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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Sucks CD. Call the police anyway. You never know maybe they caught someone. That or maybe someone has talked and if they ask you never know. That is one thing that sucks about having a nice car. Now MR CD I am going to offer you some advice do with it what you want. 1st call the police. 2nd call your insurance co. This is a comp claim and it will be more than a few grand to fix it. This is what insurance is for. This claim should have little impact on your rates and when looking at the out of pocket it would be worth filing it. You should have a low comp deductible and may even have rental coverage. Even though you can not have the rental your mom or dad could drive it and you could use theirs. Call your agent and ask what impact a comp claim would have. I never advise anyone to file any small claims except glass claims but this is not going to be a small claim. Good Luck sorry about your ride.
  2. Not sure from the pic but has it ate in to the paint? Maybe SW will chime in and give you some tips but if it has went in the paint not to much you can do. Like smooth said the clay bar is a great idea and the use a sealant. The only other idea would be a chainsaw! :) take down those trees j/k.
  3. Have you had it professionally detailed? Maybe a good buffing and waxing? Might restore the look of the car. This should help to remove the spots and easier to keep clean. From then just keep it clean and maybe invest in a car cover... Good Luck.
  4. SW- He could do that he was having a lot of problems. I would not turn it in to my company yet. For one he would have to pay his deductible until the other parties insurance company stepped up to the plate and paid his insurance company back (subrogation) also unless he has rental coverage on his policy he would have to pay out of pocket for the rental and again wait to be reimbursed back from the other company. When the other company knows that his insurance company is fixing the car they usually tend to take their time in the subrogation claims. I have seen some go on for over a year. His car is drivable and he is not in a situation that I feel it is necessary to have his company pay for the damages for the headache that I mentioned above. Now what Dens needs to do is find out exactly why the other company is not accepting liability. Was the other driver EXCLUDED, did they have a provision in the policy that did not cover drivers that are not listed? Or was this just a permissive use situation? In MD if you are given permission to drive a car and as long as the policy doesn't have a named driver exclusion you would be OK. Not sure about CA. Either way you should be given a good reason why they are not paying the claim. If they keep stalling you then turn the claim over to your company...and let them handle it but as an agent I advise people all the time to do more as a last resort. Your policy would be paying for the other persons car if the accident was your fault. The claim will show as a not at fault accident on your insurance and for underwriting new business there are some states that allow companies to keep you from qualify for good driver discounts on policies because of this. Even though the claim was not your fault. I know this sounds crazy but it is true and the way they get away with is in the state is because it is a "loss free" or "claim free" discount. They will not surcharge you but they may have different levels of claim free discounts some have discounts for no at fault and some have discounts for NO losses.
  5. Give it a good spraying with the goo gone or better yet blot the goo gone on and let it sit you may need to re apply. That stuff is great I have used it for all kinds of things. You do not want to rub it to hard to try to get the adh. off as you may scratch your paint. Just let the goo gone take it off by reapplying. It will work and I would touch up the paint first. By the way even if you have a 0 or low Comp deductible it is not a good idea to file small claims on your insurance. Most companies will not surcharge you for small comp claims but they can affect your rates. Windshields and glass losses are a little different but most use a dollar amount for rates. Just FYI I know you did not mention filing a claim so was not directed at you. :)
  6. YEP! I did... Well how about this one... It has sure helped me spend a lot of...
  7. jchrome you had already done that one...err
  8. X2 Think about it if that were the case everytime you drove in standing water you would be ZZZEEDDD. :)
  9. My lumber support stoped working in my RX...and it was fixed under the CPO warranty. ;)
  10. Dens. I have been banged up a lot. Broke or dislocated almost everything when I was younger. You should just go ahead to the DR if nothing more as a precautionary measure. Glad you are OK! Take care!
  11. What year is your car? Did you ever have the Tranny serviced?
  12. Just printed those out to hang on the fridge! :D Good ones NC...Lets keep them coming.
  13. I put a copy on my fridge! :whistles: What are you guys scared! I highlighted a few of them too!
  14. Ok feel free to add to the list. I read this on another site and it may be a repost but it's still worth a laugh. At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down We always hear " the rules" From the female side.... Now here are the rules from the male side. These are our rules! Please note.. these are all numbered "1 " ON PURPOSE! 1.. Men are NOT mind readers. (FIRST & FOREMOST RULE) 1.. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. 1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one: Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it! 1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question. 1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for. 1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days. 1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one 1. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it , just do it yourself. 1. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials.. 1. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we. 1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not A color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is. 1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that. 1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will act like nothing's wrong.. We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.. 1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, Expect an answer you don't want to hear. 1. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine... Really . 1.If you ask us what we're thinking and we say nothing...we aren't thinking about anything. it's a guy thing you wouldn't understand. 1. You have enough clothes. 1. You have too many shoes. 1. Thank you for reading this. Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight; But did you know men really don't mind that? It's like camping.
  15. I'd agree with that! Duke is a bunch of cry baby brats (who can't play basketball without cheating), and Auburn football can lick the sweat off a dead squirells on a hot August day in Tuscaloosa! I also agree with that. Just like my grandfather is a diehard Ford man. Ford everything from tractors, trucks he just likes Fords. He wouldn't give me $2.00 for my BMW and my Lexus. I am also a member of a BMW forum and it is funny they don't bash Lexus rather speak pretty high of the cars. You still have some people on there that say things like it will never be a BMW and glorified Toyota but no more than we brag about Lexus. There was even a post a while back talking about the LS. Most of the post were positive about it.
  16. You should have test drove that LS and tied it on top! :)
  17. DC ya know...you could squeeze that quote in there too. :D Never cared too much for Billy thought that he was over the top...But that was his approach and it worked for him and a lot of the companies that he endorsed. RIP.
  18. That's funny. I heard that someone did steal that lifelock guys ID. :D
  19. Tom not all states but most that I am aware of unless you specifically opt out you can still get the info if you pay for it. Meaning you sign a paper saying that you do not want your information released you can obtain the registration info. I know I signed a form about 5 years ago for my state MD that I did not want my info released. But look at this website here http://www.license-plate-search.net/index.htm for $29.00 I can run unlimited tags for 3 years. By the way Tom Arizona is on the list. Don't know anything about it. But these systems are a dime a dozen... Now I know with the technology that I use everyday when I pull CLUE and MVR with choicepoint a household search is done and people are amazed the info I can get. I can almost 90% of the time with just someone's name, address and date of birth get the DL#'s and dates of birth as well as all of the VIN#'s of all of the cars that are registered to that address. This is in MD. Who is sharing that info...has to be the DMV. It is scary. Sometimes I can even get the SS#'s. Anyone in MD want to PM Name, Date of Birth, and an address that you have lived at for a year. I will get you your VIN#, tell you any other cars and drivers that are in the household. Most of the time I can pull your prior insurance carrier as well as the loss runs. This is just a few systems that I use on a daily basis...I know that there are people that are far more resourceful when it comes to this stuff. All I was saying is you may not want to keep showing pics of your tag. If you don't care about it. Cool.
  20. CD. Plenty of people that have shi tt y credit have their identity stolen all of the time. Do you think that you have to have assets to have your identity stolen. You have no idea what a headache it is. Put your tag out there...your choice. I simply said I thought it was a bad idea. Told you why I thought it was a bad idea...and it is a fact that DMV records can be easily obtained. Yes anyone on the road could also get your tag and get the info to but they do not know some of the other things that you have posted on this website. Your parents Bentley...things such as that. Parents have no mtg...no payments but leases...they can afford to buy you a 31,000 car....give you money to order a bull bar, change the lights...you have posted pics of your home...dates of accidents, where you go to school, man I can keep on. It would not be that hard to piece it all together...If I wanted to I could do it. Hogwash...young and dumb.
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