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Everything posted by mburnickas

  1. Just gonna say my 98 did the sameting about 2 years ago. New EGR by Lexus (CPO) all good!I think they only las tlike around 70K on this model (year).
  2. Well for me, wax does not last long. I would clay surface if needed and then wax. Depending on wax, they only very little on avg. They lose slickness, shine, beading etc. I would wax it at least 4 times a year but that is me. I know I have only tried PoorBoys Nattys Blue, CG5050 and CG pro detailer for nuba's. Nattys will not hold a candle to CG5050. I like ONR it added more shine and slickness then most soaps out there.
  3. good call guys. What is this...no neon nozzles....chickens.:)
  4. I disagree since I have owned many other cars (Chev, pon's, olds, Fords) and this Lexus is by far the best and least issues. If they are the "worst", this is odd since JD power still thinks they are #1. I am not "super vigilant in maintenance" and have no issues. Just saying if this was a major design issue Toyota would have a better plan of action for corrective action rather then a little letter saying to just show some oil changes. Plus there would be a lot more cases then what is documented. But, this is me :) I also disagree on the sludge bests since the #'s do not show this. Even if all the documented issues (little above 3,000 engines ) was 10X that, out of over 3,000,000+ engines. Not a major issue. Does anyone understand Kaizen here?
  5. For me, on wheels, if I use ONR, wheels are done last (with seperate MF mitt and WW towel). If I use a acid cleaner (yes I do on certain cars I do), wheels are always done first. Like SW stated, a MF towel is good for drying. I like a WW towel vs the normal MF towels. just something to think about or FYI on what I do.
  6. I agree and the settlement do not even show there is a problem. :) Toyota is saving its image, based on the select few with issues; with the "we are meeting with NYT and NHTSA..." They can do this and say we are working with blah blah. They have to show the small few with issues, they are doing something rather then nothing. The settlement states that the owner, if they have sludge, MIGHT get some money. The settlement is BS. Yes I need (3) UOA since (1) or (2) is meaningless. I love it when people post 1 and say this is a great oil....<I shake my head> I do not value other people UOA for reasons below and they are a very wide open picture. If you have some UOA for a proper baseline, please provide these "toasted" oils. what defines a "toasted oil"? Problem is using other people UOA to see how YOUR engine "might" run is okay at best. Add in all the tolerances, parts used, duration, driving etc etc. You are lucky to get within large % or average. Do you want to be on the high or low; all this is an average. The only true way is some UOA on your car. Using other peoples UOA is guessing. I agree people selling stuff bend the truth. That is why I valve findings on the "oil site" very little. Too much sales people. Goodluck with ARX and the (2) or (3) oz deal; I like ARX but I find their UOA they posted about this dosage, a few month ago, nothing special here on wears, tbn etc. Nevermind the (1) before and (1) after UOA. Talk about jumping the gun here bigtime. Show me 3 to 5 drains with the same numbers, same engine, same dosage etc etc and maybe you have something. Again I like this product (along with others) but ARX is jumping the gun here big time..I feel.
  7. BINGO! That is one reason why I will never shop there. There site sucks. I, the customer, should not have to go outisde of my way to shop. Either put the info there or forget it.
  8. wix is a good filter. For me, Toyota oil filter is over priced since it is nothing special. For that price, wix is #1, supertech is #2, and toyota is #3. I get my wix for like $2 and change,
  9. rx300- For me, I think Toyota is about 10 to 15 years BEHIND the use of synthetic oils and duration. If you trust them, have at it with old info. I have my own UOA's of using a certain oil for a good baseline. Can you show a good basline on your links? I bet not. Also, are the grp 2 oils in your own personal car or someone elses? I trust BTOG links like ZERO.....Sorry to much sales BS over there and lack of certain info. Now I use the newspaper for numbers and info? Nope. Sorry, to easy to bend the truth in %'s. Beside what is defined as a "design flaw" I again work in design and putting a clamp in the wrong place or hose 1" off could be a "design flaw" per them. Do making a engineering change count as a "design flaw. Seems like they do not really know since they are reporters. Does continues improvement (aka changes) mean design flaws? You can post all the "stuff" about mr.XXX, the point I am making is per there legal binding court settlement, they did nothing wrong. Read it and see for yourself. Again, I can play both sides with this. Now that being stated I AM doing (3) not (1) dino intervals (group 2 for from 5 to 7K miles) and posting all three UOa when done; three is the VERY least you can have to having a meaningful "graph". If anyone thinks a oil UOA here and there mean anything, they need do not understand UOA's. I still think the oil issue is based on the customer issues, not "design flaws". The link above you posted is nothing short of TR protecting their behind since they do not want to lose sales ($$$$$). They have to show something to please the few.
  10. If anyone needs like a 95% full nattys (blue & selling it) PM me. I do not use it anymore since I dislike it. I use CG5050 now. Pinnacle Souveran was an ok price like 2 weeks ago. 2 for the price of $99. Now they are overpriced; (1) for $79.99 NOT. But SW is right, if you wax alot, any wax will do. For me, I like detailing but not every month....:) Plus some like sealants and some nubs.
  11. So they are trespassing after dark? Since I own pits, dogs are a double edge sword here. I would call your local PD and tell them the story but take some pix's here.
  12. If chinamart does not have them, try wix. Better then both products.
  13. Darn I must've been adding corn oil to my engine every 3k or 4k miles I knew I should've used Canola or that syntec virgin olive, and I really should've changed my oil filter in the 5 years I've owned the car... darn i knew I was doing something wrong. I hope these speed holes I put in my hood with a pick axe will add more HP (Learned that move from homer simpson) than those NOS stickers I used to cover the scratches in my bumper.... yeah toyota could never ever make a mistake even a small, microscopic .1% mistake... nah that would never happen. Of course I could've just used a full synthetic that I always had on hand but used in other vehicles instead. I am just playing the other side. Per the settlement Toyota was not at fault. I always see people post now and then that say they have sludge, no picture, not UOA not nothing. If I look in my oil fill cap I would say I have sludge (I did do this too). I pulled the covers and it was clean. I should have trusted my UOA for eyars but I had to know. Since I am in the engineering field, even if they have 10,000 issues out of 3,000,000 cars that is not an issue per say. Then again a “full synthetic” is not Amsoil, Redline etc. I just do not see how people if they change the oil and filter, air filter, PCV and other envir items there could be an issue.
  14. Again there is a little more to it then just changing the oil. If you had it, in my eyes, you did not do the correct work on the car. It is not skewing the data. If there was a problem (global) show me more then the small numbers. Why is there is not recall, or TSB or anymore more then the small numbers? I do not consider it a problem, it is a road block on a few peoples cars that got lazy, did not follow the correct procedures or just the want SPC works. Based on the total # of cars and the small effected, there is no problem. Again, I have the wonderful sludge prone that is “all bad” plus using non-toyota coolant and 10 to 12K oil drain intervals (over 2 times what most do). Either I am lucky or the problem is way overstated. Based on the millions produced and work correctly, I am not just lucky..... They [Toyota] where taking action since that was a court settlement, as many noted before. Have you read the settlement? If you did, you would know the answer.
  15. Cr again tests are poor at best. Look at there least test they had to "remove" or there last wax test. Give me a break. It is hit or miss with them. So people take them as the "the last word"; I do not even read there tests. I have owned many items that are "poor" in there tests. That is the great thing about SPC in manufacturing items. Per the settlement Toyota has done nothing wrong per there design; and for me, I agree. Again, playing the other side, so now 1300+3000 out of how many???? Even at 3X that the percent is so small, in design land, it is not an issue. If people changed their oil at proper intervals when using dino, change the correct env parts, there will not be a problem. It is when people get lazy this happens. I am doing well over the limit of Toyota oil-school drains and nothing. I am not the smartest guy in the world here either.
  16. old school thread! :) For less then $3 filter If I had to either buy Toyota oil filter or a Supertech oil filter ($2.44) I would take a Supertech. cheaper and same internals etc. For above $9 I would take a K&N or even better is Amsoil new EAO filter. Unless you have a need (uoa) or longer drains, you do not need it.
  17. Problem is CR tests are poor at best. Again mostly the issues reported vs, have,are slight at best.
  18. newlesusparts is good. I would use a supertech filter in place of a Toyota one. Toyota is nothing special here based on internal pictures.
  19. The UOA of lucas oil stabilzer did not look half bad. full of ZDDP etc. Do you need it, most times no, but it is not bad either.
  20. For me, I just paid the XX dollars for 1-year factory data on my car.
  21. Okay but if there was a "design flaw" why is there only 3,000 plus issues vs 3 MILLION engines produced? As why is the settlement stating there is no design issues with the engines? The settlement is a joke, like most out there. I bet 100 to 1, most do not have this issue............... I had the letter and tossed it in the trash. It means nothing.
  22. Well, it is a sad day. My optima 34R was 11.53 V on multi-meter (and load test poor) so I removed it. Bought a Kirkland battery for $48 (640 CCA) from Costco. Charged for 1 day @ 4 amps. Drove 1 day, let sit and 12.64 V. It is sad that Johnson Controls makes BOTH batteries and the optima sucked. No more Optima for me..not worth the 3X in price and lesser warranty.
  23. JW is Jeff Werkstatt - best I have found to date. OC is Optimum Compound--love it, no dust and long work time
  24. I agree. they do push they product and I think some are overstated; example: They state CS will last up to 9 month. Give me a break. You do not have to use dawn soap to remove wax. Any polish, etc will do that. You could half as much on other products and get the same look, or better etc. I know for me CS is good and it will be the only Zaino prodcut for me. I still will take JW prime and selant and CG5050 wax.
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