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Hey Bin Laden


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Hey Bin Lackin', suuurrree, we'll agree to your truce...you just give us your address where we can fed-ex our...um...conditions, and we'll call this a dead..opps...I mean..done deal. You don't even need to give us your street address...Longitute and Latitude will do just fine..We'll find ya'. You chicken sh*t coward.

If I were President....the only truce I would make would be for me to take off your head with a dull, rusty, American made jig saw on the South lawn of the White House, on live TV so everyone in the world could hear you scream like the little cowardly b*tch that you are. Then I'd bury your as* in a shallow grave in the front lawn. And every morning when I woke up, I'd walk outside and p*ss on your grave.

You started it...we're going to end it. No stopping now punk...we're still rollin'! Straight for your :censored: AS*!! J-DAM WILLING!

Edited by nc211
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I mean no harm by this my friends....I just think it's time to recall the real reason why..

REMEMBER THIS??? Remember why WE ARE ALL doing this? If you have forgotten...click here http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/20...20010920-8.html

Our children will be reading this in their text books soon.

"Americans are asking, why do they hate us? They hate what we see right here in this chamber -- a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms -- our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other."

" Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.) From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime. "

"This is not, however, just America's fight. And what is at stake is not just America's freedom. This is the world's fight. This is civilization's fight. This is the fight of all who believe in progress and pluralism, tolerance and freedom. "

"The thousands of FBI agents who are now at work in this investigation may need your cooperation, and I ask you to give it. "

"I ask for your patience, with the delays and inconveniences that may accompany tighter security; and for your patience in what will be a long struggle. "

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Although the “General Discussion” is open to any topic. I strongly think that politics should be an exception to ‘everything goes’ rule, on an Automotive forum. Not because it speaks the truth or nonsense, but has tendency to bring anger and conflict to the environment, as shown in this thread.

This is a very professional and well established forum to have threads with these absurd posts.

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93...I respect your opinion...and I do apologize if my over-amped post offends you...it is not my intention. As a long time member, you have clearly witnessed my seldom over-the-top threads. If management wishes to pull this one...well, out of respect for you my friend...I will agree. I mean no harm, no foul. I just have no other place to vent this feeling at this time.

Swo...it's your call my friend. ;)

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93...I respect your opinion...and I do apologize if my over-amped post offends you...it is not my intention. As a long time member, you have clearly witnessed my seldom over-the-top threads. If management wishes to pull this one...well, out of respect for you my friend...I will agree. I mean no harm, no foul. I just have no other place to vent this feeling at this time.

Swo...it's your call my friend. ;)

Of course, you and everyone else are angry and need to vent out the build up anger and frustration. I am not putting you down our calling you out, but just looking at another side/issue of it. Maybe we can just choose different words to express ourselves with a more peaceful approach, and this thread will live in harmony without having an 'X' to the side of it.

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93ls, the only absurd thing about this post is that we Americans forget too soon the losses and sacrifices that have happened in the past so that we can have the freedoms that we have. There are too many that want to sweep everything under the rug and forget the horrific attack on our nation as well as the savage attacks on our people overseas in such barbaric ways as a sword across the neck in a sawing motion. I say we should never forget the cowardess attacks on our nation for which so many have sacrificed their lives to give you the freedom to live the lifestyles which we have and God will our children and grandchildren can enjoy. A forum becomes interesting when people express themselves after hearing the news of the day. God knows many of the rights we have we take for granted. Such as in Saudia Arabia their women can't drive the Lexus to the store. These little rights are long to come before real peace and freedom comes to this world. my 2cents worth tonight.

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I don't see any issue in flaming a terrorist leader. There is a debate subforum in "the other Lexus forum's" gen. forum where members can discuss edgy topics, maybe something similar would be appropriate here?

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yeah...sorry guys...had a bit too much caffiene today on this one. no debate here....let me pm swo and let's close this out....

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USA - BABY ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! Just for the record most fanatical religions bring about war that is shown throughout history... It is there way of life or the highway...Close minded, brain washed from birth, third world ignorant slaves to their fanatical religion and beliefs.. I understand it, and it is a shame... I believe terrorists need to get educated or eliminated plain and simple...referring to the muslim extremists that want to rid most of the world.....

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I think we can discuss this as long as we are respectful to each other and this thread follows the Golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated

USA - BABY ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! Just for the record most fanatical religions bring about war that is shown throughout history... It is there way of life or the highway...Close minded, brain washed from birth, third world ignorant slaves to their fanatical religion and beliefs.. I understand it, and it is a shame... They all need to get educated or eliminated plain and simple...the muslim extremists.....

It is sad that I was a minute late with putting up my post about the ‘Golden Rule’ before this post was put up.

See what I mean nc211 and Blake…………

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Can't argue there...but it's not "Bush's group"...it's America's forces. How about the Taliban, before we forced them out to get to Bin Laden...they killed women and children in those old soccer fields, for fun.

I think we can discuss this as long as we are respectful to each other and this thread follows the Golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated

I have another issue/question: Osama Bin Laden is a leader and so is George W. Bush. Bin Laden’s group has destroyed many homes and taken innocent lives. What about Bush’s group in Afghanistan? I highly doubt that many innocent lives lost in Afghanistan were linked with Osama.

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Can't argue there...but it's not "Bush's group"...it's America's forces. How about the Taliban, before we forced them out to get to Bin Laden...they killed women and children in those old soccer fields, for fun.

You are right. That is inhuman. Of course it is a “war” and unfortunately innocent people are going to die.

Than again Bin Laden declares the attacks as a “war” also.

But the remarks made by Jibby stereotyping a religion is just uncalled for…..

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What did I say? Is there not truth to my statement as sad as it sounds? You will be agreeing with me when that dirty bomb goes off in your area... I see your point though forum administrator my bad, all appologies.....oh and am I stereotyping? maybe... but sincerely I do wish for world peace believe it or not......

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They all need to get educated or eliminated plain and simple...

Then I suppose Bin Laden has done nothing wrong on his part..................although I disagree with human suffrage (I do not feel comfortable disclosing personal information, but am seeking a profession in healthcare) but I’m just replying to your message.

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:D :D :lol: ;) :D :cheers::rolleyes::lol: Damn...this is out of control...see if I take down 2 liters of Mountain Dew in 8 hours again! No body is *BLEEP*ing on anyone's shoes here... It's all good. :cheers::cheers: ;)

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I really do recommend we just stop here on this....let's take your advice 93 and leave this forum for cars...

Edited by nc211
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Now we just wait and see who's the first politician to use this tape for political gain... HMMM!?!? will it beeeee.... Ole' Teddy "Lets take a swim in my car into Chappaquiddick" Kennedy??? Or will it be Hillary "Bush runs the Senate 'plantation'" Clinton???

Mark my words. I don't even give the anti-war left libs a week until they start spewing: "Bin Laden says were losing..... HE MUST BE RIGHT!!! WHY WOULD HE LIE!?!?" Did anyone else pick up on the transcripts how he PRAISES the anti-war anti-bush left?!?!?! HELLO??!?!? THEY'RE ON THE SAME TEAM!!!!!

Who knows.... between Hillary's plantation comments (TO a black audience ON mlk day IN harlem... hmmm you think shes fishing for the black vote? ) and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin saying he wants N.O. to be a "chocolate city" i've just been overwhelmed by these peoples irresponsible comments...... there's my rant....

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We could start by inforcing the laws of the land and shutting our borders off to anyone except legal immigration. Right now we are still out of control. Funny when I traveled the world, you could not go from border to border so freely. What is with that. No wonder the enemies from within laugh daily at us. They know that all they have to do is cry foul and some ACLU lawyer defends the rights of someone who desires to destroy our nation, our society, and Freedom of religions. Their lies the problem, no freedom of religion in these hot sandy, holes of the world. Its their way or no way. And we want to make them the heroes? We have one sick media biased nation.

Edited by lenore
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