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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. Is there a way to find out what CD/Firmware version I have without removing the CD and looking at it? Tom
  2. Welcome GG. Following is a reprint of a letter to the editor that makes an interesting argument for choosing a hybrid. "In your long-term 2006 Lexus RX400h AWD story (April 2007), you use a common financial argument which suggest that buying hybrids often doesn't pay. In doing so, you miss a huge point that does our nation and our troops abroad a disservice. You write, "Assuming premium gasoline stays at $2.39 a gallon, it would take more than 91,000 miles of driving the RX400h to recoup that $3800 difference in base price compared with the RX350. That's a lot of driving. Purely on a financial basis, it doesn't make sense to pay the extra money for the RX400h, unless you're thinking it will help save the planet." No! The issue is not just how much money one saves or spends but also where that money goes. In other words, even if I don't drive 91,000 miles, I'd rather give a little extra money to a hybrid automaker, realizing that in doing so I'm sending less money to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Environmental issues aside, any effort that saves gasoline reduces the money we send to the largely unfriendly countries from whom we purchase oil and the anti-American cause they often fund or support." Tom
  3. Is there anywhere I can dowload the entire owner's manual in PDF format, not the segmented thing that's on the Lexus site? Tom
  4. Anything a Lexus dealer does for $50 is a bargain. Tom
  5. I would like an owner's manual in PDF format for my RX400h? Where can I find the link? Tom
  6. I think I'll wait until an aftermarket unit comes along at something less than the inflated $300 Toyota price. Tom
  7. I had this feature changed at my first service, because I just didn't like it. However, I believe the purpose is to prevent a bad person from opening your door and entering your vehicle while stopped at a red light or stop sign. Tom
  8. Really interesting. Thanks for posting. Tom
  9. Someone, unless the actual disc has copyright wording on it, I doubt that Lexus can do much about sharing. Tom
  10. Jim, the EPA retroactively modified all CAFE rating back to 1987 recently, to reflect more "real world" conditions. And, the numbers you are quoting are all 4WD versions. That being said, I rarely achieve the 27/25 that my 2WD 400h is supposed to get. Tom
  11. My first experiments last night were not impressive. About all the VC could seem to recognized was "zoom in" and "zoom out." Tom
  12. Cool, MMos. An excuse to run some errands tonight and try some voice commands. Tom
  13. There is also dealer holdback which is often around 2%. And the dealer is strongly hoping to get your warranty and non-warranty service for several years. Serice is a very profitable area for dealers of all type of vehicles, including motorcycles which I have experience with. Tom
  14. That would be very cool. I don't really use mine because I am too lazy to learn by trial an error and when I have experimented, it didn't recognize my command(s). Tom
  15. Hi ZD9. Thanks for the response and certainly no hard feelings. The ownership is very confusing. Both of these links find Scottsdale Lexus as an affiliated dealer. http://www.unitedautogroup.com/ http://www.penskeautomotive.com/ I agree about steering wheel irregularities, but mine is simply gouged, and can be felt when your hand is on the wheel. I don't have any resolution yet, but I do have an update. I am now communicating with Scottsdale Lexus only via email, for obvious reasons. I have also saved phone messages from both the guest relations girl and the sales manager as mp3 files, a cool option with my voice messaging system. Both people have asked me to bring my car in, accept the free loaner vehicle, and they will "take care of me," because they don't want to lose my business. I emailed the SM and asked specifically why I was bringing the car in, did they have a steering wheel in stock, or was there even a new wheel in the United States. The response was that they were going to send my wheel out for repair. I suspect, but can't prove, that they had no plans to tell me this unless I asked, or noticed that the wheel looked different. I don' t plan on accepting a repaired (sanded and re-lacquered I assume) steering wheel. What they don't get, of course, is that they will probably lose my service and warranty work on both vehicles for 5 years or so, and probably the sale of a third Lexus for my son who is entering college. Silly people. :) I'll be back when there's more to report. Thanks again for the post. I will keep you informed. Tom
  16. Ramy, I am very interested in the Lockpicks and am fed up with the restrictions as the car was delivered. But don't you need a more expensive version to allow full use of the system to include telephone capabilities en-route? (I'm not speaking of viewing DVDs etc., with a rear entertainment system.) Tom
  17. Another cool feature deleted by the Lexus attorneys? Grrrrrrr.. Tom
  18. I can't seem to find this on my 2007 either. What models/years have it? Tom
  19. I just keep thinking that the poor bare roof needs some sort of sun screen--SPF 45 at least. Tom
  20. Hi Jens. I just notice your post. Good luck with your future IS. Tom
  21. Hello Kat. Welcome to the site. I tried to send you a PM but you seem to have that option turned off. Tom
  22. Rey, I am happy that the repaint worked out well for you, but probably cost 21st Century (or whatever they are called) about $15,000. And three weeks for a complete repaint is unusually fast. I have friends who have waited for months. Once they tear apart the car you are captive until they finish. Be careful with the car cover and how you use it. If you trap moisture under it in can damage the paint. Thanks for the compliments. Tom
  23. And the bumper sticker reads, "Pimp My Hybrid Ride." Tom
  24. Beware that some owners of Lexus dealerships also own the certified body shops. Exactly the case in Arizona where Roger Penske ownes two Lexus dealership, several other franchises and just coincidentally all refer to a body shop owned by Pensky without disclosing it. And they gave me a bid on some fairly minor work which was 50% higher than others. There is really nothing magic about a certified body shop that you can't find elsewhere. I found two excellent body shops by referrals--one from people who had used a specific shop and the other from a supplier of paint to body shops. Good luck, Tom
  25. Egads! I am afraid to inquire about this. I have a long list of possible names for my plates which will include two RX400h's and a Porsche 968. I am kind of keeping them to myself just in case someone else might beat me to the punch in my state of residency (which is not Arizona). I will post the results when I get the final plates. Have a good weekend. I am off to San Diego next week to take my son to SDSU to begin his college career. I sure wish my poor parents could have afforded to send me to college in California. I am jealous. I had to settle for Purdue 'cause it was cheap. Tom
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