Believe it or not, I'm actually trying to help you. Nothing I've said to you is meant to be degrading or personally derogatory to you at all. Its not your fault. However, I would suggest that you think twice about some things that you've posted on here and how they sound coming from someone in your situation. It makes you sound like a punk, quite honestly. I know thats not the case, but thats how you come across. You say you get it...but you don't. I can tell from what you say on here. Sometimes its a lot smarter to admit that you don't get it.
The fact that you think you do get it makes me a little afraid for you quite honestly.
I know exactly where you are coming from. I had everything I wanted, never had to live within a budget, never HAD to work to support myself. When I got out on my own I had very few real world coping skills, I had no idea how to prioritize my spending, I had developed tastes that were WAY beyond my means. I had the benefit of having developed a successful business and business and sales skills, but I did a lot of real life learning in those first couple years. I thought I had it all figured out's tough...and whether you believe it or not the life you are living right now is one of someone who has extraordinary personal means...and your life in the real world is not going to be that for a long, long time. You're in a mode where whatever you want you just get it...and thats a mode at your stage in life that can get you in a *lot* of trouble when you get out on your own. Again...I've been there.
PM me and we'll discuss it further...