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Everything posted by RXREY

  1. Just because I've been asked many times already, I got the hybrid emlem through CONQUEST AUTOMOTIVE. I found them on eBay and they seem to have plenty. The emblems are from Ford and are really nice and I love the way it looked when I put mine on the chrome trim in the rear. Chrome on chrome is really elegant and people really think that Lexus did it...but it was just me! Rey
  2. I agree. Of all cars this one is the one that you want to leave alone in that respect for Pete's sake. I had a PT Cruiser and tried everything to improve gas mileage and power...Chrysler would have done it themselves if I could do it for a few measely bucks...I was never able to get that silly car over 20MPG! As far as power,it would struggle past 80. No matter what Chrysler advertises, that car only gets about 17-19MPG! So at over 25 MPG and 270HP....I LOVE my Lexus 400h!!! The only thing on it American is the back hybrid logotype from a Ford and me in the driver's seat! Warmly, Rey
  3. Hey, I did it! I was finally able to upload the picture of the emblem that I placed on the back hatch trim...look at the very first post,it's there.... well, since I did it once, I did it again in this post! Rey
  4. Yes, Tom, now it's called Barney, Lol...seriously, I can't seem to upload pictures any longer...what am I doing wrong for Pete's sake? argh.
  5. I've been trying several times all day without luck to get the picture up...I have done it many times in the past and all of a sudden I can't do it any longer...hmmm.... It's a small file, I don't get it......I'll try again....
  6. As I mentioned in another post, my car was terribly vandalized in June '07 so I had to have the whole car repainted. Well, I also lost the back HYBRID emblem that I got free from the dealer but found this one on eBay from a Ford. It's a lot nicer that the one that comes on the new 400hs and nicert than the one I had before from a Prius. There are more that I saw so get one. I paid $28, free shipping so it's worth it. Anyway, with more and more hybrids out there, it's easier to get the logotype that you like best. I decided to put the HYBRID logotype on the chrome part of the rear hatch trim and it looks amazing...chrome on chrome...very classy! Rey Bustos in sunny L.A.
  7. It's OK Tom, everyone in Arizona has a red face in summer so no one will tell! Toodle-loo caribou. Rey in also sunny L.A.
  8. Tom, you are still living in the past...it's 21st Century Insurance now! Lol.... Silly goose...be well, and smile often, Rey in L.A.
  9. Ooops, sorry Tom,I didn't write that last post clearly....21st Century is my car insurance company, Prestige Coach Craft was the body shop...anyway, for anyone in the L.A. area, I highly recommend that body shop, they are in Marina Del Rey. Warmly, Rey
  10. Oh, I didn't opt to change the color because it really would have been an awful lot more to have that done since they would really have to take the car apart even more than they did to get all of the inside areas painted as well. I would have had to pay too much extra over what the insurance deemed appropriate. It was over $6,000 as it was! I paid the $250 deductable and I was happy. BTW, I have 21st Century car insurance and they were terrific and they made the ordeal much nicer and took care of everything, smoothly and without any problems whatsoever......I don't know if 21st is anywhere outside of California...well, anyway, they were aces and I am so glad that they are such a great company. The only "tough" thing was waiting almost a month to get my car back but this body shop,Prestige Coach Works in Marina del Rey, was also top notch and very thourough so in the end I was very happy about how all of this ugliness was handled by all. I have to say though,I did get spoiled by this car for the last year and being without it reminded me as to how lucky I am to have my lovely 400h! Toodle-loo, Rey
  11. Yep, I was away, Lexusless, and had nothing to ask or contribute to our site in July. It was a tough month for me but things are looking up, I am happy, and the car is better than ever. It was so great to have it back. It really is a fabulous automobile...dammit. I bought a nifty cover for it that was made for the RX and it fits like a glove, it even has pushed out areas for the mirrors and even the antenna! I was pleasantly surprised to see that it even had a clear,plastic window for the back license plate to show. I know it won't keep anyne who really wants to ruin a car from doing so but it does keep the car clean and cooler while I'm at school teaching. Anyway, I'm back so watch out for my usual silly questions and comments. Warmly, Rey
  12. Wow! The Stoner's Invisible Glass was GREAT! I misted a microfiber towel and gently wiped the screen and it's like new again! It worked better than expected, thanks! I have tried the screen protector and maybe it was the brand that I bought but it looked bad on the screen, I had to take it off...anyway, for all of you, Stoners worked like magic. Rey
  13. No, I don't feel any type of scratching. I actually have Stoners' "Invisble" glass...I hadn't realized that it wasn't amonia based! Thanks for the tip...and thanks to all of you for the warm thoughts on my sad experience. I actually feel better now but the guy who did this has to go to sleep knowing he's a small person. I am a very dedicated and loving teacher, I go to bed like a baby and with a sense of value and knowing that I add to life. I didn't want to say this but I actually think that I know who did it...hate? yes, it takes hate to do this kind of a thing. I can undestand the career thief, the drug addict...I don't like that type of person, but I can understand it...it wouldn't be personal if someone took my radio, it was more violating personally when it was simply to get to me through my property, to terrorize. He and the ilk are cowards and there is a greater justice beyond me or any of us for such people. I am happy, he is not....'nuff said! Thanks all, I will try the soft soap and or the Stoners....I may wait for a couple more suggestions and see if we can all learn something by all of the different ideas/suggestions. Warmly, Rey
  14. Unfortunately my beautiful 400h was vandalized with some sort of acid. Squirted all around like an equator in an old library globe, it took a month to have the car stripped down to the metal, repainted,new plastic trim applied,bumpers replaced,tail lights... the whole nine yards......oy vey, July was a rough month for me. The body shop was highly recommended and my little princess was among Bentleys and Lotuses and other such princely autos...anywho, I got it back looking better than new (I say better because they put more paint than any production car can get..) it was detailed so it was as if it just came off the production line...but later I did notice that they must have used something on the Nav screen. It's a wee bit blotchy...anyone have any sugestions as to what to do? What to use on a Nav Screen? BTW, I had a Chevy Cavalier for the month...when I got my Lexus back, I almost kissed its steering wheel as I drove as if I just landed back on Earth and got to kiss the ground after being marrooned on another planet....the car felt SO amazingly better than any car I have ever driven!!!....definately better than the little Chevy!...cheers, Rey Bustos, happy again with my"reborn" Lexus....
  15. You DON'T understand why we get hybrids! It's not about getting your money back in gas savings...it's about having the money to make a personal statement and do your share. I drive about 8K a year and I am proud to have a 400h. The RX350 is NOTHING like the 400h except it looks alike. Drive them both, you'll pay the extra just because it's such a superior car for pete's sake. When you are not moving too fast on the freeway, at least this is my experience here in L.A., I LOVE that my car becomes fully electric and as everyone else is using gas as they wait for traffic to move and are burning emmisssions like crazy, I am happily aware that my car is not using a drop of fuel nor polluting during this time. If you can afford an RX350, you can afford a 400h. When I get the RX350 as a loaner I am always so glad to get into my 400h afterwards. By the way, many people are jeolous of people with nice cars here in L.A., mine got dowsed in acid and won't have it for a while as it gets totally stripped and repainted! There are some really sick, petty people out there, anywho, that's my story......Rey Bustos in L.A.
  16. Never mix bleach and amonia to clean any part of a hybrid vehicle.....I think what happens is people become paranoid of new technologies. The fact is is that we have an amazing vehicle that not everyone can afford so they get uptight about it and start climing all sorts of silly new urban myths about the "negative" aspects of the technology....maybe the batteries are made in Thailand by underaged poor kids with cleft palates?...hmmm, I wonder by merely mentioning this it'll become another internet "fact", ey? Rey
  17. What is "ICE" that I keep seeing in many posts?
  18. I also heard that if your tires are burning in a fire that you shouldn't breathe in the smoke and that you should call a special team of people,firefighters, to put them (and the rest of the car) out. Don't try to put out a tire fire out by yourself. Rey
  19. Yes, there's something wrong. I don't think I can make my 400h get only 21 if I ran it like a crazed person. I am pretty aggressive and I get over 26 and since I got the bigger and more aggressive Toyo tires it has dropped to around 25 and I have never been uner 24 on one tank, ever in the 16K miles that I've driven. I don't know why you are only getting 21 but that is not right. That's not much better than the 330 or 350. Let us know what comes of this MPG nail biter. Rey in sunny L.A.
  20. Well, I happen to have a 400h but when I'm in to get the oil change,etc. I have gotten a 350 and there is no comparison, the 400h is much nicer to drive on the freeways...and anywhere else. No shift points is a huge reason and it seems to have much more power when accelerating on the freeway. I don't know much about cars but I know what I feel and the 400h feels much better and accelerates so much better at fast speeds. But they are all great cars at Lexus...oh, the initial pull from the 350 is cool though compared to the gentle pull from my 400h but after that...it's all 400h. The huge difference is in being clean. I didn't get it and then figure how many years it would take to recoop the price difference...it doesn't work like that with a 40k+ car, we get the 400h because we CAN and we CAN feel better about what we drive. When the L.A. traffic gets congested, I am in the world's greatest golf cart! 'Nuff said. It does feel great to have the engine off in traffic and I am the only one it seems smiling in the traffic...I also have a DVD player up front(in between the center console and the dash...but that's another story)the smile is in knowing that when stuck in traffic,I am not polluting or burning my fuel! ...Anyway, the 400h is by far much nicer to drive and I am glad that I own this great marvel...but drive them both, you'll see what I mean and take them both on the highway and punch the gas. The 400h just kicks butt over the 350! anyway, have fun and peace to you all,Rey Bustos in sunny L.A.
  21. So far my Toyo Proxes have been amazing and they look like a million bucks. My 400h looks very different with these great tires under her. I have been warned, a little late, that they might end up becoming noisy after 10k mi but they are much better than the terrible GYs that came with the car. These are 255/55/18 so they fill the wheel wells better and make the car look as I think it should. These tires handle infinitely better than the GYs and are much smoother. If they end up making noise after ten k...well, then I'll try the Alenzas and I'll have more to say about tire brands and models. happy trails, Rey
  22. Did you try hitting the "New Tire" calibration button on the GPS? I did but since mine wasn't off that much (and I put on Toyo tires that were bigger) I'm not sure yet if it worked...but you are so off that I suspect something else is going on. Anyway, I don't have the manual in front of me but just look up "calibration" or "new tires" and you'll see what I mean and how to do it. It was easy. Hope all will be well. Rey
  23. Yes, we have much to be grateful for in this great land of ours. I had many lean years where I had to drive whatever I could get for the little money that I had at the time. I remember white knuckle rides across town hoping the car at the time would'n't stall at stop lights and hoped that it would start when I came out to it later...so those days are gone and I am very blessed and part of that blessing has been augmented by the contrast between the lean days of my youth and my life now with all its blessings. I wish all of you well and I do love this site and have been helped many times by all of you whenever I have had an issue. BTW, there are a few posts on how people got rid od rattles in their 400hs...I found out what the two were that I had and they were simple fixes. Peace to all of you, Rey
  24. It's not that you offended us as much as I think your opinions(NY RX400h Savanah) seem so disproportionate and written in such a caustic manner. That's all...It's all good. Wait it out and you'll get everything you deserve. You'll have more to choose from and you'll get exactly what you want. I am sure that there will be hybrids from many other car companies and without rattles(really, mine doesn't rattle...) and with great tires ( I simply PUT great tires on my 400h since I didn't like the ones the 400h came with!) and you'll finally be happy and all will be blissful. It's really not that big of a deal in the scheme of things. Life is good and I hope that I didn't come across as being offensive, I surely didn't mean to. I simply wouldn't have a car that I would complain about. I love my 400h so I'll keep it. You don't like yours or Lexus, GET RID of it and wait a little bit and get what you want. See? It's easy. Toodle-loo , happy in sunny L.A., RXRey
  25. Geeez-lousie, NY 400h Savana, just sell your Lexus and get a Benz already and be happy for Pete's sake. Life's too short to gripe about what cars we drive, shoes we wear, horse that we bet on. Relax and enjoy life a little more. I love my 400h and one more thing; no BS nor rattles. Rey in sunny L.A.
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