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Everything posted by silvermate

  1. 2-4 teaspoons every 6 months??? man thats nothing, that would be very odd if that is your problem, as that would just be a very very small leakkk take Agents advice and go ahead and check the solenoid screen and see what she looks like.
  2. thats GREAT!!! we really appreciate it.........i've been saying for a long time now, since we are all diyers we need to start taking pics and making how to's to add to our tutorials section for everyone to use...... (i'm the worst about remembering to make a "how to" when i do something) great work
  3. just curious, why do you need a sedan for 2 kids when you have an LX470?
  4. i always use a wood block and a C-clamp, works just fine
  5. a ford contor TB and a Gen 1 LS TB are two completely different situations......... a lot of those cars including hondas, if the TB breaks it bends valves, simple as that..... its good to know that early LS are non interference, but the correct thing to do is go ahead and change them out as scheduled, (and thats the safest way to fly)
  6. congrats on the new car.... :) let us know how it turns out........ if there are any problems that need to be addressed, most often we can help you right here in the club, as we have a lot of very mechanically inclined members, that are always willing to help out a fellow LS owner, so don't be afraid to ask any questions you might have
  7. i agree it is hard to understand and doesn't make much sense. but it is a proven fact FACT that the 1st gen Lexus LS400 (and maybe other gens i'm not sure) are a non-interference engine ;)
  8. i know its been talked about before around here, i just don't remember the details <_< ....try and do a search, and see what you come up with
  9. can you get a pic of it? there would be no way to cover it up if it ate through the paint...it would have to be repainted its kinda tough to touch up plastic, especially interior touchup matching....(scratches are a different story, they can be easily fixed) you might just have to replace it or have it sanded and repainted........that is if its that much of an eye sore to you,.. :( and i know how particular one can be about little blemishes, i'm the same way..
  10. i'm glad you posted this, its very interesting.....and yes we are interested in hearing these things,(i am anyway) i love when people post about how many miles the cars has on them and that it still has original parts........its just great to hear.....it just confirms the fact of the quality of these vehicles, its amazing sometimes :D no one here would ever stone you for asking a question, the worst that could happen would someone would say "its been talked about plenty of times, just do a search" but thats about as rough a comment as your going to get...... ;) i agree with what 92Lex said, take off the cover and see how she looks, as far as wear, cracks, fraying ect.....the you can have an idea of the shape of it... i do have a friend that his 92 Ls broke a timing belt at about 175k, but like i mentioned b/f he was just stranded, no damage was caused i'm gonna reccomend you have it changed, because its the right advice, but man thats just an awesome feat, i would love (i'm sure u would to) to see how long it would actually go with the original TB :P
  11. sure you can.......and its an easy job as well :) Lexus will charge you about 300 to do this job....... but you can do it yourself with little mechanical skills takes about 30 min...........i believe there is a written DIY in the tutorial forum here is anohter one that a member lexls has on his websight that is really great....its for the gen 1, but pretty much the same deal http://www.lexls.com/front_brake_pad.html good luck
  12. ok then he's right and so are you......about everything :)
  13. yeah i have heard that many of times before, Ls going 200k w/ orininal TB, its amazing .......its really just the flip of a coin.....some break and some don't but it really is a good idea to get it serviced according to the manual........on Gen 1 if the timing belt breaks nothing else gets messed up (non-interference engine) on the ohters i'm not sure.........but it would be wise to get it changed out, as to not be stranded on the side of the road somewhere. thats great, and thanks for sharing....
  14. good point, i missed that one....... but the point that the only thing the early and late model LS's share is the same name is stretching it a bit...
  15. i would have to strongly dissagree there...........FWD is Way more safe than RWD in the snow.... and i'll tell you why you don't get the "sidways", or the rear end drifting left and right, effect with FWD, like you do in RWD, and thats the biggest problem driving in the snow......(control of the vehicle) the engine is in front so you have all the weight bearing down on the front 2 wheels for traction and control of the vehicle
  16. yeah thats what i did too. exept i put them over my OE mats....... i just went to pepboys last winter and got some of the heavy duty ruber floor mats,,,tan in color....... i've left them in every since......they look fine...and man are the soooo much easier to clean, they are tappered in on all sides so no dirt, sand, ect...gets on your carpet or other mats... then just hose em off when they get dirty. and you don't ruin your factory mats, its a good call...
  17. there are little round plastic covers over the screws.......i blieve the are on the side and the front of the shifter...........all u do is pop those off to get to the screws beneath....... unscrew the screws, and it will come off.........to actually get the whole shifter knob off, you have to cut the overdrive wire though......b/c as i remember there isn't a plug of any kind to just "disconnect" if you cut the wire the sysyem automaticlly goes to overdrive so your good to go, unless you turn it on and off, (which i never do) its stuck on
  18. Ebay always has really good deals on floor mats (brand new)
  19. not sure abou the 430, but i'll tell you you don't want to drive the 400 in the snow...... long, heavy, RWD, not a good combo for inclement weather if you absolutely have to, put some weight in the back ie.......sandbags ect........
  20. its very easy, just takes a little time to get to it...... lexls a member of the club has a website with a great tutorial for this here it is. http://www.lexls.com/tuneup.html good luck
  21. i know chronic brake squeking is a pain in the neck, i had it on a previous car, and nothing i did would make it much better here are a few things i would try 1) use only OE pads 2) get new shims 3) make sure you have a GOOD amount of lube on em. 4) make sure your rotors aren't rusted and check for high/low spots 5) make sure you don't have a sticky caliper piston......that would definately cause some sqeeking, b/c the piston would never be fully off of the pad, causing it to "ride" on the rotor good luck
  22. who said i was using "special engine degreasers" i don't use anything on my engine but soap and water. and some no touch
  23. you can order one from your local dealer, it is expensive though. ebay usually has them, they run anywhere from 100-150 dollars..... Alldata.com has one that you can download, u have to sign up for membership from the site, it is i think around 20-50 dollars per year, (i'm not sure)......
  24. i've never heard of that........ <_< wd-40 is VERY flamable, as well as a pretty mean solvent. but whatever works, works
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