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I Am Not Sure Anymore?


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worst yet, they are tearing down the structure of any secrets that are necessary to our survival. Funny, 40 years ago I could have gone to jail (federal penententuary) and fined heavily for what is now common place leaking of classified information. There is some stuff the public does not need to know about. unfortunately there are so many power hungry politicians as well as media celebreties that they would sacrifice the security of our nation for their gains. How sad. When are Americans going to wake up and realize the enemy is within. This crap about spying on ourselves is nothing new, It has been going on for 50 years and sanctioned by every president. We need to know if there are terrorist communications from Americans in the United States.

Edited by lenore
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the cetain downfall and national embarrassement of our culture. too much time on their hands matched by hollywood's bottom line profit model "s*x, violence and sinsationalism". I think as society in general starts to AVOID the news, someone will get the hint and clean it up. It's hard to tell what is National Enquire or CNN anymore. I don't trust them and I personally hate the fact that they're apart of my cable package in general. You know, it used to be the need to block HBO from your children's eyes. Now, it's Fox News, CNN, and so forth. If I had the V chip, i'd block out those news channels forever.

In fact, it's so bad these days that I bet if someone started a new 24 hour news channel and based it on a format of primarily HAPPY and sucess stories...it'd blow the others away.

I avoid the tv news in general. even the local channels. It sucks to wake up in the morning, all rested and feeling good, to turn on the tv and hear about murder, death, rape, robbery and all other negative things. I know that sounds very selfish, and I appologize. But at what point do you say "that's not my life" for the sake of those who are in your life, and depend on you to be there to teach, love, smile, laugh and be the type of persona that isn't completely bombarded subconsiously by all the negative, money making, ratings based news stories out there?

Great thread dc! I admire your thought process and guts to ask the question..even if it's on our car site.. :cheers:

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....that's a one word summation of the North American news media. Personally, I despise it, so if I watch 5 minutes of it a month, that's a lot. In a poli sci class, we compared a news segment from cnn to one from the BBC, and the findings were simple, the BBC reports the news in a dull, straightforward manner and not just the depressing things, neither of which can be said for any of the media giants in NA.

At least Dan Rather has been off the air for some time!

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I don't think it has so much to do with you getting older as it does with the news getting worse lol

Age has something to do with it, What I mean is that after all these years There is a noticable difference in the past 10-20 years. Although I certainly respect all opinions on this subject, I have noticed a decline in the quality of information that is televised,broadcast etc...

Keep the comments coming...

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The media is geared towards being supremely biased, while the population in general is highly ignorant, and refuses to learn, or look at multiple sides to any subject in question.

The media sucks !Removed!.

Edited by Toysrme
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Not only is the Media biased, but so too are so many of the teachers in our educational system. The rot spreads to our kids and grand kids. What ever happened to a class where both sides of an equation of thought was encouraged and decisions made by all the facts. I was raised that way in the great plains states while attending junior high and high school. But here on the left coast the teachers are biased by the politican schools of Berkeley and Sac State. We have some real sick people out there and the majority lets them get away with it. The tearing down off our constitution, parents rights, and religous holidays is disgusting. Funny you can't give a child a aspirin in school, but they can go get an abortion without the parents knowledge and complete consent from the school administrators. Oh and by the way if something goes wrong its the parents fault. God help all of us.

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