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Everything posted by GDixon

  1. It is simply knock-off of the RX. Details of the dimensions will be interesting. It looks a bit more compact than the RX. Maybe a good car for your teenager. From the photo it appears the roofline is the smashed-down style introduced by Dodge.
  2. Try this link. Turning it off and back on is the same process. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=33399
  3. Back to the dealer for you. That is the reason warranties exist. Maybe the gas cap seal is defective or the sealing area a bit warped. Replacement of one or both may be indicated. Granted, everyone expects their new car to be perfect. It is disappointing when it has an issue. At least Lexus will keep after the problem until it is fixed. A Chevy dealer would unplug the warning light.
  4. How about adding a new aisle in Congress and vote Libertarian? Ron Paul and congressional candidates are out there waiting. As far as the tax cut....remember that there is an election in Fall. The Republicans propose it, the Democrats pass it, and both parties claim victory. The candidates all say that THEY, and their party, were the ones to put the money in your pocket. The cut will apply to lower income people because, in general, there are more voter numbers there and voting the pocketbook is a tradition in the USA. Neither the Republican nor the Democrats can be blamed for the multiple messes this country is experiencing. It is all a facade under the name of "Politics". Anyone actually expecting the "change" that both parties are pushing is exercising self-deception. The primary purpose of any establishment is to continue its existence. Has anyone read the novel 1984 recently? :(
  5. No Lexus logo, but a drawer liner, like those sold in rolls at Costco, works great. You can probably find smaller sizes at any home store. At the CA State Fair a dash liner was being sold that covered the whole dash area and nothing would slip. Whoever would leave things on the dash is beyond me but they are available.
  6. Yep, that's a towing hook. It is a little disconcerting that a supposedly very reliable car would come with a towing eye bolt. There is really nowhere to tow the car from the front end so maybe it is for tow truck use rather than ripping off the front end by connecting the towing cable elsewhere and causing more damage. In a disabling accident it might get used.
  7. A nightmare, indeed. I agree with contacting Lexus Customer Care personally and by letter. There is something about a written documentation that carries more weight. Our Lexus experience has been flawless but it comes at a financial cost. Your situation was most likely an isolated case of incompetence. Apparently, the dealer replaced the steering column and forgot to hook up the several components that are involved in the process. I have heard that Lexus service departments are not the best because they rarely have to do major repairs and end up having to read the repair manual to figure out what to do. Maybe the mechanic that worked on your car was dslectic (not that there anything wrong with that <_< ).
  8. Unfortunatly, Lexus/Toyota doesn't seem to supply their parts to just anyone. Try getting the Toyota part number (see my earlier post and link for this) and do a Google search. Also, you might take the part number into a Toyota dealer's parts department and see what you can get it for. They usually will even haggle the price a bit if that is your style. Shipping costs are a nightmare so take that into account when looking at Inernet prices and local prices. Make sure your RX has the towing package to reduce the possibility of transmission damage. It may not be necessary for a single jet ski but anything over that might be dicey in hilly terrain.
  9. I also tried to find an after market manual. Chilton, Haynes, and whatever don't seem to publish one for the Lexus. Googling for a product comes up with nothing close.
  10. eBay has them (Sewell) for a little savings. Check out this post for more information. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...mp;#entry254728
  11. The 9500 that smooth1 is referring to is an Escort model. I am an aggressive driver and drove a Porsche 944 on a coast-to-coast and back on a 10,000 mile trip. The Escort save my rear several times. There is one in my pickup truck as well. Just recently it picked up a speed trap in WA state. See details at: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...mp;#entry265116 The Escort 9500 is also invisible to the radar detector-detector. You will pay for the performance but after all - you have a Lexus. One last thing, thanks to the Escort I have not gotten a ticket in over 40 years.
  12. Maybe this post has more information and will work. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=39975
  13. Try this post. Then send me your wallet. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=36862
  14. Very nice to hear of the happy ending. As with all businesses, leadership and attitude come from the top. If your annoyance with the first dealer was sufficient enough to warrant a follow-up then Lexus Customer Support could be notified of your negative experience. The first "Lexus Experience" is definitely not what is envisioned by corporate. A contact to Support may help a future unwitting customer that enters that dealership. Had you purchased a car there it would have be easy to give feedback on their survey but now it will take proactive involvement if you are interested. Lexus actually does care about customers even if it is only a methodology for turning a profit. They realize that intelligent and affluent customers will be positively influenced by a superior product, superior service, and respectful treatment even if it is had at a price.
  15. Good for you for walking out. I have read about techniques for selling cars and the "be good buddies then act miffed if the deal sours" scam is a popular one to use on nice people. The buyer doesn't want to offend so buys at an inflated price. Then the service manager tried the "good cop, bad cop" angle on you. If they think you are attached to the car then the scare tactic of "it will be sold out from under you" is used. The bottom line is that car salespeople are no different than politicians in their desire to get what they want. A different dealer may be more gentle but their intent is exactly the same - to make money. They are most afraid of an informed consumer. Lexus must look at those surveys closely since the dealership where we bought our car was equally concerned about the survey. They didn't hinge the deal on it but encouraged positive marks. We were honest in filling it out and there were some negatives.
  16. You might take it to a REPUTABLE transmission shop for a "power flush". It is supposed to get rid of almost all of the debris in the transmission. Not sure of the price or even if it can be done on a Lexus. I had a transmission in a 99 Ford pickup burn up and the shop mentioned some advantages of a "power flush". It was after the fact so was not likely a big sales job.
  17. I agree about the posts that only advise to "read the manual (you idiot)" or "do a search (you moron)", parenthesis implied. It takes as much time to flame someone as it does to help out with the answer or to provide direction. I, too, have appreciated all of the patient, courteous, and knowledgeable people on this site that are willing to share what they have learned. My comment about doing a search was to open up possibilities since the link provided may not have all of the answers. Because the early Lexus models were subject to oil sludge damage, Toyota sees that as a major maintenance issue. It is not cheap to replace an entire engine. The screaming red warning light is more for their corporate pocketbook than for the end-user. Nevertheless, I appreciate the reminder since it is so easy to turn off.
  18. Maybe I'll see you driving around town. Since we live out in the country, our rig is painted dirt color. "Savanna Metallic" they call it or something similar. The rims are 10 spoke chrome. We liked Breakwater Blue also but "Dirt" was more useful for our situation. The tan leather is a must during those 100+ degrees we have be getting in summer. Enjoy your rig. It sounds like you got just about everything there is to hang on it. And don't forget to change your car model on your fact sheet. It is remarkable that you had any funds left after a trip Reno. Cache Creek is just as willing to take your cash and is a lot closer.
  19. Click on this link for instructions to reset the light. Make sure the ODO is not on Trip A or Trip B but rather the total miles. Using the search engine on this site will steer you to many answers. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=39975
  20. I'd take lenore's advice since he/she has much more experience with Sacramento dealerships than me. At any rate, good luck shopping.
  21. Don't become too negative because of the posts on this site. Happy people rarely post but angry or frustrated people post quite a bit. Out of the hundreds of thousands of Lexus cars there is going to be a design flaw or component failure occasionally. An issue is magnified herein due to the back-and-forth postings. Lexus just has far fewer problems than most other manufacturers. Dumping the Lexus would likely result in getting a replacement. Before you do so, check forums for the anticipated car and see what they have to say. I'll bet you decide to stick with the Lexus. You may want to check Consumer Report's auto section and read the reviews by owners. CR has no affiliation and freely posts owners' comments.
  22. A good reason to get a nav system. My RX had a rattle in the rear that has since gone away after some fiddling. The rattle mostly happened on the washboard wagon trail called I-80 that runs through town. You can click on my name to see my past posts on the subject. Pictures are included in the post unless they have been deleted by the moderator. Otherwise, no rattling problems like are mentioned in other posts. The incidents seem isolated rather than typical. Lexus of Roseville seems very willing to please as far as service goes however it is a long drive. When the free 5K service was done the personal settings were done at the same time. Be sure to check the settings before you leave the dealer to make sure they are right. Oh, and I blew $1300 on rims since during the wait for service after my wife spotted some fancy ones "on sale". My advice is to go alone or drop your wife at the shopping mall across the street from the auto mall. It will save money in the long run. If I need something done it will be at the local Toyota dealer for less money and less driving time. Oil + filter changes and tire rotations will be self-done. There is only 8K miles on the car now so nothing much has been done yet.
  23. I bought my 08 RX at Lexus of Roseville and live in Vacaville, too. Look for a salesman by the name of John Miller. He is a bit hyperactive but will deal and wants to sell cars. The Costco price is 5% over dealer invoice but you don't have to haggle. The pit boss is a bit of an arrogant pain in the *** but that is usual at a dealer. He will try to wring 10 cents out of you. Stand firm and be ready to get up and walk out. Tell him you want the offer written so you won't have to go through this again at the Elk Grove dealer (or Concord dealer). That will soften him a bit. If they don't want to lower the price enough then be prepared with a list of extras for them to throw in the deal like tow hitch, mud guards, floor mats, upgraded rims, or anything else you can think of. I got mine for less than the Costco discount price. Shop on the last day of the month for the best deal. Think twice about the Nav. Aftermarket is portable and much more precise. I can program my Garmin on my computer and transfer routes to the device. Then there are the yearly and costly Lexus updates to the nav. Check out the forums for problems with the nav - there are plenty.
  24. My good friend, wwest, is politely indicating that there will be a significant difference in ride quality. Somewhat similar to riding a piece of plywood down a boulder-strewn rocky hillslide.
  25. Yep, I've had both issues in my 08 RX 350. Check this forum for posts on both issues. You can search my name or click on it to get to my posts on the issues. The transmission lag seems to have gone away or has been gotten used to. The transmission is supposed to "learn" how you drive and adjust accordingly. Sounds like smoke and mirrors to me.
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