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Everything posted by lenore

  1. here you go http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/topic/69403-replacing-a-rear-bearing-hub-assembly-on-a-2004-lexus-rx330/
  2. Make more money to waste more money....Fee's taxes, death of California
  3. Contact Lexus of America directly. Be polite and explain situation. By the way the price for the transmission is way over inflated. A good independent shop would be a lot cheaper.
  4. Sewell Lexus which I believe is a sponsor on this site. I know for sure it is on the other Lexus site. For everybody info they give a discount if you sign up with them and tell them you are on Club Lexus site. Good luck...
  5. See this site and punch in your vehicle. http://lexus.sewellparts.com/oem-catalog/6104612289-Body-RX400h-2008.html Here is motor on bay by the way it is located toward visor's http://www.ebay.com/itm/04-09-Lexus-RX330-RX350-Rx400h-Sun-Roof-SunRoof-Moon-Roof-Drive-Gear-Motor-/310848193407?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item485fff037f&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEXUS-OEM-6326048061-Sun-Roof-Motor-Sunroof-Motor-63260-48061-/121187779114?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Make%3ALexus%7CModel%3ARX400h&hash=item1c375ac22a&vxp=mtr
  6. I am saying this from my heart, I have wanted to contribute to that organization for a long time. I am sending a check tomorrow, because you sir are a proof in the pudding of a courageous young man that has been thru more than most Americans in these conflicts (WAR) and I as a former Vietnam veteran salute you. God Bless the good, hard working people that are in this nation. Kudos to you and your wife, and may you succeed in whatever direction you head. Thank you for your sacrifice, and I hope in my heart your head injuries cause no further pain to you. God Bless our service people whom are under paid and unfortunately not appreciated by the lack of leadership in our Commander in Chief and Politicians that have no respect for America. Thank you Josh.
  7. lenore

    Road Trip

    Whoa, Somebody else that enjoys the F150 on rides. It is truly a comfortable long distance vehicle (2005 Crewcab). My wife loves my truck...
  8. I have used KYB on my old RX300 and they are great. I too am looking at shocks in the future for my RX400h....good luck. By the way plan on changing the Upper mounts for the fronts also...they break down.
  9. Yep, my former RX300 had the transmission fail at exactly 101k miles, the fluid had been changed prior. I have heard of many Honda's etc having transmission failures. My thoughts on the fluid change is that it is cheap insurance to provide fresh fluid with no breakdown. Yes these cars have coolers, but that doesn't mean that gears, bands, plates etc aren't going to contaminate the fluid. I changed the fluid on My Present RX400h at 80k miles and the fluid was brown. That is not a good color for any transmission fluid. Lifetime, and I mean this is strictly a sales gimmick to make consumers feel there is no additional cost of maintenance. I am on five car forums and I can guarantee the consensus is change the fluid. Note: I have been tracking transmission failures for years on the Lexus RX300 and I have emails from no less than 100 people with this problem. All said the same thing, (I thought Lexus/Toyota products were a reliable product) All cars have failures, but preventative is the best medicine.
  10. Wow, resurrection of a sweet ride. Like it.
  11. Oh I meant to be nosey, How much if you don't mind sharing....Texas is looking better and better everyday.
  12. Josh I am truly happy for your family. You deserve it sir. Enjoy and now the mods will begin.....
  13. Personally I would have the transmission fluid drained and filled. DO NOT do a flush. There is no such thing as lifetime, that is a sales pitch. I guarantee you the fluid is reaching end of life.
  14. As for south of the border manufacturing, well my initial experience is with Sony TV's, they became undependable after their transfer to Mexico. I also use to work in the service industry and components from Mexico were vastly inferior in electronics. Too many short cuts and lack of quality for my two cents. However they make great beer.
  15. Personally I would get the fluid changed, My RX400h was purchased with 80k miles and I decided to change the fluid. It was almost brown in color showing a lot of debris. When I was done it was pristine red which is what WS fluid looks like new. There is no such thing as lifetime fluid when you consider that gears, band belt friction materials etc are inside that transmission. They wear and the longevity of the transmission is dependent on good quality fluid. Lifetime is a sales pitch and if you believe that than I have a bridge for sale. And yes Toyota dealerships are a great alternative.
  16. God Bless you, life is balancing what you believe is the correct thing to do and what you can afford. But what comes around goes around...
  17. The starter contacts are way cheaper, but you have to be mechanically inclined or know someone...see this http://www.nationsautoelectric.com/instructions.html
  18. Sad, Walmart decided to promote bringing factories back to the US. You would think other companies would follow suite. But heck, with all of the illegals in the US pretty soon we will be Mexico.
  19. When you replace the seal be sure to look very closely where the seal contacts the crankshaft. If there is a wear line take 1000 grit wet sand paper and clean it up before installing new seal. There is also something called a crankshaft seal saver which is a stainless steel insert that goes over the crank if the wear is really bad. But a quick burnishing on the surface should be all that is needed.
  20. I too heard its coming, Air Resources !Removed!'s will make sure of that.
  21. haven't heard, but knock on wood we will escape for awhile. I hate the air resources board.....
  22. The fuel pump itself could be bad, a friend of mine had same symptoms and replacing fuel pump fixed it....
  23. Only items I can think of is the spark plugs at around 125k miles. Hey lots of mileage equates freeway miles. Car should be great. No timing belt in this car, so just check for the maintenance and I would suggest a transmission fluid change. good luck
  24. Hey great news. Don't forget your Education money also...take advantage of it.
  25. Funny I was born in El Paso, but haven't been back except one trip to San Antonio for my son's boot camp graduation. Good choice of states however, I have a niece there that says it is totally better than California.
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