So how should I set up IE "internet options" under the Advanced tab?
Thank you.
tools->options->security->custom->scroll down and disable everything except popup blocker and downloads, disable user data persistance, enable anon login. Default M$ settings are not your friend.
Some content will be blocked on certain sites. That is a good sign. Also, do NOT use windows messenger. Full of vulnerable code. All of this is for XP SP2.
Go to adv. settings and untick: allow animations, allow sounds, active content, anything 'active', install on demand, check for updates, 3rd party extensions, allow software to run/ install if signiture is invalid, search from address bar.
tick: empty ie files, do not save encrypted pages, use ssl2.0 and 3.0, transistions.
That should get you started, and it's late and I have missed a few I'm sure, but you get the idea. M$ default settings are NOT what you want. You will be suprised what you can do with all of the 'lowered' settings.
Your main culpriit is anything 'Active'. Allowing those settings will open you up to all manor of bugs, viruses, trojans, worms, etc. It's vulnerable code. You don't need the active content anyway, and the sites which require it are just the ones you want to stay away from.
Download and install: quickset internet. It is a small app that gives one click access to security settings once you are inside a trusted site. Then you can lower settings, then change back easily.
Also look for a little app called windowcide.
Excellent program.
Type symantic virus scan into google. They will scan you over the net free, and check up on your trojans for you.
Good free service. Well, used to be anyway. Try it.
Do the reg clean thing as well.
I'm done.