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Everything posted by GDixon

  1. I'll let my hubby know that he needs go change the grass in th back yard. That's probably the best idea. But then he'll need to do the front & sides. Maybe he could plant bushes that grow really tall that we could hit into. Then we won't need the net. Yeahhhhhh.... I think that will work. I had my first lesson. He made several small adjustments to my grip & posture. He video taped me & showed me my swing on the computer. Eeks!! My biggest problem is letting go of the death grip and staying relaxed. Sounds like a good first lesson. The suggestions could be applied to many of life's happenings as well. ;)
  2. Air bags have to be replaced. To get an idea of the cost, eBay usually has them. Do a search on eBay or even Google for a wider choice. Your insurance should handle it anyway. Hopefully, your deductible isn't very high.
  3. Ha!!! The expense has only just begun. Now that your husband is interested, vacations can be planned around golf. Resorts, golfing packages, green fees, more lessons, and the host of other expenses on the periphery will creep into the picture. Then you'll convince yourselves that if you only had a "XXXX" driver then every shot would be right down the middle. A "YYYY" putter will sink those pesky 5 footers each time. A "ZZZZ" sand wedge will put the ball right next to the hole. Might as well start looking for a second mortgage now while the interest rates are down. Lessons should be looked at more positively than an "Ugh". Now that you are in the dark swamp it is wise to seek a path to the light. As Buddha pointed out, "When the student emerges, it is then that the teacher shall appear". Oh, and expect to have sore muscles. New ones that have not been used for some time will suddenly be barking. Take an Advil and get out to the range anyway. At least you have scenic countryside in which to stroll around in NE, Ohio - lots of trees for the golf ball to seek. I'm originally from just across the border in NW, PA. Beautiful country when the weather cooperates.
  4. Well, now you are ready to do some serious golfing. Very nice set. It is about time that manufacturers build clubs to perform for an amateur woman's game.
  5. The bottom line is that the lug nuts hold on the brake rotor. Remove the lug nuts and the rotor is unsecured. The caliper has to be removed to get the rotor to clear the lug nut studs so removing the caliper comes first. Since you are replacing the rotors, there is no need to be nice to them. Although banging with a 2 x 4 should break the rust adhesion, a hammer tap on the edge could do the job as well. Wear safety glasses since the rotor is about as hard as the hammer and sparks can fly. Replacement is just as easy. Clean up the rust on the car-side rotor seat with a wire brush and put a light coat of WD-40 on it - don't spray it on or overdo it, wipe it on and surely keep it off of the rotor face where the pad contacts. It probably doesn't matter much but I've never had a rotor rust on with that procedure. I personally think that if the rust is not removed then the rotor will not seat as perfectly as it should. Slip the new rotor over the lug nut studs and you are ready to deal with the caliper and new pads. Every time you rotate the tires the rotors should be loose.
  6. Don't overdo it on the equipment. A basic golf set of putter, a sand wedge, the odd numbered irons up to and including 5 iron, a 3 wood, and a 5 wood should do it. Tee off with the 3 wood and hit fairway shots with the 5 wood or 5 iron - whichever is working for you at the time. A 7 wood could replace the 5 wood if you hit it better. The 7 is a bit shorter and easier to make contact with the ball and get it airborne. Be sure to go to a store that allows you to hit the clubs in a practice cage. No use buying club that you perceive that you can't hit well. A quick story: A friend of mine that was a very good golfer came to visit and we decided to play a round of golf although he didn't bring his clubs. He went through my old, rusty, worn-out, "no good shots left in them" clubs and put together a mismatched partial set. He went out and had a fantastic round. The point is that there is no reason to spend a fortune on clubs despite what a salesperson might try to push. A "starter" set is more than adequate. In fact, I should be playing with such a set rather than spending way too much for the latest technology. The bottom line is that you simply can't buy a golf game. A smooth swing, straight shots, and consistently contacting the ball is what you are looking for.
  7. Hi GDixon! How've you been? I'm very social in business settings and will excell in the relationship building portion of the day. I'll play as many holes as I can and bow out graciously when I've had enough. The important part of the day will be the schmoozing ~ so all will be good. :D Nice to have you back on the site. Know you have been busy. My recommendation is to not pack it in after you have played less than the full compliment of holes. Rather, know your limitations and go hole by hole. Occasionally picking up on a hole at mid-point, if justified, will be seen as courteous, intelligent, and realistic in self-evaluation. That will impress your male partners. For instance, a par 3 across water might be worth a ball or two in the lake and then simply say, "That's enough for this hole, meet you on the next tee." Of course, you will accompany the group to the green and compliment a good shot as a way of staying involved. Don't overdo it though. Complimenting a bad or mediocre shot will be seen as pandering and the involved player will not be feeling good inside despite outside appearances. You don't want to be associated with or part of those negative feelings. Ending your day early will define you as a quitter and loser in your playing partners' eyes. Even you ultimately decide to skip some holes, end the day with a vigorous attempt at the final hole and try your very best to finish it. That positive thought will remain with your partners regardless of your score on the hole. "Gritty, stick-to-it, hard worker, good sport, spunky, upbeat" are words that come to mind for someone who tries to the end. If this outing is a social/business/career-advancing type of atmosphere as you state, you can score many points by remaining positive. For some reason, most men see golf as a reflection of life and life with a pleasant woman is just that much richer. (I guess nowadays it is politically correct to say "significant other".)
  8. One deer, five deer. One Lexus, five Lexus.
  9. OK, you got opinions from some knowledgeable folks. Now go out and drive the cars on your short list. The paddle shifter on the IS is supposed to be quite nice, similar to a stick, but lacking the possibility of missing a shift or grinding gears. Of course, that is coming from a LOC member that has not driven the car. My old Porsche 944 was manual and that is an advantage in an underpowered car where catching a gear is essential to performance driving. The cars you are discussing are not at all underpowered. Porsche even went to the Tiptronic in their higher HP models. Others might comment on the workings of that transmission better than I can. Now that I don't do much white-knuckle driving the IS-F looks to be a nice compromise of raw power and grandpa's ride. No serious looking at one just yet - let them work out the kinks for a few years. Then it looks like a go. Let us know what you find and finally decide. Talk is cheap (but ultimately is the purpose of this site).
  10. My choice is to tell you that it is your choice. "Looks good" is an individual matter. That is, unless it is more important what others think than your own thoughts. There was a post here some time ago about what kind of spinner rims a guy should put on his Lexus. You'll know the style and size of the rims when you see them.
  11. Try building the same car on the Lexus web site. It will give you a ball park figure. http://www.lexus.com/ Another place to look is the Edmunds web site to get the dealer's cost (invoice) of the options. http://www.edmunds.com/ Do the research and be better prepared. Here is a link to your car's options in my zip code area. http://www.edmunds.com/new/2009/lexus/rx35...29/options.html
  12. Yeahhhh, I think my average contact time would be a bit longer with my many swings. It's expensive, that's why corporate outings will be the way to go! No time to get addicted right now while I'm still in school with another 3 years or so to go. After that, we'll see what happens. In a corporate atmosphere it will be your attitude that impresses more than your golf game or golf equipment. Don't take a clue from the men since it is "manly" to grouse and grumble, or even curse, one's golf game. Women that have an even keel, are positive, try hard, and keep up are respected and even admired. The score is of no consequence. Sorry about the gender issue but that is just the way it is. As far as slowing down the group, take a clue from the group ahead of your group. If they are a half hole ahead then everything is OK. If the entire hole is open then it is time to pick up the ball for that hole or skip the hole entirely and try again on the next hole - especially if it is a long par 5. If the group behind is on your rear and wants to play through then that is a disaster. Put the ball in your pocket and accompany your group to the next tee. Last playing point: If the men are waiting to hit to the green because the group ahead is on it then you can go ahead and hit to lay up. That speeds up the game and is appreciated. Be sure to let your group know you are hitting - "I'm going to hit up". They will appreciate such an effort. Even if you are the best golfer in the group, there is so much "macho" involved that it is best to lay low. I truly am sorry about the sexism but having played much golf, often in mixed groups, I speak from experience. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  13. Try this link: http://www.lexusofroseville.com/PersonalizedSettings Just choose the model that you want to see the personalized settings and click "Personalized Settings" in the left box. Then scroll down the right box to see them.
  14. Try this post: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...495&hl=odor Search the entire forum for "odor" or "smell" and see what comes up. There are multiple solutions suggested.
  15. Just use premium and eat the extra cost - maybe $4 a fill-up (as of today). Driving less or combining errands might reduce the total bill if money is a big issue. When you stomp on the accelerator to pass or merge onto a freeway there are certain expectations that you have learned with premium gas. A "self-detuned" engine is not going to to give you the expected response and the results may be disastrous. This car was likely purchased for some performance issues along with comforts. There is no reason to "settle" for an underpowered Lexus when there is an alternative by using premium fuel. The 08 RX is fitted with a more powerful engine. That is why we waited to buy ours and it will use premium to gain the benefits that engine provides.
  16. The right people to ask are the ones at the dealership that sold you the car. Much depends on who issued the warranty and the limitations stated in the terms. It could have been a powertrain only warranty or a bumper-to-bumper or anything in between. Without more information it is difficult to assess the coverage. If the seller was a Lexus dealer you probably will have more of a chance of satisfaction. At any rate, call them and ask. There doesn't seem to be much discussion on this site about dash cracks so it may be a unique problem.
  17. Check on eBay. There are several for sale - not that I'd buy one. Well, maybe from a VERY reputable seller but be careful.
  18. Search this website for "WWEST". His postings tend to have a lot of information on the subject of AWD vs. FWD.
  19. Consumer Reports has a big review of laptops in this month's issue. It will allow you to compare the components, hard drive, memory, processor, video card, etc. from model to model. You just can't say Sony or HP. Different models are far different. I, too, am in the market for a laptop but absolutely won't get anything with Vista on it. If the hard drive has to be formatted and XP put on then so be it. Make sure the computer comes with disks to install the touch pad and other peripherals.
  20. There are several posts on this site about how to realign the headlights. I thought mine were dim, too, but readjusting them revealed them to be great.
  21. Some people on this forum state that the original oil has some special break-in properties and additives and it should be left in for the first 5K miles. Engines today don't seem to have the amount of initial scraping and grinding that cars of old seemed to produce on a new engine. Manufacturing techniques are much more refined. Whatever you decide, be sure to change the oil filter each time the oil is changed.
  22. Check this post to confirm your opinion of LOR. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...c=22642&hl=
  23. If the "auto adjust" is like the RX350s then it can be adjusted. See this post. It has some pictures of the adjusting device on the RX. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...mp;#entry265503 There are also some posts about adjusting the headlights with screws at the headlight mount. Try a different dealer, a Toyota dealer, or an independent shop if you don't want to do it yourself.
  24. jgr: Sorry for your disappointment with LOR. It is too far away from V V to really make sense to take it there (unless going to Reno). The local Toyota dealer should be able to provide the needed service. I did the 5K service with LOR but won't be back there unless there is a warranty issue. Since there is only one female service advisor, S...., I know the reference. She is my service advisor also. She does not inspire confidence. The 5K mile "free" service is a temptation and a chance to troubleshoot any initial new car issues. Getting the personalized settings adjusted is another reason to have it done. After the 5K service there are several other options for service at a substantially reduced price. A guess might be that the free 5K service is offered so they can start a habit of using a particular dealership with all of the pampering and smiles. At least a tire rotation was offered to be paid for locally although that is not really a solution. Now LOR is sending annoying mail and emails with sales offers and service reminders. Apparently, they hired a guy just for that purpose. In driving around town I have seen a Breakwater Blue RX so it must have been yours. It has been seen mostly around the Factory Stores area.
  25. Since trailers almost exclusively run 12V lights the volts at the plug should read 12V +.
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