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I have a cowoker named Sal. Well today, I got in his car with him to go around the corner on the lunchbreak, to a gas station to get some munchies. On the way back, he lights up a pipe! i (not knowing he smoked weed) was surprised and very unconfortable. I have a Unrine Analysis on monday for the military and this dude is fixing to give me a contact high! He offered me some and at that moment, i was like, no, this aint gonna work. At the next light, when he stopped, I got out and told him i would walk back. I said i wanted no part of what he was doing. I also said that it makes no difference to me if he does it or not, I just dont want to be around it. and i proceeded to walk the 3 or 4 blocks back to work. i arrived ~15 mins. late, and was asked to give a reason as to why, (it wasnt a big deal, my boss, john was worried about me more than anything.) I told him i just lost track of time. He was like "oh, ok, no biggie, i just was kinda worried as you have never been late to work or back from lunch. "

Sal didnt talk to me the rest of the day and kind of scowled at me.

now, i know i shouldnt have covered for him, but its his business. i dont want to get him in trouble, but damn, he could have just ruined my military career.

What should i do? If i tell john the reason i was really late, He could lose his job. And if i say something, he doesnt lose his job, it will make working there much more difficult, for lack of communication...

and whats more, if i fail this urinalysis because i have grass in my system, my career could be totally ruined! help! :cries:

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I don't think you were actually "covering" for the guy. Your explanation was accepted and that should be the end of that.

I don't know that much about residuals and urinalisis, but would a little second hand smoke, still be detected after 3 or 4 days?

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If you never smoked weed and took a hit, it would only be detectable for maybe a week max. In your case it was a little second hand, its not concentrated enough to show up in the test so you shouldn't worry.

If you're real worried just start eating real lean food till the day of your drug test... the reason for this is because cannibus clings to your fat cells. That's why cannibus stays detectable in your system longer than any other drug.

I agree with barkat...just leave it as that.

He chose to smoke and you chose to walk. You can't really point any fingers now... you know what I'm saying?

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You shouldn't be worrying about him, he's the one who should be worrying about you. That was extremely rude of him. It would have been rude if he were to have lit up a cigarette let alone a pipe of pot. I have a serious dislike for anything smoked, I think its just nasty. Cigarettes, pot, cigars, whatever it just turns my stomach. I was only in a similar situation once in college, we were all at a party for a group of us that were doing a project for a class and two of them went down in the basement and smoked pot. It was so disgusting the rest of us were standing out on the front stoop, how rude was that?

Anyways don't worry about the test. There are several places pot stays in the body, actually several places it stays forever like in your spinal fluid and believe it or not your hair follicles, but it fades from your urine and blood within a week.

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well this is good to hear. i had rolled down the window and was breathing out of it until h stopped at the light. i didnt ant to get him in trouble though, so i didnt oll it all the way down.

i agree it was very rude and irrespnsible.

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you did the right thing...... :D

if you are really sweating over the drug test go to GNC and get that gold stuff, (not sure what the name is) but it flushes your system out.....i've never used it, b/c i don't do drugs, but i've heard it works from a buddy who is the manager there, he said they sell a lot of that stuff........just a suggestion.....

also drink lots of water.

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I have a cowoker named Sal. Well today, I got in his car with him to go around the corner on the lunchbreak, to a gas station to get some munchies. On the way back, he lights up a pipe! i (not knowing he smoked weed) was surprised and very unconfortable. I have a Unrine Analysis on monday for the military and this dude is fixing to give me a contact high! He offered me some and at that moment, i was like, no, this aint gonna work. At the next light, when he stopped, I got out and told him i would walk back. I said i wanted no part of what he was doing. I also said that it makes no difference to me if he does it or not, I just dont want to be around it. and i proceeded to walk the 3 or 4 blocks back to work. i arrived ~15 mins. late, and was asked to give a reason as to why, (it wasnt a big deal, my boss, john was worried about me more than anything.) I told him i just lost track of time. He was like "oh, ok, no biggie, i just was kinda worried as you have never been late to work or back from lunch. "

Sal didnt talk to me the rest of the day and kind of scowled at me.

now, i know i shouldnt have covered for him, but its his business. i dont want to get him in trouble, but damn, he could have just ruined my military career.

What should i do? If i tell john the reason i was really late, He could lose his job. And if i say something, he doesnt lose his job, it will make working there much more difficult, for lack of communication...

and whats more, if i fail this urinalysis because i have grass in my system, my career could be totally ruined!  help! :cries:

I think you did the right thing...I believe you covered for your coworker as well, and that was honorable. However, here is my question what happens to the next coworker who is in this guys car? what if you don't say anything else, and drop it, what will happen to the next person? I guess I'm concerned that your coworker will think it is ok to light up with anyone at anytime, even if it is "his" car. Will it be wrong for your to communicate your reasons, and maybe let him know the next person won't be as considerate to cover for him? Just a thought. Overall you did the right thing.

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I have a cowoker named Sal. Well today, I got in his car with him to go around the corner on the lunchbreak, to a gas station to get some munchies. On the way back, he lights up a pipe! i (not knowing he smoked weed) was surprised and very unconfortable. I have a Unrine Analysis on monday for the military and this dude is fixing to give me a contact high! He offered me some and at that moment, i was like, no, this aint gonna work. At the next light, when he stopped, I got out and told him i would walk back. I said i wanted no part of what he was doing. I also said that it makes no difference to me if he does it or not, I just dont want to be around it. and i proceeded to walk the 3 or 4 blocks back to work. i arrived ~15 mins. late, and was asked to give a reason as to why, (it wasnt a big deal, my boss, john was worried about me more than anything.) I told him i just lost track of time. He was like "oh, ok, no biggie, i just was kinda worried as you have never been late to work or back from lunch. "

Sal didnt talk to me the rest of the day and kind of scowled at me.

now, i know i shouldnt have covered for him, but its his business. i dont want to get him in trouble, but damn, he could have just ruined my military career.

What should i do? If i tell john the reason i was really late, He could lose his job. And if i say something, he doesnt lose his job, it will make working there much more difficult, for lack of communication...

and whats more, if i fail this urinalysis because i have grass in my system, my career could be totally ruined!  help! :cries:

I think you did the right thing...I believe you covered for your coworker as well, and that was honorable. However, here is my question what happens to the next coworker who is in this guys car? what if you don't say anything else, and drop it, what will happen to the next person? I guess I'm concerned that your coworker will think it is ok to light up with anyone at anytime, even if it is "his" car. Will it be wrong for your to communicate your reasons, and maybe let him know the next person won't be as considerate to cover for him? Just a thought. Overall you did the right thing.

well, i will know wednesday if i passed the UA.

as for sal, i sat him down in my office today and had a nice chat.

i told him i was not going to management with it, HOWEVER...if i saw/heard of it again, i would. i told him i dont care what he does at hsi home/in his car, as long as he doesnt bring it to work and he doesnt do it on company time, its none of my business. but the minute that he involbes me, or any of my other employees by showing up for work stoned or doing it on his lunchbreak, he will be terminated, no ifs ands or buts. i said, "im not tellin you you have to quit, but i am telling you that if i hear anything else about it, or you do it arond me or any of my people,you wont like the consequences. when you bring it to work it becomes a saftey hazard, and i will not have it here, is that clear?"

i think i got the point across. i was strictly professional, while being very firm.

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I have a cowoker named Sal. Well today, I got in his car with him to go around the corner on the lunchbreak, to a gas station to get some munchies. On the way back, he lights up a pipe! i (not knowing he smoked weed) was surprised and very unconfortable. I have a Unrine Analysis on monday for the military and this dude is fixing to give me a contact high! He offered me some and at that moment, i was like, no, this aint gonna work. At the next light, when he stopped, I got out and told him i would walk back. I said i wanted no part of what he was doing. I also said that it makes no difference to me if he does it or not, I just dont want to be around it. and i proceeded to walk the 3 or 4 blocks back to work. i arrived ~15 mins. late, and was asked to give a reason as to why, (it wasnt a big deal, my boss, john was worried about me more than anything.) I told him i just lost track of time. He was like "oh, ok, no biggie, i just was kinda worried as you have never been late to work or back from lunch. "

Sal didnt talk to me the rest of the day and kind of scowled at me.

now, i know i shouldnt have covered for him, but its his business. i dont want to get him in trouble, but damn, he could have just ruined my military career.

What should i do? If i tell john the reason i was really late, He could lose his job. And if i say something, he doesnt lose his job, it will make working there much more difficult, for lack of communication...

and whats more, if i fail this urinalysis because i have grass in my system, my career could be totally ruined!  help! :cries:

I think you did the right thing...I believe you covered for your coworker as well, and that was honorable. However, here is my question what happens to the next coworker who is in this guys car? what if you don't say anything else, and drop it, what will happen to the next person? I guess I'm concerned that your coworker will think it is ok to light up with anyone at anytime, even if it is "his" car. Will it be wrong for your to communicate your reasons, and maybe let him know the next person won't be as considerate to cover for him? Just a thought. Overall you did the right thing.

well, i will know wednesday if i passed the UA.

as for sal, i sat him down in my office today and had a nice chat.

i told him i was not going to management with it, HOWEVER...if i saw/heard of it again, i would. i told him i dont care what he does at hsi home/in his car, as long as he doesnt bring it to work and he doesnt do it on company time, its none of my business. but the minute that he involbes me, or any of my other employees by showing up for work stoned or doing it on his lunchbreak, he will be terminated, no ifs ands or buts. i said, "im not tellin you you have to quit, but i am telling you that if i hear anything else about it, or you do it arond me or any of my people,you wont like the consequences. when you bring it to work it becomes a saftey hazard, and i will not have it here, is that clear?"

i think i got the point across. i was strictly professional, while being very firm.

Great job!!!! :D :D :D

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Josh, you passed the UA and that is good. Don't think that this means you can be in the presence of that crap and be so lucky next time. This time your second hand exposure was minimal at best, don't chance the next exposure.

Your future is more important than another person's high.


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Josh, you passed the UA and that is good.  Don't think that this means you can be in the presence of that crap and be so lucky next time.  This time your second hand exposure was minimal at best, don't chance the next exposure.

Your future is more important than another person's high.


Agreed with stevie %100

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Josh, you passed the UA and that is good.  Don't think that this means you can be in the presence of that crap and be so lucky next time.  This time your second hand exposure was minimal at best, don't chance the next exposure.

Your future is more important than another person's high.


stevie, no need to worry about me, i went through high school in the late 90's and never smoked the stuff. i was never around it. believe it or not, this was only the second time in my life i was ever expesed to it. i steer FAR away from it. its not good for you and i have seen it screw up peoples lives first hand, i want nothing to do with it. thanks for the concern though! B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So how does Sal pass this test. If you are in the military and Sal is a co-worker, doesn't he have to get tested? and to light up anything with someone else in the car is rude and selfish. At least it wasn't YOUR car.

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So how does Sal pass this test.  If you are in the military and Sal is a co-worker, doesn't he have to get tested?  and to light up anything with someone else in the car is rude and selfish.  At least it wasn't YOUR car.

i work full time at motorola, he works with me there. army is only part time :)

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Well, I wasn't going to post up anything until you got the results back for the

UA--Army. The amount of second hand systemic absorption shouldn't have

shown up with a brief encounter like you had. And I'm real glad, you had the

intelligence to remove yourself from the vehicle. Unfortunately for Sal, the

time will come eventually that his usage will show up, either through a random

drug test, or through criminal detection by the legal authoriities.

Give you high marks--- Good Judgment,

PharmGuy (Paul)

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Oh, okay.  So you can smoke at Motorola, but not in the Army reserve. Now tell me about that hemi Charger, does that smoke? (tires that is).

No, you can't smoke at motorola, and i dont know how he passes his drug tests (we have them every 3 months, on site), and quite frankly its NOMB. i could care less, until he involves me. since then it hasnt been a problem. Near as i could tell he hasnt showed up stoned.

And yes the charger will burn out till the tires pop. burn-outs, wheelies, whatever moves you... :D

PharmGuy, thanks for the props. I'm glad it didnt show up too, i would have had some explaining to do, though my C.O. would probably have let it by given the situation (he is pretty leniant)...especially since it hasnt shown up before and there wouldnt have been just barely enough to trigger it. But nothing was found, i was clean as a whistle. :)

as for sal (real name salvador), im not worried about him, his time will come.

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