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Everything posted by GDixon

  1. Thanks for the clarification. Obviously you are better informed than am I.
  2. Sorry for the confusing term. "Owner's input" would just be doing the adjustment yourself as as been done in past model years. As mentioned before, if it could be done by the owner then the owner's manual would describe how to do it. In the U.S. the legal requirement is to have a "notification" that the seat belt is not connected. The dash light suffices so the chime can legally be turned off. Canada may have different requirements. The dealer is supposed to provide one complimentary Techstream adjustment on new car purchases to your specifications. Post #3 has the list of adjustments for 2008 but many are likely the same for the 2012 model. BTW, if it can be done by Techstream, there are adapter cables to hook up a laptop and a subscription to the Techstream software that can enable you to do it yourself. It is expensive. Another option is to advertise on Craigslist or similar that you want it done and the amount you are willing to pay.
  3. You won't know until you try it. All the dealership can say is "No, we won't do it". It is the same with the Toyota Tundra. The driver's side and the passenger's side chimes are separate entries in the Techstream when attached to the ECU. Some dealerships will turn them off, others will not. Still others will turn off the passenger's but not the driver's. Every once in a while you can slip a tip to the Techstream guy and he will do it. That is, if the chime in the 2012 is controlled by the ECU and not the owner's input.
  4. Use of regular will therefore adversely impact peak HP and FE. Hmmmm....seems like the definition of "de-tuned". It may not be PC to state it that way but retarding the timing will influence the areas you mentioned. If the 2012 RX has the same HP rating and FE, along with the same engine designation, then my opinion is that the salesperson is misinformed. But maybe tweaking the ECU could produce what is claimed with out degrading performance. Without a declaration from Lexus corporate it is all conjecture.
  5. From what I have read, and IF the salesperson is correct, the engine would be "de-tuned" for regular gas. Earlier models de-tune themselves when regular gas is used by sensing engine knock. Jaswood explained this in post #2 of this thread. Believing a salesperson, whose job depends on moving cars off of the lot, may not be the best source of engine tuning facts. You thinking that it will increase the sales of the RX "big time" would be a motivating factor for a salesperson to put out this information to potential customers. Then the question arises, "Why did the salesperson wait until you picked up the RX to tell you this revelation?". Your manual should indicate the gas to use and/or a call to the service department may clarify the situation.
  6. If the procedure is not in the manual then call the dealer's service department and ask how it is done.
  7. Maybe for 2012 the RX chime is computer controlled like the Toyota Tundra. In that case you will have to have the dealer hook up the Techstream software/laptop and change the settings on the car's computer. Since it is a new car with warranty you should be able to have the first computer adjustment done at the dealership for free. Do some research about other things you might want changed on the car's computer since generally the dealer charges for subsequent changes. There are several adjustments that can be made. Here is a .pdf file of the options for 2008. LexusOptions.pdf
  8. People make mistakes. Add more oil to the fill line on the dipstick and see what happens.
  9. One would think that a Lexus dealership would know the answer. Try the service manager.
  10. Read "The Prince" by Machiavelli. Machiavelli
  11. You bought a $40K car. Go with the OEM - they also look better since they are more integrated. Cutting pieces off of the car probably won't "damage" it but may reduce the resale value. Install the hitch yourself or have it done somewhere other than a dealer if you want to save a few bucks.
  12. Thanks. I did find that Radarbusters site but wanted to make sure. No sense in causing trouble. We usually carry a handgun (with a CCW) but will leave it home on our trip to Canada. Good info on the second link as well. The help and information is appreciated. We are in the process of getting a passport card. Hopefully, it will arrive in time. The passport website estimates 3 to 5 weeks to process. Who knows what the budget mess will do to that.
  13. Searched Google and LOC without luck on recent information on the legality of radar detectors in western Canada. Some say legal, others not. Taking a trip to Banff and Vancouver in September and don't want to have issues. Thanks!
  14. It has nothing to do with too many cars. The problem is too many people. Humans are consuming resources similar to bacteria in a petri dish. Eventually, the results will be the same. I'm no tree-hugger but this population thing is completely out of control. Humans cannot get past their biological urge to procreate. Sure, more people could car pool, be more selective when to travel, make one well-planned trip for supplies instead of ten, etc. But that is like putting a bandage on a cancer.
  15. Be sure to take your photos of the connections. That will make it easier to compare the dealer's wiring with what you have found. Good luck.
  16. 1. Do not splice if the RX has LED lights like the later models. 2. The receiver should come with the wiring. Buy the receiver hitch first and the wiring plug-in should be obvious. 3. Go to the dealer to buy the wiring if you already have a receiver hitch. 4. I'm only experience with the later models so maybe someone else here will have more information. 5. I rarely read posts with "Help" included in the topic but that is my problem not yours.
  17. Hard to say without pictures of your own. Your best bet may be to check your VIN number with a dealer to find out if your vehicle came with the tow package.
  18. It is a complete non-issue. The oil change intervals are fine both by mileage and longevity. Modern oil has enough additives and quality to deal with what you have described. That said, I use Mobil 1. Toyota makes (subcontracts) a good synthetic also.
  19. My understanding is that the tow package and non-tow package have the same driveline. For such a short distance you could put it in low and drag out the boat. Ramps are steep so go easy.
  20. Try this thread: Trailer Hitch Do a site search for other information on a trailer hitch for the RX.
  21. It would not cost $13K to get your RX repainted in whatever color you want. The difference in mileage is not significant enough to justify the cost to upgrade to an 08 IMO. There is not THAT much that is different. If you have not had any problems with the 330 by now then it will likely last another 87K miles. The Nav is an arguable point here on LOC. Some like it, while some hate it. Nobody seems to "love" it. Do a search.
  22. Thanks for the photos. Google doesn't have much for "Clickart Moveasy golf"or similar search terms. You have something unique there.
  23. A photo would explain much if you can upload one or two.
  24. Sometimes tire/road noise will cause a sound that mimics wind noise. However, that would not explain the difference in noise going one direction rather than another. Perhaps the highway is surfaced differently. My RX has increased tire noise over new as the tires have worn and it is now at 35K miles - ready for a new set. Check Tire Rack for the tires you presently have to see if road noise may be an issue with them.
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