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150mph On My 94 Ls400

LS400 lover

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people who drive speeds like that on public roads, deserted or not need to be stripped of their driver's licenses.
What if it's legal where LS400 lover is posting from?...from what I'm seeing it looks like he is posting from outside the US.

I'd agree that there are better places to go do 150mph in your car, but if a)there is not another soul around on (or off, too) the road like we saw in the video and b)you are alone in the car--putting only yourself at risk--and c)it's legal, then, I'd say go at it...

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people who drive speeds like that on public roads, deserted or not need to be stripped of their driver's licenses.
What if it's legal where LS400 lover is posting from?...from what I'm seeing it looks like he is posting from outside the US.

I'd agree that there are better places to go do 150mph in your car, but if a)there is not another soul around on (or off, too) the road like we saw in the video and b)you are alone in the car--putting only yourself at risk--and c)it's legal, then, I'd say go at it...

:cheers: ;) Sure , There are better places to go 150 but if that is all there is around his location, Make due.

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Can you be sure that his estate will pay for any broken poles, cleanup and any endangered species that may be harmed in the process?

That is why the Federal Government should require all car insurance to cover a certain amount of Bodily Injury and Property damage coverage. Since they do not and states set the minimums (MD 20/40/15 some states are lower) that the insurance will cover you are asking a great question...It sure will not take much to do $15,000 in Property damage and that is all that would be covered (MD) and then he will be sued for what his estate is worth.

When I was younger I did stupid :censored: too! I think I have grown up now :D :lol: but things can happen...no one ever plans on having an accident.

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Can you be sure that his estate will pay for any broken poles, cleanup and any endangered species that may be harmed in the process?

That is why the Federal Government should require all car insurance to cover a certain amount of Bodily Injury and Property damage coverage. Since they do not and states set the minimums (MD 20/40/15 some states are lower) that the insurance will cover you are asking a great question...It sure will not take much to do $15,000 in Property damage and that is all that would be covered (MD) and then he will be sued for what his estate is worth.

When I was younger I did stupid :censored: too! I think I have grown up now :D :lol: but things can happen...no one ever plans on having an accident.

There is no "Federal government " where he is.....Christ, There isn't even stability in a government that young.

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I've known people to have to pay for electric poles before. They aren't cheap when it includes installation.

In Las Vegas, hitting one of those palm trees on the strip will cost ya 15K!

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I've known people to have to pay for electric poles before. They aren't cheap when it includes installation.

Was there an accident ???

See previous posts.

Well then I suppose anything could happen at any given time, If one is in there car or not. Like getting hit by a bus in a crosswalk. Happened 2 weeks ago downtown St. Paul. And the driver has not come forward. :chairshot:

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I am not sure where this guy is? The point that I was making about the limits is for us here in the USA forums... I also am not saying much about him going 150...I have done it before, but I am not encouraging anyone to go out and do it.


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I'd agree that there are better places to go do 150mph in your car, but if a)there is not another soul around on (or off, too) the road like we saw in the video and b)you are alone in the car--putting only yourself at risk--and c)it's legal, then, I'd say go at it...

Just because something is legal doesn't make it responsible.

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Just because something is legal doesn't make it responsible.
I can maybe go there with you, but obviously, the lawmakers there have evidence that it is working for them. I remarked on the legallity mostly because you want him to be stripped of his license, and that'll never happen if he was acting under the confines of the law, that is if it's legal in the first place.
Well then I suppose anything could happen at any given time, If one is in there car or not.
You just stole the words right out of my mouth!!!!! ;) I'm a thousand times more worried about being in the remote vicinity of a drunk driver than I am of someone traveling at speeds well in to the triple digits...
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Just because something is legal doesn't make it responsible.
I can maybe go there with you, but obviously, the lawmakers there have evidence that it is working for them. I remarked on the legallity mostly because you want him to be stripped of his license, and that'll never happen if he was acting under the confines of the law, that is if it's legal in the first place.
Well then I suppose anything could happen at any given time, If one is in there car or not.
You just stole the words right out of my mouth!!!!! ;) I'm a thousand times more worried about being in the remote vicinity of a drunk driver than I am of someone traveling at speeds well in to the triple digits...

Yep, I couldn't agree any more than with SW.......

Whether it's drunk, speeding or whatever, it puts other peoples lives/wellbeing in peril. No-one has the right to do that. What if a little kid wandered out in the road (and you vaporized him at 149 mph) or a family pulled into the road from a perpendicular intersection and got T-boned by you?

We'd all be reading about it in the newspapers, wringing our hands and proclaiming "what a tragedy".........

But wait, what if we (you or I) were driving the vehicle that got hit? Maybe our infant son or daughter (or both) were killed instantly........maybe our wife (of 20, 30, maybe 40 years) that we married the day after we graduated from high school.......

So, for the 10 or so seconds of self centered gratification, you end up killing someone. Would it have been worth it in hindsight? A human life just plain GONE. It's your fault. You can't turn back the clock. But that's OK......you'll get over it. Fine, but what about their family? Ever care to think of that? Didn't think so....

Let's cut the crap. It's not funny. It's irresponsible and selfish. Grow up, legal or not, you're !Removed! with innocent peoples lives. :censored:

And no, I've never had anything like what I've described above happen to any of my relatives, not that that should matter.

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If its another country you're right, theres no way of knowing what the legalities are. For instance on parts of the Autobahn 150MPH would be perfectly acceptable.

And there aren't other people/automobiles on the Autobahn ? Just because it is legal there doesn't prevent one from injuring others. :whistles: And there are automobiles that exceed 150 MPH. So why in the first place do automobile manufacturers make cars that exceed the speed limit set by government ? Not to say that a car doing 20 MPH won't kill.

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Yes but the other people and automobiles on the Autobahn are travelling at the same or similar speeds. There is a strict code of lane usage on high speed stretches of the autobahn, it is also MUCH harder and involves much more training to get a driver's license in Germany than it does here. Those roads are DESIGNED for those speeds, as are the vehicles that travel those speeds, and the drivers are trained how to drive at those speeds. For all the high speeds of the Autobahn (the ENTIRE Autobahn is not speed limit free BTW), their collision and death statistics are DRAMATICALLY lower than ours per driver.

You won't find someone so stupid to drive 150 MPH in a 13 year old LS400 (that really is not safe at those speeds) while taking pictures and video on a cell phone on the Autobahn. They're more serious about driving than that.

Why are vehicles designed to exceed the speed limit? Vehicles are designed to be used in many different countries with different speed laws. Guns shoot bullets that kill things, lawnmowers can kill people, should the government ban all of these things or restrict how the operate so they can be the most safe? Or should all our citizens be expected to behave with maturity around things that can be operated in a dangerous way?

Another point to make is whether or not the driver is capable of operating a vehicle at such speeds. Lets ignore for a minute the advanced age of the vehicle in question (worn bushings, suspension and steering components, tires?). Operating a vehicle at speeds of 150MPH takes a different set of skills than operating a vehicle at 80MPH. Steering inputs need to be subtler, concentration needs to be greater, your sightlines need to be raised, and all distractions need to be removed. One twitch and you're off the road, especially in a barge like that. Since he was taking pictures with a cell phone, I'm going to guess he has no training on operating a vehicle at those speeds.

As someone who does, let me tell you its not as easy as rolling down the highway at 80.

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not to be a spoiler here or anything. I agree with everyone's stance on the issue, and being someone who has buried more than his fair share of close friends over the years due to someone else's stupidity behind the wheel. I must say that I think going 150mph in anything on the ground is stupid, period. But that's just my opinion. God help you if your tire blows, or a rabbit runs out, or even have an engine failure. In my book, 150mph requires wings. But, I also must say that I don't recall receiving my AARP card when I purchased my LS400 either. To back up DC's comment, I have had a few close calls myself with other drivers, but mostly the ones going 20mph on the freeway. One time, not too long ago, I was following a van in the right hand lane. We were going about 70mph "speed limit", when the van swerved over to the left lane, leaving some lady in a chevy, about 50 yards in front of me, going 20 mph, in a bunch of traffic. I couldn't swerve into the left lane due to traffic, and I couldn't stop or I would of been hit from the back, so I swerved into the shoulder and the rear end fish tailed a little in the grass. Being a formally trained driver from many years ago in the movie business "transpo department", my instincts kicked in and I was able to keep my car under control. But, it was a clooooose call. I grabbed my phone and called the police to come get her off the road, before she killed someone.

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I just came back from a trip tp Germany where I had the smallest BMW (in europe called 1 series, don't think available in US) it was running out of puff at 200K/hr but it was far less stable and predictable at that speed as my LS.

I'm not condoning excessive speeding, just suggesting that however much speed limits change from country to country the driver and defianately the car make a big difference to the overall safety...

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Sorry everybody

The clip is not available any more,

It is just to inform you thet I have had a very bad accident with my LS400 and I think it will be cancelled.

That’s terrible news. I hope you are okay and the other people (if any) as well.

I think you need to reply back with more information about the accident, so this thread has an ending.

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:rolleyes: Oh Jesus. Can we say we told you so? Talk about irony. I hope nobody innocent was hurt.

Seeing that you've removed the video I'm going to guess it may have been at the advice of an attorney. Well, let me tell you this thread isn't going anywhere and we will surrender IP addresses if asked to.

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