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Alex P.

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  • Lexus Model
    GS 300

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  1. Thanks Brian, Since posting this question I have read if not all the similar postings certainly a good many of them. The recurring theme appears to point to a servo motor. Rather than ripping into my dashboard in hopes of finding something obvious I may take it to the dealer and let them do the repair. Thanks again for the response. I will let you know what I find out. Alex
  2. Hello, I have owned my GS for 81/2 years and have had little in terms of problems with the car, however, on a recent trip I have encountered a problem in the air management system. The system heats and cools fine all fan functions work properly but you hear an outside air noise and it sounds as if there is an open door allowing the outside air noise to enter the cabin. The codes that I am getting are 21, 24 however I understand code 21 may be due to not enough light at the time, excluding code 21 I have not seen code 24 on a list of default codes in this forum. Any help on where to get started would be appreciated. Alex
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