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I don't endorse what Kanye West said. It may be true that Bush doesn't care about black people (or poor people in general) but what went too far was the setting of his comments and his comments about the national guard shooting blacks. I'm sorry, but no matter if they are white, black, green or whatever, if they are stealing TV's and other things while completely ignoring authority, they should be shot.

And I also don't like how other people stereotype rappers. Not all rappers talk about stealing, killing and mugging. People that don't listen to it tend to think that everyone in rap does this, when in fact, it is just a few idiots. People think rappers all try to kill each other. But in actuality, it is just a couple idiots like 50 cent and The Game that are doing it. To say that all rappers talk about stealing and killing is almost as ignorant as Kanye West's comments. I don't want anyone here to take this personally, it is just a rant that I have been wanting to say for a while now.

Kanye is NOT a gangster rapper. If anything, compared to everyone else, the boy is clean. Now is he an idiot? Maybe.

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Just thought I'd give credit where credit is due... to the author of DC's original post, Robert Tracinski.


Unless, of course, this is you DC :)

Yes , Robert Tracinski is the original author. I received the article in a email and posted it because it speaks the truth and sheds light on a more realistic viewpoint in which I couldn't have said better myself. No intentions to misrepresent here.

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i HATE it when people say rappers are just people who talk fast or just talk about rolling weed just like jimmy said but i do like rap and its not as easy as it looks....if it was then y doesnt everyone do it?? as 4 kanye west hes not gangster 4 sure..lol...pretty much what jimmy said but im saying i do like rappers...50 cent is by far the most succesfull rapper ever

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...And this has to do with the tragedy in LA and MI in what way?

Today while in town (McLean) I saw a kid get out of a Jeep at a red light and rip a sign off a lightpole that said "Iraq and New Orleans Handled Wrong". It was pretty intresting to see.

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boooooo hissss ..... these rappers are the influence on our kids hmmm ok now i understand why the end is near cause were so afraid of being called racist we will let them say and do anything they want. oh ya let someone try to put a white community on aol and see what whould happen ,makes me sick!!!

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Again, like I said I hate rap and know very little about it or about rappers, I just doubt someone who is relatively new like 50 cent could be more successful, meaning make and have made more money, than people who have been doing it for so much longer. Guys like Snoop Dogg, LL Cool J, Eminem, these guys are moguls. Calling 50 Cent the "most successful rapper of all time" when he''s only been on the scene 5 years is a little short sighted I think.

$27 mil isn't a lot for a top album either...

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Again, like I said I hate rap and know very little about it or about rappers, I just doubt someone who is relatively new like 50 cent could be more successful, meaning make and have made more money, than people who have been doing it for so much longer. Guys like Snoop Dogg, LL Cool J, Eminem, these guys are moguls. Calling 50 Cent the "most successful rapper of all time" when he''s only been on the scene 5 years is a little short sighted I think.

$27 mil isn't a lot for a top album either...

What ever happened to music that made you feel good? All that crap rap is drugs, s*x, materialism, killing, rage, Rap is useless noise, Negativity breeds negativity.

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Actual musicians study their craft and hone their skills over many years. Due to the discipline and dedication required to learn to play and understand music, many musicians are highly intelligent and intensely creative. They play instruments with world-class precision or sing using years of experience in vocal training and theory. Genre doesn't matter - whether it's classical, jazz, rock, bluegrass, newgrass, fusion, these folks are artists and many deserve the attention and financial rewards that have come their way.

Rap, on the other hand, is talentless and trivial. It thrives due to the ignorance and lack of understanding of what true musicianship is by its targeted fan base. Any moron with a microphone can scream threats and spout street-talk to a frenzied crowd of dumbed-down kids and claim he's an artist, but a true musician (and fan of music) realizes that this is just an empty boast with absolutely no redeeming value.

Just because you can generate large profits selling this crap to gullible kids doesn't make you talented or relevant. Many musical performers have stood the test of time, be they Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Buddy Holly, Carl Perkins, Lennon/McCartney, Pete Townshend, Sam Bush, John Cowan, Don Dixon, Elvis Costello, Van Morrison, the kids in Nickel Creek, and the list goes on and on. Twenty-five years from now, will the rap genre be remembered and honored in the same way? Not a chance. Like disco, New Kids on the Block, and others, it will be seen for what it really was - an embarassment that succeeded not due to talent but due to marketing to a dumbed-down fan base.

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correct me if im wrong but all rock is these days is just yelling about how you got stoned or your girlfriend dumped you...and as for punk rock..all they do is scream and you cant even herar what there saying...guys wearing black eye shadow thinking their cool...but forget about that...back to New Orleans....redcross is covering hotel costs and the carnival cruise ships are housing guests in 2 ships (ecstasy and holiday) <<that ones a little old but just incase you didnt know....lets just drop the topic of music and focus on the real topic

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Rap, the element of hip hop, or whatever you want to call it, has come a long way. Just like every single type of music out there, it has its high's and low's.

You had to have talent back in the 80's and early 90's to survive. A lot of people listen to the beats and discount it as useless crap filled dumb sound effects. It is not. It is poetry. Rap has not always been about women, cars and jewelry. The best of rap is when it talks about street life. I'm not talking about those rappers who threaten each other's lives. A lot of rappers out there only rap what they live through. Growing up poor, do they have a choice? Who could really blame them? If you lived in the projects, had no money and saw people around you committing violent behavior, is it your fault? And if you are a musician that had that around you, what would be your influence?

Don't judge what you don't understand. Saying that all rappers are talking about killing, stealing and are talentless is like saying that punk rockers encourage suicide and are annoying just because of their tones. How is the drug addict Kurt Cobain different from the charismatic and controversial Tupac Shakur? If you want to point fingers at rap for society's problems, you are wrong.

Would it be wrong if I just came out and said that rock sucks because it encourages suicide and that type of violence? Of course it would. Why? Because there are different types of rock, and yet, I am putting all of them into one and stereotyping it. That's what people do to rap nowadays.

Do NOT tune into MTV today and assume that that is what rap is all about. If you want rappers today with talent talking about struggles and not promoting killings, go listen to someone like Talib Kweli. Rap is not all bad.

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I agree 100% with Jimmy...although India is showing his age...50 by no means is the most sucessful rapper of all time...it doesn't even matter what measure you are using to measure him....records sold?...NO! money made? ....NO!! the most talent?...HELL NO!!

true fans of hip hop laugh at 50s weak lyrics and delivery....he is the poster child of what is WRONG with rap today...he never really has a message and his overall infulence is negative....HE SUCKS!

India...it seems that you are stuck on the fact that he makes a lot of money....I can tell you Jay Z and Puffy make him look poor...those are the true businessmen of the rap game...they built real businesses

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I agree J and MR combs run the industry no 2 ways about it.

I don't care how much a rapper makes in $$$$ to me that means nothing, which is why the industry of urban music is filled with idiot "rappers" like Nelly ,cassidy and other morons.

The true icons are few and far between in the game nowadays. Like commons original joint "i used to love her" all about the hip hop music industry and its straying from its roots.

That being said ,i still believe Kanye is a moron as well for his badly delivered message, he should have been prepared and made a heartfelt plea to the people of the world using his influence in a much more enlightening way rather than a scolded xgirlfriend thing.

Kanye is not a political figure but a great producer and i actually like his lyrics as it makes sense.He talks about the ignorant who go around buying stupid things trying to impress people without 2 cents 2 rub together. Reminds me of many who own nice cars and can't afford to fill their own tanks( even when gas was cheap).He brings a level to the game that people left off.A consciousness of self worth ,not materialism and gang banging.

Any one of these new rappers make 100 times more than the ones of even 10 years ago did.Think of it as the Motown days of music when they worked every night and made enough for a new Cadillac. Now a rapper brings in enough for 10 of them in one night. Different markets with wider distribution networks as well as the number 1 thing ,they have a lawyer read and renegotiate there deals before signing the car and jewels line then make nothing for 5 albums if they actually even make it past a single from the record companies A&R.

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I don't know if any of you saw the fundraiser on TV a few nights ago for all the victims of the floods in LA and MI, but there was one segment where Mike Myers and Kanye West were speaking about the difficulty of rebuilding after such a horrible tragedy.  It was all going well, until Kanye had to add his unscripted and uncalled-for input at the end: "...And George Bush doesn't like Black people!" (cut directly to Chris Tucker)

Now I am not a racist, but I would love to see Kanye contribute "as much" as he can towards the issue.  He comments that when there's Black people on TV in the city, they're looting, but when there's whites, they're looking for food.  The unfortunate truth of the matter is that most of the affected area is the "ghetto" of New Orleans, where there is a predominent Black population.  This is not me being stereotypical, this is me stating the facts.  And Kanye expressing his belief that Blacks are still being victimized is just not acceptable.

Direct Kanye West Video Link

Kanye West is a despicable racist!

Those who claim to be the victims of racism, are themselves racist.

The media is mostly anti President Bush and anti Republican in order to support the Liberal Democrats who criticize everything.

However, the media reported and showed what was occurring. Destruction, rescue, and lawless acts by CRIMINALS who happened to be Black. Not all Blacks are criminals. So, why do many blacks take up for them? Why do they make excuses for them? It appears that many Blacks excuse criminal behavior by Black criminals simply because they are Black.

90% of crime in America is committed by Blacks. Yet Blacks are only 12% of the population.

Kanye West, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and many other Blacks should speak out against criminal behavior. They should call for blacks to obey the laws of society, especially during a time of emergency.

Remember what I said, "those who claim to be the victims of racism, are themselves racist". They use race as a crutch. Why not throw down the crutch and stand up?

Finally, don't dare say there is racism in America. Just look at who's helping. The vast majority are WHITE. Therefore, don't strike the hand that is extended to help you. STOP THE RACISM. STOP THE RACISM!!!!!


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I disagree. I hate the Faux news channel. B)

It's not just blacks. It is people who are poor. Poor whites, poor blacks, poor asians and poor latino's. I don't think it is a race issue. It is an issue dealing with which social class you are from. If you took a survey out of all of the people in jail, I'm willing to bet that a good percentage of them are poor or grew up poor. Poor whites also have a disadvantage as well.

And racism does exist. It is alive and well. If you don't believe in it, I respectfully will say that you should get outside more. It is all around us. I grew up poor. My schools growing up all had books that were 20 years older. I had to work for everything, my house, my Lexus, all. I encountered racially motivated discrimination from jobs, middle class or high class people, cops, etc. Whenever we drove to the nicer middle class neighborhoods, we used to get stares just because our car was a rag and 17 years old. Cops never showed up to our neighborhoods and when they did, they could give a rat's behind what was going on. It was all hush hush for them. I believe I have been a victim of racial profiling before, and I'm not black. Even nowadays, as a 28 year old asian with a tilted cap driving around in my Lexus, I get looks from cops. They probably think I'm "gangster" and I stole it. Or maybe some sort of drug dealer. :rolleyes:

It is better than it ever was, but it still exists. My kids will grow up in a better world than I did and their children will grow up in an even better world in terms of race relations. But to say it doesn't exist anymore if far from true. You can never say so unless you have been a victim yourself or you are a minority. This is not to badmouth any one skin color in particular because you could be poor and be of any color and struggle to live.

Blacks, asians, natives and latinos have always been 2nd class citizens up until the modern era. Our parents have been through so much that we can only hear and imagine. It is fair for a minority to remember their roots, what they had to overcome and what they still have to overcome in this country. You never forget your roots, right?

When you've been treated like a 2nd class citizen your whole life, you understand what I'm saying. I don't justify Kanye's ignorant comments, but you have to understand where I'm coming from. I am not refering to you or anybody here, but I am sick and tired of people who stand around in their half and million dollar home all day, work in clean suburban perfect-town, USA and cry everytime they hear about racism. What do they know about the struggles of life? And yes, there are minorities that think this way as well. It is easy to sit around and form an opinion on something you wouldn't even know if it hit you right on the forehead.

No offense to anyone here. Racism is still alive in 2005. They are right in your backyard, in your local ghettos.

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Kanye West is a despicable racist! 

Those who claim to be the victims of racism, are themselves racist. 

The media is mostly anti President Bush and anti Republican in order to support the Liberal Democrats who criticize everything.   

However, the media reported and showed what was occurring.  Destruction, rescue,  and lawless acts by CRIMINALS who happened to be Black.  Not all Blacks are criminals.  So, why do many blacks take up for them?  Why do they make excuses for them?  It appears that many Blacks excuse criminal behavior by Black criminals simply because they are Black.      

90% of crime in America is committed by Blacks.  Yet Blacks are only 12% of the population.

Kanye West, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and many other Blacks  should speak out against criminal behavior.  They should call for blacks to obey the laws of society, especially during a time of emergency.        

Remember what I said, "those who claim to be the victims of racism, are themselves racist".   They use race as a crutch.  Why not throw down the crutch and stand up? 

Finally, don't dare say there is racism in America.  Just look at who's helping.  The vast majority are WHITE.  Therefore, don't strike the hand that is extended to help you.  STOP THE RACISM.  STOP THE RACISM!!!!!


Here it is folks, the face of the modern racist. A statement that proves racism exists by the very fact that it seeks to prove that it doesn't. I forget who said it but its very true "Modern racism is the belief that racism itself no longer exists". Thats psychological theory. This statement is so blatantly obvious in its intent it actually made me laugh outloud. We have here folks, a real live 2005 Racist.

Not all Blacks are criminals.  So, why do many blacks take up for them?  Why do they make excuses for them?  It appears that many Blacks excuse criminal behavior by Black criminals simply because they are Black.      

90% of crime in America is committed by Blacks.  Yet Blacks are only 12% of the population.

Source please. Where do you get the figure that 90% of crime in the US is committed by blacks? Thats not correct.

Even if it were, you don't think that has to do with the majority of crime being committed by people under the poverty level? You also think that the fact that most people under the poverty level are black? Or the fact that the majority of crime is committed in the inner city, which happens to be predominately inhabited by blacks?

Why do you think that is? Why are most people under the poverty level black? Your answer to "Why do many blacks take up for them?" lies there.

Finally, don't dare say there is racism in America. Just look at who's helping. The vast majority are WHITE. Therefore, don't strike the hand that is extended to help you.

Again, most people in the middle and upper classes are white. The people who are helping are mostly in the middle to upper class, aren't the people helping then most likely to be white?

You paint a picture of lawless blacks biting "the white hand that feeds them" when really its an issue of socioeconomic status at work. Personally, I feel you have some serious issues with prejudice and bigotry you need to work on...

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