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Everything posted by sakataj

  1. least u found out what it is! did u get a text message at the end of that wav file?
  2. since im running about 2-3 hours of sleep (ty girlfriend) im barely functioning this morning even to think...i will respond on your post since your double posting i didnt wanna clog my post, so im gonna switch all the responses back to yours so im not double posting after this one...
  3. since im running about 2-3 hours of sleep (ty girlfriend) im barely functioning this morning even to think...i will respond on your post since your double posting i didnt wanna clog my post, so im gonna switch all the responses back to yours so im not double posting after this one... http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=34665
  4. since u have a nakamichi unit with the digital climate control (since you have codes) and i have the nav, i dont know what those codes are for...im sure others do but can you tell me what code 21 and 24 are for?
  5. try using the search, i ALREADY ran into on today someone revived from the dead so i know its not hard to look for one...
  6. since i am a heating and air guy by trade, i change it ALOT more often then most people. i think most people do it ever 6 months but i try and clean mine monthly and change it every 3 months as when you use heat OR a/c this filter is being used and you wouldnt change your house filter ONLY every 6 months (but dear lord some people do) so i change/check mine frequently! i think it was 30....it was either 30 or 45.(JUST GOT OFF PHONE WITH PETER AT SEWELL ITS $30.17, i forgot to sk for the part # as i can tell you a way to get it cheaper from them but you need a part #) it was really rather a simple install. no links that i know...lemme look (did you try and search for this?)
  7. nice post.... :) your right somedays it can be VERY hard to get help around here as some of the OG's act like they to good to post on some peoples topics and no not just mine. i decided to give up on it, i post to help people so i still stick around but as you can tell from my other posts, i have really moved on to a more helpful place. but again very nice post. i left out all the details so i didnt clog this post
  8. as far as i recall, yes it does but its been 3-4 years since i have purchased a head unit (used the avid-d3 i had for ever and now my gs430 has factory nav)
  9. sounds like you need this invention they made awhile ago called a snowmobile lol....they very useful or a WRX with some dedicated snow tires...make sure you bring the hot chocolate to that fire though :) no your right the gs isnt effective on snow....i pulled over outside new york on the beltway (omfg you people drive soooooooo slow on that thing) and stopped to take a pee as i had been driving for like 8 hours and when i got back in, on like 4-6 inches car was spinning the tires....dropped her in snow mode and crept forward/back till i got out. y are driving on bald tires.......and funny cant recall last time i have EVER seen a stranded state patrol officer in any state i have been!
  10. sorry im OCD and i cant imagine putting a screwdriver (im sure it was clean) in my mouth! never said you weren't fine or that you were a idiot....was just asking trying to gauge what type of individual would KNOWINGLY swallow a product that can kill you if to much is ingested. YES, i understand you weren't drinking it BUT would you also taste rat poison....? im not prissy or anything, i dont mind getting dirty or anything but i try not to put unclean/harmful things in my mouth!
  11. you can buy them from sewell lexus or carson toyota or trade them... I want to trade my clears for ones with yellow... r u talking about the "yellow" ones the 2001+ have? they actually clear until they are on, they have a yellow housing inside and when they are on, they are yellow! got pics of yours? i might trade....nething wrong with them?
  12. you also might cross your fingers and hope that by now the head hasnt gotten warped from the chronic overheating and cooling! sounds like a head gasket, maybe a warped head, possibly a cracked block.... maybe a vacuum problem (my hondas used to have a problem with the idle air control valve which caused this to happen on them BUT my rx-7 had the customary problems with vacuum leaks so thats what caused it on them get a alignment! take it to a reputable and trust worthy mechanic and see what he says. good luck
  13. i still wanna know if you actually tasted this..........
  14. doesnt matter if your using auto temp or not, if they r bad, they r bad! so you said you checked all 4? your telling me u pulled the dash out or down to check drivers side.........? <_< but you said you checked them and even tried forcing them shut....u cant force them open or closed while they are in, they are on a track or a groove. i'd still say its a servo.... if u need a idea of how to fix it (u shouldnt as you said you have pulled them and checked them, you should know where they are and how to replace them) but just in case here, is my right up about it! http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=53999
  15. ty very much. yeah that little screwdriver came in handy. we sell them at work so i just used one from up there! yeah pics make EVERYTHING seem easier
  16. did u taste this? just use the oem toyota red/pink stuff its cheap
  17. 32nd step....unscrew and remove servo. this is what the pic will look like if your looking straight at the glove box AFTER you have removed the servo 33rd step....with the first one removed you can now see the other servo you'll be replacing (again forgot which is which but will update when i fix them again). if u follow the aluminum a/c lines down to where they bend, look to the left. that little black box is the other servo you'll be replacing 34th step....i had 2 use a small phillipshead screwdriver like one we sell at work to get to the back servo 35th and 36th step....crawl under dash and unscrew bottom servo....takes some finagling to get to this one reinstall and screw the NEW servos in....make sure you put the white arms on the servos INTO the tracks they came out of (grooved white plastic piece you'll see it when you take them out) BEFORE reinstalling glove box,cd player,etc be sure you check these (mine jumped outta the grove the first time) turn on car and run through air flow directions etc..... then reassemble the reverse way! last pics are of ONE of my mechanics helping me....thanks wes my original post http://www.clublexus.com/forums/gs-second-...rvo-motors.html
  18. 25th and 26th step...u can see screws and plug on here, while the blower wheel is down i would advise to clean it off 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th step....pry plastic shroud off white box (actually don't pry, has tabs u can put a flat head under and pull up WITHOUT breaking to release this) need to do this so you have room to get to the servos 31st step...white lid off servo full exposed (again forgot which one will update later)
  19. THIS DOES NOT REQUIRE REMOVING THE BLOWER WHEEL OR FILTER BUT I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT UNTIL I HAD ALREADY DONE ALTHOUGH DOING SO WILL GIVE YOU MORE ROOM DOWN THERE SO I DO RECOMMEND YOU GO AHEAD AND DO THAT AND WHILE YOUR IN THERE INSTALL A NEW, CLEAN FILTER Blower wheel removal.... 17th step..i assume everyone knows how to remove a cabin air filter, if not check out this link http://www.clublexus.com/forums/gs-second-...ots-of-pix.html 18th step....mine is already removed in this step 19th step....you'll see a plug in the first pic 20th and 21st step....just unplug it and let it hang for a sec 22nd, 23rd, and 24th step....3 screws hold the blower wheel up
  20. 10th and 11th step....unhooking cd player. after cd player is unbolted it will slide out (towards you) and be left dangling on the plug just unplug it 12th and 13th step...air recirculation servo. if u look to the left on the 13th step u can see the other servo (will update which one it is later) UNLESS YOUR REPLACING THE AIR RECIRCULATION SERVO YOU DONT NEED STEP 12 MOST PEOPLE WONT NEED THIS STEP 14th,15th and 16th step....here is where my details are failing me...i forgot WHICH servo this is (will update when i redo this fix, these pics are just showing you the location of the servo) same servo- different angle (looking straight at glove box, i turned camera to left facing drivers door and snapped this pic) 17th step....pull wires from cd player/glove box light and etc OUT of the way
  21. for the most part this is complete. this was a very time consuming DIY because i stopped and took pics and documented it. will update when i get new servos in as last ones i got still didnt work (dont buy them used). i do suggest you do both even if only ones out as its annoying to have to do this ONLY 2 turn around and have to do it again when the other goes out to! i figured it was about time some1 did a DIY on this so here it is part numbers from sewell are: i paid this price using discount cl911m but if u use clublexus as the discount they are cheaper (2 bad i didnt know that till today). search under part #'s Product #:8710630371 Lexus OEM Damper (For Mode) Servo Sub-Assembly, Quantity:1, Price:$143.38, Item Total:$143.38 quick link (this is WITHOUT the discount price, you'll have to apply that at the end) http://www.sewellpartsonline.com/parts_det...45432&all=Y Product #:8710630341, Lexus OEM Damper (For Cooling Unit) Servo Sub-Assy, Quantity:1, Price:$141.31, Item Total:$141.31 quick link (this is WITHOUT the discount price, you'll have to apply that at the end) http://www.sewellpartsonline.com/parts_det...82158&all=Y i did not replace the air recirculation servo (step 12 and 13, this is the servo that brings in fresh air from outside the car or recirculates old air in the car) as most of us wont be either (for some reason its NOT prone 2 failure like the other 2 are) but i included it incase some1 does need to replace it or just wants to know where it is! see since i did this ALONG time ago and just not fixing to do it again i forgot some of the small details so i will try and update them soon..... 1st and 2nd step ....i think this is a 10 mm bolt. unscrew these 3rd and 4th step....should be able to pull this out. it just pops out after you unscrew the bolts....disconnect all lights/plugs on it or at least unhook them 5th and 6th step....unscrew bolts holding glove box on there are 3 SCREWS i know if u look at pics you'll think there are 4 but one pic just shows the same screw on 7th step...you'll see the metal tabs that will hold it in AFTER you've unscrewed it, they just pop or pry out. UNHOOK NOT UNPLUG SRS from glove box (YELLOW WIRE) this is your passenger side airbag and you don't want it blowing off in your face so just unhook it from the glove box and push it back outta the way, unplug glove box light (now might be a good time to upgrade the lighting or the bulb) 8th and 9th step....you'll be unscrewing cd player (again i think its 10mm bolts i cant seem to find mine to verify oops) ONLY 2 BOLTS ON CD PLAYER, ONE ON EACH SIDE
  22. patience....i JUST replaced mine. i upgraded to aftermarket 4300k bulbs so i still have the 2dsr or we our bulb number is! will sell if u need! neways, just some patience. im a big guy (not fat, just big) and i got mine....although it is very tight in there and a PITA to maneuver but it can be done Did you have to remove anything to get behind there? no sir nothing at all. just stuck my fat hand back there and worked it around
  23. yeah i forgot the hood cable is a common problem on ours too....i had to fix mine when i got it. yes i know u talked about the hood latch but for most of us, its actually our cable and its a cheap fix, lube will only work for so long (part from sewell is like 30 i think) oh fyi change your filter more than every 6 months.
  24. patience....i JUST replaced mine. i upgraded to aftermarket 4300k bulbs so i still have the 2dsr or we our bulb number is! will sell if u need! neways, just some patience. im a big guy (not fat, just big) and i got mine....although it is very tight in there and a PITA to maneuver but it can be done
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