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The Amazing Tornado Fuel Saver

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I was recently watching an info-mercial and I saw an add for "The Tornado fuel saver". It claims that by adding their product to the air intake that you get better fuel efficiency along with an increase in h.p. It creates some air vortex, which makes what they claim, possible. Is this thing for real? Anyone out there try this on his or her vehicle and if so what was the results?

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Save your mony, this type of things normaly do not work. If they did work as well as the manufacture states, then Auto manufactures would have them as std. items. Save your $$ IMO

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I saw the info-mercial over a month ago but I recently saw it again. I hadn't intended on wasting my money I wanted to know if anyone did and if so what were the results. I know someone out there tried it but is ashamed to say. Come on fess up. :D I admit I am not satisfied with the GS3 power :( or lack there of but I won't throw just anything into my ride. I thought about the GS430 and if I do not like the next gen GSeries then I will get the now current 430.

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the tornado is junk as stated

i had a friend who sold it in his performance shop and he even told me it is just a gimmick

it rotates air there by reducing turbulances for combustion

only problem there are many openings and the throttle plate to block a twisting flow

which would only create more turbulance since it would be spinning

also the stupid demo they have of the chinese guy and the water bottles showing how it doesn't let water flow natually untill he starts a tornado action

it is only because the water is now swirling it leaves a little gap in the middle for the air to get by thus not causing the air to bubble up from the water

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