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Everything posted by 13IS250C

  1. I hate to sound like a girl here, but do we really need another 500 hp car? Who really has the driving skills to handle a car with that much power? Flashback, Roger Rodas and Paul Walker. If even the best can lose control, can you imagine what Justin Beiber could do? I saw a 3 car pile up on the interstate last week. 2 Mustangs and a Camaro. One Mustang was on its top and thank goodness it looked like there were no innocent vehicles involved. They had local speed shop decals on the windows. I'll bet you 10 to one they were racing. If people would buy these 500 hp cars and take them to the track it would be fine, but that isn't where they end up. OK.....I'll put on my dress and my pearls and start making Ward his dinner. :-)
  2. Put a blue star on that bad boy and sell it to Jerry Jones. I'm sure he can afford it. I can only drool.
  3. You don't have an AZ? Gosh, I thought they were everywhere I'm old school, but it sounds like some kind of vacuum leak to me.
  4. I guess the competition is good to keep them all on their toes.
  5. My sister had to get rid of a Mercedes because it gave her so many problems and her husband had to get rid of a Porsche Cayenne because it gave him so many problems. I want Japanese quality. I wouldn't consider anything else. Glad Lexus is back. They should be on top.
  6. Tough decision. I have stayed with good ole gas burners. My car gets such good mileage, why bother? When gas gets to 6/7 dollars a gallon or I drive more I might consider a hybrid. Welcome to LOC.
  7. Sounds more to me like bad gas, not just low octane. I put low octane in my Z28 once and all it did was ping. Welcome to LOC!
  8. I love my dark rims too. I plasti-dipped my badges anthracite color to match. I think it gives my car a much more aggressive look. http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss203/bbarnett3634/After_zps9e874da4.jpg~original
  9. That's the spirit. I just love my IS. Just the perfect blend of luxury and sport.
  10. Sorry Izzy, Don't know that one. I listen to my iPod only. Welcome to LOC. I'm sure someone will chime in with your answer.
  11. Awesome!!!! Now you need to get one too. Welcome to LOC. You will love it here. :-)
  12. Welcome to LOC. I'm going to assume that you have a fresh battery.
  13. No Lenore, cornering on a hillside in the fall with colored leaves all over the ground. Me at the wheel of course.
  14. There is a new Xarelto commercial starring a red IS-C! It has a lot of good shots of it. Since he is a race car driver, I'm surprised that it doesn't have the F-Sport package. Google Xarelto commercial with Lexus. It was on Ispot TV. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to do a link.
  15. I think it would look good in a dark color that masked that big mouth.
  16. Welcome Brendan, have you tried dealerships and Google?
  17. Have you thought about taking the car to a place that installs those things and getting a quote from them? They probably do it all the time. Welcome to LOC! Let us know how it turns out.
  18. Last loaner I got was one of those that the engine shuts off every time you stop. I didn't like it at all. Can you imagine how fast the starter would wear out?
  19. So awesome. Thanks for posting that. God Bless America!!!!!!!!!
  20. Wow Lex.....you pulled this one up from the bottom. I have to admit, I think they are really cute little fellas. I have a few years before I car shop again though. Maybe I can get one for a loaner.
  21. Gosh, I haven't a clue. Sorry. Good luck and welcome to LOC.
  22. Yeah stay. I still hang at the G37 forum. Once you make friendships, it goes beyond the brand of vehicle. :-)
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