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Everything posted by 1990LS400

  1. There are a gazillion threads on this issue. Select "Search" (look to the upper right of this screen) ... "More Search Options" ... put PO171 in the "Search by Keywords" field ... limit the search to more recent threads, etc. etc.
  2. It would help if you put the model year next to the model in your profile. Look to the left ... for example I have "2000 LS400" as my "Car Model". Features on the GS300 vary significantly depending on model year.
  3. That is a Lexus phone control module. It has nothing to do with the radio. See the little telephone icon between the "1" and the "2"?
  4. I suspect that installation will be something like described for the GS in this thread: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...=signal++mirror From my experience, Toyota/Lexus does not make provisions in their wiring harnesses for options not available in a particular sales market. Some European auto makers such as Volvo (I've owned 2 1/2 Volvos) did not go nearly as far as Toyota/Lexus has to customize wiring harnesses for specific markets. When I installed European fender mounted side turn signals on my first LS400 in 1990, I found that there were no hidden connectors for the signals hidden in the body work. I had to run wires for the new turn signals forward to the wires for the turn signals at the front of the car. I suspect that, like in the instructions for the GS, it would be easier to run the wires for the mirror turn signals to the back of your ES than to the front. I would not run the mirror turn signal wire outside the flexible door wire "tunnel" like EyeKutr did -- spend the extra time to do it right.
  5. Have you looked at the owners manuals for both your keypad and garage door opener? ---> http://www.linearcorp.com/manual_list1.html Are you pressing a button on the garage door motor housing when programming both the keypad and the opener buttons in your GS? My understanding is that this is required when programming remotes, including keypads, for most HomeLink compatible openers -- at least that is what I had to do to program the HomeLink in my 00 LS, a Sears/Craftsman key pad and a bunch of remotes which are also Sears/Craftsman. Maybe your Linear opener or keypad isn't fully HomeLink compatible. Give us some model numbers for the keypad and opener and we can do some recreational reading of their manuals. Also, is the receiver on your Linear garage door opener the original one? I remember a thread last year on this forum where the member's garage door opener had an aftermarket receiver that was not HomeLink compatible.
  6. Here is the policy from http://www.lexus.com "Lexus Personalized Settings Your vehicle includes a variety of electronic features that can be programmed to your preferences. Programming of these features is performed once at no charge, provided you obtain the service at the 30 day/1,000-mile scheduled maintenance service. Programming of your Lexus Personalized Settings requires special equipment and may be performed only by an authorized Lexus dealership."
  7. chriss, I'm curious about how long front and rear brake pads last on an 02 ES300. How do you know when the pads need to be replaced? Do you let the pads wear down to a millimeter or so before you replace them? Does the 02 ES have brake pad wear sensors that tell you when pads need replacing? I'm just curious.
  8. I've never done it but I think you have to run the headrest all the way up via the switch and then pull it up and out. I think it takes a goodly amount of force. Try reclining the seat back and pulling it out while sitting in the back seat -- might give you more leverage.
  9. Granted, I am kind of a skinny dude but I just now laid on my back and could see the brake light switch at the top of the brake pedal lever in my 2000 LS400. I then checked my repair manual which confirms that what I saw really is the brake pedal switch. The switch is above the rod that runs from the brake pedal through the fire wall.
  10. I might start by looking at Sewell Lexus over by Love Field: http://www.sewelllexus-dallas.com/HomePage I've known people up here in the Kansas City area that have bought LS cars from Sewell. How you buy is dependent on your goals. Personally, I focus on condition and features with price being less of an issue. Make sure you know what you are buying. Review the options for the various model years of the LS by modifying the year in this URL or by looking in the CPO Model library on the Lexus website: http://www.lexus.com/contact/pdf/2001/2001LSspecs.pdf Hey, if you see a geezer pumping gas into his LS430, ask him he wants to sell it. That actually happens.
  11. My perception is that Toyota/Lexus has backed off on its maximum 7,500 mile oil change interval in the U.S. market and is now recommending a maximum 5,000 mile interval on newer models. Please correct me if I am wrong. This seems odd since so many European auto makers are now recommending far higher oil change intervals -- 15,000 miles on BMW for example. The normal (non-severe service) oil change interval for many cars manufactured in the U.S. has been 5,000 mies or higher for many years. Recommended oil change intervals for Toyota/Lexus cars sold in other markets are higher than in the U.S. The normal oil change interval for the RX350 in Europe appears to be 9,000 miles or 15,000 km: http://www.lexus-tech.eu/MaintenanceSchedules/rx/Final.pdf Which Japanese cars have you owned that had a recommended 3,000 mile oil change? Were they older vehicles? My guess is that Toyota/Lexus backed off the higher oil change intervals in the U.S. due to the oil sludging issues a few years back on their V6 engines. Or maybe dealers complained about the lost revenue. Who knows? The recommended oil change interval on my 2000 LS400 is 7,500 miles if the car is driven primarily in temperatures between 32° F. and 90° F. and if most trips are 5 miles are longer. A 32°-90° temperature range sounds like Seattle weather to me. Perhaps it's a waste of money but I've always used synthetic oil with 5,000 mile change intervals in our Toyota/Lexus V6 and V8 engines. Our Camry V6 is at just over 100,000 miles, runs perfectly and doesn't use a drop of oil between changes ... same for our 2000 LS400. I drove a 1990 LS400 from new until 183,000 miles on 5,000 miles synthetic oil change intervals and it is still doing fine with its new owner at over 250,000 miles.
  12. I assume you have information to intreprete the codes. P0174 is mentioned in this thread: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...47&hl=P0174
  13. You can view pairing instructions here: http://www.lexus.com/models/RXh/accessorie...er_service.html Enter your year, model, nav/no-nav and select "Use/Pair an Existing Phone"
  14. Hmmm, your question has been asked a few times ... the search feature of this forum can help find threads like this one: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...42&hl=Parts
  15. Well, Randy. I don't get it. True, the Bush administration neoconservatives did a lot of damage. Same for it taking our government from a wonderful financial position to the brink of financial disaster. It is sad. Our form of democracy is still one of the best types of government around. It is certainly a "work in progress". Neither my friends nor I supported the Iran invasion at any time. We watched in horror as weapons inspector David Kay begged the Bush administration for more time to find those "weapons of mass destruction" while it was obvisous that Bush was itching to pull the trigger. That even top Bush administration figures didn't know the difference between Sunnis and Shiites was scary. I would have thought that some of these guys would have at least seen the movie "Lawrence of Arabia". Randy, what would you do if 15 Saudis, 2 guys from the U.A.E., 1 Egyptian and 1 Lebanese hijacked and crashed planes into commercial and govenment buildings? Attack New Mexico? Randy, I have no idea what you are talking about. I've got a pretty fair knowledge of history -- I majored in history and had planned to become a history teacher -- but I'm missing your point. My elected representative voted for H.R. 1388 and will support H.R. 45. "Denny" is a Democrat in his 6th term in a Republican majority district. I am also for universal service and a return to a military draft with zero exemptions. I also support limited gun control and, like most constitutional scholars, I am mystified that the Supreme Court ignored half of the 2nd Amendment in its recent decision. Randy, you might want to check the validity of your "most watched" statement and look into the demographic profile of those who watch Fox "News". Well ... a few people have called me a dreamer ... although I've proved them wrong many times and done what was called "impossible" in both work and in local politics. Randy, have you actually read the Koran? How many Muslims have you shared a meal with? How many Muslims do you know? I do have sympathy for those who are in financial trouble. I know people who are probably going to lose their homes. I saw the current financial meltdown coming for a long, long time and tried to help people prepare for it by counceling them to get their financial houses in order, to live frugally and to eliminate as much debt as possible. Some paid attention and some did not. The bailout program certainly got off on the wrong foot when the Bush administration failed to tie bailout money to actions required to get the money. The AIG situation certainly is stupid. Hopefully, these issues will be fixed. The world is not coming to an end. No! Watch out for that asteroid!
  16. Where ya been, Craig? Hidin' under a rock? I think you should keep your GA spare and go for the record! ;) Or (seriously now) buy a cheap tire to use as a spare ... no sense in buying something nice if it's going to live in the trunk.
  17. Good job on finding this thread. Yep, all you have to do is buy new connectors at an auto parts store and splice them into your current harness. The bulb used in the 93-94 LS has three identifiers: HB2, 9003 and H4. Actually H4 bulbs are manufactured to different specs than 9003/HB2 bulbs but they are essentially the same and are interchangeable. I've sometimes left the original bulb connectors in place in case I wanted to reinstall the original headlights. I've converted lots of cars to use headlights with H4 bulbs over the past 40+ years.
  18. The 90-92 LS headlights use 9004 bulbs. The 93-94 LS uses 9003 bulbs. ( http://www.sylvania.com/ConsumerProducts/A...placementGuide/ ) The two bulb types and their connectors are very different. 9003 bulbs are a little higher wattage than 9004 bulbs. Aftermarket HID kits often don't work very well but work particularly poorly in a 90-94 LS due to the headlight's awful light pattern dictated by the headlight lens. I think you would be better off buying aftermarket Eagle Eyes headlights on eBay like Python did. You could replace the connectors on your car with 9003 connectors so you could use the Eagle Eyes headlights. Last I saw, Python was offering his HID kit for sale. Do a search for his "for sale" thead if you really want to go that way.
  19. Tire Rack has the Bridgestone Protenza RE92 tires in 215/60R16 for $155. I've bought lots of tires from them beginning in the early 1980s when they first started advertising in car magazines ... they usually have tires I order on my door step within three days. http://www.tirerack.com/ I had an indie shop change my front brake pads with OEM pads and turn the front rotors on our 00 LS400 at about 72,000 miles for a little over $200. The original rear pads on our LS should last beyond 125,000 miles. Rear brake pads can last twice as long as front brake pads. It's usually not necessary to replace the rotors unless they are damaged. I doubt if the cost for an 03 ES would be much different. FYI, unlike in earlier years, the 03 ES and the 03 Camry V6 do not use the same brake pads. You won't be able to buy brake pads for your 03 ES at a Toyota dealership.
  20. Maybe he was talking about the increased weight of larger wheels and tires magnifying the symptoms of even slightly worn suspension components and causing vibrations or magnifying existing vibrations. Yes, your Lexus suspension is "tuned" for the weight of the standard wheel and tire size. I'm far from an expert on this sort of stuff but I know that the spring rate of standard springs often doesn't cope well with the additional weight of oversize tires and wheels. The increased weight of only a +0 setup on my first LS400 -- went from 205/65 to 225/60 tires on standard wheels -- made for unpleasant handling and ride although the car did track better on the highway. If you feel that you just have to go with +1 or higher, I suggest that your main focus should be on the total weight of your new tires and wheels. Shoot for a combination that is as low as possible and as near as possible to the weight of the original tire/wheel. As several have said, avoid chrome wheels since chrome adds weight. The stories in this thread about the advice tire/wheel salesmen have given is encouraging. It's nice to hear that some salesmen are giving good advice and not just trying to push product out the door.
  21. There is a VSC reset procedure for my 2000 LS400 that I sometimes have to follow to turn the VSC warnings off ... don't know if it is the same for your 01 LS430 but I posted it in this thread: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...95&hl=reset There are a number of other issues that can cause the VSC warnings to light up including a bad battery and defective knock sensors. Life with your LS must be difficult if you absolutely can not take it to a Lexus dealer. I avoid my Lexus dealer too but I still take my car there for certain things.
  22. Welcome to the forum! Your question has been discussed many times like in this recent thread: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...c=55593&hl= The answers to many questions can be found by doing a "Search". Click on "Search" next to "Help" at the top right and then click on "More Search Options" to refine and limit your search.
  23. I can't find an LPS (Lexus Personalized Settings) list for the 03 ES but a number of past threads say that 2002 was the first year that the ES had LPS: http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...zed+%2Bsettings The option to unlock the doors when shifting into park was available in prior years of the IS, LS ,GS, and SC so I am assuming that it would be available on the 02+ ES. Modifying the setting usually takes a scan tool with an appropriate program card. Some indie shops, like the one I use, have the equipment to change LPS. There are lots of customizable settings settings so you might want to ask a Lexus dealer for a copy of the list so you have all the settings you want customized at the same time. I did a search but I can't find a list on this forum. You can see the list for the ES350 here: http://www.lexus.com/pdf/service/ES_LPS.pdf Not that I usually drive in extremely "rough" areas but the last thing I would want a car to do is to automatically unlock the doors when the transmission is shifted into park .... can you spell "car jacking"?
  24. Randy, Give it a rest. The world economic meltdown didn't start 60 days ago when Obama became president. It's been building for many years. The economic bubble, like the ponzi schemes Madoff and many others were running, had to burst eventually -- they always do. Spend less (or no) time watching "Fox Nuts" -- it's not even close to being a news channel ... just a bunch of people shouting fire in a crowded theater. Remember that the main goal of both the pseudo-news and the "real"-news channels is to sell advertising. Well I certainly hope that the U.S. can make friends with some of those terrorists. If I could find a way to make friends with school bully Dorman Wilcox, then anything is possible. I wonder how old Dorman is doing these days. These are difficult times but I am optimistic. Hmmm ... I should call my buddy at AIG and ask if he gave his bonus back -- his name is also "Randy" so I think he should be watched closely.
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