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Everything posted by 13IS250C

  1. Guilty as charged. As I have mentioned before, my car was buried deep on the showroom floor, so I just test drove a non F-sport IS-C. I knew that the F-Sport would have a stiffer ride, which I would want, but I still should have driven my car before I signed on the line. Kinda stupid on my part since I had never driven a Lexus before. I have no regrets though. My favorite kind of test drive is like when I bought my 370Z. The salesman just let my daughter and I take off in it. I drove to the house and told my hubby to follow me to the Nissan dealership. Teeheehee.....what a great guy.
  2. I would be interested in knowing that too Lex. I'm going to see if I can find anything on Google.
  3. Awesome find. My car never had the new car smell. It was on the showroom floor with the top down. :-(
  4. Awesome!!!!! Welcome to LOC. Lexus's look soooooooooo good in white.
  5. You want reliability? Lexus all the way. I have a very wealthy sister. When her husband got rid of a BMW because he said the maintenance was too expensive, I knew that I never needed to own one. I have had my Lexus over a year. It has never skipped a beat.
  6. Wow. When will this mess ever end? What is going to happen when our generation is gone. I think we are the last of the "work hard for what you have" people. Very sad.
  7. No problem at all. We have AAA and it only cost me $17 to get the tire fixed. No damage to the rim cause this chick pulled over as soon as the low tire pressure light came on and I could safely get over. When I take my car in for the 15k checkup, I'm going to have them check that side of the suspension very carefully. I always felt that whatever I ran over came out of my car. I keep my eyes on the road. I didn't see a thing.
  8. I can't understand why anybody would drive without a radar detector. Even if you aren't a die-hard speeder you can ease up over the limit. I have been saved lots of times. Last speeding ticket I had was 1977. Glad you were spared.
  9. Another option is a battery powered Escort. Hubby and I both have one. Love it and I can mount it anywhere I want.
  10. I totally agree. That was proven to me the day I had a flat going 70+ mph!
  11. I think he would have faired better if he had hit us square on. You could tell he was trying to get to the shoulder of the road and he hit us with the passenger side corner of his car. I really don't understand why the airbags did not deploy. All in all.... To be hit in Memphis by an insured driver was a miracle, so I guess I should be thankful. Grizzlies won and will advance to the playoffs so I know I'm thankful. Whooooo hoooo!!!!!
  12. Friday night we were coming home from the Grizzlies game and we were involved in a chain reaction accident on the expressway. One car darted in front of the Durango in front of us. The Durango hit him, David stopped, but a new Lexus slammed into our rear. I can not believe how the whole front end of the Lexus just disintegrated!!!!!! All it did to David's truck is mash the bumper up. I couldn't even tell his car was a Lexus till I walked back there to see if they were OK a and I saw the logo on the steering wheel. The airbags did not deploy and his wife was hurt. None of the 3 of us in the truck were injured at all. I was not at all impressed with the way the Lexus handled that impact. I would hate to see how my car would have handled it. Not sure which model it was, but it was a sedan.
  13. I've never even driven one. I think you can tell by the end of my list that I have gotten spoiled to Japanese quality. I don't think I could ever go back.
  14. Your premium is only 91 octane? Wow!!! It's 93 here.
  15. I'll take the candy-apple red paint, but you can have the rest.
  16. Glad you got it fixed, and I'm REALLY glad you posted this. I will be very careful at where I decide to go "topless"!!!! Post a pic of the beauty.
  17. I'm sorry. I'm sure this question has been posted a million times, but I have Googled and everything I find is on older models than mine. I was hoping that maybe Lexus had corrected the problem. If not, I have some questions. If I use a good fuel additive, will that help. I prefer Lucas Fuel Treatment. My service advisor said that they might clean my injectors at 15k miles. If it is an inherent issue with that engine, shouldn't it be at no cost to me? At what mileage should I expect to start seeing signs of lost power or rough idling? Any information you can give me would be a help. Thanks!
  18. It is hard to think that any one item would help that much on performance. If you are going to get the fuel in faster, you have to get the exhaust out faster too.
  19. Who gets the 1.2 Billion?
  20. Thanks! The thing I'm the happiest about is that I didn't damage my wheel. I'm sure that wouldn't be a cheap replacement!
  21. I felt the same way yesterday when I had my flat tire on the interstate. When I bought my car, Lexus of Memphis made it sound like they would come to my rescue no matter what happened. I called my service consultant @ 5:30 for help and he said everybody had left for the day. Really?!?!?! They will only help me between 8-5? Thank God I hadn't canceled my AAA. They took care of me.
  22. Wow! I would be miffed to say the least. I'm glad I saw this post. I will always be sure I'm on a flat surface when I put the top down. Please let me know what the dealer says. I have had my car almost a year now and have never had any issues with my top. I am getting a bit concerned though because my back window is making some bad popping noises. When I get some time, I need to get someone to put my top down so I can stand there and watch it and make sure everything looks right. I am getting a good many rattles and squeeks. Welcome to LOC. I thought I was the only "C" here. :)
  23. I think it sounds like a good deal. Very low mileage. I would only worry about the rubber belts/hoses things like that. I always did love this body style and I don't think you will get anything you would love nearly as much for only $17k.
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