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Hillary For President? I Think Not!


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Has anyone here looked into the Libertarian Party? No, they won't win the Presidency but a few members in Congress and a decent percentage in the Presidential election would send the message that can be generalized from several posts on this topic.

The bottom line is that the representatives of the Libertarian Party are all politicians and have the same foibles as any politician. However, they seem dedicated to getting government off of our backs - at least that is the rhetoric.

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The problem is Libertarians take it to the extreme. I agree with some of what they speak, but not all.

Jasper, do they let you guys out into a courtyard at some point during the day or do you spend most of your time in the padded room?

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swo3es, your reply is immature and childish. Apparently you favor Hillary Clinton very strongly or you would not have resorted to personal insults.

No luck with the electro-shock therapy? Thats odd, I've heard good things about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to electro shock therapy... i misread the sign.. i thought i was getting some electrolisis to have my unsightly body hair removed... anyway, I'm voting for Hilary... why do you ask would such an intelligent and hairy individual such as myself do such a wreckless thing??? cause my girlfriend made me do it... thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it. :cheers:

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  • 3 weeks later...

According to recent polls, Hillary Clinton could lose all four early contests — IA, NH, SC and NV. Mark Walsh, strategist for the DNC, will join “Brian and The Judge” to discuss.


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Funny, the republican party once quite clearly wanted "emminently beatable" Hillary as the democratic nominee.

"Be carefull what you wish for..."

She had the perfect explanation for the Iraq "war" vote, but then the Iran republican guard vote..

Sheer idiocy, no better than SHRUB...!!

Personally I would rather see Richardson.

I don't understand why the republican's don't realize that McCain represents their best chance. Been too close to Bush I guess.

Now with Huckabee denouncing SHRUB (shows BACKBONE..!!) and having the religious right in his hip pocket he might be the one.

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I will vote for Hillary. There are many issues in the country that need tending to: social security, employment, healthcare, taxes, and the need to get out of Iraq ASAP are the popular ones, but as a !Removed! man she spoke about things that apply to me. Although she doesn't support same-s*x marriage (I'm not happy with that), she supports civil unions (a step in the right direction). She thinks that "don't ask, don't tell" is not a good thing and that we should be able to serve in our military without being discriminated against or having to hide what we are. Another thing that she isn't thumping a bible in her campaign, or promoting homophobia. There is nothing wrong with belonging to a religion, I think that should be very personal. Definately I believe church and state should be seperate and not part of a campaign. Mitt Romney for example, doesn't support same-s*x marriage, nor civil unions, but he's also implied of his crusade to constitutionally ban same-s*x marriage. You don't have to work with us, but for pete's sake don't work against us. I don't want any special treatment at all, Equality is what I want. I just want the same rights as everyone else enjoys, and not treated as a deviant second-class human being. B)

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A side from my historical remarks against Hillary, and her forked tongue haggle toothed....ahhhh, there I go again...

Besides those remarks, I honestly don't trust a single word the Clinton camp says, not a single freakin' word. I think they'll say whatever the crowd wants to hear, not what they believe. There is video evidence all over the internet of Hillary saying she's for something while in Kentucky "with a new southern accent too", then saying the exact opposite in Nebraska "with a new midwestern accent". Ole' Billy boy? Come on, do I really need to point out his lies... anyone remember the whole "sexual relations" comment about Monica? Or more recently his comments about being against the war from day one, yet 4 years ago, on TV, he said he supported it, knew Saddam had those weapons, tried to deal with it when he was President, and supports/commends Bush for going after them. Those two, in my opinion, are the biggest liars of them all. And not to knock on your post raymsixsix, but all that stuff about healthcare, social security, taxes, and employement she's talking about? Rewind back to 1991-92' and listen to Bill's campaign promises....exactly the same stuff, word for word...same problems they point out, same solutions they offer, and yet after 8 years of Bill Clinton, none of it, none of it, none of it, none of it, none of it, was delivered upon. Taxes were through the roof, the military was down to a skeleton crew, employment was driven by the dot.com's, social security was a mess "still is", that whole program about free college for 6 years of service as a police officer..bull :censored: !

Trust me Ray, if it's true that history repeats itself, to know what Hillary is really about and what she is really supportive of, can only be realized by accepting the outcome, which is too late to change at that point. I think it's just a matter of time before the two Clintons get so tangled up in their own words and lies, that it'll be nearly impossible to ignore the two-faced platform for what it is.

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Voting for Shrub to be able to go to war with Iraq, as a "hammer", negotiating point, is NOT the same as casting the vote KNOWING Shrub will go to war REGARDLESS.

How many republicans cast their vote in favor not really believing war would really be necessary....?

So a vote in favor of giving shrub the authority didn't necessarilly mean the person casting the vote, republican or democrat, was actually "for" the Iraq war.

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I will probably vote for Hillary as she is by far better qualified to run the country than what we have had. Although I consider myself conservative, it is from a finacial conservative view, and not for all the religious reasons. After Mr. Bush Jr spent us into the poorhouse we need the Clintons back to establish some finacial restraints on these no-bid contract company, like Mr. Cheney's. Nixon might not have really been a crook, but Bush & Cheney certainly seem to be. They, and all their friends will retire rich on our tab.

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very good point VB. I predict one heck of an investigation into Halliburton by the next administration over thier role in this war. Those folks are crooks.

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A side from my historical remarks against Hillary, and her forked tongue haggle toothed....ahhhh, there I go again...

Besides those remarks, I honestly don't trust a single word the Clinton camp says, not a single freakin' word. I think they'll say whatever the crowd wants to hear, not what they believe. There is video evidence all over the internet of Hillary saying she's for something while in Kentucky "with a new southern accent too", then saying the exact opposite in Nebraska "with a new midwestern accent". Ole' Billy boy? Come on, do I really need to point out his lies... anyone remember the whole "sexual relations" comment about Monica? Or more recently his comments about being against the war from day one, yet 4 years ago, on TV, he said he supported it, knew Saddam had those weapons, tried to deal with it when he was President, and supports/commends Bush for going after them. Those two, in my opinion, are the biggest liars of them all. And not to knock on your post raymsixsix, but all that stuff about healthcare, social security, taxes, and employement she's talking about? Rewind back to 1991-92' and listen to Bill's campaign promises....exactly the same stuff, word for word...same problems they point out, same solutions they offer, and yet after 8 years of Bill Clinton, none of it, none of it, none of it, none of it, none of it, was delivered upon. Taxes were through the roof, the military was down to a skeleton crew, employment was driven by the dot.com's, social security was a mess "still is", that whole program about free college for 6 years of service as a police officer..bull :censored: !

Trust me Ray, if it's true that history repeats itself, to know what Hillary is really about and what she is really supportive of, can only be realized by accepting the outcome, which is too late to change at that point. I think it's just a matter of time before the two Clintons get so tangled up in their own words and lies, that it'll be nearly impossible to ignore the two-faced platform for what it is.

LOL nc211 I'm not ignorant to the fact that politicians lie at times, some call it politics, but my point was that the I believe I run a better chance of getting the things that are important to me and my community with someone who hasn't been scared to atleast talk about and say something proactive, as opposed to most of the others who if you even mention the word "!Removed!" act like they've been asked to eat a spoonful of anthrax. I believe most of the candidates (Democrat and Republican alike) have good ideas, but I think equality is something worth fighting for.

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