and going 99 in a 55, thats 45MPH over the limit, nearly twice the legal limit. I have never driven nor needed to drive such an amount over a speed limit in my life, and DC has some pretty high speed roads. I honestly believe if you are caught breaking the speed limit by THAT amount, you should loose your drivers license.

Its people driving at speeds that are rediculously higher than the flow of traffic or expected speed of traffic on a roadway that are dangerous.

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I'm waiting for one of our Atlanta members to chime in with "90mph is school-zone speeds around here on I-20".

Blowing the carbon out on a back road somewhere is one thing, when you're all alone. But I agree with SWO that those who speed with traffic around, usually tend to push the others to speed as well, and create that musical-lanes syndrome like you said happens down around you Smooth. I know I75, have family in Naples and friends in Tampa, and it's a zoo to drive on the freeways sometimes, very dangerous and irritates the crap out of me too. Add in the millions of senior citizens on the roads down there, and it's a wonder the entire state isn't in one big ole' pile-up.

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SWO and NC, I agree with both of you. I'm not by any means suggesting otherwise. I was just pointing out the fact that while I may be giving advise to not speed, I am not saying that I myself don't speed. I just do it within the "buffers". I think that safe isn't just about me, it's about everyone else as well, especially families with kids just doing their thing down the road. I think it is very unfair that someone would be so selfish as to put those people in danger just because they want to speed.

On the other hand, to be perfectly honest even when I don't really want to be, I have been on of those people from time to time.

I don't go racing thru traffic, and blowing by other cars,,,,but I have had some light to light drags with some of the local yahoo's and posers. But I will also say that I will only gop from 0 mph to certian speed area, and then I will pull out. Once the winner is established, there is no need to keep going. So generally by 3rd to 4th gear, the race is over. And if they keep going, I just let them go then. I won't do crazy in town. There is a back road out in the country I know of though that I can tell you that my car can pin the needle with more throttle left to go. The road is between to cow feilds and is slightly down hill, and then rises again. So you can clearly see in all directions for about 3 or 4 miles, and has no intersections, or traffic.

And sort of on a side note, can anyone relate to the frustration I feel about the amount of space between cars, at almost any speed??? If you stay 2 seconds behind the person in front of you, it seems that is permission for every jerk to continually cut you off as it's just enouph space for them to squeeze that 40 foot boat they call an SUV in there, if you close that gap, then your tailgaiting the person in front of you, and hence become the jerk, or if you put even more space than is needed so the jerks can come over freely, all you end up doing is making a road hazzard that now 2 cars will try squeezing in front of you. Why can't people realize that the 2 second rule is not your space to move in? The turn signal is almost non usable down here. I love how all the "really expensive cars" come with optional turn signals that they didn't get with thier car. It's very hard sometimes to keep my cool with all the power I have under the hood. But I try to be the bigger person and just let them go. I admit though that I close the gap in front of me when I know they are coming in for the kill. LOL!!

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SWO and NC, I agree with both of you. I'm not by any means suggesting otherwise. I was just pointing out the fact that while I may be giving advise to not speed, I am not saying that I myself don't speed. I just do it within the "buffers". I think that safe isn't just about me, it's about everyone else as well, especially families with kids just doing their thing down the road. I think it is very unfair that someone would be so selfish as to put those people in danger just because they want to speed.

On the other hand, to be perfectly honest even when I don't really want to be, I have been on of those people from time to time.

I don't go racing thru traffic, and blowing by other cars,,,,but I have had some light to light drags with some of the local yahoo's and posers. But I will also say that I will only gop from 0 mph to certian speed area, and then I will pull out. Once the winner is established, there is no need to keep going. So generally by 3rd to 4th gear, the race is over. And if they keep going, I just let them go then. I won't do crazy in town. There is a back road out in the country I know of though that I can tell you that my car can pin the needle with more throttle left to go. The road is between to cow feilds and is slightly down hill, and then rises again. So you can clearly see in all directions for about 3 or 4 miles, and has no intersections, or traffic.

And sort of on a side note, can anyone relate to the frustration I feel about the amount of space between cars, at almost any speed??? If you stay 2 seconds behind the person in front of you, it seems that is permission for every jerk to continually cut you off as it's just enouph space for them to squeeze that 40 foot boat they call an SUV in there, if you close that gap, then your tailgaiting the person in front of you, and hence become the jerk, or if you put even more space than is needed so the jerks can come over freely, all you end up doing is making a road hazzard that now 2 cars will try squeezing in front of you. Why can't people realize that the 2 second rule is not your space to move in? The turn signal is almost non usable down here. I love how all the "really expensive cars" come with optional turn signals that they didn't get with thier car. It's very hard sometimes to keep my cool with all the power I have under the hood. But I try to be the bigger person and just let them go. I admit though that I close the gap in front of me when I know they are coming in for the kill. LOL!!

Drive the speed limit... It is certainly all of the drivers on the roads best bet. Do not rubberneck, Maintain a consistant flow within the minimum and the limit. Personally I have had my gs up to 140 once @ 3:30 am on hwy 29 between the twin cities and Green Bay, Wi., The car was packed full and the wife and dog were sleeping. I could see what appeared to be a 2 mi. open stretch. I have never done it since and I definetly travel within the posted limits since. That's just me. Although, I do not condone speeding for safety reasons. I love to go fast, I also love to live. :cheers:

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Well, I can't tell you why it is the way it is, but some people can speed and drive like maniacs, and just seem to never get caught. And then there are those that get tickets for just thinking about speeding. So to those that can, they do, and for you, you can't, you get caught. So I would definately stop speeding.

As for speeding in general, I have to say that I have been "traveling with the pack" at 80 to 85 before. I mean to keep it real, I know I-75 and the turnpike here in Florida are almost deemed " Audoban" status. There are times that 12 or 15 cars group up and pace 90-95 together all the time. It's even so bad at times that no matter how fast your going on the inside lane, someone behind you want you to move the hell out of thier way because they just want to be going faster than you it seems. I'm not in anyway justifying speeding, or breaking any laws for that matter. But I don't think Lexkid needs to be scholded like a child either. I mean heck, I've even shown some BMW's, Mercedes, and even a few new IS 350's what some good "internal work" on a Lexus can do ;) . The only difference I see in Lexkid from the rest of us is that he keeps getting caught. LOL!! (Sorry Lexkid, but no matter how I spin this, it's funny.)

I have often wondered about the whole speeding thing anyway. I mean, the way the law is set up, and with technology where it's at, you could almost swear that it's really a game. If your smart enouph, lucky enouph, or just good enouph, then it just seems like it's ok to speed. Law enforcement gets radar, and we get radar detectors, they get radar detector detectors, and we get stealth VG2, so they get Laser. I mean come on!! But if you get caught, then you have to pay. I mean, why make cars able to go 155+ mph then? If the government can make a law to wear a seat belt and force the auto manufacturers to have safety devices on thier car, pollution control devices, and even fuel econemy requirements, if they were really serious about speed enforcement, then why not require a lower top speed limiter. Almost all car manufactures have them on the cars now. On my IS 300, it's electronically limited to 155 mph. You say, well, they could limit your car to say 85 mph. But you can still do 80 in a 35, so you can still speed. Wrong. They have a system where the speed limit sign can electronically communicate with your car and tell it to ba able to go no faster than XX speed while your in that zone. You can still drive slower, and have full control, but the car will only go as fast as the speed zone allows.

But I'm pretty sure everyone has "raced" someone to the exit ramp, or to the lane we know ends and merges into the other. I know very few people actually follow the speed limits. I find it hard to do 35, I don't know, it's just to slow. And is it only me, but there seem to be huge speed limit fluctations along some highways, like the speed limit will be 70 mph, then it drops to 55 mph while your in the city limits, then goes back to 70 mph again. Man, doin 55 after like really cruising along at 75-80 mph, seems like sooooooo slooooooow again. Your perception of speed is still going 80. I'm not saying that is what happened to Lexkid, but I guess I'm just saying, we all do it to some degree, it sucks when you get caught, LOL, really sucks when you get caught twice. I would really try and not get caught again, ie, not speed for awhile. Let your record get some time repair. Pay the ticket. Move on.

I couldn't have said it better!

I don't speed for "fun" or to "race". I speed because it gets me to where i have to go, faster. I travel more than an hour a day, and that's averaging 85mph. Just imagine if i averaged 50!? I stay in the high speed lane and pass when the person in front of me refuses to pull over. I don't weave or drive recklessly, and always loser my speeds based on the weather and different conditions. The only danger is the other idiots on the road, and that's out of my control. I guess i take a huge chance, but i've been doing it for 30 years without a problem. The only things getting in the way are cops and people who don't get out of the way.

Seriously, the Rx350 at 100 feels and handles the same as it does at 60. Sometimes i get up to that 112 when i cuts off the gas, and i think to myself, wow i would have guessed i was going 80.

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But what is the speed limit on I-20? I bet its not 55.

Very true.. honestly, I don't know what it is around Atlanta, as I'm usually white-knuckled just to keep pace and not get mowed over. I think it's 65mph. Off topic, but I do know the cops all line up on the western side of Atlanta, just on the outskirts like a net and just tag people left and right, heading to Alabama.

Lexkid, I hear ya' man. To each is his own, as are the consiquences "god I wish I could spell sometimes". We've been around here for some time now, and I think it's safe to say that you've done well enough in life to afford certain luxuries, one of which is speeding tickets and inflated insurance rates. But man, seriously, becareful. Those are "grease-spot" speeds if you should blow a tire or have to avoid a deer, or anything else that would require a sudden shift in direction, especially in an SUV. It's not the resposiblity of those obeying the speed limits that are in your way to quicken up your commute. And God forbid if something like a blown tire should happen to you, you'll almost certainly, and unfairly, have to involve those other motorists around you. We've all read those news clippings....someone was going too fast, blew a tire and rolled across the median into oncoming traffic, etc..... Not meaning to preach to you man, you wear your own. But next time you're screaming down the highway at 100mph, how about taking a look at some of the faces in the cars you're passing, and ask yourself if the 30 minutes you're saving is worth the possible life ending destruction it could cause them and their families, not to mention the potential life altering and financialy damaging effects it could have on your own family. Because amigo, if this worst case scenario were to happen and it involved my family...well, I'd have a very difficult time not lining up the attorneys to take every single penny that person left behind, not just what they had, but what was coming to them as well. And, at those reckless and disrespectful speeds, I'd easily win. I'd find out the max payout from their insurance company, and triple it, which would ultimately go into their personal assets, checking/savings account, investments, equity, etc... It has happened before, several times, usually leaving the remaining family members left with nothing but bankruptcy options. An "accident" is just that, an "accident". But one at 100mph, isn't an accident, it's intentional manslaughter. So, just be careful man! You're rolling the LexKid's family dice when you're doing those kinds of speeds.

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I couldn't have said it better!

I don't speed for "fun" or to "race". I speed because it gets me to where i have to go, faster. I travel more than an hour a day, and that's averaging 85mph. Just imagine if i averaged 50!? I stay in the high speed lane and pass when the person in front of me refuses to pull over. I don't weave or drive recklessly, and always loser my speeds based on the weather and different conditions. The only danger is the other idiots on the road, and that's out of my control. I guess i take a huge chance, but i've been doing it for 30 years without a problem. The only things getting in the way are cops and people who don't get out of the way.

So let me get this straight. Its okay for you to drive 30-50MPH over the speed limit because you need to get where you have to go, faster?

This logic works for you?

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I couldn't have said it better!

I don't speed for "fun" or to "race". I speed because it gets me to where i have to go, faster. I travel more than an hour a day, and that's averaging 85mph. Just imagine if i averaged 50!? I stay in the high speed lane and pass when the person in front of me refuses to pull over. I don't weave or drive recklessly, and always loser my speeds based on the weather and different conditions. The only danger is the other idiots on the road, and that's out of my control. I guess i take a huge chance, but i've been doing it for 30 years without a problem. The only things getting in the way are cops and people who don't get out of the way.

So let me get this straight. Its okay for you to drive 30-50MPH over the speed limit because you need to get where you have to go, faster?

This logic works for you?

I think it seems very logical. Traveling at a higher rate of speed (r ) at a constant distance (d) equals a smaller time (t). Use the equation t=d/r. Neglecting friction, and drunk drivers.

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Seriously, the Rx350 at 100 feels and handles the same as it does at 60. Sometimes i get up to that 112 when i cuts off the gas, and i think to myself, wow i would have guessed i was going 80.

100 to 112 mph, Lexkid, is to fast though. It's not about the car, it's about the time you take away from other people to react to you. I mean, there is an unspoken margin I would say that is about 15 mph over the highway speed limits on open, uncongested, traffic flowing rates. And 20 is pushing it to the very outside limit. So, if the speed limit is 70, 85 is the top if everyone is travelling together and the roads aren't clogged with traffic. I know that people go faster and in very congested times. Here are some things to think about:

1) Your travelling at 95 mph down the inside lane, and someone else has a tire blow out. You have cut your time to react in half, and have quadrupled the braking load on your vehicle.

2) Many other people have a very difficult time of judging closing distances, add that to the fact they are using a rear view mirror, and your asking to be cut off at 95 mph. That I am sure only adds to your frustration, and makes it harder to remain under control. How many times has that happened to you, only to slam on the gas as they finally get out of your way?

3) At 100 mph, your vehicle is travelling approx. 150 feet per second. That means that in 2 seconds you have covered a football field. It takes the average car, 8 seconds to go from a complete stop, to make a right hand turn and start accelerating in the direction they intend to go. You would have travelled almost 1200 feet in that time. That's about a hundred feet short of a quarter mile. If you came to an intersection to make a right hand turn, and saw a car a 1/4 mile down the road, would you make the turn or wait until they passed?

4) Your gas mileage must really suck. You can't tell me your getting more than 12-15 miles per gallon at those speeds!!!

5) Any accident at 100 mph,,,,,,,forget it friend. Your talking major surgery and a very low survival rate.

6) If your "floating" up to 112 mph, then your not paying attention and therefore should really not be going that fast. !!!! I know I have a "6th" sense of speed. I know when I'm going aver by 10 mph instantly.

Lexkid, I think everyone here agrees, there is speeding, and then there is taking it too far. IMHO, I think you may be taking it a bit to far. I admit to speeding myself. I am no saint by any means. I take some risks sometimes, but in short distances and when the opprotunity allows. But for everyday driving, and back and fourth to work, I drive in that " buffer" that all drivers agree to.

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I think it seems very logical. Traveling at a higher rate of speed (r ) at a constant distance (d) equals a smaller time (t). Use the equation t=d/r. Neglecting friction, and drunk drivers.

So you feel that its your right to break the law by a level which in many states would be grounds for imprisonment and endanger the lives of others because you need to get somewhere faster?

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How can there be any agreeing to disagree? You're saying that you think its your right to commit a criminal act and enganger others because you need to get somewhere faster? You think you somehow are so important that the laws should not apply to you?

How can you not see the arrogance, selfishness, and self importance of that belief? Do you honestly not get it?

If you feel that way, you belong unlicensed in jail.

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Your willingness to put other people in grave danger simply to save yourself a few minutes of time during your daily commute is sheer lunacy. You shouldn't be driving, period.

How would you react if your daughters were killed in a head-on collision caused by some moron barreling down the road at more than 100 mph? Two innocent sisters (one 18 and the other 9) were killed over the weekend in our local area by a guy driving more than 90 mph who hit them head-on. The girls were in a Kia and never had a chance. The guy was driving a Pontiac Grand Am and was also killed.

LexKid, you leave me no choice and I have to say it - you're an idiot. You really need to think through this matter and come to understand the danger you are exposing others to. And at those speeds, all it takes is a split-second distraction or mistake on your part or a deer running across the highway or a tire blowing out to turn your vehicle into a deadly projectile that snuffs out an innocent person's life just because they happen to be on the same stretch of road that you are.

It's understandable (but unfortunate) to drive like this when you are 17. It is totally irresponsible and inexcusable to drive like this when you are 47. Grow the *BLEEP* up and quit putting other peoples' lives in danger....

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If you really are doing this and you really are 47 and have a family as you profess to I think maybe you should talk to your wife (who is, supposedly, a lawyer) about the ways driving this way with this disregard for anybody but yourself can destroy you and your families lives even if you should survive an accident. If you should injure me or a member of my family driving this way I can promise you, I would not rest until everything you own and every dollar you have is mine. You'd wish you were dead, and I don't think I'd be alone in that response.

Run a google search on "personal fable". Its a psychological belief that is commonly held by adolescents and grown out of by adulthood that explains much of the risk-taking behavior you typically see in teens. Its a belief that you are special, and that none of the bad things that can happen in life will happen to you and that your behavior has no consequences for you or for anyone else. This is textbook. So either LexKid has never grown out of his personal fable (in which case he should consult a psychologist) or he's not really 47 with a family and a revolving door of Lexus vehicles the pictures of which we've never seen (other than the old RX). Which do you think is most likely? Discuss amognst yourselves...

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