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Hillary For President? I Think Not!


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Subject: Hillary A real lady?

Subject: Hillary.....A REAL Lady and a Natural Born Leader


From the Ground-Up

- Author Unknown, but these ARE confirmed by Snopes.....

This is for all those extremely CONFUSED and in total DENIAL of reality folks..., who still believe Hillary would make such a great president!

You are warned [with no apologies in advance from me - as it is what she said, NOT me] of strong language ahead.

Make your own decision.

These are TRUE quotes from an expresident's wife [i can not bring myself to call this a woman] running for president.

Don't believe it.....then go see for yourself at:

Snopes.com Re: Hillary Comments.

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Here are H.R.C.'S documented comments:

Where is the G**damn f***ing flag? I want the G**damn

f***ing flag up every f***ing morning at f***ing sunrise."

(From the book "Inside The White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 244 - Hillary to the staff at the Arkansas Governor's mansion on Labor Day, 1991)

You sold out, you mother f***er! You sold out!"

(From the book "Inside" by Joseph Califano, p. 213 - Hillary yelling at a Democrat lawyer.)

F**k off! It's enough that I have to see you *BLEEP*-kickers

every day, so I'm not going to talk to you too! Just do

your G**damn job, and keep your f***ing mouth shut."

(From the book "American Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 - Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with

"Good Morning.")

You f***ing idiot"

(From the book "Crossfire" p. 84 - Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.)

If you want to remain on this detail, get your

f***ing !Removed! over here and grab those bags!"

(From the book "The First Partner" p. 259 - Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)

Get f***ed! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!"

(From the book "Hillary's Scheme" p. 89 - Hillary's various comments to her Secret Service detail agents.)

"Stay the f**k back; stay the f**k away from me! Don't come

within 10 yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Ok?"

(From the book "Unlimited Access", by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139 - Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail)

"Where's the miserable c**k sucker?"

(From the book "The Truth About Hillary" by Edward Klein, p. 5 - Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)

"Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo.

I need those sunglasses.....We need to go back!"

(From the book "Dereliction of Duty" p. 71-72 - Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.)

"Son of a !Removed!."

(From the book "American Evita" by Christopher Anderson, p. 259 - Hillary's opinion of President George W. Bush when she found out he secretly visited Iraq just days before her highly publicized trip to Iraq)

"What are you doing inviting these people into my home?

These people are our enemies! They're trying to destroy us!"

(From the book "The Survivor" by John Harris, p. 99 - Hillary screaming to an aide, when she found out that some Republicans had been invited to the Clinton White House)

"Come on, Bill, pull your !Removed! up! You can't f**k her here!!"

(From the book "Inside The White House" by Ronald Kessler, p. 243 - Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)

You know, I'm going to start thanking the woman who

cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I'm going

to start thinking of her as a human being? - Hillary Clinton

(From the book "The Case Against Hillary Clinton" by Peggy Noonan, p. 55)

"We just can't trust the American people to make those types

of choices. Government has to make the choices for people"

(From the book "I've Always Been A Yankee Fan" by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 20 - Hillary to Rep. Dennis Hasert in 1993 discussing her expensive, disastrous taxpayer-funded health care plan)

"I am a fan of the social policies that

you find in Europe" - Hillary in 1996"

(From the book "I've Always Been A Yankee Fan" by Thomas D. Kuiper, p. 76 - Hillary in 1996)

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This ill-tempered, violent, foul mouthed, hateful and abusive

woman wants to be your president and have total control, as

commander-in-chief of our Military..........the very Military for

which she's shown incredible disdain throughout her entire

public life. No thanks. The United States can easily do better

than this.

Talk about a power hungry, despicable, vile excuse for a

woman. The more I know, see, hear and understand of her,

the more I know her as nothing more than a pathetic speck

of human garbage. And so, I believe........so should you.

[my words.]

And, some advice for our far left politically correct citizens...

If you want to call yourself an American, then I think that it's

about time you started informing yourself.....

so you can commence becoming one.

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While I may or may not disagree with you about Hilary being the right person for president, I wonder , while it is easy to sit back and tear down people down, who would you think is the best person to lead our nation then? Better yet, if it were up to you, who would you make the democratic, republican, and independant candidates?

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Facts? How could you possibly know she said those things as fact? Do you have them on tape? Look at the titles of the sources lol, no bias there.

Even if they are real, elected officials are people too. If someone were going to go back into your past and write down some of the things you've said and put them completely out of context I bet it'd look pretty bad too.

This is exactly whats wrong with America, Americans are so stupid they think stuff like this actually has some bearing on whether someone is fit or well qualified to hold public office. I don't care if the president is a foul mouthed bigot, if they screw fat interns in their office, who cares? What I care about is at the end of the day have they made the right moves and decisions and steered the country in the right direction. Thats what Americans SHOULD care about, they shouldn't use the same tabloid BS they read about Lindsay Lohan to make a decision about who should be President.

I'm not a huge fan of Hillary, but I do think that she'll be the dems nominee. I've been very dissapointed in Barack Obama, I had expected a lot from him. I'm not really a Democrat, not really a Republican so I don't know who I'll vote for but my guess is it will come down to Hillary and Rudy, in that contest I'd probably vote for Rudy.

Also, everybody realize thats cut and pasted from an email, the OP didn't write any of that.

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Its obvious that it has been a long time since we have had anyone run and win this office that has any integrety. I would like for once someone that believes in the American people (no matter how stupid they think we are) and believes in America and is positive about the direction that we take. Borders, Language, culture is what we need to protect. There is too much power being taken by people that do not have the balls or other parts to stand up to the real enemies of this nation....muslim extremist, illegal immigrants, and all others that do not respect this nation and wish to use us only for their benefit. When was the last time that any politician said this is how it is and too bad if it offended some politically correct idiot that would loose all of the rights that our freedoms give us if we are taken over by the one world order..... Voting today is very difficult with any kind of values, when all it brings is a *BLEEP*ing match for party partisan...What a clueless, un-american bunch we have in both parties....How Sad that our forefathers fought and died to evolve to this bunch...Mark my word, history does repeat, As Rome goes so will the greatness of America if we continue to succumb to the make me feel good bunch... I am affiliated with a party, but quite frankly see no difference between the Republicans and Democrats when it comes to the destruction of our constitution. they are all very sick, God bless America and that means All gods of all Christian nations.....

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That may be how your father makes a living, but overall its not good for the country. We have to find some way to keep some of those jobs here, the middle class needs those jobs. In the very least the loopholes that give tax breaks to corporations that outsource overseas need to be closed. From what I've seen of your lifestyle, your dad can come down a notch, the middle class families who lost $75k customer service jobs and replaced them with $15k at WalMart can't.

I don't know. I did think the Dems were a shoo-in, but I'm not so sure. They've REALLY been wet noodles with Bush over the funding for the war and every opportunity they've had to stand up to him (which is why the country handed them the senate and the house) they've totally rolled over and taken it up the pooper. I think the GOP really has a chance if they nominate someone who appeals to the centrists like Rudy. Mitt Romney could have done it too, but he's sold out to the right.

Plus, I still don't know if Hillary is electable. I think she can easily win the nomination, but she is EXTREMELY hated among the republicans (and plenty of dems too). We tend to forget on the coast that most of the country is pretty conservative, and there is nothing conservative about her on top of the fact she's a woman. In a race between Rudy and Hillary here's how I see it:

1. Rudy appeals to the GOP right in that they hate Hillary, and he's a way for them to stay in power

2. Rudy appeals to dems that hate Hillary because he's very moderate and pro-choice

3. Rudy wins any debate over defense, he's tough on terror but against the war

A pro-choice moderate republican is an amazing thing and something we've never seen. He automatically jibes with 80% of the country.

IMHO, if it comes down to this he can't loose.

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I respect your opinion, however, the government filed a lawsuit against us because we were replacing American jobs. After $50,000 was spent in lawyer fees, the case was dropped with the agreement that we would have to revise all our policies and document in a much stricter fashion. I agree that outsourcing is bad for the country, but my dad hires oversees employees to come here. The US has made sure we are not replacing American jobs by putting strict guidelines on who we can and cannot hire.


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OH... you know I've got to get in on this one.....

I don't think Hillary will win, if not for the same reasons as already mentioned, but for the sheer fact that many americans are sick and tired of the bush/clinton dynasty, and ready for something new. We had Bush Sr. for VP in the 80's, and President for the turn of the decade. Then we had ole' !Removed! hunter Bill for the 90's...then we revereted back to Bush for the 2000's "still the right man for the job as of 9/12/2001, just my opinion". Now, we're actually thinking about reverting BACK once again to an already passed administration with another Clinton? If you ask me, I don't care who is running, and I don't care what they say, fact of the matter is reverting backwards is the wrong direction in any situation, unless it's a retreat. I want someone new, someone fresh. I think the world needs something and someone new at the helm of this country, I really do. If we reverty back to Clinton, we're just being "safe" and "predictable". Let me guess, in 2012 are we going to elect Jeb Bush? It's like ping pong, a tennis match between Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.

By the way, listening to Hillary's campaign promises, are exactly the same promises her husband ran on in 92'. More social service for police, more healthcare jargin, more this, more that....and none of which happened from the first Clinton who promised the exact same things. Do I think there is a place in this world, and in our nation's front window for ole' Bill & Hillary? Absolutly, I think Bill is a wonderful speaker and communicator, and has the ability to draw crowds and motivate people. But do I think there is room at the head of the class for them? Nope. Not in this harsh environment where red-tape = delayed response and feeds time into the wrong hands. And the Clintons live in a world of red-tape. They committee everything to death, and by the time the committee has ended, the issue has either moved on, or faded away, with no resolution.

Say what you want about W'. I have my serious issues with him and do not support him in many many ways, especially since the VT shootings and such. But at the end of the day, this world knows where we stand, and they know who our leader is, and they know he won't budge and won't back down from a fight, and more than willing to take the blame. Honestly, I do think the history books will be kind to him, with a few footnotes that he has earned. I just think it's time for a change, so this whole 9/11 and Iraq thing can write the closing chapter. Going backwards to an already exposed policy is something I'm not willing to do. Don't know about Rudy, don't know about Mit, or Fred, or Obama, etc... but I do know one of them will get my vote, just not sure who.

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I don't think Hilary will either. I'm kinda hoping not as well. I am open to change, but thus far, I have been the most impressed with Fred Thompson. I have often admired his conviction, and the way he gets behind something he thinks is right.

I think the whole moveon.org thing was silly for them to get wrapped in, and now they are attacking Rush Limbaugh for the "phony soldier" statement, and Obama isn't wearing the lapel flag pin anymore, etc.etc.etc. It's all crap!!!!!! And heck, the 2012 candidates are starting to campaign funds next week, and and Georgia wants to move up it's primaries now!!!! COME ON!!!!

Oh, and hey, with the politicians running the war, we all already knew that would end in disaster, didn't we?

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I respect your opinion, however, the government filed a lawsuit against us because we were replacing American jobs. After $50,000 was spent in lawyer fees, the case was dropped with the agreement that we would have to revise all our policies and document in a much stricter fashion. I agree that outsourcing is bad for the country, but my dad hires oversees employees to come here. The US has made sure we are not replacing American jobs by putting strict guidelines on who we can and cannot hire.

Then you misunderstand the issue, your dad doesn't have anything to do with the sorts of outsourcing we're talking about.

Say what you want about W'. I have my serious issues with him and do not support him in many many ways, especially since the VT shootings and such. But at the end of the day, this world knows where we stand, and they know who our leader is, and they know he won't budge and won't back down from a fight, and more than willing to take the blame.

Quite the contrary. He's made us out to look like bullies in the eyes of the world, and he's made it known that what he thinks is right is what matters, not what the American citizens think, or what the global community thinks, or what the other branches of our government think, and he's made a fool out of us in Iraq. Willing to take the blame? We refuse to admit the mistakes we've made!

I don't think Hilary will either. I'm kinda hoping not as well. I am open to change, but thus far, I have been the most impressed with Fred Thompson. I have often admired his conviction, and the way he gets behind something he thinks is right.

Fred Thompson?!?!? No chance. His debate performance and campaign performance have been poor, he raised expectations so high and has yet to even come close to meeting them, and his lack of public service experience and poor record in the senate won't help either.

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Say what you want about W'. I have my serious issues with him and do not support him in many many ways, especially since the VT shootings and such. But at the end of the day, this world knows where we stand, and they know who our leader is, and they know he won't budge and won't back down from a fight, and more than willing to take the blame.

Quite the contrary. He's made us out to look like bullies in the eyes of the world, and he's made it known that what he thinks is right is what matters, not what the American citizens think, or what the global community thinks, or what the other branches of our government think, and he's made a fool out of us in Iraq. Willing to take the blame? We refuse to admit the mistakes we've made!

I don't disagree with you, especially about the bullies part. I think it's still too early to write the summary on Iraq though, I really do. I don't think we'll see that for another 10+ years or so. But there certainly were mistakes made, some that will be included in those history books, that's for sure. But this is why I want a fresh face the next go-round, not another repeat. However, I do respect, and miss, the Clinton economic model, where we ended in 2000 with a surplus, that Bush stupidly gave away. I think we're all going to pay for the past 8 year economical Bush snow job soon, as evidenced by the subprime fall out. You can't pump that much money into the system, and not expect some major blow-back from it later on, as evidenced by the currency exchange rates for the dollar today. But that's besides the point. Maybe at the end of the day, some voodoo terrorist hiding in his little chicken-coupe will think "If I attack America, they're freakin' nuts, and they'll attack not only us, but everything around us too, no holds barred." I remember right after 9/11, several world leaders stating that they fear this has awakened the sleeping giant, and that can't be good. I distinctly remember Germany's Chancelor at the time saying "in so many words" that America has to unload it's bullets every 30 years, otherwise it gets grumpy, and I have a feeling this [9/11] has given them the reason to unload their inventory, to make room for the new stuff. Which is probably why so so many leaders urged some thinking before responding, letting the sting subside a little before unloading the magazines. I guess what I'm saying is, hopefully the point of all of this Iraq stuff will translate several years down the road as "one strike to America = 100,000 strikes in response, no matter what".

Who knows man, who knows.... Eitherway, I'm ready for a changing of the guard, and not one with hands in big oil, or switch-back-chat with a shredder running 24/7 in the back-office from Arkansas.

OH, one more thing.....any over/under bets on the day Bush & Cheney leave office that gasoline is back to $1.15 a gallon? No doubt in my mind this will happen, no doubt, especially if an anti-bush gets the office. Big oil will retreat, start shredding, and be lined up in congress, one-by-one. Mark my words.... oil prices will tank right around Bush's exit, especially if an anti-bush wins the election. How in the world do we invade Iraq, put our troops to guard those pipelines, and yet we're paying $3 a gallon for gas? Something doesn't add up, no matter what kind of spin is put on it...something doesn't add up. And with Texas in the White House, well, ain't no coinsidence there if you ask me.

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I see nothing appealing about him whatsoever

The issue with his senate record has nothing to do with his voting, it has to do with his attendance. He has a reputation on capitol hill for being lazy.





He doesn't appeal to me at all and he doesn't even seem to want the job as much as the others.

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I don't know. I did think the Dems were a shoo-in, but I'm not so sure. They've REALLY been wet noodles with Bush over the funding for the war and every opportunity they've had to stand up to him (which is why the country handed them the senate and the house) they've totally rolled over and taken it up the pooper. I think the GOP really has a chance if they nominate someone who appeals to the centrists like Rudy. Mitt Romney could have done it too, but he's sold out to the right.

Plus, I still don't know if Hillary is electable. I think she can easily win the nomination, but she is EXTREMELY hated among the republicans (and plenty of dems too). We tend to forget on the coast that most of the country is pretty conservative, and there is nothing conservative about her on top of the fact she's a woman. In a race between Rudy and Hillary here's how I see it:

1. Rudy appeals to the GOP right in that they hate Hillary, and he's a way for them to stay in power

2. Rudy appeals to dems that hate Hillary because he's very moderate and pro-choice

3. Rudy wins any debate over defense, he's tough on terror but against the war

A pro-choice moderate republican is an amazing thing and something we've never seen. He automatically jibes with 80% of the country.

IMHO, if it comes down to this he can't loose.

I agree. I'm pretty sure that Rudy will get my vote. I'd never vote for Hillary, and I'd never vote for Edwards. I got this pic in an email the other day..... :lol:


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I see nothing appealing about him whatsoever

The issue with his senate record has nothing to do with his voting, it has to do with his attendance. He has a reputation on capitol hill for being lazy.





He doesn't appeal to me at all and he doesn't even seem to want the job as much as the others.

I wouldn't confuse quiet conviction with complacency. And I'm sorry, Rudy just looks like a guy who is doing what he's told to, and not what he believes. But of course, we seem to like puppets in the office so there is nobody to ever blame for anything.

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I wouldn't confuse quiet conviction with complacency.

Well he can have his quiet conviction at the Capital Grille all he wants as a senator, we don't need another lazy guy in the white house. I want someone who has shown he's willing to work.

And I'm sorry, Rudy just looks like a guy who is doing what he's told to, and not what he believes. But of course, we seem to like puppets in the office so there is nobody to ever blame for anything.

What do you base this on? His entire platform goes against what a traditional republican platform is, and its the platform he's always campaigned on.

If you want to see someone who just does what he's told and not what he believes look at Mitt Romney, what a sell out he is.

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I wouldn't confuse quiet conviction with complacency.

Well he can have his quiet conviction at the Capital Grille all he wants as a senator, we don't need another lazy guy in the white house. I want someone who has shown he's willing to work.

And I'm sorry, Rudy just looks like a guy who is doing what he's told to, and not what he believes. But of course, we seem to like puppets in the office so there is nobody to ever blame for anything.

What do you base this on? His entire platform goes against what a traditional republican platform is, and its the platform he's always campaigned on.

If you want to see someone who just does what he's told and not what he believes look at Mitt Romney, what a sell out he is.

Iv'e been watching the candidates this year more so than in the past. I guess because I feel somewhat responsible (for my role or lack thereof) for the Bush election. While again, I think ALL the candidates so far are like choosing between the firing squad, hanging, or lethal injection, something in my gut just says that Fred Thompson is more sincere and honest. I don't know that I subscribe to the theroy that the quantity of work is in anyway alternative to quality work. I mean come on, if each president could just accomplish 1 or 2 major social economic tasks that face this nation, how much better off we would be.

While I agree that Mitt Romney is a waste of stage space, I was very surprised by Mike Huckabee. He speaks and debates very well. I think he lacks support and money though. And I think his last name just would never let him win. LOL!!!! President Huckabee? And his sidekick VP. Bubba Mcullough. LOL!! Although I think it is interesting that it seems that Arkanas has another runner.

And I'm sorry, Rudy just looks like a guy who is doing what he's told to, and not what he believes. But of course, we seem to like puppets in the office so there is nobody to ever blame for anything.

What do you base this on? His entire platform goes against what a traditional republican platform is, and its the platform he's always campaigned on.

Rudy is smarter than Bush. But his political strength -- and he knows it -- comes from America's unrelenting passion for never bothering to take that extra step to figure SH*T out. If you think you know it all already, Rudy agrees with you. And if anyone tries to tell you differently, they're probably traitors, and Rudy, well, he'll keep an eye on 'em for you. Just like Bush, Rudy appeals to the couch-bound bully in all of us, and part of the allure of his campaign is the promise to put the Pentagon and the power of the White House at that bully's disposal.

Whether Rudy believes in this kind of politics reflexively, as the psychologically crippled Bush does, or as a means to an end, as Karl Rove does, Im not really certain. But there's no question that Giuliani has made the continuation of Swift-Boating politics a linchpin of his candidacy. His political hires speak deeply to that tendency. Chris Henick, formerly Karl Rove's most trusted deputy, is now a key aide at Giuliani Partners, the security firm set up by the mayor to cash in on his 9/11 image. One of his top donors, Richard Collins, is a longtime Bush supporter who was instrumental in setting up "Stop Her Now," a 527 group modeled on Swift Boat Veterans for Truth that will be used to attack Hillary Clinton. And the money for the smear campaign comes from the same Texas sources behind the Swift Boaters, including oilman T. Boone Pickens and Houston home builder Bob Perry.

To further emulate the Bush-Rove model, Giuliani has recruited some thirty Bush "Pioneers," the key fund-raisers who served as the president's $100,000 bagmen. In addition, he hired the woman who spearheaded the Pioneer program to be his chief fund-raiser. "Rudy definitely got some of Bush's heavier hitters, including all the Swift Boater types," says Alex Cohen, a senior researcher at Public Citizen, who tracks the president's top donors.

Rudy's stump speech on the trail these days is short and sweet. He talks about two things -- national security and free-market capitalism -- and his catchphrase for both is "going on offense." When he talks about "economic offense," Giuliani is ostensibly communicating the usual conservative contempt for taxes and big government. But he means more than that. Like the Bush-Cheney crew, Rudy believes everything should be for sale, even public policy -- particularly when he's in a position to do the selling.

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