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Everything posted by RXREY

  1. Wow, 27.5-28.5? That's great! I wonder if there's a difference in gas used in different states. Here in California there are so many cry babies that I believe our gas is more expensive than any other place in the U.S. because of the more stringent fuel laws but I am not sure. I know that when I hear of the national gas prices are one thing,here in L.A they are always around 10-15 cents more than what I hear and we have a lot more people here,stations,competition,etc. I also have heard that there are different seasonal changes as well. Anyone know about this genius concept? In other words every once in a while I hear that the stations are converting to "Summer gas" and then later, "Winter gas". Now, someone please help me get a hold of that. It kind of makes sense though when I let my sarcastic side down, maybe a richer formula for one season or some such thing. I don't trust any of these oil companies or the government people involved with any of this "funny" business. Anyway, good topic and very informative for people wanting to get an RX400h. I wish I had thought to get info this way rather than on the net where even if you get a review,it's from someone that drove the car for a week. Happy trails, Rey Bustos in L.A. 2-07
  2. I know "RX400h"...., I was a little disappointed at first and then I reminded myself that it's an amazing vehicle, our RX400h, and it weighs well over a solid and safe 4000 lbs.....has power,has every perk shy of slippers and a smoking jacket and it gets over 25 "Real" MPGs! I just don't think the EPA estimates help anyone since they are so off of the "real" life conditions. If they had told me I'd get around 24-27 and then when I got about 26 after my first year of owning this marvel..I'd be ecstatic...but it's the "33 MPG city" banner and the salesman saying in the "right conditions you can get 40"...c'mon now, for Pete's sake...In spurts I have gotten up to 47MPGs...in traffic and coasting a lot...having just reset the computer,etc.....but I would never claim that. I only guage my driving and calculate after every fill up. I don't go by the on board computer because it reads in our favor and it would make me happier to believe it but when I do the simple math, the onboard computer in biased favorably by about .5 or .6 MPG. As I said in a previous post my PT Cruiser was getting 17 MPGs!!! So Nothing in this class and or weight can touch our 400h!... Anyway, that's about it...it seems the average among all of us seems to be between 24-26. Case closed. Lets be happy, 25 is great, and we are helping with the environment... Happy...ecstatic with my 400h in L.A., Rey
  3. It's been about three months of being "bald" and I haven't noticed any difference good or bad on the mileage. I changed my tire pressure to 34 and the car feels better and that might make more of an impact on the mileage but it isn't going to be anything that will be written up in the science journals so I'd say..no, no noticeable change in MPGs. Rey Feb 18 2007
  4. Well, it made me a little nervous to try to take the corners off because they are really snug and,well, the car is really expensive right? I could only imagine a nightmarish image of trying to take off the rack and peeling the roof off like a smoked oyster tin...but I am the persistant type and get determined with everything that I do and the more I thought of the car without that silly rack, the more I really wanted it off! Once I pulled up,and as I mentioned before I wore gardeners gloves to give me more ability to pull without hrting my hands, I saw what it was fastened to...at least a little. It made me really nervous but I pulled the right rear up and pushed the corner back at the same time and it gave and it was off. Once I did one, the rest were easier in that I felt committed and more sure of myself. It's too difficult for me to describe the way it's attached but it's like a yellow toggle type pin...anyway,up and back...the front ones, up and forward and as I said,it doesn't feel like it will givve, but it will so stick with it. It wasn't meant to be easily taken off ya know! But, once the corners are off, it's easy. There are bolts holding each corner down and you just turn them off. they are tight but I used a ratchet...I think it was 1/2"...anyway... As I mentioned before I was left with four channels that I had to cover up they are approximately 1X4 inches and I put black satin plastic to fit and wide electrical tape over that and no one can see it unless you get on my nerf bars and look. Check out my pictures again. The pictures don't include the tape either so it looks even better now. I love it with a clean top. I'm getting mud guards for all four wheel wells next..they are on their way. I hope that i was able to help. let me know if you need more help or if more pictures might help. I should have taken pictures of the open slots left by the removal but ...well, be creative and fill the slots. Rey in L.A. Sorry my reply was way too long winded and I just realized that you were only asking if I thought, as your dealer said, that by taking off the corners you can take off the cross bars? Hmm, I don't know about that...there is more to it than that. There's a screw at each corner preventing the cross bars from sliding all of the way out. I can do it but only because my whole rack is off. I'll have to look at the whole rack again and see if I would be able to do what you want, if my rack was still on my car now that I know about those screws. Make sense? I'd wait and either rethink the operation or perhaps let Lexus do it...(that gives me the willies to say)...but I'd hate to have you damage your car. See, once I decided to take off my rack, I no longer cared if by some chance I might damage the corner(s) or the rack...but you just want the cross bars off and I don't think it's worth what I had to go through for simply taking off the cross bars. See what I mean? Leave it as it is, leave them on or take the whole thing off is my advice. All or nothin'! Rey
  5. 25.4 in Los Angeles, mostly city driving,warm to "soft" weather all year. After 14 months I averaged 25.4 in 2006,1st year owning my 400h,Jan-Dec '06. in SoCal as i said. I think it has helped to change my tire pressure(OEM GoodYear Eagle RS-A) to 34psi...rides better than when the dealership puts them at 30-32...I also don't seem to see much of a difference between city and highway. Actually.... I get better mileage on the highway...like the olden cars of yore! I don't have the roof rack that I didn't like but that hasn't made one bit of difference in the milege either way. It's not why I took it off,of course,but I thought that people that knew I took off the rack might be curious. I think the tire pressure and careful driving did more to improve the mileage than the rackless top. I thought being roof-rackless would make a difference but it really hasn't that I've noticed. Sometimes I enjoy driving more aggressively and that month's "crazy, Dukes of Hazzard" driving, my mileage can drop to the 24s but it has never, ever been less than 24MPG on one tank. I can usually go 400 miles on about 15 or so gallons. Much less MPGs than I was led to believe by the salesman..but then they have to lie or they wouldn't have that kind of job. The car does best when in SoCal traffic but fortunately I am not in it very often. I'm pretty happy and it's way better than my PT Cruiser that was estimated at around 24 and I got 17! Plus after 3 years the automatic transmission was already feeling like I was going over twoXfours during downshifting! Ayayayee! Thank goodness for Lexus and the marvelous cars they make...so, I'll keep this for ten years and at that point my RX400h will still beat anything I've ever had! Just my .02 for what it's worth. happy trails, Rey in L.A.
  6. You can only take off the crossrails by taking off the whole rack. At least that's the way I saw it having taken off the whole thing. You actually have to slide them off of the end of the rack. Rey
  7. I've had my 400h over a year and have NEVER had any problems like what you've described. I go to Chevron, I've never trusted the "Joe's Gas and Corn Dogs" type pf places,maybe it's the pump design itself at that particular station. Try another station and see because as I said, not a single problem in fueling up. I also like the fact that I only have to do that twice a month. happy trails, Rey
  8. Thanks to all again! Great info. I'm leaning towards Bridgestone Alenza...but, as I said, I have a lot more driving to do and more places to visit and tread to wear before that happens. Rey Very good info, thanks. So the 255 number makes the tire wider on the side? Does it look different than the 235? Or is it too small of a difference. I'm putting 35 PSI in my Eagles, when I have it at the recommended lower PSI the tires seem low. Rey
  9. OK, so I don't know much about tires but I hear things about the Goodyear Eagle RS-A tires that came with my RX400h that sound as if they aren't the best. They are retailed at $187 each which sounds as if they are good, if you go by price,and that's all that I can go by right now. They seem really great up to this point. Anyway, I would appreciate more input please about what you might consider the smoothest riding tire. That's my primary concern. Secondarily handling and lifespan,even though I hope I don't have to compromise. Let me further state that I do live in SoCalifornia so weather is not an issue...I definitely am not going off roading with "Princess" and I drive only about 11K a year. I'd appreciate any input. I won't need to change the tries for a while, I have 12K on the car/tires at this point but I want to be prepared. Lexus man, Rey Bustos
  10. There's two versions... the 2WD and an AWD. 4WD is not the same as AWD... the difference has to full time vs part time wheel driving. The 400h does not have a drive shaft from the engine to the rear wheels, only an electric motor is connected to them. Hope that helps. Response from Rey Bustos: See?I knew I went to the right place for an answer! You are so smart. That makes total sense! Lexus owners are so smart.....well, I'm a Lexus owner also...Well,I'm smart in other ways! Hehee.... Thanks so much, Rey in L.A.... There's two versions... the 2WD and an AWD. 4WD is not the same as AWD... the difference has to full time vs part time wheel driving. The 400h does not have a drive shaft from the engine to the rear wheels, only an electric motor is connected to them. Hope that helps. Follow up question for me... If I was told, I don't remember anyone at the dealership telling me...how do we know which version we have? Rey I just found out for myself...it's in the VIN number,the first six characters: JTJGW3 = 2WD JTJHW3 = 4WD the first "J" means that it was made in Japan...which I think we knew. Rey
  11. I know this might sound naive...and I am at times,but I thought all 400hs were 4WD? Now I see on sites that ask for model,year,ect., that they have a box to check for RX400h for 2WD and one for 4WD. I thought there was a motor for the rear wheels? Argh. Naively yours, Rey
  12. I already said this before but I wanted to thank all of you for your insights. It's amazing how a thing that I thought would be so simple has such an impact on the total design and engineering of car. I am NOT going to mess with spacers! This is why I came to you,my friends at the club! Now others that may have been as naive as I was can learn from all of you. Thanks again to all of you, Rey
  13. Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for, great insights and equally good advice. I appreciate this very much,thanks. Rey
  14. I am thinking about putting spacers on the rear wheels to widen the stance of the narrow footing my RX400h is on now. Has anyone done this? I saw the type that are pretty wide and to ensure safety they have their own bolts. Also, I know I can look this up but since I'm here, what's the bolt pattern on the RX400h? If anyone can give me any insight,I would really appreciate the advice or opinion, Rey Bustos, happy with my Lexus
  15. they like the sound and the look! they use FOX duplex and DELTA duplex. the one on the pic's is the FOX regards willi Thanks Willi But I thought one of the attractions of a hybrid was the quietness!!! Regards Billy yes billy, i agree fully. if i would find an exhaust system for my RX400 fully reducing the noise oft the engine i would install it!! but some people cant' live withaut a sporty noise and i understand that. i had a brabus mercedes and i admit that i liked the sound very much. but my RX400 should be as quite as possible!!!! they like the sound and the look! they use FOX duplex and DELTA duplex. the one on the pic's is the FOX regards willi Thanks Willi But I thought one of the attractions of a hybrid was the quietness!!! Regards Billy yes billy, i agree fully. if i would find an exhaust system for my RX400 fully reducing the noise oft the engine i would install it!! but some people cant' live withaut a sporty noise and i understand that. i had a brabus mercedes and i admit that i liked the sound very much. but my RX400 should be as quite as possible!!!! I agree, the cars that I had before I tried to have them rumble more than stock,but the RX400h should be quiet by design and by principle. The point of a hybrid,at least as I see it, is of trying not to create pollution including noise pollution. Right? I want this car to be as queit as possible. Have a great new year everyone, Rey Bustos
  16. below you will find a link to a 40mm lowered RX400 from a german RX400 forum member. double click the pics to enlarge. he used springs and parts to do this from a german company. if you would like to get more infos on this i think i can get you a link to this companys web site. http://homepage.mac.com/kheldour/PhotoAlbum5.html regards willi Wow, thanks Willi...I love this club! Rey
  17. I did add the nerf bars. I actually did something silly, I bid on two sets on eBay and won both sets! So I have an extra set if you'd like them. One set,the ones on my car were new,the other set are used. I will probably try to sell them on ebay but if anyone wants them I'd ask $50 just to make sure I can ship them out to anyone that wants them. I do that every once in a while, bid on something and then find something a little better,in this case brand new ones instead of used, bid low thinking that I won't get them and then end up with two of something! I also have a grill guard that I thought would fit my 400h but it's for an RX330 or 350. I didn't realize then that the fronts are different! So,another mistake and another product sitting in my storage closet. I have seen the running boards that you want and they do look great. I personally like the chrome bars better but either way I like the look better than stock. Let me know if you do take off the rack and how it went. Rey
  18. I'm planning on it! Rey in sunny L.A....yes,even in January
  19. Has anyone tried to have their RX400h lowered a wee bit? It stands so tall it seems as if it could be lowered a couple of inches and bring it down to what it seems to my eye to be a better height. I don't know much about cars so if anyone can help in answering why it might not be possible or if it would affect the ride too adversely...or just something I am not getting. It just looks too tall.
  20. Bob, it's too early still for an MPG evaluation. I've gotten 26.1 "real" combined MPG(rated 29hwy/34city?) for the one year(Jan3-06-Dec-23-06) that I've had this great machine but I will wait a few months to see if there is any change. I am very meticulous about keepng track of mileage,the on board computer is biased, so I do the math myself. If there's a difference, I'll know, trust me. It will probably be minimal but since I just didn't like the rack, I hadn't even considered that aspect. ... Rey
  21. They are recycled. The nickle IS valuable, and the polution to create them DOES NOT outweigh the setoff of less smog. Put another way, just because Stuart8181 says, "Unfortunately the pollution cost in manufacturing the batteries offsets any gain ...." doesn't make it any more or less true, than if you or I say, "I heard the batteries ARE recycled". But rather than look up and post links to that obvious fact, just use common reason. The industry wouldn't do something that lame. Stuart8181 may have heard some HumVee owner, or other anti-green person say it ... & took it as undisputed gospel. The funny thing is that the same folks who make such statements, don't seem to worry much about the lead battery manufacturing in their "whatever" car ... or they don't care if there really is no "practical" rational for spending excess $$$ on their what-ever OTHER car. But a hybrid? Ohhhh ~ some will say, it MUST pencil out with a BIG profit before it's worthwhile. Let's face it, a bunch of us folks buy our cars for irrational reasons. Yes, the battery is not a problem and Toyota will buy it back when the time comes ...in ten or fifteen years. You'll hear people trying to knock a great technology but...well, I have been extremely happy with my 400h and 400 miles between fill-ups in an amazing SUV is astonishing and the fact that I am not buring fuel during traffic is one of those things that you can't explain, you just have to own the car and feel that great sensation...dammit,that's my two cents. Toyota/Lexus think years ahead of anyone else. It's that great Japanese way of thinking and doing business. I like it! Rey in L.A.
  22. I love my 400h. The two times that I had my RX400h in for the 5K and 10k service I had two loaner RXs,the 330 and the 350 respectively. The RX350 was noticeably more powerful initially than my 400h. When you start it up and pulled away,the RX350 really pulls you back in your seat but then...that's it. I found that on the freeway there was hesitation in passing and slower to accelerate once you were going at a good clip which I don't get with my 400h. The 400h is softer at the start,actually silent, but then I have amazing medium and higher speed acceleration and it's much smoother in doing so. It also seems to have tons more power after the initial relatively mild start. The silent start of the 400h is too cool to not have any longer as far as I'm concerned. The RX 330 and 350 are magnificent cars but now that I've had my hybrid, it's no contest. The low emmissions make me feel better and the fact that I can go 400 miles between fill-ups is great. I was going about 230 miles with the same amount of fuel in my '03 PT Cruiser! The 400h is 1000lbs heavier than my PT so that makes the technology even that much more amazing to me! The other thing that no one talks about but I will is that in L.A. traffic jams, for instance, I am not as stressed any longer in that my 400h "stops" running while the traffic is slow. Psychologically knowing that my car is electric during that time and not burning my gas puts me in a better frame of mind! I've never had a better car. I do like driving the 330 and 350 but I love when I get my 400h back and turn the ignition and hear...well, nothing! I also drove a Magnum...it felt really cheap and even though it looked cool it was not a good ride. The RX400h is overall an amazing vehicle. I hope this helps. Rey Bustos,very happy hybrid fan.
  23. Unfortunately the pollution cost in manufacturing the batteries offsets any gain from the car. Also getting rid of the spent batteries is a major problem.
  24. Bob, it's too early still for an MPG evaluation. I've gotten 26.1 "real" combined MPG(rated 29hwy/34city?) for the one year(Jan3-06-Dec-23-06) that I've had this great machine but I will wait a few months to see if there is any change. I am very meticulous about keepng track of mileage,the on board computer is biased, so I do the math myself. If there's a difference, I'll know, trust me. It will probably be minimal but since I just didn't like the rack, I hadn't even considered that aspect. Interestingly though,when the EPA makes its ratings on the our RX 400h,330 and 350 they do it without the roof rack! I believe they use a 98lb jockey as well but that's just my theory. Wind noise? I was on one of our L.A. freeways today,went 90MPH (easy to do in this jet!) for a little while and it IS quieter, afterall, it is an object on the roof! But then, I felt that it was pretty quiet before...so that too was minimal,but every little bit counts. I have the standard Goodyear tires on and will switch to Michelins when the time comes. I feel that Michelins are better tires and more quiet , but I will take advice from anyone that knows better than I would about that. I have a long way to go before I change tires, I only put 10K miles a year on my car so I have time to research them. I'll make sure I post my MPG findings in around summer of 2007 to give it at least 6 months. Happy driving, Rey
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