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Everything posted by RXREY

  1. Lets just be happy,as we are, having such a nifty vehicle. Also, thanks for the levity, we don't always have to be so serious for Pete's sake. You are all pretty funny and it makes the site a little bit less stuffy, more like a community. happy driving, Rey
  2. Tom, I'm telling you, take off the squirt nozzles on the hood and you'll be in the 90s like me! Have you ever seen squirt nozzles on race cars? See? That proves it. I'm also thinking of losing about four pounds, that should add a little MPGs. It turns out it really doesn't help if you just tuck your stomach in. Rey
  3. Yes, see my post "Roof rack Removal Pics"...you will have to take the long bars off to slide the crossbars off. It's not for the timid! It took a little doing for me but I wanted the whole ugly thing off so I was determined to take it all off. Rey
  4. OK, stop it about my silly "no roof rack" for Pete's sake...you are too funny! I'm thinking of removing the windshield spray nubs and I should get over 30 MPGs! OK, enough razzing me ...I was really happy to see the great mileage with driving for a little longer than the ten minute drives which is what I do. Even though I don't drive too far/long I will never regret getting the 400h over the 330 or even the 350, I've driven them and they simply do NOT feel as nice as my 400h and most especially on the freeway. Accelerating on the freeway is when you can really feel the difference. So to recap: the best tank I've ever had thus far...450.1 miles on 16.6 gallons...+27.1 ( I always do the math myself, this figure is not from the onboard computer) I will never try to get that close to empty either..but now I know I have at least 60 "Safe" miles after the warning light goes off...but I will now contiunue to top off at or just before that happens. Happy trails, Rey from L.A.
  5. This last tank was the best in the two years...450.1 miles on 16.6 galllons....= 27.1 MPG. Rey in L.A.
  6. I just filled up after having gone 450.1 miles and I used 16.6 gallons...which I know was pushing it...I logged in over sixty miles after the warning light came on. This is the best I've done on one tank since I bought my pretty 400h two years ago, it came out to be, (drum roll....) 27.1 MPG "Ta Da!" That" the best I've ever gotten on one tank so far. I think that because I mostly drive short trips, I've never been really able to get this before. On this last tank, I was driving the freeway a couple times a week instead of once here in L.A. due to a job situation I helped with. I was pretty happy to get over 27MPG! I can now see that if you drive more, and many people do much more than I do, that you can get better than my usual 25 or 26 MPGs. happy driving, Rey
  7. I must apologize, I might have come off as saying that my roof rack was so noisy that I couldn't hear the radio...Jim is perfectly in line here and he is absolutely correct. If I "felt" that there was a reduction in noise after taking it off, it was purely psychological. I never meant to make it seem as if I took it off for that reason nor the other misconception that it was to better my gas MPGs, I get fine MPGs. That one was silly, it is so aerodynamic that there is very little chance of that making any noticeable difference whatsoever. The simple fact is that I took it off because I truly didn't like it nor the way it looked on my pretty car. Besides, I could not see any reason that I would ever need to "pack mule" my car that way. It was personal preference, like tie, no tie...hat,no hat...whatever, it was just personal choice and that's it. Jim is right about all that he said, this is the nicest car that I've ever owned and Lexus of Glendale continues to be a top notch dealership...I've never been this happy with the purchase of a car. I hope I made amends. Warmly, Rey
  8. Has anyone else bought the emblem that I put on my car from CONQUEST AUTO?. I think this is the best ybrid emblem that I have found...and it's a Ford, go figure. At least one part of that Ford has quality. Rey
  9. No, it didn't affect the mileage at all. I find that it's not easy to take away or add gas mileage. My larger Toyo tires did hurt the MPG by perhaps a full MPG, but it may be that I am less dainty with my car now that I've had it a couple of years. Not having the roof rack just makes freeway driving a little quieter. There was no benefit whatsoever in mileage. I took it off because I didn't like it and I really love my RX400h without it. Rey Bustos , happy Lexus owner in L.A.
  10. Actually, thanks to the wonderful and brilliant Lexers on this site I have been multiplying my total mileage by .03...to compensate for the larger circumference of my Toyo tires, so I am really getting the 25.4...all factored in for your edification. I love this site. Thanks again, Rey
  11. RX400h owner...I started with about 26 and now I can only get about 24. This last tank I got 25.4(387 miles/15.2 gallons) but I was on longer trips(40 miles one way...I don't drive much so I realize "long" trip is relative...in two years I have 19K miles...) and that usually helps me in L.A where there's lots of traffic, we tend to drive long and slow for many miles and I can watch the mileage go up,up,up since I am in basically a luxury golf cart at that point.... But realistically, when I drive in a more fun manner...I get about 24. I too am not pleased at how the salesman was sure to tell me when I bought the car that I would get over 30...but even Lexus salesman have to lie...it's a DNA thing and we can't be too harsh...many of them can't even afford the cars they sell! I also have to mention that I believe I might have lost 1mpg with the TOYO Proxes 255/55 tires(they're a little bigger/heavier...but far superior to the OEMs) I love my "Princess" though, this has been the best car that I've ever had. Rey in L.A.
  12. Can I trust a Jiffy Lube type place? At 20,000 miles I don't need much more than changing the oil and filter. I'll take it to Lexus for my 25K maintenance since it's a mile stone and more things are needed. I just got new tires so I don't need that.....anyway, let me know. Rey
  13. I'm due for my 20,000 mile service and I am wondering how many of you take your Lexus somewhere other than a Lexus dealership. Can you simply take the manual with the list of items needed to be done to a good,trusted mechanic? I got a coupon book when I bought my 400h but all that it gave me was free oil changes for the first two years. I don't mind paying but I am also careful with money...but never at the detriment to my cars or my health, etc. Thanks, Rey 1007
  14. isn't that a sad state of affairs? I mean, I know that Toyota/Lexus and other car makers have deals with tire manufacturers but you would think that on a 50k car they'd be a little bit more thoughtful about what's under their car? After ten thousand miles the tires were shot, that was a sad and irritating fact that I had to deal with along with all of you that had the same experience. I know that OEM tires are not going to be the best but 10k miles was a bit rediculous and disappointing. Anyway, now I'm darned happy with this amazing car, so "All's well that ends well", as the old bard of Avon once said....Rey
  15. A few thousand miles and these Toyos have been great. Anyone else have these on their RX? I haven't noticed any difference in MPG but there do run great,handle so much better than the OEM Good Years..as far as the noise taht i was warned about? Nothing yet and if that time comes I'll simply get new tires...I don't sweat the little things. I love these tire and they are not onlt great on the road, they look fabulous! Rey Bustos
  16. I'm thinking of getting a big Beatle wig ala 1964! Lol....Rey
  17. Eight months later,without the roof rack, no noticeable difference in MGP...I still get 24.5-26.5 MPG with every tank. I keep my tire pressure at 38. I live in L.A so the temp is pretty constant here...no winter as some of you may have. I have a small $18 air compressor in the back cargo area and a digital guage so I can keep my eye on the pressure...that seems to be more of an influence than having or not having a roof rack. When the Toyo tires were at 32 I got much less MPGs,about 23...I hadn't noticed that they were that low...I pumped them up to 38...and voila, 26 MPG! Happy trails, Rey in L.A.
  18. Don't be silly Kat, use it. Get the emblem and put it on, just make sure you really line it up in the center and voila....I'm in L.A. so you'll have the Texas version! My plates are ANATNUT so don't worry, I am not going to take your clever hybrid related plate idea...I've had the same plates for four cars now amd I am not changing them ever again...but do post what it is that you come up with when you get them and please let me know if you do get the Ford Emblem from conquestauto...did you check them out already? I have a pictiure of the old logo that I had before my vandalism, it's from a Toyota and my Lexus dealer gave me three for free. The second picture is what I have now and I decided to put that one on the chrome trim since it was smaller and fit better than the last one and frankly it looks better to me....chrome on chrome. Look at both and see which one you might like. Did you notice on my profile photo that I took off my roof rack? The car looks so cool without it! Happy accessorising! Rey in L.A.
  19. Kat, I found it on ebay...the company is really nice, they are "Conquest automotive" and they still have a bunch so get on ebay and type "hybrid emblem" that'll take you right to Conquests' listings.... if you look...it'll say something like, "Ford Hybrid...chrome decal",something to that effect...but it's a nice metal logotype, much better than Cafe Press could ever do and in fact even better than the Lexus logotypes that I've seen. Believe me, I'm picky about what I put on my Princess! Let me know if you are able to get one and you won't be sorry. It cost me less than $30 and worth every penny, it looks fab! The metal,chrome type is already set for you on an adhesive strip under and over the type. After you take off the plastic strip covering the area that will be in contact with the car,the top strip holds the type in place,perfectly spaced. You then place the type onto the area of the car that you want, with me it was the chrome strip at the rear, gently and carefully place.... and then press. The top plastic strip is then taken off and voila! Your ride will look like a $50,000 car...oh, that's right, it is! Well, it'll look even better! Chrome on chrome, what's not to like?! Rey in L.A.
  20. OK, I'll watch for that with the cover...it's supposed to not do that, meaning it's supposed to be a material that allows for condensation without trapping, breathing......anywho, I'll still take your advice and put it on only here and there..... use it when it's in the my condo garage and if I'm parked in a sunny area for a spell, like when I teach... I'll only use it when I don't think that moisture will be an isssue. Yes, the paint job was great and they did say that they would do it in a timely manner so as to not put me out too long without the Princess. They did a fab job and I am glad that the neighbor that did it moved out this last week! I think he knew the jig was up! Everyone banded with me and made him feel unwanted around here! So once again, all is great in the wonderful area that I live in. Toodle-loo caribou, Rey
  21. I didn't like that at all...those 22"s are too big...I just added a half of an inch to the circumferance and I did it without realizing it and I do like it better but wouldn't like it if it were more...but then to each his own. It's why we all get different shoes. Rey
  22. Yes, I was one of the unlucky GY tire recipients....so after one year,my Good Years were balding so I went with TOYO. I simply love my TOYO Proxes S/Ts....they are amazingly sporty,ride great and look like a million bucks...I paid under $600 total,installed...total...they are great. I got the 255/55 so they fill the wheel wells better and no change in MPGs that I can tell. Rey
  23. WWEST...I loved that explanation...I didn't understand much beyond "Well, 'Mechanically'..." but I love when someone knows their stuff! Can you explain why I can't put metal in my microwave?...oh, never mind.....have a great day Lexus folk. Rey
  24. Well Tom, it seems as if your Purdue education was just fine...two 400hs and a Porche?! C'mon, Tom...you did great and congratulations on your son going to SDSU! I am an educator so I appreciate such things. Oh, I never responded...yes, the paint job is actually better than factory as the owner said it would be. That means that they simply used more paint, put more layers on and all of the trim was replaced and is perfect. Before I had some irritating trim issues..like the black trim lining the front grill had been wavy and part of it seemed almost to be off track...anywho, because they did all of the trim by hand, instead of an assembly line, it was all inpeccably applied....it was a really high end job at a high end place...I was really happy. I also bought a car cover from an on-line place and the cover was amazing! It fit our car like a glove. It even had outcrops for the mirrors and the antenna that we have on the roof and they had a window with plastic over it to let the rear license show through! Even though it was horrific to have had to experience that kind of vandalism, it all got resolved nicely and with little hassle,outside of not having my car for three weeks. I even loved that I had to replace the hybrid emblem in the rear because the Ford one was so much nicer and fit that chrome trim perfectly. Toodle-loo, Rey
  25. Have you picked what you will have on your plates? " EVREDY"? "BTRYPWR"? "NCLUDED"...this one is great if you put "Batteries" on the top portion of your license plate frame! Just chiming in! Thanks for all of the great messages......my license reads "ANATNUT"...I teach anatomy to artists...I know...it has nothing to do with hybrid or anything...but I thought I'd tell ya.....Rey, the Anatnut in L.A.
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