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Proud Moment For An Rx400H Driver

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Hey guys,

Tonight i had a very enjoyable experience with my Rx400h, and i thought i would share!

I was driving on the highway, doing around 75mph in the high speed lane, only one on the road. All of a sudden i see a car in my rear-view mirror BOOKING it a couple hundred feet behind me, in my lane; i thought it was a cop since it was driving so fast... But as it got RIGHT ON MY @SS i realized it wasn't (i could tell by the head lights). Then the thing was following me so closely that i couldn't even see its headlights! Of course, naturally i kept going my normal speed, since i was already doing 10mph over, and i felt it was an appropriate speed. But watching him closely in my mirror, he started to pass me on the right. I couldn't resist... i floored the Rx400h right before we were "side to side", and let me tell you, the Rx400h gave me more power than it's ever given me before. This other car couldn't get by me!!

Later down the road (with him still having no ability to get by me, and at about 50mph above the speed limit), i slowed down as my exit was coming up. Guess what kind of car it was? One of the 2010+ish Mercedes E-Class sedans. I couldn't tell which "version", but it must have been the smaller engine type, as the driver was trying his damnedest to get by me, but couldn't! :blink:

Needless to say, i was very impressed with the Rx400h and its impressive passing power. I don't often engage in such inappropriate competitions, but tonight i couldn't resist... Very grateful however he didn't pull out a gun...

Anyways!! Just thought you guys would enjoy my story. :P This is one awesomely performing vehicle, ESPECIALLY in overtaking situations. When those electric motors kick in, GOODNIGHT! :o

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Hey guys,

Tonight i had a very enjoyable experience with my Rx400h, and i thought i would share!

I was driving on the highway, doing around 75mph in the high speed lane, only one on the road. All of a sudden i see a car in my rear-view mirror BOOKING it a couple hundred feet behind me, in my lane; i thought it was a cop since it was driving so fast... But as it got RIGHT ON MY @SS i realized it wasn't (i could tell by the head lights). Then the thing was following me so closely that i couldn't even see its headlights! Of course, naturally i kept going my normal speed, since i was already doing 10mph over, and i felt it was an appropriate speed. But watching him closely in my mirror, he started to pass me on the right. I couldn't resist... i floored the Rx400h right before we were "side to side", and let me tell you, the Rx400h gave me more power than it's ever given me before. This other car couldn't get by me!!

Later down the road (with him still having no ability to get by me, and at about 50mph above the speed limit), i slowed down as my exit was coming up. Guess what kind of car it was? One of the 2010+ish Mercedes E-Class sedans. I couldn't tell which "version", but it must have been the smaller engine type, as the driver was trying his damnedest to get by me, but couldn't! :blink:

Needless to say, i was very impressed with the Rx400h and its impressive passing power. I don't often engage in such inappropriate competitions, but tonight i couldn't resist... Very grateful however he didn't pull out a gun...

Anyways!! Just thought you guys would enjoy my story. :P This is one awesomely performing vehicle, ESPECIALLY in overtaking situations. When those electric motors kick in, GOODNIGHT! :o

Sometimes..."A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do!" ..(But next time, for your life's sake, don't do it.) LOL

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Hey guys,

Tonight i had a very enjoyable experience with my Rx400h, and i thought i would share!

I was driving on the highway, doing around 75mph in the high speed lane, only one on the road. All of a sudden i see a car in my rear-view mirror BOOKING it a couple hundred feet behind me, in my lane; i thought it was a cop since it was driving so fast... But as it got RIGHT ON MY @SS i realized it wasn't (i could tell by the head lights). Then the thing was following me so closely that i couldn't even see its headlights! Of course, naturally i kept going my normal speed, since i was already doing 10mph over, and i felt it was an appropriate speed. But watching him closely in my mirror, he started to pass me on the right. I couldn't resist... i floored the Rx400h right before we were "side to side", and let me tell you, the Rx400h gave me more power than it's ever given me before. This other car couldn't get by me!!

Later down the road (with him still having no ability to get by me, and at about 50mph above the speed limit), i slowed down as my exit was coming up. Guess what kind of car it was? One of the 2010+ish Mercedes E-Class sedans. I couldn't tell which "version", but it must have been the smaller engine type, as the driver was trying his damnedest to get by me, but couldn't! :blink:

Needless to say, i was very impressed with the Rx400h and its impressive passing power. I don't often engage in such inappropriate competitions, but tonight i couldn't resist... Very grateful however he didn't pull out a gun...

Anyways!! Just thought you guys would enjoy my story. :P This is one awesomely performing vehicle, ESPECIALLY in overtaking situations. When those electric motors kick in, GOODNIGHT! :o


First and foremost...

IMO it is a real shame that there wasn't a cop nearby to observe your actions and issue you the serious citation you clearly earned.

As a very minimum YOU should have immediately yeilded the fast lane to the overtaking car as soon as you noticed it.

Then if you wished to RACE it would be between you and the other driver.

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Hey guys,

Tonight i had a very enjoyable experience with my Rx400h, and i thought i would share!

I was driving on the highway, doing around 75mph in the high speed lane, only one on the road. All of a sudden i see a car in my rear-view mirror BOOKING it a couple hundred feet behind me, in my lane; i thought it was a cop since it was driving so fast... But as it got RIGHT ON MY @SS i realized it wasn't (i could tell by the head lights). Then the thing was following me so closely that i couldn't even see its headlights! Of course, naturally i kept going my normal speed, since i was already doing 10mph over, and i felt it was an appropriate speed. But watching him closely in my mirror, he started to pass me on the right. I couldn't resist... i floored the Rx400h right before we were "side to side", and let me tell you, the Rx400h gave me more power than it's ever given me before. This other car couldn't get by me!!

Later down the road (with him still having no ability to get by me, and at about 50mph above the speed limit), i slowed down as my exit was coming up. Guess what kind of car it was? One of the 2010+ish Mercedes E-Class sedans. I couldn't tell which "version", but it must have been the smaller engine type, as the driver was trying his damnedest to get by me, but couldn't! :blink:

Needless to say, i was very impressed with the Rx400h and its impressive passing power. I don't often engage in such inappropriate competitions, but tonight i couldn't resist... Very grateful however he didn't pull out a gun...

Anyways!! Just thought you guys would enjoy my story. :P This is one awesomely performing vehicle, ESPECIALLY in overtaking situations. When those electric motors kick in, GOODNIGHT! :o


First and foremost...

IMO it is a real shame that there wasn't a cop nearby to observe your actions and issue you the serious citation you clearly earned.

As a very minimum YOU should have immediately yeilded the fast lane to the overtaking car as soon as you noticed it.

Then if you wished to RACE it would be between you and the other driver.

i was the overtaking car. point of the story...

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I was driving on the highway, doing around 75mph in the high speed lane, only one on the road.

Of course, naturally i kept going my normal speed, since i was already doing 10mph over, and i felt it was an appropriate speed.

I was trying not to throw my two cents in but I just had to point a few things out.

Point 1 - Typically, the left lane is the passing lane, not the "high speed" lane (unless you're in Germany on the Autobahn) - if you were the only one on the road, you should have been in the right lane, irregardless of how fast you were going since you were not passing anybody.

Point 2 - So you were in the passing lane and going 10mph over the speed limit - so what? Even if you were going 50mph over the speed limit, your duty (likely by law, as it is in most jurisdictions) is to yield to the faster vehicle. That means moving over to let him pass. It's not up to you to decide that 10mph over the speed limit is sufficient for the passing lane and everyone else be damned.

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I was driving on the highway, doing around 75mph in the high speed lane, only one on the road.

Of course, naturally i kept going my normal speed, since i was already doing 10mph over, and i felt it was an appropriate speed.

I was trying not to throw my two cents in but I just had to point a few things out.

Point 1 - Typically, the left lane is the passing lane, not the "high speed" lane (unless you're in Germany on the Autobahn) - if you were the only one on the road, you should have been in the right lane, irregardless of how fast you were going since you were not passing anybody.

Point 2 - So you were in the passing lane and going 10mph over the speed limit - so what? Even if you were going 50mph over the speed limit, your duty (likely by law, as it is in most jurisdictions) is to yield to the faster vehicle. That means moving over to let him pass. It's not up to you to decide that 10mph over the speed limit is sufficient for the passing lane and everyone else be damned.

On the Autobahn if someone is overtaking and you are in ANY left travel lane then YOU MUST, by law, more right immediately.

If for some reason you are inattentive and do not notice the overtaking vehicle you will get a quick series of headlight flashes and the overtaking vehicle will NOT SLOW DOWN. The driver, having the full expectation that having now gotten your attention you will now more right IMMEDIATELY.

Them's the RULES.

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I was driving on the highway, doing around 75mph in the high speed lane, only one on the road.

Of course, naturally i kept going my normal speed, since i was already doing 10mph over, and i felt it was an appropriate speed.

I was trying not to throw my two cents in but I just had to point a few things out.

Point 1 - Typically, the left lane is the passing lane, not the "high speed" lane (unless you're in Germany on the Autobahn) - if you were the only one on the road, you should have been in the right lane, irregardless of how fast you were going since you were not passing anybody.

Point 2 - So you were in the passing lane and going 10mph over the speed limit - so what? Even if you were going 50mph over the speed limit, your duty (likely by law, as it is in most jurisdictions) is to yield to the faster vehicle. That means moving over to let him pass. It's not up to you to decide that 10mph over the speed limit is sufficient for the passing lane and everyone else be damned.

I agree with Lemon. Here in CA, it is illegal to cruise along in the fast lane unless you are passing vehicles that are in the slow lane. If someone approaches you from behind while you're in the fast lane, you are expected to move over.

However, I've been known to (after having this happen to me) move into the right lane and then gradually increase my speed until the other vehicle moves over to the slow lane. Of course, during all this excitement, I stayed well within the speed limit. :)

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I can recall reading some posts authored by you in the past on this forum, but not any specific topic.

However, THIS one I surely will.

IMHO, “Lemon” sums this up perfectly. Were you merely, 1) “motoring along” in the left lane at 10 mph over the speed limit, or, 2) unable to move over due to traffic? If you were doing the former and saw this guy coming up on you at an overtaking speed, the responsible and courteous thing to do is to MOVE OVER to the inside lane. Otherwise, this is classic “left-lane bandit” behavior regardless of whether you sped up to demonstrate the power of the 400h. If you wanted to do that, you should have moved over to the inside lane and THEN accelerated.

I’m sure we’ve all experienced situations where you’re in the left lane and see a car approaching at an overtaking speed while you are about to pass slower moving traffic in the inside lane. You can tell that car will be directly behind you before you are able to pass the slower moving traffic and move over to the inside lane.

In that case, I always try to speed up just enough to get past the slower moving traffic, and then move over IMMEDIATELY to the inside lane, timing it to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass unimpeded.

In other words, I GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!

I understand you wanting to demonstrate the impressive power of the 400h, but the way the way you chose to do it was just plain wrong.

Look at it this way - what do you think the M-B owner thought of your actions? Do you think he was impressed by the exhibition of power or thinking about the left-lane bandit that wouldn’t move over to let him pass? I know what I would have thought.

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I was cruising 10 MPH over the speed limit already. Legally, the other guy couldn't pass me, no matter what lane i was in. I didn't owe him anything. We were both breaking the law...

He's got "following too closely", "attempting to pass on the right", at least i only have "speeding"... :rolleyes:

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I have to agree with what's been said. Nothing more to say. On a side note though, in the movie "Fast Five", the guys told O'Conner that "Toretto let you win". The E-class was probably trying to be safe while overspeeding at the same time. If you were on the Autobahn with the 400H, a 128i can easily run faster than you. BMW and Mercedes are sporty vehicles. Lexus is more about comfort and luxury. Also at high speeds, the RX feels very unsafe in case of an emergency maneuver or stop. I've been to the drive events held by BMW, and I normally take the vehicles out to a back road where I can test the acceleration AND stopping capabilities. Trust me, Lexus is very very far from a good stopping distance as I experienced when I slammed the brakes on an RX350 (11) vs an Audi Q5, Mercedes GLK350, and the new BMW X3 (11) (slamming the brakes from 70mph to ZERO).

Just my 2 cents

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I was cruising 10 MPH over the speed limit already. Legally, the other guy couldn't pass me, no matter what lane i was in. I didn't owe him anything. We were both breaking the law...

He's got "following too closely", "attempting to pass on the right", at least i only have "speeding"... :rolleyes:

Actually, you were both speeding and driving in the fast lane without passing anyone - both illegal.

But the RX400h's credit, it does 0-60 in 6.7 seconds. That's faster than a Porsche Cayenne-S (of the same year) and BMW's X5, so although those vehicles may out-handle the RX400h, they are not faster and by a long shot, are not nearly as fuel efficient or reliable. Our neighbor's X5 has been nothing but a headache with constant issues requiring visits to the dealership. Porsche owners have their own big basket of problems, particularly after the warranty has expired.

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I know we were breaking the law, but what's done it done. And like i said, i don't make a habit of it. <_< It was a fun little rush, it'll suffice for a while. :rolleyes:

And Rx400h, that 6.7s must be at low battery, because what i felt that night from 75mph+ felt MUCH quicker!! :geek: The rx400h really does have an excellent combination of performance and luxury.

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I was cruising 10 MPH over the speed limit already. Legally, the other guy couldn't pass me, no matter what lane i was in. I didn't owe him anything. We were both breaking the law...

He's got "following too closely", "attempting to pass on the right", at least i only have "speeding"... :rolleyes:

Speeding, fail to yield, and drive in passing lane. Also passing on the right is not necessarily illegal. Passing on the shoulder is.

I also found this interesting tidbit...

"Common practice and most law on United States Highways is that the left lane is reserved for passing and faster moving traffic, and that traffic using the left lane must yield to traffic wishing to overtake. The United States Uniform Vehicle Code states:

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's website on "Keep Right Laws" points out that:

This law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right..."[3]

It is also illegal in many states in the U.S. to use the "far left" or passing lane on a major highway as a traveling lane (as opposed to passing), or to fail to yield to faster moving traffic that is attempting to overtake in that lane. For example, Colorado's "Left Lane Law" states:

A person shall not drive a motor vehicle in the passing lane of a highway if the speed-limit is sixty-five miles per hour or more unless such person is passing other motor-vehicles that are in a non-passing lane...[4]


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I was cruising 10 MPH over the speed limit already. Legally, the other guy couldn't pass me, no matter what lane i was in. I didn't owe him anything. We were both breaking the law...

He's got "following too closely", "attempting to pass on the right", at least i only have "speeding"... :rolleyes:

I couldn't resist replying here...

I think what the take away here for you CDULUK is that... On the roads, there are the "laws" legally speaking and then there is courtesy and the unwritten rules of the road. Fair enough that you were both over the limit and there fore he couldn't legally pass you, however based on common sense and courtesy, you should've simply moved over. And THEN if you so chose floor it, but only after you moved.

Really it is as simple as that. Imagine for a second, a Lambo doing 100mph down the road in the passing lane and a Ferrari comes flying up behind him. What In your opinion should happen? Now if your answer is well they are both well above the speed limit, so it doesnt matter then I would have to say that you have just proven your immaturity on the road.

The right answer, The Lambo moves the F*&% over and lets the Ferrari take control of the passing lane. Now if he chooses not to pass then feel free to use the passing lane again, if you need to pass someone in front of you.

This is common sense, especially at higher speeds. People that dont understand this, should simply stay with in the limits. As it is a safety concern. Granted, high speeds are as well. But in the world of higher speed driving there are unwritten rules that should be followed and are commonly known.

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6.7 is 60 to zero.

Lemon, I certainly hope our RXs stop in less TIME than that. :lol:

Funny - I never thought much about the time it takes to stop. Most specs refer to DISTANCE. Here's a pretty good article on braking in general:

Keep Your (Braking) Distance: More Than Just Slowing Down

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We know. He was referring to my mistake in my post where I said 60-0 in 6.7 instead of 0-60 in 6.7...I'm not going to bother fixing the post or his post won't make any sense...lol

Also, I've seen 0-60-0 times listed before...so that technically is braking performance in time, but you're right, braking performance is normally the distance it takes to stop from a certain speed to zero.

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Thanks for taking my post in the "joshing" nature with which is was intended. Just couldn't resist!

As far as 0-60-0, back when I was a kid in high school, I think it was "Car & Driver" who touted the original Shelby Cobra as being the only production car (or something like that) that could do that in under 10 seconds.

I may be mixing it up with 0-100-0, but even today (or by 2006 at least), that can't be accomplished in under 10 seconds by anything except the Bugatti Veyron 16/4.

Here's another link to stopping distances:

22 Cars that Stop from 60 MPH in Less Than 100 Feet

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Thanks for taking my post in the "joshing" nature with which is was intended. Just couldn't resist!

As far as 0-60-0, back when I was a kid in high school, I think it was "Car & Driver" who touted the original Shelby Cobra as being the only production car (or something like that) that could do that in under 10 seconds.

I may be mixing it up with 0-100-0, but even today (or by 2006 at least), that can't be accomplished in under 10 seconds by anything except the Bugatti Veyron 16/4.

Here's another link to stopping distances:

22 Cars that Stop from 60 MPH in Less Than 100 Feet

That Shelby Cobra undoubtedly didn't have ABS. Modern day cars take longer to stop in "panic" mode but then they always remain under directional control.

"..but even today..."

Disable ABS and you might.

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I have to agree with what everybody else has said here. What you did cd was foolish, irresponsible...and quite frankly I think people who get caught participating in the kind of innane !Removed! measuring contests such as this should loose their licenses. Public roads are just that...public roads. When you use them for your own racing purposes. that infringes on my rights to use those public roads safely. Quite frankly...had you and that moron wrecked and died because of your actions...I'd be okay with that because it was your own stupidity that would have caused it...the idea that you could have hurt someone else, someone I or someone else cares about just because you had to show this other @sshole that your !Removed! is an inch longer than his that is irreprehensible. You just posted in nc211's thread about his sister in law who'se life has likely been ruined because of some @sshole driver, you know what can happen out there and yet you still come here and post this and you think we're going to be impressed?!?!

Whatever he may or may not have been doing illegally is besides the point. Speeding within the flow of traffic is one thing, but your actions took an already dangerous situation and turned it into an flat out drag race down the goddamned highway. Stupid. Not to mention the fact that the guy could have been so angry he would have followed you home and murdered you. That happens too.

IMHO, you are no better than a drunk driver behaving that way, and should not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle on the highway with responsible adults.

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CD...I have honestly had someone come up on me so fast and get on my asz end to the point that it *BLEEP*es me off too! But if I can move over to the right I always do. Normally if this happens to me I am either passing a car or there is another car in the left lane that will not move over to pass the slower moving traffic in the right lane so that I can get over and out of there way. I always think “and where would you like me to go…” I rarely ever pass anyone in the right lane and if someone will not move over immediately to the right lane it ticks me off a little too. Coming up on them and ridding there asz isn't the answer but when he had to move over because you WOULDN’T move over so he could pass you and then you decided to then speed up that makes you a "jerk" The thing is you don't know what the other car is going to do...it isn't a race track and the other traffic may or may not anticipate you actually being there or speeding up. Start ridding a motorcycle and see how inconsiderate other drivers are... The thing is that it isn't up to you to decide how fast others should drive or decide what the acceptable speed that is fast enough. The LEFT LANE is not meant to cruise in...No matter how fast you are going or if there is traffic or not. And SW is correct what if that car turned off and the driver had a gun and decided to show you what he thought of your little stunt. In my opinion I also don't think the driver of the E class was actually trying to get by you...but probably thinking WHAT A F___ing A__HOLE! I know that is what I would have thought.

I think everyone has made some valid points with what they have posted and I am sure that I have just wasted my time typing this anyway…

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I have to agree with what everybody else has said here. What you did cd was foolish, irresponsible...and quite frankly I think people who get caught participating in the kind of innane !Removed! measuring contests such as this should loose their licenses. Public roads are just that...public roads. When you use them for your own racing purposes. that infringes on my rights to use those public roads safely. Quite frankly...had you and that moron wrecked and died because of your actions...I'd be okay with that because it was your own stupidity that would have caused it...the idea that you could have hurt someone else, someone I or someone else cares about just because you had to show this other @sshole that your !Removed! is an inch longer than his that is irreprehensible. You just posted in nc211's thread about his sister in law who'se life has likely been ruined because of some @sshole driver, you know what can happen out there and yet you still come here and post this and you think we're going to be impressed?!?!

Whatever he may or may not have been doing illegally is besides the point. Speeding within the flow of traffic is one thing, but your actions took an already dangerous situation and turned it into an flat out drag race down the goddamned highway. Stupid. Not to mention the fact that the guy could have been so angry he would have followed you home and murdered you. That happens too.

IMHO, you are no better than a drunk driver behaving that way, and should not be allowed to operate a motor vehicle on the highway with responsible adults.

WOW...and I thought that I was being HARSH.

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Harsh...but true.

One thing I cannot stand is people coming on forums and bragging about doing incredibly dangerous and illegal things on public roads...and looking for atta boys. They have racetracks for a reason.

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