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Everything posted by pj8708

  1. Probably both sides feel the same way. Good thing we like our Lexus. LOL Have a great day to you !
  2. I think the biggest issue is that your posts seem to parrot rants from a variety of angry chain letters. They don't seem to be based on your own experiences. To persuade people you really need explanations and they need to be in your own words - explanations based on your own reasoning ... not somebody else's. that is the typical belief by many, however When I talk to friends, neighbors, and aquatances, the belief is the same that the country is headed in the wrong direction. Yes I read the chain letters etc. however your side does the same when putting blame on opposite views. Those are only inputs to the general feeling of so many in this nation. Frankly I do not affiliate with either party now, I look at whom will make this country move back to the center and cause a more positive change which is really needed right now. I personally want the old guard out, and have new ideas which are constructive to making this country great. Not a counter culturalism ran by Socialist, whom feel government is the solution to all that ails them. People need to accept responsibility for their own lives, and make our representatives move toward that cause. Americans are truely spoiled, and need to tighten their belts and role up their sleeves and take hold of their lives. Funny immigrants (legal) feel we are still truely the land of opportunity. Too bad the folks on Government dole dont feel the same. Misery grows misery, and that is what our society has moved towards. I believe we are still truely the greatest nation in the world and our capitalism is what made it that way. I have been in countries where that is not the case. Top of the morning to everyone. Again, can you please be specific ! When you claim that the current administration is Socialist and is/has turned the country towards/into a Socialist state, what specific actions or laws or new legislation have they enacted that have made it that way. I get that in your opinion, you feel the country is headed in the wrong direction, but where are the incidences that uphold the Socialist claim? You talk disdainfully about "the folks on the government dole". I assume you mean me, collecting Social Security and on Medicare. Or, as I've said before, my daughter on short-term unemployment. Yes, we are real dead beats sucking the government dry. If you always feel the need to blame someone or some group, why not turn to Congress. THAT is where the power lies. Congress makes and passes the laws and programs for the country. The President only has the power to sign or veto, and then the Congress can override the veto.
  3. I don't care for the air blowing on me either. But, here is how it works. (This info. can be found on pages 205-207 in the owners manual.) The front window defogger will always operate in the outside air mode. So if your system is using the recirculating mode while your driving, or is set in that mode when you start up in the morning, it will always automatically switch to the outside air setting. This also puts the system in the AUTO mode so that the system can control the temperature as you have set it. Additionally, the A/C comes on at this point to reduce the amount of moisture/humidity in the cabin air. When the window and cabin air has been defogged, the fan slows and the air is partially directed through the dash vents. The system stays in AUTO and the A/C stays on. If you don't want this, you have to change both settings. Just the way Lexus does it. From your description it sounds like your ES does not have nav. If it does have nav., it still operates the same way.
  4. I know this is an older post, but it appears that it never had an final answer to the problem. I have done some research on the navigation map change with a Lexus dealer. This dealer has in turn looked into the same issue for two of their customers and learned that you CANNOT simply change maps by changing dvd's, or software downloads, etc. The whole Nav system must be changed for the geographic country you are in. No explanation from Lexus, just the way it works. Another member had the same situation last week for Europe. Same answer. However, in that case, it appeared that the U.K. and the Euro. Continent were bundled. What I'm not sure of is if the Navigation system change can be done in the U.S.A. before a car is shipped or if it must be done in the country in question. Paul
  5. "People, please wake up!! " I am dead serious,.....How would my view of life change when I woke up?? I want to know. Paul
  6. Thanks Jim for the perspective and the insight.
  7. First, I would suggest running your problem past another dealer just to verify that in fact you do have to replace the whole assembly. If you don't have a dealer you can call or visit try Sewell Lexus in Dallas, TX. They sell parts to our members at a discount and can offer you an opinion. Additionally, if your looking for less expensive parts you can check with a wrecker yard. Here is Sewell's e-mail. http://www.sewellparts.com Go Hawks!!
  8. This is the most hateful and disrespectful post I've seen on our club's board. I enjoy the spirited discussions we have when there kept on topic and don't become so venomous. The conversation is full of conspiracy theory paranoia and white supremacy leanings. I wouldn't carry on a conversation like that in person and I won't lower myself to do it on line. Let me know if you find the will to mature a little.
  9. Where in hell did you get Obama out of what I posted? The quotation I lifted was about political bodies. Every time someone post something remotely about our country gabep or lenore whip out the Obama card and he is instantly to blame for everything. Was your toast burnt this morning? Obama's fault! Hit a BIG pot hole again on the way to work? Obama's fault. If that a..hole Obama would come through with that federal grant for our city we could fix that road! (But don't tax me for it.) I swear, that man must have magical powers to control so many things. Racism? Absolutely. This morning on the news, they reported that Governor Rick Perry, the Republican candidate for President who is currently in third place in the polls, stated that he is identifying with the group known as the "Birther's". This is the movement that believes Obama was not born in the United States and is not a U.S. citizen. Therefore, he should be removed from office. This is despite the fact that the state of Hawaii has produced copy after copy of the birth certificate to the press, certified copies, and finally, the original certificate shown by the President himself. Still the Birthers refuse to believe this black guy with a weird name can possibly be a President over a bunch of ignorant white people. ( Boy will this paragraph generate some hate mail.) The "it" Jim, is a current debate in Europe about how to save the economy from imploding. Part of the European Union strongly feel the larger economies such as Germany and France, should come together with other smaller and admittedly weaker countries to help "prop-up" their economies in an effort to avoid a domino effect that almost happened with the crash of Greece and Ireland. The quote I lifted was meant by the author to describes the current stalemate within the powers negotiating this scenario. He says that the politicians know what to do to fix the problem, but can't see beyond their own self preservation of getting re-elected versus having the guts to do the right thing to save the Continent. I relate this to what I believe is the current stae of our Congress. Everyone knows what needs to be done, (I don't claim to have all those answers), but no one from either party will stick their head out for fear of being wrong and loosing votes. So they play it safe by playing "Hot Potato", tossing the blame back and forth hoping someone will blink first and drop the spud. How do we as citizens get our legislators to stop stalling and do something? Obama has had his job's bill in Congress for a month now. It is not perfect, but no one from the other side has introduced anything. For God sake! Lets at least vote on it! Do Something
  10. Steve,..I didn't mean to double post this so feel free to erase it. PJ
  11. I did a quick search here and it appears there was an issue with the valve springs on the 2007-2008 LS460. It is not clear from what little I could find, but there might have been a recall on it. This is not carved in stone fact and you might want to do your own search and absolutely check with your dealer. Let us know what you find out.
  12. You are not doing something stupid. As "cduluk" said, the current state of the hybrid technology is still expensive, and though it gives better fuel performance it is not by it self going to overcome the initial price. Lexus hybrids have a reputation for reliability, and are backed by a excellent warranty. I like the RX and have always been impressed with the ride and handling, along with it's host of features.
  13. I read this on Huffington Post today re the financial crisis in Europe. I thought this gentleman's quote at the bottom was a perfect description of our current congress. Nationalist sentiments in many European countries have traditionally limited collective action, with voters repulsed by the thought of handing more power to European bureaucrats in Brussels. Speaking in 2007, Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg, famously put it this way: "We all know what to do but we don't know how to get reelected once we have done it."
  14. We just wanted to say welcome to the LOC and hope your getting your answers. Glad you signed up.
  15. I read this on Huffington Post today re the financial crisis in Europe. I thought this gentleman's quote at the bottom was a perfect description of our current congress. Nationalist sentiments in many European countries have traditionally limited collective action, with voters repulsed by the thought of handing more power to European bureaucrats in Brussels. Speaking in 2007, Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg, famously put it this way: "We all know what to do but we don't know how to get reelected once we have done it."
  16. (I've been meaning to ask you about that third head, but I didn't want to make you feel self conscious.)
  17. Not sure you agree, but I thought this was Germaine to our conversation. It appears you can't always believe the market reports regarding corporate sales and market share. A little surprised that a prestigious brand like Mercedes would resort to such a thing. http://www.autoblog.com/2011/10/20/deposed-mercedes-benz-usa-ceo-lieb-accused-of-financial-wrongdoi/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+weblogsinc%2Fautoblog+%28Autoblog%29
  18. this is a company press release, not an article from a reviewing magazine or something similar
  19. This has been posted before but I thought it was perfect as a reminder of how great an automobile the ES350 is. Standing alone, the sedan gives the owner a generous amount of value for the investment. I don't have a comparable overview for the Genesis. Comments? http://www.lexusownersclub.com/news/date/2010-07-28/title/lexus-es-350-continues-to-symbolize-luxury-and-style
  20. I'm not sure this is going to get to the person that requested the information, but I can't find the original post. It was by a person, moving from USA to Europe, and taking their 400h with them. Their question was about converting nav. from USA to Europe version. I found a contact a my local dealer who has researched this same issue in the past for two other customers. You CANNOT convert or upgrade a Lexus navigation system, made for North America, to European specs. You must install a whole new system made for European use in order to get that function. Bummer. Paul
  21. Reposition the heated seat control. It's current placement requires you to take your eyes off the road far to much to see what the setting is and adjust the dial. Maybe more distracting than a cell phone.
  22. I think you got it...different cars, different needs.
  23. This will take you to the Lexus contact site where yu can chat or e-mail or call, etc. I don't know the answer to your question but there are several post using the search engine regaring this subject. http://www.lexus.com/contact/index.html
  24. Congratulations, and welcome to the LOC! Paul
  25. I can't take this much pressure!! If I cave and say yes, will you still respect me in the morning?....Yea, I agree too!! LOL
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