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my gas light turned on today so i put $50 in my tank look how much it got me for yourself



that got me about 7/8 of a tank which is b/s if im putting $50 into the car......i remember when i complained about gas being $1 i take that back now

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my gas light turned on today so i put $50 in my tank look how much it got me for yourself



that got me about 7/8 of a tank which is b/s if im putting $50 into the car......i remember when i complained about gas being $1 i take that back now

Some of us are old enough to remember gas at $0.19 gallon, kerosene at 5 cents.

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my gas light turned on today so i put $50 in my tank look how much it got me for yourself



that got me about 7/8 of a tank which is b/s if im putting $50 into the car......i remember when i complained about gas being $1 i take that back now

this is really *BLEEP*ing me off as well $70 for a full tank

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. :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot: :chairshot:

WHAT CAN WE DO??????? I think the real bad thing is that high gas prices causes everthing else to go up too. I keep hearing this thing about not buying any gas from Exxon/Mobil...I get the email every other day from some people. This could work if enough people started doing it. The main cause is other countries that are now developing having a larger need for oil. It is a shame that we could not have had a loan repayment deal with all of the countries that we have bailed out and helped

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If George Bush had been re-elected in 2004, instead of that damn John Kerry, we'd have cheap gasoline. Mr. Bush is a former Texas oilman, and he'd know how to keep the price of oil down. Plus he had !Removed! Cheney as a vice president, and !Removed! used to work for Halliburton, so there's no doubt that they would have this problem solved ASAP....

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If George Bush had been re-elected in 2004, instead of that damn John Kerry, we'd have cheap gasoline.

Um, okay...

Oh boy...Okay posts like this really get on my nerves. SWO3ES, I'm sorry for the following rant, I know as a Moderator you have better things to do..

Here's is a little primer on why gas prices are so high.

1) Global Supply and Demand:

The US consumes more oil than India and China combined. Hence 300 million Americans account for more usage than 2 BILLION people...


2) Source of Supply:

We get our crude oil from unstable countries:


Things in Iran are not helping

3) Refinery Capacity


The US has not built a single refinery in 30 years. Why? The refinery market was deregulated making the operation of those refineries unprofitable. Before you complain about Big Oil let's take a collection to reopen those refineries..

3a) Oh wait you can't reopen them. The combination of Environmental Regs and our NIMBY (Not in my Back Yard) Protestors have thwarted any attempt to build new refineries.

As a result the number of refineries has falled from over 300 to 200.

4) Hedge Fund investors have poured billions into the oil commodity market, driving up the price of futures. This is not what the market was meant for, but it's legal as far as I know

5) The Speculator Market:

Big Oil doesn't set the price of oil, the world market does. Currently the speculation in the market is adding a $15 premium per barrel due to fears over Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Call it a fear premium if you want.

The summary is this:

Global Capacity to provide oil is constrained by a number of factors

a) US Demand

B) Ability to refine the Oil

c) Tensions in the supply areas

The true path to lowering prices is consumption. We, the lovers of Lexus cars, hold part of the blame. This will change in the future with Hybrid Lexuses but for the present we rightfully deserve these prices.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I want to set the record straight,


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its called sarcasm guys. In other words, from the speakers point of view "i told you so". A strong argument can be made that high oil prices are due to world instability right? It could be argued that OUR CURRENT government has contributed greatly to the destabilization of the worlds economic condition. On a completely Bi-partisan bent we as americans have been held hostage by a greedy infrastructure of oil. I live in Los Angeles. the public transportation system is joke at best. Back in the 1940's l.a. had a very good mass-transit system that was prchased by standard oil and dismantled, all the while angelinos were encouraged to move to suberbs, hence being forced to buy petrol in order to drive to work. That is true story. If youve ever seen who framed roger rabbit? that premise is based on fact. Now everybody is talking about switching to corn ethanol or e85 as a substitute for petrolium. What no one will tell you is corn ethanol takes as much energy to produce as it gives off. Sugar ethanol is much more efficient, produces higher octane, but less mileage and is so clean burning it is not even funny. Point is even if we were to switch to corn-ethanol we would be using an inferior energy means yet again due to the fact that there is already a corn lobby and infrastructure in place in america. Conversely they pay about $1.75 U.S. PER LITER!!! =$7.00 U.S. IN EUROPE and have been paying twice as much for a long time. But they have efficient means of mass transit and not our fat cat,greed driven, oil based infrastructure that our country is so infected with.

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The price of oil is determined by market forces alone. It is the world's most traded and most valuable commodity by far. If one wants a reason to go to war ( and I am not saying that the Iraq war is based on this premise) then going to war over oil is about the best one there is.

Supply and demand. Remember that OPEC was unable a few years ago to set a FLOOR price for oil, a price below which they would NOT sell. Toughies for them. Now demand has outpaced production, at least at the previous price, and consequently you pay more to get it. Sort of like the Caddy dealer saying "We can't get any more Escalades right now" and then easing you into paying a premium for the remaining one.

I don't aplogize for driving Lexus. They have great fuel mileage. It's the folks in Escalades, and huge V-10 pickups, and huge sport utes that have increased total demand, one gallon at a time. They are the most popular vehicles out there. I have no sympathy for those that bought them.

The conspiracy theorists would like to believe that "big government and the neo-cons" have somehow "manipulated" such things as oil prices, to their advantage. Bunch of hooey. Most politicians can't even rig a school referendum.....

Oh. And Iraq has been selling oil constantly since the first Gulf War, without interruption, except for when their own people blow up the pipeline. Saddam was allowed to do so in order to purchase food and medical supplies. All of which he funneled to his military, to ensure their loyalty, rather than his own citizens, which he ignored. Stick that in your left wing hand-wringing pipe and smoke it.

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Oh. And Iraq has been selling oil constantly since the first Gulf War, without interruption, except for when their own people blow up the pipeline. Saddam was allowed to do so in order to purchase food and medical supplies. All of which he funneled to his military, to ensure their loyalty, rather than his own citizens, which he ignored. Stick that in your left wing hand-wringing pipe and smoke it.

I am about as far from left wing as you can get, if this was intended for me. :whistles: Iraq selling us Oil when we are giving them billions of dollars in aid...is to me a joke! The oil for food project as you said was a scam...and now we are rebuilding Iraq so that we can blow it back up...I have all the respect in the world for our military and our President...that does not mean that I have to like all the things that have been done. :blink:

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Stick that in your left wing hand-wringing pipe and smoke it.


sv7887- great post!!! 100% true! But of course... now the libs on the hill are calling for a special "windfall profits" tax on big oil. Considering how oil profit is an avg 9 cents a gallon and taxes are over 50 cents a gallon... who's got more room to talk?!?!?... Thank YOU senator kennedy... another great idea to screw the consumer.... i guess you've got to get that money somewhere to fund all of your entitlement programs (and I shall continue to own stock in jack daniels as long as the kennedy's have $).

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I am about as far from left wing as you can get, if this was intended for me.

It was meant as a global comment on the conspiracy idea, and not directed at you. Sorry for any confusion.

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I applaud the responses to my curious post. While it may have seemed to be a foolish response to a serious problem, it was actually sent to elicit individual Lexus owner's feelings about our gasoline shortage/price political situation. The replies were interesting and humorous.

I also have a 2004 Mazda convertible, and the 2 Mazda forums I belong to are juvenile and not worth visiting. Especially if you want to learn anything about maintenance. It's all about "Who have you beaten lately?"

This is a great forum. With or without avatars.

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What no one will tell you is corn ethanol takes as much energy to produce as it gives off.
That's beside the point. The main point to E85 is that we can grow it right here in the USA, and we hugely cut down our dependance on the Middle East for oil. Too, E85 burns much cleaner than gasoline. According to the DOE, we are talking about 5%-20% less fuel economy, that's not too bad for the benefits.

As for gas prices elsewhere, they simply cannot be compared-different governments, different taxation, etc.

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okay, the benefits are beside the point. We would need to create all new ethanol stations, and start making cars (granted that some already can take E85) that can use this type of energy. So, give it at least 10 years to built cars and stations for fill up...thats 10 more years of dependence on foreign oil.

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okay, the benefits are beside the point. We would need to create all new ethanol stations, and start making cars (granted that some already can take E85) that can use this type of energy. So, give it at least 10 years to built cars and stations for fill up...thats 10 more years of dependence on foreign oil.

But its a step in the right direction. Would you prefer to see 10 more years or an undetermined interval of time? Whats the other alternative? Hydrogen? Lots more than 10 years going there. The changes that have to be made to our cars and infastructure to run on E85 are not sizable at all when compared to other theoretical fuels.

Thats like saying its worthless to create a vaccine for HIV because so many people will die before it ever gets finished. Thats pretty short sighted when you think about how many people it will save once its done.

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okay, the benefits are beside the point. We would need to create all new ethanol stations, and start making cars (granted that some already can take E85) that can use this type of energy. So, give it at least 10 years to built cars and stations for fill up...thats 10 more years of dependence on foreign oil.

But its a step in the right direction. Would you prefer to see 10 more years or an undetermined interval of time? Whats the other alternative? Hydrogen? Lots more than 10 years going there. The changes that have to be made to our cars and infastructure to run on E85 are not sizable at all when compared to other theoretical fuels.

Thats like saying its worthless to create a vaccine for HIV because so many people will die before it ever gets finished. Thats pretty short sighted when you think about how many people it will save once its done.

interesting point of view....but why would we spend billions trying to utilize ethanol, and then spend more money to eventually use something better...like hydrogen. Why go through the step of recreating different stations twice. Id much prefer the use of hybrid cars, until we make hydrogen readily available. I think its much cooler to have a car that emits water into the air

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There's no question that hydrogen is the future of the automotive industry as well as the best plan to finally kill our addiction to oil. I believe that the wisest use of all R&D funds would be to step up the pursuit of hydrogen to full speed ahead. Let's cut that 15-year projection down to 5 years and get on with it....

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I am about as far from left wing as you can get, if this was intended for me.

It was meant as a global comment on the conspiracy idea, and not directed at you. Sorry for any confusion.

Thanks...I was pretty sure that you did not direct it at me!!! I agree with you anyway...


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