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Bmw Creating An 8-speed Automatic


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"Bowl of milk, Table 4...."

It's only cars guys....only cars....

Do you honestly believe that RX's intention was that you should have consulted with Warren Buffet before purchasing your LS?

It most likley was only to irritate as was his next post and yours :angry: .

I forget whom I am conversing with here and I should not expect a "Detailaholic" to be able to relate. Both you and RX both worked hard to pay for your vintage Lexus and I do not expect you to see things from my perspective :P

I will move on to the LX470 threads and leave you, RX and Warren to your simple fun. :)

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If you're too childish to have a debate on here without resorting to name calling and put downs, perhaps you should move on to a different FORUM, not just different discussions. I have gone WAY WAY out of my way to make sure you realize that I wasn't being critical of you, your retort was extremely out of line. If you're going to be a member here, get used to respecting the other members here and their opinions whether you feel they are "beneath" you or not.

What part of this are you incapable of understanding?

If you do it because you want to and you like driving a new car, more power to you.
Now, like I said if you do that because you want to always drive something new go for it.
I wasn't discussing the pros and cons of what you do so much for your benefit, but for the benefit of others. There are a lot of people out there that actually think its cheaper to trade in new cars every 2 years.
What you're saying is that you don't care, which is fine, but it doesn't make what he's saying wrong.
Now, before you get bent out of shape remember that you obviously have significant enough assets to be able to do what you do. Most people that buy and trade cars that way however do not. This message is for those people, not you.

I don't see how I could have buttered your !Removed! more or made it any clearer than that.

For the record, at 25 I have started three successful businesses, sold two, I've been investing since I was 15 and I have a net worth getting into the 7 figures, I'd say thats a fair accomplishment for someone my age. I'd also say I know a thing or two about business and finance. if by "we can't understand you" means that we can't understand why throwing money away is a great idea and fun, then I'd say thats actually a pretty big compliment. Thanks. Being a "Detailaholic" was business number 1 which made me nearly $200,000. I can buy and trade cars the same way you do in my sleep, but I'm not foolish enough to do it. So yes, you did forget who you were conversing with. I am an extremely successful businessman and investor and I'll thank you not to belittle me again.

You've gone out of your way since you've been a member here to talk about how you don't care at all about economy, don't care at all about value, and don't care at all about overall vehicle cost or depreciation. Your latest little tirade trying to belittle and put RX and me down because we "worked hard" to buy our "vintage Lexus" (news to you, I bought my Lexus brand new) and and how we "couldn't possibly see things from your perspective". My guess? You're one of these people pretending to be wealthy by simply spending rediculous amounts of money needlessly and putng others down to try and make yourself look and feel like an important high roller. Sorry, doesn't impress me at all and I don't buy it.

Not to burst your bubble further, but guess what? Your poopie smells too.

I am looking forward to your next attempt to slam me like a freshman girl after her knockoff Prada bag got called out in front of all her friends in the cafeteria with great anticipation. So extremely sorry for disagreeing with you, oh great and affluent captain of industry. I might actually be impressed if you don't respond to this, but I'm not holding my breath.

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LOL looks like I hit a little nerve with you!

And so I do not dissapoint what you suspected was coming:

You said "I don't see how I could have buttered *********** more or made it any clearer than that."


You can do way *******[King better that a 10% warn can't you !Removed! head! Does that mean that I can do this 10 times before you pull you head out of your !Removed! and understand my intentions?


Please ban me and cancel my membership to this little place! It is for people who struggle to own a Lexus or buy/owns one that is so old he need moral support from the other members to keep it running. *************************************

Bye now **********


To All Members Listed on this Thread:

Please abide by the rules and regulations set by the Operators and Managers of the us.lexusownersclub.com Website.

I understand there are people who are not compatible with others, but this community respects all members equally.




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I've seen some playful responses escalate to full-fledged flame wars before, but never quite like this!

Please don't ban him, SW03ES - it's worth letting him simmer in his own juices long enough to see what he'll say next. Provided no one gets physically harmed, of course....

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I've seen some playful responses escalate to full-fledged flame wars before, but never quite like this!

Please don't ban him, SW03ES - it's worth letting him simmer in his own juices long enough to see what he'll say next. Provided no one gets physically harmed, of course....

He has no choice but to ban me! He must be asleep at the wheel! Soon as he is done waxing he will take care of business!

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So let me get this straight....

You spent the cost of a Gold Membership to this site (was it fifty bucks perhaps) and then intentionally proceeded to get yourself banned so you can no longer utilize the resources you paid for?

Be watching your mailbox over the next few weeks. You should be receiving your official membership card in the George W. Bush Circle of Stupidity Club....

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I've seen some playful responses escalate to full-fledged flame wars before, but never quite like this!

Please don't ban him, SW03ES - it's worth letting him simmer in his own juices long enough to see what he'll say next. Provided no one gets physically harmed, of course....

He has no choice but to ban me! He must be asleep at the wheel! Soon as he is done waxing he will take care of business!

Wow, you must be on drugs or something. :wacko: Throwing away a membership? Why not donate it to someone else who could do better with it? This is the epitome of true waste. :unsure:

I've seen this type of thing happen many times before, it's not a surprise to me at all. Some people just never grow up, so when things don't go their way they'll cut off their nose to spite their face and then throw a tantrum in the corner. If the admins don't mind me suggesting it, why don't you just pull his posting priveleges for a while? Let him see the forum but not cause discord with his immaturity. At least he can "simmer in his juices" without causing more trouble. :chairshot:

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I've seen some playful responses escalate to full-fledged flame wars before, but never quite like this!

Please don't ban him, SW03ES - it's worth letting him simmer in his own juices long enough to see what he'll say next. Provided no one gets physically harmed, of course....

He has no choice but to ban me! He must be asleep at the wheel! Soon as he is done waxing he will take care of business!

Wow, you must be on drugs or something.:wacko: Throwing away a membership? Why not donate it to someone else who could do better with it? This is the epitome of true waste. :unsure:

I've seen this type of thing happen many times before, it's not a surprise to me at all. Some people just never grow up, so when things don't go their way they'll cut off their nose to spite their face and then throw a tantrum in the corner. If the admins don't mind me suggesting it, why don't you just pull his posting priveleges for a while? Let him see the forum but not cause discord with his immaturity. At least he can "simmer in his juices" without causing more trouble.:chairshot:

OK, Please mods will you give this nice person my Gold Membership!

Greg Gebhardt

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Sorry, too busy running my business so that I can continue to "struggle to own my Lexus" to deal with your teenage girl style tantrum Greg. Obviously, I have more important things to do with my day than you do.

RX, I'd love nothing better but to continue to watch this guy make an !Removed! out of himself in front of everybody with his rantings, but he's quite handily broken the rules now and he's right, I've got no choice but to ban him. It wouldn't be fair to all the good, respectful members here to have to deal with this. If he sends me any comical rantings I'll share them with you lol

Greg, I hope you can find some more worthwhile things to do with your time, good luck. Thanks for the laughs and the fifty bucks.

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I think my favorite part is the way he tried to insult me because I like to detail my car. Obviously if I were emberassed and ashamed because I enjoyed detailing my car I wouldn't have named myself "The Official LOC Detailaholic" LOL.

Nothing as loser a move as trying to insult people about things that they aren't emberassed about. Thats like saying "You golfer!" WTH is that? LOL

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lol i totally did not see this thread coming. never opened it once. but yeah...

RX in NC, you really hate bush dont you. thats the second comment about him today...lol although you wouldnt be the first one, but i digress

its funny how conversations of money can change a whole topic. I never like to talk about money with friends cause it always ends up "im richer than you"...no...*slap* "im richer that you!". lol

i agree with what everbody said basically, just because you can buy yourself an LS460 for 6 months until you get the car you really want, doesnt mean you can topple all over us. This isnt some sort of country with those rulers who take everyones money...cant find the proper word now.

however, i dont think he should be banned. lol Swoe3s, we have all had our moments (think back to ipods). granted, i didnt make personal attacks, but if we look at it from his point of view, perhaps some comments here did make him "explode". we have made him take him ball and go home...and thats just not cool

back to the subjects about the cars, i highly doubt that transmisison will break. and im pretty sure lexus will change it for free even when your out of warranty. Why do american makers still make trucks with 4 speeds...that is so 20th century.

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No, I don't hate Bush. I just don't believe that it's ever a good idea to allow anyone with an IQ of 91 to be President of the United States. Apparently about two-thirds of the rest of the country now agrees with me....

I've been a registered Republican since coming of voting age in the early 1970s. But the Bush administration has me rethinking that position, I must admit....

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however, i dont think he should be banned. lol Swoe3s, we have all had our moments (think back to ipods). granted, i didnt make personal attacks, but if we look at it from his point of view, perhaps some comments here did make him "explode". we have made him take him ball and go home...and thats just not cool

Rx330, Nobody's comments here made him explode. As I said, I went out of my way to butter his buns and make sure he realized that I wasn't being critical of him and he can do whatever he wants and he wasn't satisfied with that and instead chose to put myself and others down. After being corrected for that he AGAIN posted back even more hatefully and vulgarly and had to have the content of his post edited by a moderator. Then he asked to be banned. On top of that I recieved two PMs from members ASKING me to ban him and one member posted asking me to (thats never happened before). I had no choice, the guy broke the rules very clearly several times. Its not fair to the members who don't break the rules OR the members who have broken the rules and been moderated in the past. No personal attacks is basically our ONLY rule.

All we did was offer an opinion on an assertion he made that was contrary to his and instead of discussing it with us as the equals that we are he in turn decided to start putting us down and spewing insults like a child. He's an adult (supposedly) and theres no excuse for him carrying himself that way. Part of being a member of a forum is the ability to handle discussing opposing viewpoints. He's not interested in that, so there's no point for him to be a member here anyways.

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No, I don't hate Bush. I just don't believe that it's ever a good idea to allow anyone with an IQ of 91 to be President of the United States. Apparently about two-thirds of the rest of the country now agrees with me....


I may be wrong and I know I am way off topic but...I am pretty sure that I heard reports that George Bush's grades were better than John Kerry's...and not just that George Bush also flew jets...I do not think that the man is dumb. Just wondering how did you come up with George Bush's IQ? Because from every article I have read and what I have heard in the news he has not taken an IQ test...but in fact if you took his SAT score and compared it to John Kerry's bush scored higher and would have had the equivalent of a higher IQ?


Now having said that I certainly do not agree with quite a few things he has done...but what was the alternative?

Personally, I think that there should be a qualification test in order to be eligible to vote! Now that makes since to me...

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Bush's supposed 91 IQ has been clandestinely reported by various sources as far back as the mid-1990s. I remember reading about it during the 2000 presidential campaign and thinking "shouldn't the public be made aware of this in case this is true?" I have no idea whether it is factual or myth. It may have resulted from his multiple disastrous attempts to manage private businesses ranging from oil companies to the Texas Rangers baseball club. We've got a guy in the White House who has wound up putting three different businesses into bankruptcy. Those facts are on the record. I've seen and heard enough from this guy to realize that he has no business in the drivers seat of the good ol' US of A. At the rate his administration is free-falling, any Democratic nominee may win the 2008 election by default and that certainly does not bode well based upon some of the frontrunners who are in the mix at this early juncture....

Keep in mind that there are plenty of kids with extremely high IQs who score poorly on SATs or any other type of structured educational test. SATs do not necessarily measure intelligence. To learn more about this concept, research a condition called Asperger's Syndrome that some medical professionals believe is a very high-functioning type of autism. I know some Asperger's kids who are absolutely brilliant with their IQs scoring off the charts, but they cannot function in a typical classroom environment and therefore cannot learn in a traditionally-enough linear way to be able to score highly enough on an SAT test to draw anyone's attention other than to label them as dumb.

By the way, don't assume that everyone who flies the friendly (or unfriendly) skies is a mental giant. I have a cousin who flies for one of the major national carriers and he can tell you some stories that would make you question whether you ever want to step onto another aircraft again....

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Man... I can't believe I missed this thread!! :cries: I have a whole new bag of smartass comments just ready to be let loose!! CRAP!! SWO...DON'T BAN HIM!! I have "WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU WANT WOMAN???" frustrations to vent out with trying to make my wife happy, and that guy was lining up to be the PERFECT candidate.

Gregg.... you need to take a trip down to Skynyrd's bar down on the beach, walk in and say "I drive a new Lexus, and you're all poor hillbillies!!" AND, you need to have someone who won't get thier asses handed to them run the video camera, and post the video on YouTube for all of us common-folk to laugh at when we're on our 10 minute smoke-breaks between bagging groceries, so we can keep up the struggle of owning our "ancient" 3 year old Lexus cars.

And before you start making comments on how I've picked on Jacksonville.... know that I was born there, and those two high-rise apartment projects going up on the beach...are sitting on my desk as I type, just waiting for my signature for authorization for this month's draw funding. But I probably won't get to them, seeing as how I drive only a 1995 LS400, and don't know how to write.

I may be a flashy business card in cheap shoes....but I'm well respected by my peers, which I can say is more than what you've got going on these days. I would rather have old toys with many friends to share them with, than all the new toys, and nobody to share them with...any day of the week, no matter how wealthy I might be, or become.

I've read your posts over the past few months, and I would honestly say that you did receive a few unfair shots from some of us. But at some point in time, a person has to evaluate their situation and ask themselves "are these negative actions, or negative reactions?"

Good luck Gregg, hope the best for you and your LS460. Sorry this isn't your type of crowd. No harm, no foul... :cheers:

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I love the competition factor, with these guys. It keeps us consumers loaded down with all kinds of goodies when we buy our cars!!!! :cheers:

Hi Guys!! :)

I hope you're OK.

Apparently - BMW is creating an 8-speed automatic to be used in some of its future cars.

Click on THIS to read the story.

It's only a matter of time - I suppose - for Mercedes to counter with a 9 or 10 speed.

A little bit silly - don't you think?!

Craig!! :)

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Ok this is really pushing it. I am going to close this thread.

"Gregghebhardt" and "your worstnightmare" please DO NOT start or continue this topic or issue in a new thread. IF you have problems or concerns, consult it DIRECTLY to a moderator or administrator. Thank you.

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I'm going to keep this closed since the discussion has beyond run its course, but I do have one thing to let Greg know.

We absolutely will forward your IP address on to your ISP in a harassment complaint, and we've successfully done it before. This is a private club to which your membership has been revoked, and your presence here is not desired. If you can't respect that we'll escalate it to where you'll have no choice.

I suggest you find some better uses for your time.

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