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Everything posted by 13IS250C

  1. This global warming is killing me. 13 degrees for a high? This is supposed to be the south. Will I ever get to put my top down again?
  2. I know. I'm strange. My whole life I have wished for a friend that shared my hobby. I never have found one. I love cars. My mom said it was my first word.
  3. I saw this shifter knob while browsing on another message board. I really do love it. Not only did it sporty up my interior, it has a great feel to it too! Amazing what a few little changes can do for a car. Ho-Hum To Awe-Sum
  4. That is rediculous! I would insist that they give you one that lays properly.
  5. I think all that proves Paul is that males have more money than females. I'm afraid in this generation of "let me see how big a bimbo I can be", it isn't going to improve much. It saddens me to think of the progress my generation made for trying to acheive equality in the workplace is all taken for granted by this generation. I was expecting this to be more of a Camaro/Mustang kind of battle.
  6. Not sure...I'll go smoke some at lunch and tell you. :whistles: I have my 10k check up coming soon...I'll see what the dealer says and report back.
  7. I love it. I ordered it from Walgreen's and it is just the right thickness. Some are too thick. Matches my screensaver.
  8. Look at this awesome mousepad I got. I will post a pic when I get my new shifter knob put on.
  9. The last 3 times I have been in my car...after about 5 minutes a voice will say "There is severe weather nearby". There is no severe weather nearby. Anybody else ever have this issue?
  10. I bet it is awesome. Post a pic when you get a chance! I cried like a baby the whole day when I sold my Z28 I had had for 17 years. In fact, I sent it a Christmas card with an AutoZone gift card in it. :) Nothing wrong with loving a car.
  11. I'm going to be kind of spotty off and on for the next few days. I wanted to wish all of my new LOC buddies a very Merry Christmas, or Happy Holidays, whatever your belief. Lexie is all dressed and ready for the Holiday. :D
  12. We are back up in the high 60's, but I have to sit behind this desk all day. :cries: Work ruins all my fun.
  13. I noticed the other day that my mileage had jumped from 24.5 to 24.7. I have just hit 8k miles. I'm pleased as punch at the mileage I am getting with my "spirited" driving habits. ;)
  14. Being the gearhead that I am, my favorite is "engage brain before putting mouth in motion"
  15. 13IS250C


    Get on YouTube and look up the news story on Fox about E15. (15% ethanol) OMG, what is the government doing to us now?!?!?
  16. I think a lot of great minds from the past would say that....Heck, I say it. BTW, I missed two. Dumb ole girl.
  17. Now....if I just had the F-Sport engine. ;)
  18. I like the blue stitching, but the stitching in my car is all white. Most of my interior is white, black or gray. That is why I thought this might give me a more exciting look. The one I have is black leather and chrome. BORING!
  19. Oh...you mean like 70 and sunny yesterday and ice storms tonight after midnight?
  20. I just ordered this from Sewell for my car for Christmas. I thought it was sharp looking and will "sporty" up my interior a little. :) Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell her.
  21. Y'all are making me jealous.....STOP IT! I washed one of my cars once when it was so cold that my hands were numb for a few days. I never tried that again. If you make your bucket of suds inside with hot water, it makes it a little more bareable. SW03ES, I'll check that stuff out, Thx!
  22. I'm sooooo glad y'all can't see my car right now or I would be banned from the club. It is a total mudball. It has been this misty funk around here for about a week and I go through a lot of construction zones. I have mud all over my car, my rims are brown. It is supposed to be cold and icy this weekend so no clean up time there. When I built my house, I tried to get my builder to put me a drain in my garage so I could wash my car inside, but he just told me there were all kinds of restrictions and it would cost a fortune. It sure would be nice.
  23. OMG!!!! I never realized he was the passenger. I just assumed he was driving. Who was driving?
  24. Have they said who the passenger was? He must have been flying. They said on the news this morning that that model car has the gas tank in the front. Gas tanks don't need to be in the front of a vehicle. I was totally impressed that Vin Diesel came out and spoke to everybody. I guess they had made so many movies together that they had become good buddies.
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