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Texting And Driving


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I saw this video and thought if I showed this to just one person who stopped or didn't text because they saw this, then it was well worth it.

One warning though, it's pretty graphic. But honest and straight.

Texting and Driving

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I've seen only certain parts of that video on tv a couple weeks ago. They were discussing whether it will send a message out but then again it not only sends out a message saying that texting is dangerous but also sends a good message to wear your seatbelt also and be more alert when driving.

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at 28 seconds they messed up the physics :P When the car hit them on the left, their heads shouldn't have moved right, they should have stayed in relation to the ground, their heads slamming into the left windows <_<

just an observation...

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A couple of years ago my wife was pulled over on the right side of the road (with other drivers) because an ambulance was coming up from behind. Some 16 years old kid in an SUV was texting and didn't notice all the stopped traffic in front of him (or the sirens) so instead of ramming into a line of about 20 cars in front of him he swerved across two lanes and hit my wife's car (on the driver's side door) over on the shoulder. Luckily no one was hurt, but both cars were totaled. I could've killed that kid......

I think that video could make a few people think before texting or at least pay a little more attention to the road. It was annoying as hell when that girl was screaming.

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I haven't seen this, and won't watch it. Foxnews.com has picked up on it's popularity and says it shows the lifeless eyes of a baby. Too much for me. I get the point. I've got a blackberry, but won't touch it unless I'm sitting at a light or pulled over. Never in motion.....

Maybe you should post this in the threads on here about folks complaining about not being able to work their navagation units while doing 80mph down the road?

muffalones.....whew! Close call and lucky for you and your family! I'd of probably made sure that kid was texting with bung-hole for the rest of his life.

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Yeah seriously about the nav systems...

I'm guilty of this, checking the Blackberry when driving. I need to knock it off...

I'm guilty too lol. Checking my Palm Centro and also checking out other cars that stand out to me (which consist of practically any Lexus, Toyota 4Runners like mine, and now BMW 5 series esp M5s ) <_< lol

I know talking and driving is just as dangerous but normally I still have the bad habit of driving and talking on the speakerphone (if I forget my bluetooth headset). :(

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So in this video I would say they are taveling at about 45-55 mph? Seem close? I look at the front end of that car afterwards and think 35 mph, so let's just stay in the middle with 45. That's a ground cover speed of 90 mph or about 130-135 feet per second. When I watch the video, the driver is in and out of texting and reading for about 10 seconds and they focus on the texting for just the last 5 seconds. So traveling along, for the last 1000 feet or so barely pays attention to what's going on with the roads, then for next 350 feet essentially drives with her eyes closed. That accident started 30 or so seconds before any of those cars ever touched each other.

I would say it was about 2 years ago when I was driving my 05 IS300 when a young girl, (16-19) in a blue MB ran right thru a 4 lane intersection. 3 or 4 cars and trucks slammed on thier brakes to avoid her. I was making a right turn and she almost plowed right into me. And she kept right on going! So I chased her down to the next light, all the while she was still texting. When I caught up to her and beeped the horn I motioned for her to roll down her window and when she did I told her stop texting and drive! She ran a red light, almost caused a wreck and so on. She just blew me off! Gave me the "Whatever!" and drove on! Next time I should get the liscence plate number just in case. One street over form where this happened was where a texting teen driver hit and killed a mother and her 2 kids, one was in a stroller, as they were walking across Goldenrod Rd. She was "talking on her cell phone" was her excuse! The police checked and verified that yes indeed she was on her cell phone. She was charged and sentenced to prison. Didn't that train wreck that just happened not to long ago linked to texting also? Dang, and their on tracks!

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I know talking and driving is just as dangerous but normally I still have the bad habit of driving and talking on the speakerphone (if I forget my bluetooth headset). :(

I don't think talking while driving is anywhere near as dangerous. You don't ever have to take your eyes off the road to talk. I know people can text with their eyes closed, but at some point you have to look down either to start up the text or look at what you are sending. With voice dialing you can keep your eyes where they belong the entire time.

I guess some people really get into their conversations, but that happens when you have passengers in the car too.

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There are some occasions i'll admit i might send or read a text during driving, but only if it's in the middle of the night on slow roads, or at a light or stop sign.

Sometimes i'll be typing out a long text, "somehow" driving, not even knowing how i got a mile down the road by the end of it <_<

It's more of a concern when there are several people in the car with the driver texting. It's when the driver has the distraction of the phone along with other people in the car when things can get scary. I've been in situations like this especially being 20yrs old, and it's definitely worse with younger girls...

Bluetooth definitely helps, but honestly, i don't think holding your phone to your ear talking is even halfway... no, not 1/4 as dangerous as texting. With texting, you lose a hand and your eyes aren't on the road.

Talking on a phone while driving doesn't seem like one of those things that should be illegal, at least not as much as texting and driving. Sneezing and drinking coffee etc seem more dangerous IMO...

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It's more of a concern when there are several people in the car with the driver texting.

Uh, no. Texting while driving under *any* circumstances is a concern. IMHO anybody caught doing that should loose their driver's license. I'm as guilty as the next person...but no more. Theres no excuse for it.

Talking on the phone is bad enough, I will admit you get pretty used to driving and talking on the phone...I've been doing it for so many years that, at least to me, I feel like its no different than listening to the radio or talking to other people in the car. But texting, typing anything while driving is just an inexcusable danger.

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If people really need to text while driving, they can download an application called Vlingo, which turns your phone into a voice activated device. Not just for calls, but e-mails, text messages, anything on your phone is voice activated. I don't, in any way, endorse using a phone while driving....but this is safer than the alternative!

Works for BlackBerry, iPhones, Nokia devices, and Windows Mobile devices. www.vlingo.com


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