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Everything posted by RXREY

  1. Tuesday, Feb 12th 2008...Today I noticed that the key would not fit into the ignition of my 2006 RX400h. It finally did after a few tries of jiggling. It was a little scary as I was in a shop where I was blocking the entrance! Anyway, it finally turned and I went home. I got out, pressed the button on my key.... nothing. None of the buttons worked. Has this happened to anyone? I had to turn the key in the door to lock up, imagine that!...sheesh.... The back hatch is also affected and I have to open it the ol' fashioned way by brute force,will and might. Anyway, before I take it in tomorrow to Lexus, I thought maybe someone had a quick, easy fix. Rey
  2. I hope that I didn't sound negative in earlier posts. I am not aligned to any company. I do well but not so well where I have more than one car. So whatever I do have, I like. It's been a long time since I bought whatever I can buy with the little money that I had and in those times I did find used Toyotas were fabulous. When I wanted my first luxury vehicle I opted for Lexus after reading and asking friends about their Lexus,BMW,MB, anything that they had. It's my first Lexus and it's been great. As I said, I am not aligned or married to the thing so if anything starts to feel funky, out it goes! I would probably get another Lexus though. I've seen what other people have too deal with with other luxury brands and I feel comfortable with my Lexus dealer and my car...after two years it's been great. I know there are many great cars out there, I have one! I just felt that the original post here was a little off base. Not because he said anything negative, every car has it's issues, but it was just so off. How can a car company make a car that would turn the opposite direction? Anyway, I'm not a Lexus man, I merely own a Lexus. I am a "Life" man and have many other things that fill my life with joy. I do love my car, I aint gonna lie! Anyway, just be grateful that we can get a nice car,eh? Many people won't even eat today or sleep indoors! warmly, Rey in L.A.
  3. Yes, this story smells like a bad piece of fish, or stinky European cheese. I am a bit skeptical about this post but as I said, if there's a serious defect with our Lexus, I'd just get something else. As I said in a previous post, it's a CAR, not a person or a pet. I would not hesitate to just buy something else. I happen to think I bought the best car that I could get and it has been flawless for me. Outside of the irritating fact that I had to get new tires after one year,10,000 miles, it's been an amazing machine.... amazing. Thanks for listening, Rey
  4. Thanks "Someone.." I must have the standard FWD as the AWD was never mentioned when buying my car nor was it offered to me. I don't know if I would need it. Would it be for off road? I never thought of our "Princessy" 400h as being an off road vehicle and don't even like to drive over a dirty road! Anyway, it's OK to "Hijack" threads since it's all just chit-chat anyway. I did look up the "smoke" color but it was a computer generated image so it would still be great to see ElGringo's car. The color looks fabulous! I have the Savannah and I do like it a lot. It's not a flashy color, it's reserved and elegant and it's really easy to keep looking sparkly and clean. Warm wishes from Rey in L.A.
  5. I love this forum but this whole succession of posts has been negative and just plain weird. I haven't had any problems with my 400h and I know that machines aren't perfect but I feel pretty comfortable driving a Lexus product. They have a great reputation and good people at the top. I read a lot about Lexus before I bought my first one. When I didn't have much money,after college, I did great buying used Toyotas and will always be a fan of Toyota. On two occasions I had American cars and that's when I had complaints! To be fair I never had a luxury American car. When I was finally blessed enough to get my first luxury car I picked the 400h. I need the room for my job, the lift back... everything else was just icing on a really nice cake. I didn't know that I would love the GPS so much, for instance. Now I don't know how I got along without it. It's not at all why I bought the car, it's just one of the many things that I now love about this beautiful car. I am very grateful, I have work that I love, my health, family and the car is just a machine. If it's broke, fix it or get rid of it and move on. Life's too short. The post doesn't seem reasonable. Somehow I would have read about this problem of the car steering in the opposite direction somewhere, somehow, like the "Pinto" fiasco of the 1970s. Anyway, I'm happy with my 400h, if I reach a point when it does something "funky" or I simply don't like it any longer, it's not a pet, it's a machine, I'll get rid of it. But I think I will have this car easily for the next 8-10 years as I usually do, except of course for the two times I had an American car. happy trails, Rey in L.A.....USA!
  6. ElGringo, I haven't seen that color, can you post a picture of your car? Thanks, Rey
  7. Welcome from me, Rey in L.A.. BTW everyone, how do you know if you have an AWD? I never asked and figured that all 400h were front wheel drive with an electric motor to assist the rear wheels when needed such as up hills. Please explain....I can just start a new post but .. what the heck... I'll welcome "ElGringo" and ask a question all in one shot! Rey
  8. Here's a picture of my 255/55/18" Toyo Proxes S/T s
  9. I love my 255/55 Toyos. I think it's just enough to make a difference but not too much to create any problems. The rotation is 3% of the Good Year tires that it came with... actually I did the math and it was 3.7% so , (from 746 revs per mile for the GYs to 718 revs per mile for the Toyos) I factor that in when calculating my MPGs. They are wider as well as jkatsoudas mentioned above...and the pictures aren't that bad... they do show the width difference nicely. It's only a little bit of difference but enough for me to like it so much to never go back to the 235/55 size. The car feels so much better and looks more like it's supposed to with the slightly larger tires. The mileage has been the same by the way. If I lost any MPGs, I haven't noticed and it was worth it anyway if I had lost .5 to a full 1MPG. I still get about 26MPG on each tank When the time comes I will get the exact same tires again, Toyo Proxes S/t 255/55/18". Happy trails Lexers, Rey Bustos
  10. I'm sorry that some of you don't have a great dealership as I do out here in L.A. I bought my 400h at Glendale Lexus and they have been superb. I also haven't had my car a long time as of now, it's been a little over two years but they answer all of my emails about things that I need help with and all of the questions that I ask when I don't want to bother you good folks. They are really very nice. When I drop my car off for its oil change, etc. I drive off with a loaner car and it's all very, very easy and they have always been a great help. I have no complaints about my dealership whatsoever. You should just get a MB if you like their service better. Since we can afford a nice car, we should also be treated well...dammit... so don't put up with bad service. Besides, how often do you have to deal with the dealership? I actually like going there and I like it when they give me a non 400h just for the difference. That's also how I found out how much nicer the 400h is compared to the RX350...I got one once... great car but it's no 400h! Anyway, be happy, get what you want and if the MB dealer or BMW dealership treats you better, get one of their cars. My sister has a MB and she wishes she had a Lexus after all of the problems she's had with her MB, and all of the money it's cost to have it. I've never had a better car than my 400h. Toodle-loo, Rey
  11. Yes, I would buy it again. Why? because I love it. That's it. Rey
  12. That is so interesting! Thanks for the lesson, now it makes perfect sense. Rey
  13. I don't understand, what is all this for? I'm not being facetious, I just don't know much about cars. Rey
  14. I bought something that was advertised for the 330 and 350 and I figured it would fit my 400h, it didn't, so now if it doesn't specifically state "400h" I ask my dealership. I have always been impressed with the response time and honest advice I get from them so if you have a good dealership, and I can't imagine a "bad" Lexus dealership, ask them. In this case it shoud be perfectly fine. I'd like to do the same thing as you so when you find out, please post OK? Oh, an welcome to out little club! Rey
  15. I went ahead and got one of the charcoal filters online even though mine was clean. It was only 12 or 15 bucks and I just put the white one away just in case. So far so good. Rey
  16. I love the nerf bars but had to get used to swinging my legs a little further out as I got out of my vehicle. It makes it easy to clean the roof as well and generally I like modifying my vehicles. I think the bars just look better. I love the Toyo tires and they feel better and look better being slightly bigger. No effects on MPG, good or bad, and generally the car feels so much betetr in every way. Now when I take curves the car feels better. Our 400h isn't a sports car so I am reminding you that it is a tall vehicle but the difference from before was immediate and very rewarding. Great tires and they are highly rated even though they aren't included in the Tire Rack comparison, which is a shame because I can say that they would be right up there with anything that Tire Rack has...Bridgestone Alenzas, Good Year Tripple Tread, anything! Read up on Toyo Proxes S/T, tires and you'll be pleasantly surprized. Plus I think they look fabulous. They are too aggressive looking for some but then this is why we all wear different shoes, etc. personal choice. I am getting the front lip and most people wouldn't mess with the design of the car but I feel every car can stand a little improvement albeit, by the judgement of its owner. Toodle-loo, Rey
  17. These pictures are good to show not only the Toyo Proxes S/Ts but the mud guards, nerf bars and soon the new front end lip. Keep an eye out for my new pictures. Jan,2008. Rey
  18. I just ordered a front lip which will be a great addition to my 400h. Little by little as the car gets into its 3 and 4th years of being around, there will be more things to add to and play with. It's fun. It's like when I had my PT Crusier except with a really fine automobile. As soon as I can I will post pictures of the new front end. Happy trails, Rey
  19. Yes, I have side chrome bars called Nerf Bars. If you look carefully I have also taken off the (to me) ugly roof rack and it makes the car look so much better. Anyway, I don't know how much it will cost to have the front lip painted, any ideas anyone? ..but the price was so good for the piece,$149, that I'll find out and have it done. I live in L.A. so there's tons of places around...remember, someone poured acid all over my car this past summer so I am used to having to take the car in for paint! That was a real high end place and far so I won't take it there. I'll find a place close to where I live. I think it should be easy enough for me to install though. I'll have to look at the design and hopefully it uses existing bolt placements.. I have pictures on my new tires and such on this site so you can see not only my great Toyo Proxes S/T tires,255/55, 18" , but also mud flaps, the chome nerf bars, the hybrid emblems and the lack of roof rack. I can't wait for the front lip. It's the best I've seen! Take care, Rey Bustos in sunny...er... ...rainy L.A. Jan.2008
  20. Yes, that was me! I bought it through the Japan seller and through eBay. It should be easy to get painted and easy to install. It is ONLY for the 400h as the picture shows, even the same color, Savannah Metalic....even though I'll have to get it painted, it was great to see the example be the same exact color as my car! This whole thing should take a couple of months...shipping, painting, etc. I asked them to give me a price to have them painted but I haven't heard back yet. Rey
  21. I just ordered the front lip. I found it on ebay for $149 + $99. shipping...$248. I'lll get it painted , install then I will post pictures if all goes well. Rey
  22. Yes, I just got an email from Kenny, the sales rep for "EBODYKIT", and it is indeed only $249 including shipping! I would imagine it's unpainted and I hope it's easy to put on. I wonder how much the painting would be?...anyway, I like it too much to care, I'm getting the front lip. I think it looks great! Thanks so much for turning me onto them, what a great price! Take care, Rey
  23. Andy, I love the front addition, what was that from? How much? Do they paint them to match our color? Rey
  24. http://www.l-tunedparts.com/model/struct.p...3&cat_id=12 Andy, This site has some really nice body kits. I do have a concern about the fog lights and even though this site has the kits listed as fitting both 330,350 and 400h, the fog lights are different and I would ask more about that aspect. Also remember that the bumper is different on our 400h and needs that extra lower grill to allow for more air for the hybrid system. Notice that that extra grill s not on either the 330 or the 350, look at the pictiure of my car on this post...it's the grill that the license is mounted over...... Just be careful and good luck....and have fun! If you do any body mods please let us see! Rey Bustos in sunny L.A....well, it's been very rainy lately but...ya know what I mean....
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