After they took away all the citizens' guns in GB, the violent crime rates went up and police who never carried before began to carry guns. Apparently the criminals became bolder. Go figger.
In this state, carry permits are at the sheriff's discretion. If one gets caught brandishing, he will get his permit pulled. Most states requre a concealed carry course, and a background check before issuing carry permits.
Criminals not knowing who is carrying and who is not, makes a really good deterrent.
Stringent gun laws do not make for safer cities. LA, NYC, Chi, and DC are all proof of that.
I've only ever pulled my pistol once, but it saved my car and my life when a carjacker tried to break out my window. This, in the middle of the day on a major route in a small country town. There was no rush involved, but just a calm and practiced reaction to the threat.
I too carry a Air Taser when in non carry areas, but in some cities those are illegal for civilians, due to outmoded laws going back to when Tasers were powerd by gun powder instead of air. I'll take my chances with it though since it isn't classed as lethal. However, our permits are now valid in most of the states in which I travel so no problem.