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$13k > Buy A Used Lx Or Rx?


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No one's playing the innocent victim here. The fact of the matter is that you've fabricated statements that you attributed to me, called me names, tossed out insults, and even gone back into your post and altered some of the original insulting wording that you originally posted at 1:30 pm today (site time) because you probably felt a legal need to tone down the original insult towards me. Shame on you - that's a feature you possess as an administrator, but you abused it in this case. I witnessed your wording as you originally wrote it, and by the way, so did others on this site who e-mailed me with notes of gratitude this afternoon for saying what I said.

Like it or not, you ARE young and inexperienced. That's perfectly okay, so was I at 23, just as everyone is. We all gain experience and our judgment typically improves as we get older and wiser. That's not discrimination, that's life. I accept your "youthful exhuberance". What I don't accept is your tendency to vent your anger childishly and your absolute dishonesty with me. That's simply inexcusable at any age.

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If you had around $13K to burn, would you buy a used RX 300 or a LX 450 SUV?

I wouldn't get the RX..........I test drove a few of them and I always felt the diffy was "growling" a little to much......kinda strange and it scared me off....

Man, you could get a pretty nice Honda Pilot / CRV instead........ Do you just want a 4x4 to play........???

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No one's playing the innocent victim here.  The fact of the matter is that you've fabricated statements that you attributed to me, called me names, tossed out insults, and even gone back into your post and altered some of the original insulting wording that you originally posted at 1:30 pm today (site time) because you probably felt a legal need to tone down the original insult towards me.  Shame on you  -  that's a feature you possess as an administrator, but you abused it in this case.  I witnessed your wording as you originally wrote it, and by the way, so did others on this site who e-mailed me with notes of gratitude this afternoon for saying what I said.

Like it or not, you ARE young and inexperienced.  That's perfectly okay, so was I at 23, just as everyone is.  We all gain experience and our judgment typically improves as we get older and wiser.  That's not discrimination, that's life.  I accept your "youthful exhuberance".  What I don't accept is your tendency to vent your anger childishly and your absolute dishonesty with me.  That's simply inexcusable at any age.

Ok i should not butt in, but here is my 2 cents anyway. I don't think that Steve is inexperienced. I do think that it is discrimination when you judge someone by their age. It is not right. I thought Steve was a lot older then 23 (no offense Steve i never seen you so i had no idea). I think that he is a very bright person and i also think that all he did was show proof about the Jeep Grand Cherokee. I don't like them either, but i did not post it cause i knew that something like this would happen. I might have missed some things that he edited (like you said :unsure:), but that still don't give you the right to pick at him just because of his age. I know i would have got mad as well. I don't mean to offend anyone here i just thought that i would write my 2 cents because it would make me very angry if someone picked at me cause of my age. I know i hated it when i was a child and the older kids would tell me that i was not old enough to understand and believe me i was the smarter one of the bunch. :rolleyes:

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The only thing I edited was I changed "You coward" to "cowardly" because I agreed that it wasn't a proper way to word that statement and it was unfair. I did this before I read your response to the thread, but I read it before I posted Thats all. I probably should have mentioned I did that but I was simply too angry and I forgot, I apologize. Because of some legal action? Huh? Legality has nothing to do with it, its not illegal to insult someone. Even if it were you have no way of contacting me to forward any kind of legal action and I have no way of contacting you. Anyways its not an admin function to edit one's own post, you can do that too as everyone can. You can also delete your own posts, but I suspect you know that already. As for people from the site PMing you and "thanking you" for your comments, don't even try and play that with me, thats a total cop out. Regardless if people PMed you or not, it doesn't matter because this has nothing to do with anyone but you and me. I have tried repeatedly to have a mature debate with you about this or any topic but it is impossible because you always chime in on my age and put me off as not worth discussing with or having no "credibility", that is completely out of line and I will not tolerate it.

I did go back and search for your first post, and the post I was looking for is strangely missing which is rather interesting. Even if that wasn't your first post, I have no intention of "fabricating" statements to try and discredit you or whatever, I legitimately thought that was your first post. I still think it was and that you went back and deleted it but theres no way to prove that so its useless to try.

Like it or not, you ARE young and inexperienced. That's perfectly okay, so was I at 23, just as everyone is. We all gain experience and our judgment typically improves as we get older and wiser. That's not discrimination, that's life.

I'd agree with you if we were discussing wedded bliss, or raising children, or how to live a proper life, or even how to best handle a lifelong career and I would gladly bow to your age-d wisdom but this is cars. I have been into cars as my primary life focus since I was a small small boy. I am not inexperienced in this area of life in any way shape or form. Am I the MOST experienced in the world or even in this club, certainly not but I am MORE than capable of holding a discussion with you or anyone else about the subject. Car dealerships PAY me for my knowledge about the customer service industry and how it relates to cars and to carbuyers, do they pay you? Now I spent time and presented you with a coherant argument backed up by facts and logic and you just shot it down without even discussing it with me because of my age as if I were some stupid 14 year old kid. I'm a 23 year old man that owns a company, I'm not some stupid kid. If thats legitimately the way you are, a bigot that refuses to acknowledge any kind of skills or information someone can offer because of their appearance or station in life then the hell with you. You're the one thats not fit to hold a discussion with me or anyone else here if thats the case.

Ok i should not butt in, but here is my 2 cents anyway. I don't think that Steve is inexperienced. I do think that it is discrimination when you judge someone by their age. It is not right. I thought Steve was a lot older then 23 (no offense Steve i never seen you so i had no idea). I think that he is a very bright person and i also think that all he did was show proof about the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Thank you for the support Jill I appreciate it.

I don't like them either, but i did not post it cause i knew that something like this would happen.

Please don't ever be afraid to voice your opinion at the LOC Jill, not while I'm around. I will see to it that no one steps on you because of it.

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That's not discrimination, that's life.

How is this not discrimination?? You are saying that what Steve is saying is invalid because his lack of his age-23 y/o. Encarta encyclpedia tends to disagree with you, "Discrimination, different treatment of others based solely on their membership in a socially distinct group or category, such as race, ethnicity, s*x, religion, age, or disability."

Not only are your comments rude and offensive, but they are also uncalled for and out of line. I would expect someone of your age and experience to be able to look past something as trivial as his age. Steve has done nothing but present FACTUAL information proving that the RX line of vehicles are much more reliable than Jeep's vehicles, and all you've done is insult him. If you'd take the time to get to know him, you'd realize that he is a wealth of knowledge on many different aspects of cars-both the care of the car itself and the industry. But, to discount his research just because he is 23 is wrong on any day of the week. Before he told us that he is 23, I thought he was 53 because that's the way he composes himself. But, what do I know I'm just some stupid 18 y/o college kid??? I can't wait until I hit that certain age where I know everything about everything.

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WOW , what alot to read.

I dont; care who thinks they know anythgni about a Cherokee it is a peice of crap. It falls apart brand new.

How do i know, my last company i was with i got a ride to work everyday with a guy with one.

We got to know the name of the towtruck driver real good as well as the cop for dropping a diff.

Chyrsler makes garbage and the Jeep cherokee must be its crown jewel.

As for all this childish crap RX if you don;t like the truck sell it ,leave it at the side of the road or burn it.

Some people whine then their are others beyond it by far.

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This is the last post I'm going to offer on this subject. And the subject here is not about cars, it is about maturity and earning respect. I'm not questioning your automotive knowledge at this point, I'm questioning your maturity and anger management tendencies. If you expect to be treated as a mature adult, then cease the childish name-calling, insults, and insinuations.

I worked my way up the corporate ladder and formed my own investment company a number of years ago, so I also know a little something about running a business. Be very glad you're not one of my employees....

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Matthew McNally,

Please step in here and counsel this guy.  Yes, our opinions are as different as night and day, but he has now resorted to fabricating posts and statements attributed to me, calling me names, and slinging direct insults.  This is truly childish behavior.  I neither expect nor desire an apology from him, but please address this issue for the good of your entire membership.  Thank you for your services.

I also received your pm.

I must admit - I can see nothing too wrong with this thread.

Differences of opinion are fine, and this was not going too far off the beaten thread.

Its seems to me that the thread goes off the rails when you write off Steve's opinions on the basis of his age.

That is an unfair accusation and one you should not make.

I cannot see SW03ES doing anything except respond to the mud you started slinging.

There is a feature of the forum software called "Ignore User" - simply click on the name of the person you wish to ignore, and you will see an option to do so.

I will close delete all the extraneous arguing if this thread does not get back on topic

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I worked my way up the corporate ladder and formed my own investment company a number of years ago, so I also know a little something about running a business. 

Thats fantastic, I'm always happy to hear another entrepenurial spirit story.

Be very glad you're not one of my employees....

I would never be one of your employees, I only work for myself. If I were though and I found that you were discriminating against me because of my age as you have been here I would immediately retain a lawyer and file a discrimination and harassment suit against you. I may not be like other people in your life that you can treat anyway you want, I don't take anything from anybody. You aren't anyone I'd want to work for, judging from the content of your posts here. I am very glad I'm not one of your employees.

I thank you for your advice as to how to best be taken seriously, but respectfully I must offer you some advice about maturity and how to best keep yourself above the fray. If you had not wished to engage me in this disagreement you would not have again discriminated against me because of my age. We've been through that before and I explained to you that is the one thing that I cannot tolerate. You knew exactly what would happen and thats why you pushed that button. A mature adult, as you claim to be, doesn't use childish button pushing tactics used by second grade playground tough guys to make the little kid go off and be made the fool. Like I said before, stop playing the innocent here you should be above such behavior.

This is also the last post I will make on this topic, I say let the situation rest. You don't like me and I don't at all care, but I will not allow you to disrespect me. Nobody has the right to do that.

There is a feature of the forum software called "Ignore User" - simply click on the name of the person you wish to ignore, and you will see an option to do so.

In all fairness to him since I am a manager he can't do that, I tried to see if it would work. You cannot ignore any administrator. Maybe there's an option you can change to allow him to do that?

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If you had around $13K to burn, would you buy a used RX 300 or a LX 450 SUV?

Damn, if I had known the power that this simple question could provoke...

I have only been a member here less than a month, so I will follow, um, how did my dad phrase it?

"Never underestimate the power of keeping your mouth shut."

RX in NC and SW03ES, my apologies.


My main question stemmed from the fact that a "well maintained" RX 300 with less than 80K miles probably cannot be found for $13K for another 18-24 months or so when the 1999 models depreciate enough. (anybody care to comment how they think the introduction of the hybrid model will affect this--if any?)

The magic number of $13K stems from the probable selling price of my 1999 Chevy Silverado LT that I would be using to finance this purchase.

Right now, I figure that in order to find a decent 1999-2000 RX 300 in good shape, under 80K miles, with a documented service history will probably run me around 18K +/- 2K here in Texas. That leaves me with a 3K-7K delta.

However, while I was browsing used car ads last week, I saw several LX 450s that were more in the 11-13K price range. Until then, I had never considered that model. Other than it looking like a Land Cruiser (and deducing that it was a Land Cruiser), I know absolutely nothing about them.

The vehicle is for my wife. We have a 11-month old son. Loading that pickup with the kiddo and the stroller and all the other stuff through the side extended cab doors in a parking lot sucks.

I do not want a minivan :censored:

4WD/AWD would not be a requirement (snow in Central Texas???). It would be like heated seats, nice to have once every 3-5 years. Did they even make a 2WD LX 450?

The extra room of the LX would probably be nice (I am 6'-6", my wife is 5-10, god only knows how tall my son will end up being), maybe more kids later...Consumer Reports has asterisks for most of the 90's model years (I guess that means not enough models sold to form an accurate opinion).

Barring another oil embargo and $4/gal prices, MPG should not be much of a factor as we both do not usually drive more than 4-5K miles a year tops.

The RX (other than the tranny issue when not properly PM'ed) appears to be a rock solid vehicle according to most everyone, and it looks great. Just a little smaller that I would like IF I was driving it everyday.

No offense to Honda or Chrysler owners, but for now I'm sticking with Lexus.

Anyways, thanks to all for your input so far. Looking forward to your thoughts.

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Please step in here and counsel this guy.  Yes, our opinions are as different as night and day, but he has now resorted to fabricating posts and statements attributed to me, calling me names, and slinging direct insults.  This is truly childish behavior.  I neither expect nor desire an apology from him, but please address this issue for the good of your entire membership.  Thank you for your services.

Having just read though this thread, I must point out that you contradict yourself from post to post, and even from paragraph to paragraph within some posts. I therefore can place absolutely no credibility in what you are trying to say. But now you are asking for someone to arbitrate your little problem here? Screw that.

This is not to mention the fact that the thread originator never asked about a Jeep in the first damn place.

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WOW , what alot to read.

I dont; care who thinks they know anythgni about a Cherokee it is a peice of crap. It falls apart brand new.

How do i know, my last company i was with i got a ride to work everyday with a guy with one.

We got to know the name of the towtruck driver real good as well as the cop for dropping a diff.

Chyrsler makes garbage and the Jeep cherokee must be its crown jewel.

As for all this childish crap RX if you don;t like the truck sell it ,leave it at the side of the road or burn it.

Some people whine then their are others beyond it by far.

Yeah, and besides that, Jeeps are really ugly. They always have been.

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This is the last post I'm going to offer on this subject.  And the subject here is not about cars, it is about maturity and earning respect.  I'm not questioning your automotive knowledge at this point, I'm questioning your maturity and anger management tendencies.  If you expect to be treated as a mature adult, then cease the childish name-calling, insults, and insinuations.

I worked my way up the corporate ladder and formed my own investment company a number of years ago, so I also know a little something about running a business.  Be very glad you're not one of my employees....

Waiit a minute, man, didn't you say "case closed" about 2 or 3 posts before that? Please to make up your mind. This indecision is getting really annoying.

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The extra room of the LX would probably be nice (I am 6'-6", my wife is 5-10, god only knows how tall my son will end up being), maybe more kids later...Consumer Reports has asterisks for most of the 90's model years (I guess that means not enough models sold to form an accurate opinion).

I'm 6'3...I test drove a RX300, and I found it pretty small; I love the style of the little truck though! In and out it's just great. I'm suprised that your '94 ES isn't killing you. I had to add a LS to the roster so that I could feel my legs after driving my '94 ES everyday(the ES is a first rate car other than it's petite size). lol


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OH, getting in and out of my ES can be a b---h....once i'm in i'm okay and it is very comfortable. I do, however have the seat almost all the way back and somewhat tilted. And the sunroof cover is almost always back (for the extra headroom). Only one sitting behind me is the baby car seat though...

After driving the wife's Ford Contour (which I sold when I upgraded to the ES), this car seems roomier. :D

If I actually had to "commute" to work, I would have definitely bought the LS over the ES.

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OH, getting in and out of my ES can be a b---h....once i'm in i'm okay and it is very comfortable.  I do, however have the seat almost all the way back and somewhat tilted.  And the sunroof cover is almost always back (for the extra headroom).

The door openings are too small, so it was indeed hard to get in and out. I had the seat all the back, and I was still miserable. I usually didn't have the sun shade open because the wind noise annoyed the hell out of me(it needed to be adjusted), but like you said, with it open, you can enjoy a couple extra inches of head room. I hate to speak badly about the car because it is superb even at 11 years old. As much as I don't like Chevy's(forgive me!), the generation of Silverado you drive has an excellent driving position for tall drivers.

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