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Everything posted by LEXIRX330

  1. Paul leadership starts with taking accountability for yourself and having creditability. What I see with Obama is someone who consistently blames everything on someone else. If Obama had listened to the people and worked on job creation and debt reduction and had not been so stubborn to have a healthcare bill that most did not want rammed down their throat maybe this wouldn't have happened...maybe it would? And please don't say government doesn't create jobs...trust me I know...but they can create a environment that companies want to do business here and not oversees. Why are companies leaving the US to go to Mexico...or anywhere but here? Companies are not going to create jobs here until environment and attitude towards job creation and companies changes. Why are companies taking jobs overseas and moving out of the US? Look at the positions Obama takes and the people Obama surrounds himself with and I am sorry I just don't see a leader I see a do what I say not what I do leader. His treasury secretary Tim Geithner I don't think has made a single good decision and we are paying for it...but wait let's blame Bush "when I took office...blah...blah" get on with it all ready. To be honest with you I am not happy with either party and I still haven't seen someone that wants to lead from either party. Ok...let me summarize unemployment numbers still not coming down (his plan didn't work) housing market is still in the dumps (his plan didn't work) health care bill companies are getting waivers and moving overseas nothing to address health care cost such as tort reform (plan WILL not work)... Cash for clunkers...gee lets get people who have paid for cars and give them $$$ to go buy a new car...most who are going to finance them when people are having so many credit and financial problems already...brilliant (IMHO didn't work) I could keep going but why? But I will give him credit he made one good decision that I know of...he sent a bad !Removed! team of Navy Seals to put a bullet in Osama!
  2. The stock market looks like crap! :) Yea I am a little worried what this is going to do to borrowing cost...there is just nothing good about what just happened. The US credit rating has been aaa since 1917 and after all this country has been through this is the first time it has ever been down graded. I can't wait for the blame game to start either! We shall see what will happen but this is not good. And I agree I can't see how he will get re elected however I still don't see how he did the 1st time... NC by the way put $1k on BLACK for me if I win let me know and I will get you my address. If I loose I was just kidding with YA!
  3. WOW Steve you have made me feel OLD! I used to play Gran Turismo 3 (I think it may have been 2) on Playstation 2 all the time when I was younger and I LOVED that game... now other than playing Mario Cart on the Wii with my little ones I haven't played any of the newer games! :cries:
  4. LEXI BABY! That was my RX330 and I like it so much I continued it with the GX460. Funny I started calling the NAV lady LEXI Baby because my wife used to drive me nuts giving directions. On a trip it never failed she would tell me what exits I would need and to look out for and each time when we were in heavy traffic my wife would say Ohh...there is the exit that you need! You need to take that one! Yea right let me cut across 4 lanes of traffic in 10 feet! :chairshot: After having LEXI BABY...ha I don't even need my wife to talk on the trips anymore!
  5. Paul. I honestly have used it like twice...I was sent a letter about mine too. I haven't renewed it and kind of think that I won't either. If they give me a special offer I may but I doubt it otherwise. BUT I hate the fact that there is something in the car that doesn't work! lol
  6. It could have been a minor fender bender that a accident was reported but there was a zero paid because the owner decided not to bother with it. Good luck on it!
  7. I also watched it NC. I guess all I can say as I wasted a few more minutes of my life listening to his Exuses and BS.
  8. I think the vehicle that I had the most fun with was my 1995 Jeep Wrangler Rio Grande! Wow I had some good times with that thing...the ride beat the hell out of you but the best thing was in the summers I never even put the top on the thing. I would take the top off and keep it parked in a garage if it looked like it was going to rain. But if it rained there were drain plugs in it and the carpets came right out of it too. I had a nice subwoofer in the rear and had the upgraded speaker bar in it with the light bar and custom lights in the front. I actually put a little lift on it with some upgraded tires and rims...then it couldn't get out of it's own way but it looked cool! Had a good friend that had one too...we all used to get together and ride all over the place with the tops off and doors off...I put so many miles on that jeep. AHHH...my younger days! This one is like the one I had! My link
  9. Well Army is the wife with you on this trip? :whistles:
  10. lol...I thought it was kind of funny even though I have a BMW!
  11. Hey klonny if it is such a miserable vehicle then get rid of it. Personally I find the auto climate works just as well as any other auto climate control I have had in any other car. My GX is better than my RX was but I think it is the position of the vents. The BMW and Mercedes climate features are about the same as the Lexus. I actually find my self !Removed! with my settings on my GX than the X5...
  12. Welcome to LOC! Where are the PICS?
  13. This I agree with 100%. Man I don't think I have time to get in on this but...err. OK...I consider myself conservative. I voted for Bush twice, voted for McCain. I think Bush could have done a much better job while in office. I still don't understand the appeal that Obama has on people. Me personally I see through his BS…as NC put talks a big game, but can’t get it done. He is a extremely gifted speaker. But when put on the spot he is no where near as refined as he is when someone else writes his speeches and he reads them from a teleprompter. Basically I feel that he is a good actor and speaker. Bill Clinton was too. Although I do think old slick wily actually believed most of what he said when he said it. Obama seems to me that he is the type of person that is just going to tell you what you need to hear to get the job done…EAT our PEAS…I would like to show him what I think of his peas! Now this is going to be a little touchy but I think that voting for someone just because they are black is racist too. Do you know what would happen if white people, or blue people had t shirts and signs that said let's get a white/blue back in the white house. People came out and said publicly on TV programs that they had never voted but since there was a black person running they were voting to get him in. Movie stars and actors supporting him why…what was the appeal that he had because he was black? I must have missed all of the things that made this guy the best thing since sliced bread. See two can play this game. If you dislike Obama it must be because he is black? I just don’t get it…I would support a black, green, pink, or orange person if I thought that they were qualified. I have so many black customers and people that I deal with on a regular basis…I just don’t get it. I don’t consider them black…I don’t think they consider me white. I am David…they are Jack or John or whoever. Personally I don't think Obama had the qualifications to lead this country and I think due to the lack of experience that he had he has done just about as bad a job as I could have imagined. From the news reports that I have seen on CBS, and FOX reports that not only his staff is larger than any other president by far…but his wife’s staff is lager than any other 1st ladies staff too. And you know what I DON’T give a flying ______. Where are the jobs…that’s right shovel ready ones? What are you doing to improve the economy…WAKE up… The question was asked what has Obama done that has affected business? Well...I heard through a silly chain letter that starting 2013 there will be a new 3.8% tax when you sell your home that was put in the health care bill? Now I saw this in a silly chain letter that I must admit I do find SILLY…I usually don’t read them…but this one caught my eye. I read it and then I went online to check it out. Well guess what it isn’t entirely true…yes there will be a tax for high income earners and such but the typical home sales will not be taxes this 3.8% http://www.factcheck.org/2010/04/a-38-percent-sales-tax-on-your-home/ IMHO this isn't going to help sell more homes...or get the prices of homes to rise and has no place in the health care bill…but this is what politicians do…they pass laws that you need NC’s 900+ /hr attorneys to read. Home prices must start rising it has to happen. There are so many people so far under water that they are just walking away from homes. Unemployment rates are not coming down...that isn't helping anyone’s business. Health care bill which I have been to a few meeting on...THE FREAKING POLITICIANS don't under stand it...Speaking of the health care bill the biggest problem I have personally with the health care bill is IT did nothing to address the cost of health care. TORT reform. If people could afford health insurance most people would pay for it. I have to switch my businesses plan this year to a high deductible plan because of the premiums. The big problem is the people who are paying for their health insurance are already paying for the people who don't have health insurance now through programs like Medicaid and higher cost at the hospital. Yes it is sad when you have a young child that is sick and needs help. It is sad when anyone anywhere in the world is not given the absolute best care possible. It is just that SAD…people need to start taking care of their selves and if they truly can’t then the government should offer assistance not a paycheck with health insurance! As a small business owner myself...I have seen my health care rise, Unemployment rates rise, electric bill rise, and just about every other cost associated with doing business rise as well. All I hear about is the government trying to raise more revenue...increase fees, and taxes. WOW the bay bridge they want to raise the toll to 5.00 from 2.50? Please tell me why should we just keep giving politicians more and more money when they are so wasteful with what they have now. NOW back to work! DARN you LOC politicians!
  14. Cool! Bet your glad to have your Lex back!
  15. Welcome to LOC! and what do we say? This thread is________without pics? :)
  16. Now that's funny! :) good luck in Vegas!!!
  17. I guess I must be slow. How would adding the parking assist add the guidance lines? I have parking assist on my GX and there are no lines on my backup camera. I have looked up the part number that you provided and I don't see anything about guidance lines? Must be missing something... FWIW I have driven a few BMWs with the guidance lines and I don't think that it is that big of deal.
  18. Well here is to a fast and safe return! keep us posted and "Thank you"
  19. Many of the euro Lexus models offer the lines on them...is that part for replacing the whole parking assist system?
  20. Took care of the double post. I also see nothing wrong with the post. I am a member of a CVO Harley forum and one of their rules is absolutely no politics at all...it's kind of odd I have posted a joke or two there that have been deleted. As long as it remains respectful I am fine with the post. I just think we need to through all the bums out...require term limits, take away their health care, cut their pay in half, no pension or retirement (only paid while in office) this shouldn't be a career... I could go on but my blood pressure is going up!
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